The University of Illinois is sponsoring a “Year of Creative Writers,” supported by the Presidential Initiative to Celebrate the Impact of the Arts and Humanities. Our very own Creative Writing Faculty are Featured…
Clinical Associate Professor Mary Anne Mohanraj‘s latest project, a Sri Lankan-inspired cookbook, was reviewed favorably in Publisher’s Weekly‘s Lifestyle Book Review section, who called it “a terrific survey of an overlooked cuisine.”
Assistant Professor of English and Latin American and Latino Studies Daniel Borzutzky was in the opinion pages of Saturday’s New York Times to discuss the protests currently taking place across Chile. In the…
Natalie Crohn Schmitt (Professor Emerita of English and Theatre) has just published Performing Commedia dell’ Arte, 1570-1630 (Routledge 2020). According to the publisher, the book discusses actor improvisation; voice, dialect, and style; and…
The UIC English professor, Director of Graduate Studies, and author of Make Yourselves Gods: Mormons and the Unfinished Business of American Secularism recently published an opinion piece reflecting on the echoes of 19th-Century…
Leigha Sommer, a senior undergraduate at UIC, has been selected among the entire student body to receive the Lincoln Academy Student Laureate Award. Kim Germain, the Director of UIC’s Office of External Fellowships,…
Anna Kornbluh‘s latest book was reviewed by Imogen West-Knights in the Times Literary Supplement on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. “Both Fight Club and Marxism have become oversimplified in the public consciousness, and Kornbluh’s…
UIC English will be well-represented at the 2019 Carl Sandburg Literary Awards Dinner on October 10, 2019. Faculty Luis Alberto Urrea and Margena Christian as well as current PhD student Gina Frangello will…
Professor Alfred Thomas contributed an essay titled, “Reading the Other: Teaching Chaucer’s The Prioress’s Tale in Its Late Medieval Context” to the anthology, which was edited by Mariamne Ara Krummel (University of Dayton)…
As of Fall 2019, Master’s and PhD students at UIC can now get a concentration in Black Studies at UIC through the Department of African American Studies (AAST). To concentrate in Black Studies,…