
Cover of The Joshua Generation

Prof Rachel Havrelock Publishes New Book, Op-Ed

Rachel Havrelock, professor of English and Jewish studies and Director of the Freshwater Lab, has published an op-ed in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, “Militarizing the Bible: A Warning from Israel’s Settlements to Trump’s…

An Important Message for the English Department Community

Dear English Majors, Minors, and Graduate Students, I write to you today on behalf of the English Department, and along with our other departmental leaders, to affirm unequivocally:  Black Lives Matter. Yesterday, I…

Rachel Havrelock Quoted in Coronoavirus News

UIC English faculty and Director of the Freshwater Lab Rachel Havrelock was quoted in a recent WBEZ/The Chicago Reporter article about Chicagoans who lack access to water, written in light of recent coronavirus-related…

Cover of Stardust Media

Prof. Pugh's "Stardust Media" Published

Winner of the 2019 Juniper Prize for Poetry, Professor Christina Pugh’s new collection of poetry, Stardust Media, is now available through the University of Massachusetts Press, Amazon, and independent booksellers. “Pugh wants to…

An illustration from Alice in Wonderland's tea party scene.

Anna Kornbluh's Book Reviewed in THE

Anna Kornbluh’s new book The Order of Forms was reviewed in Times Higher Education this week. Charlotte Jones writes: “In virtuoso close readings of Wuthering Heights, Bleak House and Jude the Obscure, as…

Margena Christian Featured in WGN-TV Profile

Dr. Christian is the author of Empire: The House That John H. Johnson Built and teaches in the English Department, including in the new Professional Writing Minor.  

Ebony magazine cover featuring Tyler Perry

Margena Christian Pens Tyler Perry Cover Story for Ebony

UIC Lecturer Margena Christian, Ed.D., wrote the cover story for Ebony‘s March 2020 issue, “Tyler Perry: Master of His Message.”  The article discusses Tyler Perry’s life, work, and legacy. Perry called the issue…