Past Course Descriptions
The following page contains descriptions for courses offered in previous semesters at UIC in the English Department.
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Spring 2024
ENGL 071 Introductions to Academic Writing
CRN: 37889
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Robin Gayle
Writing Legacy: First Generation Students Revolutionizing Academia.
This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources, and they will develop networks within UIC support services and enrichment programs. In short, his course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.
ENGL 101 Understanding Literature
CRN: 41731, 41732
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
This course will consist of two “modules”: the first will focus on poetry and prosody. Our exploration of poetry will be supplemented by critical and creative texts ranging from antiquity to the recent past. For the second module, we will turn read and study a variety of short fiction, much of which will be representative of the modernist period. The primary critical method we will employ will be the close reading. A close reading is a careful, sustained interpretation of a part, or parts, of a literary text. A close reading “emphasizes the singular and the particular over the general, effected by close attention to individual words, the syntax, the order in which the sentences unfold ideas, as well as the formal structures” of a literary work. (For more on close readings, see “close reading” on Wikipedia). As we think more about how to understand the works under discussion, we’ll explore some foundational questions for both the practice and theory of critical interpretation, such as “What constitutes a literary text?” “How do we make sense of or arrive at meaning within a text?” “How can the practice of literary criticism help us draw connections between the study of literature and other disciplines and modes of thinking?
ENGL 103 Voices in History: Poetry and Poetics in British and American Poetry
CRN: 20878, 14328
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this course we will read a wide array of British and American poetry (and some critical writings) comprising several genres and periods, with an emphasis on the concept of the speaker. Who or what is the voice of the poem, and how is that voice constructed? How has the conception of voice or speaker shifted through time? We will situate each poem in its literary and historical contexts, strongly focusing on the relationship between form and content. Through extensive close readings, we will investigate how this relationship informs and/or reveals important aspects of a poem’s cultural and aesthetic environments. In addition to becoming familiar with voice, students can expect to acquire proficiency in recognizing and understanding various poetic tropes and conventions and in analyzing elements of prosody (meter and rhyme). Through informal and formal written responses and discussions, students will also learn to compose coherent arguments about a literary text and how to select and appropriate effective textual evidence to support those arguments.
This course will help you to develop skills that are particularly relevant for both the study and the appreciation of poetry (both reading it and writing about it), but also of art and literature of other forms—and it will prove useful for any academic or professional activity in which understanding someone else and expressing yourself is important.
ENGL 104 Understanding Drama
CRN: 29789
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Aaron Krall
How do plays represent the world? How do they produce new worlds? This course will examine the form and content of drama from the end of the nineteenth century, the beginning of “modern drama,” to the contemporary stage. We will focus on strategies for critically reading and writing about plays through an analysis of works by playwrights including Ibsen, Hansberry, Beckett, Brecht, Soyinka, Churchill, and Parks, and we will see and review productions by the UIC Theatre. Our reading will be supported by an exploration of the relationships between written texts and live performances through projects involving acting, directing, and design, as well as literary criticism. We will also explore the social contexts for plays by reading theatre history and dramatic theory. In this way, the literary texts and techniques of playwrights will be complemented and complicated by the theatre artists, theatre companies, critics, and audiences that shaped their production.
ENGL 105 Understanding Fiction: A World Dreamt: Interpreting Liminality in Fiction
CRN: 14332, 20941
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Sibyl Gallus-Price
There are perhaps few things as universal and elusive as dreams. But do our dreams mean anything? What do dreams have in common with fiction? Memory? Altered states? Waking life? How do dreaming and representing go hand in hand? Across a set of global texts, we’ll consider how dreamlike states function as part of a work’s meaning. Reading fiction from authors like Borges, Cortázar, Saer, Kafka, Maupassant, James and others we’ll look at the way literature mobilizes the mind’s liminal possibilities. In doing so, students will master key literary terms and critical approaches to the analysis and interpretation of literature. Evaluation will consist of weekly journals, short close readings, and a single analytical paper. Students are encouraged to use texts in their own dialect or language alongside translation for their final paper.
ENGL 132 Understanding Film
CRN: 46156
Days/Time: M 3:00 – 4:15/ W 3:00–5:45
Instructor: Ryan Nordle
This course is an introduction to understanding film as a culturally, politically, and historically significant medium. We will read about and discuss the technological, aesthetic, social, and ideological aspects of (mostly) Euro-American mainstream film, from the inception of cinema to today. Our objectives will be to become attentive viewers, to track the ways that meaning is made in films, and to develop our skills in film analysis. We will also explore the formal elements of film (e.g., lighting, sound, editing, cinematography) and determine the ways that they alter meaning. While not a film history course, we will attend to the important developments of the medium and its genres over the last 125+ years. At a minimum, we will discuss one film and one reading each week.
ENGL 135 Popular Genres and Culture
CRN: 46157
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Marc Baez
This course will focus on stand-up comedy as a popular genre with a particularly dynamic relationship between performer and audience. In the first section we’ll examine storytelling in stand-up. In the second section we’ll shift to satirical argument. And in the final section we’ll explore joke telling. Mostly what we’ll do in this class is watch and analyze stand-up comedy with the purpose of getting up in front of the class and doing a version of all this stuff ourselves. With this purpose in mind, you’ll present three times this semester: you’ll tell a story, present a satirical argument, and tell a string of jokes. These presentations will function as public speaking practice and as exams that represent your engagement and understanding of each section. My hope is that this course will help you become more comfortable with public speaking and maybe even more artful about it too.
ENGL 154 Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 46158
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jeffery Gore
Politicians and pundits regularly use the word rhetoric as a negative term for describing the empty or devious words of their opponents: “their proposals were ‘mere rhetoric,’” some might say. But rhetoric as a field of study has played a central role in educational systems around the world for thousands of years. In the fifth century BCE, Aristotle defined rhetoric practically, as a lawyer or politician might, as “the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.” His teacher Plato, however, cast a more suspicious eye on the practitioners of rhetoric, comparing them to chefs of fine cuisine who flatter the senses with “what is most pleasant for the moment,” with little care for “what foods are best for the body.” In this course, we will approach rhetoric from both perspectives, as a practical art of persuasion – used by such inspiring speakers as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Greta Thunberg – and to excite our passions, our desires, and our sense of political community, which also has the potential to put our rational, thinking minds on hold. Readings will include selections from the history of ancient and modern rhetoric and several test cases that challenge our assumptions of what it means to be a worker, a citizen, and a member of a community. **Highly Recommended for Pre-Law, Literature, and Professional Writing students
ENGL 158 English Grammar and Style
CRN: 46161
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
Is grammar a clump of rules that defines your intelligence? No freakin’ way. Is grammar a system of laws that cannot be broken? Fuggedabawtit. This class will focus on form and function but also get us to question why we care about it. In his book Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote, “the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.” While this seems lofty, it speaks to grammar being the most communicative tool built within language. Preference will be given to examining grammar uses as intentional choices made by authors to aid audiences in comprehending the goals of textual communication. In both individual and group contexts, students in this course will learn the structures of English grammar and analyze texts containing those functions. At the conclusion of the course students will be able to use grammatical terms and processes to better understand written communication and take with them a skill that aids in revision and reflection. So grammar is more about this: You do you, but with a bit of help.
English 159 Academic Writing Workshop
Days/Time: T 12:30-1:20
Instructor: Heather McShane
English 159 is designed to help you as you complete the required writing for English 160. In this course, you should expect to be supported and challenged as you work to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including demonstration of intent and awareness of rhetorical and grammatical choices. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. In this course, you will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review your English 160 instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
English 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 47504
Days/Time: R 12:30-1:20
Instructor: Heather McShane
English 159 is designed to help you as you complete the required writing for English 160. In this course, you should expect to be supported and challenged as you work to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including demonstration of intent and awareness of rhetorical and grammatical choices. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. In this course, you will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review your English 160 instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 46438
Days/Time: ARR Online asynchronous
Instructor: Katharine Romero
This online asynchronous course takes place fully online through Blackboard ( and there are no live classes scheduled throughout the semester.
To access this course, you will log into our course site using your NetID and password. On our course site, you will find the syllabus with all activities and course material. Over the semester, our course is organized into weekly modules containing lecture videos, reading, and writing assignments and activities as we write our four major projects: the literacy narrative, rhetorical analysis, argumentative essay, and reflective essay.
Please note that this is not a self-paced course. While none of this course work will require you to be online at a particular time, we will have firm, weekly deadlines for completing activities and assignments along with two required writing center visits. In this course, you will learn genre conventions of academic writing, citing in MLA Style, and rhetorical concepts to prepare you for your university coursework and beyond. I look forward to working with you!
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 46441
Days/Time: ARR Online asynchronous
Instructor: Katharine Romero
This online asynchronous course takes place fully online through Blackboard ( and there are no live classes scheduled throughout the semester.
To access this course, you will log into our course site using your NetID and password. On our course site, you will find the syllabus with all activities and course material. Over the semester, our course is organized into weekly modules containing lecture videos, reading, and writing assignments and activities as we write our four major projects: the literacy narrative, rhetorical analysis, argumentative essay, and reflective essay.
Please note that this is not a self-paced course. While none of this course work will require you to be online at a particular time, we will have firm, weekly deadlines for completing activities and assignments along with two required writing center visits. In this course, you will learn genre conventions of academic writing, citing in MLA Style, and rhetorical concepts to prepare you for your university coursework and beyond. I look forward to working with you!
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Pop Music and Politics
CRN: 14367
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Pop Music and Politics
CRN: 29527
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I:Writing Across Genres
CRN: 41435
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Justyna Bicz
In this course, we will examine various writing genres. How do writers use structure, organization, content and language? What effects do these choices have on the reader? In addition to careful analysis of texts, you will also make rhetorical decisions in your own writing. Throughout the semester, you will have four primary writing assignments. You will be guided through the process of drafting, revising, editing and reflecting on your writing throughout the semester. The critical reading and critical thinking skills we will be developing in this class will help you both in future coursework as well as with your life outside of the classroom.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I:Writing Across Genres
CRN: 14379
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Justyna Bicz
In this course, we will examine various writing genres. How do writers use structure, organization, content and language? What effects do these choices have on the reader? In addition to careful analysis of texts, you will also make rhetorical decisions in your own writing. Throughout the semester, you will have four primary writing assignments. You will be guided through the process of drafting, revising, editing and reflecting on your writing throughout the semester. The critical reading and critical thinking skills we will be developing in this class will help you both in future coursework as well as with your life outside of the classroom.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing Across Genres
CRN: 14356
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Justyna Bicz
In this course, we will examine various writing genres. How do writers use structure, organization, content and language? What effects do these choices have on the reader? In addition to careful analysis of texts, you will also make rhetorical decisions in your own writing. Throughout the semester, you will have four primary writing assignments. You will be guided through the process of drafting, revising, editing and reflecting on your writing throughout the semester. The critical reading and critical thinking skills we will be developing in this class will help you both in future coursework as well as with your life outside of the classroom.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts “Where are you going? Where have you been?”
CRN: 19835
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Sarah Primeau
The title of this course is, “Where are you going? Where have you been,” but it could also be called something like “Rhetorical practices of our past, present, and future selves.” The term rhetoric may sound formal and even stuffy, but rhetoric is part of our familiar everyday experiences and also a way to study the new and possibly unfamiliar ways of writing, reading, and thinking that are expected of college students. In this class, we will discuss how we influence the people and places around us and how they influence us in turn — whether we are writing, speaking or even just existing in a particular place and time.
Studying rhetoric and rhetorical strategies in first-year writing classes has been a tradition for decades, but this class does not take a traditional approach to the study of rhetoric. At the beginning of the class, we will reflect on our own lives to examine the people and places that have influenced us. And after reading and writing about rhetoric and communication strategies from a variety of cultures, we will shift our thinking toward examining and practicing the rhetorical strategies used in academic writing and research. We will study both familiar and unfamiliar rhetorical practices; in other words, we will study “where we have been” and “where we are going” in order to learn from each other, ourselves, and texts that describe a variety of rhetorical traditions.
The course readings include examples of the kinds of writing you are being asked to do in the four major writing projects, and also articles that discuss various approaches to rhetoric or argument (e.g. indigenous rhetorics, African communicative practices, the features of academic analysis and argument.) The four major writing projects each conclude with a paper: a narrative, a rhetorical analysis, argumentative essay, and a reflection on your learning in the course. Leading up to the draft in each project, you will have several smaller assignments designed to prepare you for writing each paper, and you will also receive feedback from me and your classmates. The purpose of this class is to provide opportunities to examine and practice a variety of rhetorical strategies while honoring our past, present, and future selves.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 41136
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15 Online
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be delivered completely online. Required class components (lectures, discussions, active participation, etc.) will be delivered synchronously (live interactions) on Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom. You will have access to the course materials (the syllabus, weekly plans, reading, Panopto videos, assignments, etc.) on our Blackboard course site using your UIC NetID and password.
This online course features well-designed content around four major writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the purpose of writing, audience, and context. The four writing projects fall into five types of writing for a specific purpose: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations and appeals. Reading is integrated into the writing process writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. This course features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 26189
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Angela Dancey
Did your high school teachers tell you that you should never use the first-person (“I”) in an academic essay? Or that you should avoid contractions (like “don’t” and “can’t”) because they sound too informal?
What about the five-paragraph essay (referred to as a “theme” back in the day)? Even if your teachers didn’t call it that, you will recognize its structure right away: an introduction and thesis that sets up three main points, three corresponding body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates the introduction and begins with something like, “In conclusion…”
While the five-paragraph essay can be useful in some specific writing situations (such as standardized tests), those who study and teach academic writing generally agree that it doesn’t prepare students for college writing. In addition, it rarely produces papers that are enjoyable to write or read.
Don’t despair—the good news is that this course aims to challenge some outdated beliefs and unhelpful ideas about academic writing and replace them with habits and strategies that will serve you better as a college writer. We’ll accomplish this by focusing on situation, purpose, and audience, as well as prioritizing revision—significant changes to language and structure—over editing (corrections at the level of words and sentences). We’ll also practice critical thinking and reading skills, constructing cohesive paragraphs, writing for simplicity and concision, and finding, identifying, and working with sources. Finally, an important goal for this course is to make writing enjoyable in ways it might not have been for you in high school, and possibly shift your perception of yourself as a writer.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 27288
Days/Time: TR 2:30-3:15
Instructor: Angela Dancey
Did your high school teachers tell you that you should never use the first-person (“I”) in an academic essay? Or that you should avoid contractions (like “don’t” and “can’t”) because they sound too informal?
What about the five-paragraph essay (referred to as a “theme” back in the day)? Even if your teachers didn’t call it that, you will recognize its structure right away: an introduction and thesis that sets up three main points, three corresponding body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates the introduction and begins with something like, “In conclusion…”
While the five-paragraph essay can be useful in some specific writing situations (such as standardized tests), those who study and teach academic writing generally agree that it doesn’t prepare students for college writing. In addition, it rarely produces papers that are enjoyable to write or read.
Don’t despair—the good news is that this course aims to challenge some outdated beliefs and unhelpful ideas about academic writing and replace them with habits and strategies that will serve you better as a college writer. We’ll accomplish this by focusing on situation, purpose, and audience, as well as prioritizing revision—significant changes to language and structure—over editing (corrections at the level of words and sentences). We’ll also practice critical thinking and reading skills, constructing cohesive paragraphs, writing for simplicity and concision, and finding, identifying, and working with sources. Finally, an important goal for this course is to make writing enjoyable in ways it might not have been for you in high school, and possibly shift your perception of yourself as a writer.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 14361
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In an increasingly globalized world and with the abundance of diverse modes of communication, what does being “literate” mean? Is it the ability to read and write? Are these abilities sufficient in the 21st century? In this course, we are going to explore what the term “literacy” entails in a rapidly developing world. This exploration will include examining the conventional view of literacy and how this view has evolved to include new literacies and multiliteracies such as information literacy, digital literacy, cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and more. We will look at how literacy is conceptualized from opposing theoretical perspectives; is the construction of literacy a cognitive activity or a social practice? We will also tackle different literacy-related issues and investigate ways to overcome or mitigate these issues. Hence, using the theme ‘Literacy in the 21st Century’ and the process approach to writing, we will navigate different academic and public genres by engaging in four writing projects: (1) a literacy autobiography; (2) an extended definition essay, a digital listicle, and a cover letter; (3) a problem-solution proposal and an open letter; and (4) a reflection. The course will also involve in-class activities, oral presentations, mini reading quizzes, and shorter writing assignments to enhance your critical reading skills, build knowledge of genre conventions and the elements of the rhetorical situation, and help you prepare for the writing projects.
ENGL 160 Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 14355
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45 Online
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be delivered completely online. Required class components (lectures, discussions, active participation, etc.) will be delivered synchronously (live interactions) on Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom. You will have access to the course materials (the syllabus, weekly plans, reading, Panopto videos, assignments, etc.) on our Blackboard course site using your UIC NetID and password.
This online course features well-designed content around four major writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the purpose of writing, audience, and context. The four writing projects fall into five types of writing for a specific purpose: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations and appeals. Reading is integrated into the writing process writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. This course features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 46437
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15 Online
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be delivered completely online. Required class components (lectures, discussions, active participation, etc.) will be delivered synchronously (live interactions) on Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom. You will have access to the course materials (the syllabus, weekly plans, reading, Panopto videos, assignments, etc.) on our Blackboard course site using your UIC NetID and password.
This online course features well-designed content around four major writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the purpose of writing, audience, and context. The four writing projects fall into five types of writing for a specific purpose: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations and appeals. Reading is integrated into the writing process writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. This course features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 27287
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Marc Baez
In this course we will write about the art and social context of stand-up comedy. The first writing project is a descriptive summary where you will summarize a satirical argument by George Carlin. In addition to summarizing what the comic says, this kind of summary asks you to try and capture the mood and atmosphere of live performance by including details of delivery and audience reaction. The second writing project is a rhetorical analysis where you will analyze Joey Diaz through the lens of ethos, logos, pathos, and kairos. The point of this project is to become familiar with a specific method of analysis. The third writing project is an argumentative essay where you will make an argument about a stand-up comic of your choice. This argument will include descriptive summary and analysis as well as an additional focus on social context. The idea here is to try to persuade an audience that might likely disagree with your argument to take your argument seriously. The fourth and final writing project is a Reflection where you will make an argument about your work as a writer in this course. Your argument will include summary and analysis of the three papers that you wrote leading up to this project. And finally, in addition to the writing projects, you will participate in a presentation where you will tell a story.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 14357
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Marc Baez
In this course we will write about the art and social context of stand-up comedy. The first writing project is a descriptive summary where you will summarize a satirical argument by George Carlin. In addition to summarizing what the comic says, this kind of summary asks you to try and capture the mood and atmosphere of live performance by including details of delivery and audience reaction. The second writing project is a rhetorical analysis where you will analyze Joey Diaz through the lens of ethos, logos, pathos, and kairos. The point of this project is to become familiar with a specific method of analysis. The third writing project is an argumentative essay where you will make an argument about a stand-up comic of your choice. This argument will include descriptive summary and analysis as well as an additional focus on social context. The idea here is to try to persuade an audience that might likely disagree with your argument to take your argument seriously. The fourth and final writing project is a Reflection where you will make an argument about your work as a writer in this course. Your argument will include summary and analysis of the three papers that you wrote leading up to this project. And finally, in addition to the writing projects, you will participate in a presentation where you will tell a story.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Who or what is college for?
CRN: 14395
Days/Time: ARR Asynchronous
Instructor: Gregor Baszak
The British writer C.S. Lewis once said that “[t]he task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” Yes, this is a really harsh analogy that implies that you, the students, are like deserts and that the job of your professor is to water you so that life can bloom in an otherwise desolate place. Many of your professors don’t think that way anymore—Lewis wrote these words almost eighty years ago—but think that you arrive in college with all the right tools already in place. Their job, then, is to foster what are commonly called your “critical thinking” skills. Who could be against that? Well, some thinkers are, and we’ll encounter one of them in a course reading this semester.
But whether you lean toward the one or the other perspective, the point of this all is to show you that even such matters as what the goal of education ought to be are in dispute and that reasonable people can disagree respectfully over them. So why not turn the question over to you—or another question broadly related to the topic of higher education—and have you develop a thoroughly researched essay on that? That’s what our entire class will be building toward in a step-by-step fashion—the academic research paper with an arguable thesis, logical construction, regular citations, and correct grammar and spelling. This being the 21st century, our class will be entirely online and asynchronous, i.e. we’ll irrigate that desert with bits and bytes as much as with books and writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Who or what is college for?
CRN: 47378
Days/Time: ARR Asynchronous
Instructor: Gregor Baszak
The British writer C.S. Lewis once said that “[t]he task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” Yes, this is a really harsh analogy that implies that you, the students, are like deserts and that the job of your professor is to water you so that life can bloom in an otherwise desolate place. Many of your professors don’t think that way anymore—Lewis wrote these words almost eighty years ago—but think that you arrive in college with all the right tools already in place. Their job, then, is to foster what are commonly called your “critical thinking” skills. Who could be against that? Well, some thinkers are, and we’ll encounter one of them in a course reading this semester.
But whether you lean toward the one or the other perspective, the point of this all is to show you that even such matters as what the goal of education ought to be are in dispute and that reasonable people can disagree respectfully over them. So why not turn the question over to you—or another question broadly related to the topic of higher education—and have you develop a thoroughly researched essay on that? That’s what our entire class will be building toward in a step-by-step fashion—the academic research paper with an arguable thesis, logical construction, regular citations, and correct grammar and spelling. This being the 21st century, our class will be entirely online and asynchronous, i.e. we’ll irrigate that desert with bits and bytes as much as with books and writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Who or what is college for?
CRN: 47379
Days/Time: ARR Asynchronous
Instructor: Gregor Baszak
The British writer C.S. Lewis once said that “[t]he task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” Yes, this is a really harsh analogy that implies that you, the students, are like deserts and that the job of your professor is to water you so that life can bloom in an otherwise desolate place. Many of your professors don’t think that way anymore—Lewis wrote these words almost eighty years ago—but think that you arrive in college with all the right tools already in place. Their job, then, is to foster what are commonly called your “critical thinking” skills. Who could be against that? Well, some thinkers are, and we’ll encounter one of them in a course reading this semester.
But whether you lean toward the one or the other perspective, the point of this all is to show you that even such matters as what the goal of education ought to be are in dispute and that reasonable people can disagree respectfully over them. So why not turn the question over to you—or another question broadly related to the topic of higher education—and have you develop a thoroughly researched essay on that? That’s what our entire class will be building toward in a step-by-step fashion—the academic research paper with an arguable thesis, logical construction, regular citations, and correct grammar and spelling. This being the 21st century, our class will be entirely online and asynchronous, i.e. we’ll irrigate that desert with bits and bytes as much as with books and writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Academic Research & Inquiry
CRN: 21585
Days/Time: ARR Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
Perhaps you’ve heard that the future is dire–temperatures are steadily rising along with the prices of basic needs like food and shelter, and perhaps you’ve heard that we can’t do anything to stop it. Despite this, activists and individuals fighting for a better quality of life for all are calling us to choose knowledge and action over hopelessness. In this class, we will explore the concept of sustainability, which can be defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need” (Brundtland, 1987), and the complex ways sustainability interacts with every part of our lives.
You will also use this context to hone your academic research and writing skills. Through 4 major writing projects (WPs), you will experience the research process step-by-step and eventually produce the final project, a 10-page problem-solution research paper that will identify an area of sustainability at UIC that can be improved upon.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Academic Research & Inquiry
CRN: 26879
Days/Time: ARR Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
Perhaps you’ve heard that the future is dire–temperatures are steadily rising along with the prices of basic needs like food and shelter, and perhaps you’ve heard that we can’t do anything to stop it. Despite this, activists and individuals fighting for a better quality of life for all are calling us to choose knowledge and action over hopelessness. In this class, we will explore the concept of sustainability, which can be defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need” (Brundtland, 1987), and the complex ways sustainability interacts with every part of our lives.
You will also use this context to hone your academic research and writing skills. Through 4 major writing projects (WPs), you will experience the research process step-by-step and eventually produce the final project, a 10-page problem-solution research paper that will identify an area of sustainability at UIC that can be improved upon.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Academic Research & Inquiry
CRN: 26883
Days/Time: ARR Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
Perhaps you’ve heard that the future is dire–temperatures are steadily rising along with the prices of basic needs like food and shelter, and perhaps you’ve heard that we can’t do anything to stop it. Despite this, activists and individuals fighting for a better quality of life for all are calling us to choose knowledge and action over hopelessness. In this class, we will explore the concept of sustainability, which can be defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need” (Brundtland, 1987), and the complex ways sustainability interacts with every part of our lives.
You will also use this context to hone your academic research and writing skills. Through 4 major writing projects (WPs), you will experience the research process step-by-step and eventually produce the final project, a 10-page problem-solution research paper that will identify an area of sustainability at UIC that can be improved upon.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Empathy and Mass Communication
CRN: 42683
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45 Online synchronous
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this class, we will explore theories of empathy in digital spaces and how these do (or do not) reconcile with our lived experiences. At issue in our texts are questions of identity and creativity, as well as rhetoric’s of authorship and cultural appropriation, ubiquitous telepresence, machinic modes of perception, and the disconnection between people trying to care—and feel cared about—in a world of algorithmically-driven communication technologies. We will examine mass media like video games, social media, and AI, and the implications of their reach and their increasing tendency to mobilize empathy in search of new audiences. You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (two-stage annotated bibliography, paper proposal with review of literature, and a final paper and presentation) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: The End of Men and the Rise of Women?
CRN: 14427
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Adam Jones
English 161 is designed to provide you with the tools that you will need to engage academic inquiry. During the first half of the semester, you will complete three writing assignments in which you will learn to summarize, analyze, and synthesize class readings. In the second half of the semester, you will write a research proposal about one aspect of the course you’d like to research. You will spend the remainder of the semester turning your proposal into research assisted essay using the skills we learned in the first half of the semester.
As we do this, we will read and analyze excerpts from Hanna Rosin’s recent book The End of Men: And the Rise of Women (Riverhead, 2012), which is one among many recent texts preoccupied with how female and male gender roles are currently changing. The 1990s saw, for the first time in US history, more women attend and graduate from college than men. Since then, it has become increasingly common for men to stay at home, and for women to take up the role of primary breadwinner for their households. This has been accompanied by a shift in popular conceptions of what it means to be a woman, and what it means to be a man. In this class we will examine the validity and import of these claims, as well as the economic and educational conditions underlying them. We will also investigate to what extent certain portions of the culture have remained the same. (What jobs still remain gendered? Does a rise in women earning potential mean the end of male/female income inequality, or the historic glass ceiling?) Finally, we will look at how these shifts are being discussed and debated not only by academics, but in the popular culture. In sum, this class will enable you to contextualize your own experiences within this broader debate, and thus enter what is a significant and still unresolved conversation in contemporary American culture and politics.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: “Mad at School”: Mental Health and Mental Disability in the Classroom CRN: 32285
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Lauren Keeley
In her book, Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life, Margaret Price studies the way that mental disability impacts the academic culture of higher education. This semester-long, student-driven research course will launch from Price’s purview to give you the opportunity to probe issues on the politics, manifestations, and ethics surrounding mental health and mental dis/ability at all levels of education. You will learn about and produce an annotated bibliography, research proposal, literature review, and academic research paper on a topic of your choice, given it falls under the course topic of inquiry. Subjects we will consider include: the impact on mental health of the American hyper-focus on standardized tests and grade-obsessed pedagogy, the causes and consequences of increasingly inadequate university counseling services, the politics of IEPs and accommodations for mentally disabled students, the debate over ADD/ADHD over/under-diagnosis in elementary school-aged children, and the logic of implementing “trigger warnings” in education curricula.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing About Stand-up Comedy, Stereotype Humor, and Marginalized Communities
CRN: 42684
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Evan Steuber
Stand-up, with its conceit of truth-telling and authenticity, often frames stereotypes as true and pervasive, but it also critiques them through playing on the audience’s expectations and through a heightened sense of the absurd. While stereotypes are by their nature false, as they assume all members of a community share the same features, they can be used to bring communities together as well as attack them, and sometimes simultaneously. We will see how comedians from marginalized groups have accepted and dealt with issues of identity that are present before they take the stage, and how their comedy reflects the issues of this debate. Our class is concerned with comedians’ stage personas and how they produce cultural context. This context elucidates their target audience and how their jokes and stories create meaning. This same process is reflected in the production of any discourse, including a successful essay. We will learn to be cognizant of the context and larger conversation in which our words take place, thereby reflecting a knowledge of our target audience and how our language creates meaning. All standard 161 essays will be required in addition to individual presentations and a significant amount of watching and reading.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing About Stand-up Comedy, Stereotype Humor, and Marginalized Communities
CRN: 40110
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Evan Steuber
Stand-up, with its conceit of truth-telling and authenticity, often frames stereotypes as true and pervasive, but it also critiques them through playing on the audience’s expectations and through a heightened sense of the absurd. While stereotypes are by their nature false, as they assume all members of a community share the same features, they can be used to bring communities together as well as attack them, and sometimes simultaneously. We will see how comedians from marginalized groups have accepted and dealt with issues of identity that are present before they take the stage, and how their comedy reflects the issues of this debate. Our class is concerned with comedians’ stage personas and how they produce cultural context. This context elucidates their target audience and how their jokes and stories create meaning. This same process is reflected in the production of any discourse, including a successful essay. We will learn to be cognizant of the context and larger conversation in which our words take place, thereby reflecting a knowledge of our target audience and how our language creates meaning. All standard 161 essays will be required in addition to individual presentations and a significant amount of watching and reading.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Empathy and Mass Communication
CRN: 14447
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15 Online synchronous
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this class, we will explore theories of empathy in digital spaces and how these do (or do not) reconcile with our lived experiences. At issue in our texts are questions of identity and creativity, as well as rhetoric’s of authorship and cultural appropriation, ubiquitous telepresence, machinic modes of perception, and the disconnection between people trying to care—and feel cared about—in a world of algorithmically-driven communication technologies. We will examine mass media like video games, social media, and AI, and the implications of their reach and their increasing tendency to mobilize empathy in search of new audiences. You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (two-stage annotated bibliography, paper proposal with review of literature, and a final paper and presentation) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 14431
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “”social justice””—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality, and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both research and revision. All semester long you will work step-by-step towards the completion of an academic research paper, and you will do so not only with my help, but also with the help of your fellow classmates. Our class will function as a collective “writing community” where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: The End of Men and the Rise of Women?
CRN: 26194
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Adam Jones
English 161 is designed to provide you with the tools that you will need to engage academic inquiry. During the first half of the semester, you will complete three writing assignments in which you will learn to summarize, analyze, and synthesize class readings. In the second half of the semester, you will write a research proposal about one aspect of the course you’d like to research. You will spend the remainder of the semester turning your proposal into research assisted essay using the skills we learned in the first half of the semester.
As we do this, we will read and analyze excerpts from Hanna Rosin’s recent book The End of Men: And the Rise of Women (Riverhead, 2012), which is one among many recent texts preoccupied with how female and male gender roles are currently changing. The 1990s saw, for the first time in US history, more women attend and graduate from college than men. Since then, it has become increasingly common for men to stay at home, and for women to take up the role of primary breadwinner for their households. This has been accompanied by a shift in popular conceptions of what it means to be a woman, and what it means to be a man. In this class we will examine the validity and import of these claims, as well as the economic and educational conditions underlying them. We will also investigate to what extent certain portions of the culture have remained the same. (What jobs still remain gendered? Does a rise in women earning potential mean the end of male/female income inequality, or the historic glass ceiling?) Finally, we will look at how these shifts are being discussed and debated not only by academics, but in the popular culture. In sum, this class will enable you to contextualize your own experiences within this broader debate, and thus enter what is a significant and still unresolved conversation in contemporary American culture and politics.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: The End of Men and the Rise of Women?
CRN: 26193
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Adam Jones
English 161 is designed to provide you with the tools that you will need to engage academic inquiry. During the first half of the semester, you will complete three writing assignments in which you will learn to summarize, analyze, and synthesize class readings. In the second half of the semester, you will write a research proposal about one aspect of the course you’d like to research. You will spend the remainder of the semester turning your proposal into research assisted essay using the skills we learned in the first half of the semester.
As we do this, we will read and analyze excerpts from Hanna Rosin’s recent book The End of Men: And the Rise of Women (Riverhead, 2012), which is one among many recent texts preoccupied with how female and male gender roles are currently changing. The 1990s saw, for the first time in US history, more women attend and graduate from college than men. Since then, it has become increasingly common for men to stay at home, and for women to take up the role of primary breadwinner for their households. This has been accompanied by a shift in popular conceptions of what it means to be a woman, and what it means to be a man. In this class we will examine the validity and import of these claims, as well as the economic and educational conditions underlying them. We will also investigate to what extent certain portions of the culture have remained the same. (What jobs still remain gendered? Does a rise in women earning potential mean the end of male/female income inequality, or the historic glass ceiling?) Finally, we will look at how these shifts are being discussed and debated not only by academics, but in the popular culture. In sum, this class will enable you to contextualize your own experiences within this broader debate, and thus enter what is a significant and still unresolved conversation in contemporary American culture and politics.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 29121
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “”social justice””—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both research and revision. All semester long you will work step-by-step towards the completion of an academic research paper, and you will do so not only with my help, but also with the help of your fellow classmates. Our class will function as a collective “writing community” where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Empathy and Mass Communication
CRN: 43492
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45 Online synchronous
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this class, we will explore theories of empathy in digital spaces and how these do (or do not) reconcile with our lived experiences. At issue in our texts are questions of identity and creativity, as well as rhetoric’s of authorship and cultural appropriation, ubiquitous telepresence, machinic modes of perception, and the disconnection between people trying to care—and feel cared about—in a world of algorithmically-driven communication technologies. We will examine mass media like video games, social media, and AI, and the implications of their reach and their increasing tendency to mobilize empathy in search of new audiences. You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (two-stage annotated bibliography, paper proposal with review of literature, and a final paper and presentation) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing About Stand-up Comedy, Stereotype Humor, and Marginalized Communities
CRN: 22115
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Evan Steuber
Stand-up, with its conceit of truth-telling and authenticity, often frames stereotypes as true and pervasive, but it also critiques them through playing on the audience’s expectations and through a heightened sense of the absurd. While stereotypes are by their nature false, as they assume all members of a community share the same features, they can be used to bring communities together as well as attack them, and sometimes simultaneously. We will see how comedians from marginalized groups have accepted and dealt with issues of identity that are present before they take the stage, and how their comedy reflects the issues of this debate. Our class is concerned with comedians’ stage personas and how they produce cultural context. This context elucidates their target audience and how their jokes and stories create meaning. This same process is reflected in the production of any discourse, including a successful essay. We will learn to be cognizant of the context and larger conversation in which our words take place, thereby reflecting a knowledge of our target audience and how our language creates meaning. All standard 161 essays will be required in addition to individual presentations and a significant amount of watching and reading.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing Through the Issues of the Working Poor
CRN: 26192
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
Course description and goals: In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas, debates and questions about work, poverty and social mobility and participate in current public conversations about these (initially broad) topics. We will first discern what these public conversations about the “working poor” in fact, are, assess their validity, and articulate our own, well-supported arguments. As summary, analysis and synthesis are central components of the academic research paper, we will practice these, and we will learn to find and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources for our own research. You will develop your reading, writing, research and communications skills through assignments and activities such as class discussion, group work and peer review.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Humans, Climate Change & Endangered Species
CRN: 14434
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Daniel McGee
Every year, more and more animal species are going extinct around the world. As climates change, animals need to adapt, whether it’s through changing migratory patterns or finding a new biome to live in. While climate change may register as a colossal antagonist of biodiversity around the world, it is not the first major event that has driven wildlife populations to the brink of extinction. For centuries, human activity has decimated wildlife through various tactics. In this class, we will investigate and track the complicated history surrounding wildlife endangerment to better understand our own relationship with the ever-changing natural world around us.
This course will give you a wide-but-shallow look at the history of human- and climate-driven wildlife endangerment and extinction. You will read/watch several sources including popular films, commercials, research articles, books, government websites, and many others to get a holistic understanding of the effects of both human activity and climate change on wildlife populations. As you investigate wildlife endangerment in this research-central course, you will compose several writing assignments, including an annotated bibliography, research proposal, and literature review. The culmination of these writing projects will help you develop the fourth and most important writing project of this semester: the research essay. No prior information on animal science, biology, or climate studies is required.
The goal of using this wide-but-shallow content approach is to cover enough material on various causes of endangerment in different wildlife species that you will find a topic that is meaningful, which will serve as your basis when researching and composing the research essay.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Affects of Horror
CRN: 47381
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Hyacinthe Damitz
Horror as a genre is often considered escapist fiction, meant to be enjoyed to forget, or to get away from, what is bothering us in the real world. In other words, it is seen as a genre built specifically on, and for, the thrill of feeling fear, while allowing us to distance ourselves from what haunts us in everyday life. This class seeks to challenge this concept of escapist fiction and highlight how the genre can actually be a useful tool in understanding, and dealing with, a range of political and cultural issues that we encounter in everyday life, as well as the emotions that come with them. It will examine the way that horror, in its various forms, mediums, and subgenres, gives us a set of ways to contend with the emotionally charged moments in our society and in ourselves.
While looking at specific examples and types of horror, as well as academic sources discussing the genre and subgenres, you will be tasked with researching and writing a long form research paper discussing one of the many topics that come up in horror and enter the conversation of the genre that is currently happening. During the semester, the writing that you do, including the annotated bibliography, the research proposal, and the literature review, will serve as steppingstones that culminate in the research paper and the presentation of your research to the class. This is a student-driven exploration of horror, and what the genre has to offer to our current society and the individuals within it.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Media, Mythmaking, and Contemporary Culture
CRN: 14398
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: William Wells
This course explores the myriad ways we come to know ourselves through storytelling. Through the analysis of a diverse range of genres spanning from the “academic” (literature, theory, and philosophy) to the everyday (TV and film, online content), we will come to understand the compulsion toward meaning making in the modern world, as well as its benefits and risks.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Madness and Formalization
CRN: 41600
Days/Times: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Miles Parkinson
In this course, we will be thinking about the forms of academic writing, of course. To become familiar with and to interrogate these forms, we will be thinking through the figment of madness. The distinctions between scholarly practices and the epistemic routines of the madman are notoriously vaporous at times, but these similarities are, on further investigation, only on the surface. Their appearances may be sometimes the same, but this is only page deep. We will also be thinking through some of the academic anxieties about madness and its forms as they relate to academic texts. The crowning ideal of this section is that we might carve out a space in which to think the why of the academic forms and procedures, with a view to deciding together on our conceptual vocabulary for thinking writing over time.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Be Real: Culture, Influence, and Reality
CRN: 14465
Days/Times: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: James McKenna
In this course, we will explore and expand our understandings of culture, reality, and influence specifically through the lens of pop culture, reality television, and influencers. However close or distant these subjects are to us, we will work to locate how they factor into our own worlds. By identifying our own unique intersections with these subjects, we will write with the goals in mind of better situating and defending our stakes in these continually, and spontaneously, evolving fields.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: The Alternative in Alt Lit
CRN: 14388
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Moriana Delgado
In this course, you will learn about the Alt Lit Movement, a current that reached its literary splendor circa 2013. Characterized by style, this movement created unique nooks within the Internet. It relied on auto fiction, self-publication, internet culture, fastness, instantaneity, and drug use. Throughout a series of writing projects, and readings of Alt Lit main exponents, you will learn to understand the components of a kind of writing that profiles the self into the given forms that compose our lives online. We will ponder what it is that makes this movement “alternative,” while looking at its historical context: 9/11, the Iraq War, and the 2008 financial crisis. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Book Review, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Be Real: Culture, Influence, and Reality
CRN: 14392
Days/Times: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: James McKenna
In this course, we will explore and expand our understandings of culture, reality, and influence specifically through the lens of pop culture, reality television, and influencers. However close or distant these subjects are to us, we will work to locate how they factor into our own worlds. By identifying our own unique intersections with these subjects, we will write with the goals in mind of better situating and defending our stakes in these continually, and spontaneously, evolving fields.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Madness and Formalization
CRN: 14470
Days/Times: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Miles Parkinson
In this course, we will be thinking about the forms of academic writing, of course. To become familiar with and to interrogate these forms, we will be thinking through the figment of madness. The distinctions between scholarly practices and the epistemic routines of the madman are notoriously vaporous at times, but these similarities are, on further investigation, only on the surface. Their appearances may be sometimes the same, but this is only page deep. We will also be thinking through some of the academic anxieties about madness and its forms as they relate to academic texts. The crowning ideal of this section is that we might carve out a space in which to think the why of the academic forms and procedures, with a view to deciding together on our conceptual vocabulary for thinking writing over time.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Humans, Climate Change & Endangered Species
CRN: 14386
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Daniel McGee
Every year, more and more animal species are going extinct around the world. As climates change, animals need to adapt, whether it’s through changing migratory patterns or finding a new biome to live in. While climate change may register as a colossal antagonist of biodiversity around the world, it is not the first major event that has driven wildlife populations to the brink of extinction. For centuries, human activity has decimated wildlife through various tactics. In this class, we will investigate and track the complicated history surrounding wildlife endangerment to better understand our own relationship with the ever-changing natural world around us.
This course will give you a wide-but-shallow look at the history of human- and climate-driven wildlife endangerment and extinction. You will read/watch several sources including popular films, commercials, research articles, books, government websites, and many others to get a holistic understanding of the effects of both human activity and climate change on wildlife populations. As you investigate wildlife endangerment in this research-central course, you will compose several writing assignments, including an annotated bibliography, research proposal, and literature review. The culmination of these writing projects will help you develop the fourth and most important writing project of this semester: the research essay. No prior information on animal science, biology, or climate studies is required.
The goal of using this wide-but-shallow content approach is to cover enough material on various causes of endangerment in different wildlife species that you will find a topic that is meaningful, which will serve as your basis when researching and composing the research essay.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: All Work and No Play: Horror and Class
CRN: 14473
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Melissa Macero
How does the Horror genre represent class dynamics in our society? This is the main question that will guide our inquiries throughout the semester. In order to answer this question, we will examine both primary and secondary sources that offer us a way into this discussion. Furthermore, in order to fully understand class dynamics in our society, we will also have to examine how other societal issues, such as race, gender, and sexuality, intersect with class and how that intersection has changed over time. Our inquiry will culminate in a research paper in which each student will attempt to answer our overarching question by analyzing at least one horror text, film, video game, or television show and through that analysis enter into the scholarly conversations surrounding the Horror genre.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Affects of Horror
CRN: 47382
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Hyacinthe Damitz
Horror as a genre is often considered escapist fiction, meant to be enjoyed to forget, or to get away from, what is bothering us in the real world. In other words, it is seen as a genre built specifically on, and for, the thrill of feeling fear, while allowing us to distance ourselves from what haunts us in everyday life. This class seeks to challenge this concept of escapist fiction and highlight how the genre can actually be a useful tool in understanding, and dealing with, a range of political and cultural issues that we encounter in everyday life, as well as the emotions that come with them. It will examine the way that horror, in its various forms, mediums, and subgenres, gives us a set of ways to contend with the emotionally charged moments in our society and in ourselves.
While looking at specific examples and types of horror, as well as academic sources discussing the genre and subgenres, you will be tasked with researching and writing a long form research paper discussing one of the many topics that come up in horror and enter the conversation of the genre that is currently happening. During the semester, the writing that you do, including the annotated bibliography, the research proposal, and the literature review, will serve as steppingstones that culminate in the research paper and the presentation of your research to the class. This is a student-driven exploration of horror, and what the genre has to offer to our current society and the individuals within it.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: The Politics of Beauty: Image and Appearances
CRN: 32291
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Tricia Park
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” the saying goes. But the truth is, we are inundated by images; from print and online advertising to Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and whatever new social media is on the horizon, we live in a world crammed with messages about beauty and appearance. In this course, we will examine a range of texts about idealized standards of beauty and the ways they intersect with race, age, and other factors that contribute to external and internal social biases. Through this particular lens, we will explore rhetorical situations, learn what it means to take a position on a topic and investigate what makes for persuasive arguments. This course will help you develop the essential skills to better express yourselves in a variety of writing genres, improve your ability to analyze texts and other media forms as well as understand how they are constructed to impact your thoughts and opinions.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: The Politics of Beauty: Image and Appearances
CRN: 14459
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Tricia Park
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” the saying goes. But the truth is, we are inundated by images; from print and online advertising to Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and whatever new social media is on the horizon, we live in a world crammed with messages about beauty and appearance. In this course, we will examine a range of texts about idealized standards of beauty and the ways they intersect with race, age, and other factors that contribute to external and internal social biases. Through this particular lens, we will explore rhetorical situations, learn what it means to take a position on a topic and investigate what makes for persuasive arguments. This course will help you develop the essential skills to better express yourselves in a variety of writing genres, improve your ability to analyze texts and other media forms as well as understand how they are constructed to impact your thoughts and opinions.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Arguments in Art, Society, and Culture
CRN: 14467
Days/Times: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Rebecca Fishow
This course is a dedicated, collaborative space for you to practice the art of academic research and writing. Regardless of your previous writing experience, the four writing projects, assigned readings, and class activities you will encounter in this course will help you strengthen your relationship with research and writing as modes of inquiry and communication, and help prepare you for future academic work. We will think of academic writing as the process of thinking, in addition to a form of expression. In the classroom, we will learn through full-class discussions, group activities, and individual writing projects. In the first two weeks of the course, you will choose a focused research topic that interests you, and explore it throughout the semester, by completing four writing projects (annotated bibliography, research proposal, literary review, and academic essay). Each project is designed to build from the previous one in order to take you through the full academic essay-writing process.
Our class theme is “Arguments in Art, Society, and Culture.” How should teachers grade student artwork? Should cities invest money in public art projects when there are other pressing matters at hand? Is art crucial for social change? How is technology changing the way art is created and consumed? Can art combat ableism or racism? Is makeup an art? Does artistic greatness excuse bad behavior? Is art dangerous? These are only some of the topics you might choose to research and write about in this course.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing Through the Issues of the Working Poor
CRN: 14445
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
Course description and goals: In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas, debates and questions about work, poverty and social mobility and participate in current public conversations about these (initially broad) topics. We will first discern what these public conversations about the “working poor” in fact, are, assess their validity, and articulate our own, well-supported arguments. As summary, analysis and synthesis are central components of the academic research paper, we will practice these, and we will learn to find and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources for our own research. You will develop your reading, writing, research and communications skills through assignments and activities such as class discussion, group work and peer review.
ENGL 161 Academic writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14420
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Josie Visser
In this course, we will analyze, argue, and conduct research within the overarching theme of “Dystopias.” Looking at a variety of work within the Dystopian genre, you will read and discuss materials in terms of their overall reliability, effectiveness, and quality. Some overarching questions we will discuss throughout the course include: What drives the writing and discussion of Dystopian Literature? Why and how has the genre thrived? What do the works discussed in class say about the past, present, and future of society?
Throughout the semester, you will both evaluate and write work about Dystopias in hopes of becoming better readers and writers. There are four different writing assignments throughout the semester, all of which build up to a final research paper. You will write roughly 20 pages of work total in the following forms: annotated bibliography, research proposal, literature review, and the final research paper. The goal of this course is to familiarize you with conducting research, analyzing sources for their reliability, synthesizing, and utilizing research to construct an argument.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: The Great Gatsby and Its Influence
CRN: 14474
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Denise Waite
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby has become an American classic and arguably the great American novel. It has left an indelible impression on American culture, becoming synonymous with Jazz Age decadence, riotous parties, and excess. The Great Gatsby has spawned two celebrated Hollywood movies, given its name to a statistical curve, generated decades of opulent Gatsby themed parties, and several musicals are even in the works. It has inspired contemporary plays, opera, and performance art. At its heart it gives expression to the disillusionment of a generation ravaged by war and its view of the dissolution of the American Dream. But its enduring appeal speaks to the openness of the text that allows new generations to cast its dreams onto the novel and its legend. In this course you will read Fitzgerald’s highly experimental novel, The Great Gatsby, while analyzing criticism and response to this seminal work. We will discover what all this creative outpour and scholarship says about capitalism and contemporary culture. Each student will find some aspect of the text or its influence on culture to analyze in an 8–10-page research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: All Work and No Play: Horror and Class
CRN: 43494
Days/Time: MWF 11:00 – 11:50
Instructor: Melissa Macero
How does the Horror genre represent class dynamics in our society? This is the main question that will guide our inquiries throughout the semester. In order to answer this question, we will examine both primary and secondary sources that offer us a way into this discussion. Furthermore, in order to fully understand class dynamics in our society, we will also have to examine how other societal issues, such as race, gender, and sexuality, intersect with class and how that intersection has changed over time. Our inquiry will culminate in a research paper in which each student will attempt to answer our overarching question by analyzing at least one horror text, film, video game, or television show and through that analysis enter the scholarly conversations surrounding the Horror genre.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: What’s The Deal with Comedy? Understanding Comedians and their Comedy Styles
CRN: 47385
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Wesley McGehee
In this course, we will be learning and practicing the process of scholarly, academic research in English. We will be discussing stand-up comedy and styles of comedy, with the focus of the course being comedians themselves. During this course, you will be able to pick a comedian from the list provided—or one that you find on your own if you do not wish to choose any from the list—and you will create a research paper on this comedian concerning his/her/their early life, career, and comedy. We will also be studying a variety of well-known comedians during the course—most of which you will be able to choose for your research—to get you accommodated with well-known terms and definitions in comedy, as well as discussing how sources were found on these comedians, their comedy styles, and how the overall process of research was conducted. After completing this course, you will know how to conduct your own research for your future college-level assignments and work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Issues in Higher Educations
CRN: 14450
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
What are we doing here in an institution of higher education? What issues about higher education affect our class and how do our experiences of higher education vary? In our section of English 161, a writing course situated in academic inquiry, we will take up these questions through an exploration of academic research and public debate. The course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by forms of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing Through the Issues of the Working Poor
CRN: 14457
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
Course description and goals: In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas, debates and questions about work, poverty and social mobility and participate in current public conversations about these (initially broad) topics. We will first discern what these public conversations about the “working poor” in fact, are, assess their validity, and articulate our own, well-supported arguments. As summary, analysis and synthesis are central components of the academic research paper, we will practice these, and we will learn to find and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources for our own research. You will develop your reading, writing, research and communications skills through assignments and activities such as class discussion, group work and peer review.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: All Work and No Play: Horror and Class
CRN: 14397
Days/Time: MWF 12:00 – 12:50
Instructor: Melissa Macero
How does the Horror genre represent class dynamics in our society? This is the main question that will guide our inquiries throughout the semester. To answer this question, we will examine both primary and secondary sources that offer us a way into this discussion. Furthermore, to fully understand class dynamics in our society, we will also have to examine how other societal issues, such as race, gender, and sexuality, intersect with class and how that intersection has changed over time. Our inquiry will culminate in a research paper in which each student will attempt to answer our overarching question by analyzing at least one horror text, film, video game, or television show and through that analysis enter the scholarly conversations surrounding the Horror genre.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14414
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Following the Current: Rivers, How They Connect and Divide Us
CRN: 43519
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Dan Barton
What is water? On the surface, this should be easy to answer; however, a simple definition would be incomplete. Water is simultaneously a biological and ecological necessity, economic input, cultural icon, mode of transportation, and so much more. Rivers embody all these traits, driving the development of cities and nations while also absorbing their histories, whether of prosperity or violence. They are impact sites of climate change and environmental degradation—issues ranging from flooding to forever chemicals that have mounting consequences for communities around the world—as well as sites of conflict. In this class, we will explore the ways rivers connect and divide us: ecologically, socially, and spatially. Using the Chicago River as a primary example among others, we will employ an environmental justice lens to examine not only the importance of rivers in the development of both rural and urban spaces, but also how politics and water influence each other, often perpetuating inequalities. We will also examine the presence of rivers in art and culture, interrogating their significance from a range of perspectives. Through critical examination of various texts—scholarly, public, governmental, etc.—and an independent research project culminating in a final research paper, we will build an understanding of important environmental and social issues while developing academic research and writing skills that will be important throughout your college career and beyond.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14404
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing Climate Crisis: The Rhetoric of Emergency
CRN: 42682
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Eliza Marley
The course topic is Writing Climate Crisis: The rhetoric of Emergency. This class will look at different areas of climate crisis to determine how rhetoric around these issues has changed (or not changed) historically. We will examine areas of climate crisis and how they are treated by media, communities directly affected, academia, and others. What motivates people towards change? What is the role of art in this age of climate crisis? How can we make the structures of climate crisis more visible? Students will pick an aspect of climate crisis to center their research around.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: War and Peace
CRN: 44763
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Kian Bergstrom
There’s only one way to become a better writer: read a lot and write a lot. And if you’re going to read a lot this term, would you rather it be something good… or something great? Great books come in all shapes and sizes but ask pretty much anyone who’s read it and they’ll tell you books don’t get much greater than WAR AND PEACE. While intimidating in page-count, the novel is captivating, engrossing, and fascinating, a magisterial, encyclopedic look at human existence during a world-shaking conflict of international powers — Imperial Russia, France under Napoleon — and the ripples that warfare sends through the whole of Russian society, all the way from the serfs to the nobility. Over the course of the term, we will read this masterwork of world literature, closely and carefully, following its interlocking plot lines, layers of themes, its dozens of unforgettable characters, its ruminations on the movement of history, its nuanced explorations of the search for meaning in an unforgiving world of random chance and fragile love. On the way, you’ll propose, conduct, and write up your own original research project, in stages, deriving from a facet of the novel of your choosing. Look, you didn’t come to UIC to be coddled. You came here to be challenged, and once you read this book, you’ll never be the same. Let’s do this.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Following the Current: Rivers, How They Connect and Divide Us
CRN: 14413
Days/Time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Dan Barton
What is water? On the surface, this should be easy to answer; however, a simple definition would be incomplete. Water is simultaneously a biological and ecological necessity, economic input, cultural icon, mode of transportation, and so much more. Rivers embody all these traits, driving the development of cities and nations while also absorbing their histories, whether of prosperity or violence. They are impact sites of climate change and environmental degradation—issues ranging from flooding to forever chemicals that have mounting consequences for communities around the world—as well as sites of conflict. In this class, we will explore the ways rivers connect and divide us: ecologically, socially, and spatially. Using the Chicago River as a primary example among others, we will employ an environmental justice lens to examine not only the importance of rivers in the development of both rural and urban spaces, but also how politics and water influence each other, often perpetuating inequalities. We will also examine the presence of rivers in art and culture, interrogating their significance from a range of perspectives. Through critical examination of various texts—scholarly, public, governmental, etc.—and an independent research project culminating in a final research paper, we will build an understanding of important environmental and social issues while developing academic research and writing skills that will be important throughout your college career and beyond.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing About Happiness
CRN: 14428
Days/Time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Christopher Bryson
In this course, we will examine questions about happiness. In her book, The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think is Right is Wrong, Jennifer Michael Hecht explains that our common notions of happiness, what makes us happy in today’s society, is a kind of mythology we all accept as fact. She explores the conception of happiness across history, illuminating traditions and practices that made our ancestors happy, as a means of demonstrating how those notions often contradict our current beliefs and actions. As you read Hecht’s text and the supplemental readings, you will be able to question happiness in your own lives and communities. So, what are the consequences of such an inquiry? Hecht, I think, says it best in her introduction, entitled “Get Happy.” She explains:
We need to pay careful attention to our modern, unhelpful myths [about happiness] so that we can make better choices…Sometimes the lesson is to go out and change our behavior, and sometimes a remarkably different experience of the same behavior becomes possible with the simple addition of some big-picture knowledge. (13-14)
The consequence of this inquiry is, in other words, to better understand our actions and the motives behind them when happiness is at stake. We can better understand ourselves and our society as a result. Much of what Hecht says on this subject is controversial (money can make us happy), and it is my belief that these kinds of propositions will inspire lively debate and engaging research papers that address happiness in modern society.
In this course, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper focusing on some aspect of happiness. The writing projects are 1) a summary; 2) a synthesis; 3) a research proposal; and 4) research paper. For the research paper, you will write a unique, convincing argument, supported by appropriate evidence and claims. Your paper should not only demonstrate an understanding of the context and sources, but also contribute meaningfully to the inquiry you will be exploring throughout the semester.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 41601
Days/Time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Snezana Zabic
This section of ENGL 161 focuses on film and society. Whether they focus on one character’s inner life or depict scenes of mass revolt (or anything in-between those two extremes), films tell stories deeply intertwined with both negative and positive developments in society. Within our general inquiry about film and society, you will research a scripted feature film, read articles in-depth, discuss your sources and respond to them in writing. You will produce essays that go through drafting, peer-review, and revision phases. Assignments include: 1) an annotated bibliography, 2) a research proposal, 3) a literature review, and 4) a research essay. You will choose the film and most of the sources for your semester-long research project. You will conduct research using the UIC library databases, and write arguments based on the knowledge gained during this research. You will be able to discuss your ideas from inception to completion.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14406
Days/Time: MWF 4:00-4:50
Instructor: Snezana Zabic
This section of ENGL 161 focuses on film and society. Whether they focus on one character’s inner life or depict scenes of mass revolt (or anything in-between those two extremes), films tell stories deeply intertwined with both negative and positive developments in society. Within our general inquiry about film and society, you will research a scripted feature film, read articles in-depth, discuss your sources and respond to them in writing. You will produce essays that go through drafting, peer-review, and revision phases. Assignments include: 1) an annotated bibliography, 2) a research proposal, 3) a literature review, and 4) a research essay. You will choose the film and most of the sources for your semester-long research project. You will conduct research using the UIC library databases, and write arguments based on the knowledge gained during this research. You will be able to discuss your ideas from inception to completion.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Following the Current: Rivers, How They Connect and Divide Us
CRN: 14381
Days/Time: MWF 4:00-4:50
Instructor: Dan Barton
What is water? On the surface, this should be easy to answer; however, a simple definition would be incomplete. Water is simultaneously a biological and ecological necessity, economic input, cultural icon, mode of transportation, and so much more. Rivers embody all these traits, driving the development of cities and nations while also absorbing their histories, whether of prosperity or violence. They are impact sites of climate change and environmental degradation—issues ranging from flooding to forever chemicals that have mounting consequences for communities around the world—as well as sites of conflict. In this class, we will explore the ways rivers connect and divide us: ecologically, socially, and spatially. Using the Chicago River as a primary example among others, we will employ an environmental justice lens to examine not only the importance of rivers in the development of both rural and urban spaces, but also how politics and water influence each other, often perpetuating inequalities. We will also examine the presence of rivers in art and culture, interrogating their significance from a range of perspectives. Through critical examination of various texts—scholarly, public, governmental, etc.—and an independent research project culminating in a final research paper, we will build an understanding of important environmental and social issues while developing academic research and writing skills that will be important throughout your college career and beyond.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing About Happiness
CRN: 14438
Days/Time: MWF 4:00-4:50
Instructor: Christopher Bryson
In this course, we will examine questions about happiness. In her book, The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think is Right is Wrong, Jennifer Michael Hecht explains that our common notions of happiness, what makes us happy in today’s society, is a kind of mythology we all accept as fact. She explores the conception of happiness across history, illuminating traditions and practices that made our ancestors happy, as a means of demonstrating how those notions often contradict our current beliefs and actions. As you read Hecht’s text and the supplemental readings, you will be able to question happiness in your own lives and communities. So what are the consequences of such an inquiry? Hecht, I think, says it best in her introduction, entitled “Get Happy.” She explains:
We need to pay careful attention to our modern, unhelpful myths [about happiness] so that we can make better choices…Sometimes the lesson is to go out and change our behavior, and sometimes a remarkably different experience of the same behavior becomes possible with the simple addition of some big-picture knowledge. (13-14)
The consequence of this inquiry is, in other words, to better understand our actions and the motives behind them when happiness is at stake. We can better understand ourselves and our society as a result. Much of what Hecht says on this subject is controversial (money can make us happy), and it is my belief that these kinds of propositions will inspire lively debate and engaging research papers that address happiness in modern society.
In this course, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper focusing on some aspect of happiness. The writing projects are 1) a summary; 2) a synthesis; 3) a research proposal; and 4) research paper. For the research paper, you will write a unique, convincing argument, supported by appropriate evidence and claims. Your paper should not only demonstrate an understanding of the context and sources, but also contribute meaningfully to the inquiry you will be exploring throughout the semester.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: War and Peace
CRN: 44769
Days/Time: MWF 4:00-4:50
Instructor: Kian Bergstrom
There’s only one way to become a better writer: read a lot and write a lot. And if you’re going to read a lot this term, would you rather it be something good… or something great? Great books come in all shapes and sizes but ask pretty much anyone who’s read it and they’ll tell you books don’t get much greater than WAR AND PEACE. While intimidating in page-count, the novel is captivating, engrossing, and fascinating, a magisterial, encyclopedic look at human existence during a world-shaking conflict of international powers — Imperial Russia, France under Napoleon — and the ripples that warfare sends through the whole of Russian society, all the way from the serfs to the nobility. Over the course of the term, we will read this masterwork of world literature, closely and carefully, following its interlocking plot lines, layers of themes, its dozens of unforgettable characters, its ruminations on the movement of history, its nuanced explorations of the search for meaning in an unforgiving world of random chance and fragile love. On the way, you’ll propose, conduct, and write up your own original research project, in stages, deriving from a facet of the novel of your choosing. Look, you didn’t come to UIC to be coddled. You came here to be challenged, and once you read this book, you’ll never be the same. Let’s do this.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: War and Peace
CRN: 14453
Days/Time: MWF 5:00-5:50
Instructor: Kian Bergstrom
There’s only one way to become a better writer: read a lot and write a lot. And if you’re going to read a lot this term, would you rather it be something good… or something great? Great books come in all shapes and sizes but ask pretty much anyone who’s read it and they’ll tell you books don’t get much greater than WAR AND PEACE. While intimidating in page-count, the novel is captivating, engrossing, and fascinating, a magisterial, encyclopedic look at human existence during a world-shaking conflict of international powers — Imperial Russia, France under Napoleon — and the ripples that warfare sends through the whole of Russian society, all the way from the serfs to the nobility. Over the course of the term, we will read this masterwork of world literature, closely and carefully, following its interlocking plot lines, layers of themes, its dozens of unforgettable characters, its ruminations on the movement of history, its nuanced explorations of the search for meaning in an unforgiving world of random chance and fragile love. On the way, you’ll propose, conduct, and write up your own original research project, in stages, deriving from a facet of the novel of your choosing. Look, you didn’t come to UIC to be coddled. You came here to be challenged, and once you read this book, you’ll never be the same. Let’s do this.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing About Happiness
CRN: 14400
Days/Time: MWF 5:00-5:50
Instructor: Christopher Bryson
In this course, we will examine questions about happiness. In her book, The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think is Right is Wrong, Jennifer Michael Hecht explains that our common notions of happiness, what makes us happy in today’s society, is a kind of mythology we all accept as fact. She explores the conception of happiness across history, illuminating traditions and practices that made our ancestors happy, as a means of demonstrating how those notions often contradict our current beliefs and actions. As you read Hecht’s text and the supplemental readings, you will be able to question happiness in your own lives and communities. So, what are the consequences of such an inquiry? Hecht, I think, says it best in her introduction, entitled “Get Happy.” She explains:
We need to pay careful attention to our modern, unhelpful myths [about happiness] so that we can make better choices…Sometimes the lesson is to go out and change our behavior, and sometimes a remarkably different experience of the same behavior becomes possible with the simple addition of some big-picture knowledge. (13-14)
The consequence of this inquiry is, in other words, to better understand our actions and the motives behind them when happiness is at stake. We can better understand ourselves and our society as a result. Much of what Hecht says on this subject is controversial (money can make us happy), and it is my belief that these kinds of propositions will inspire lively debate and engaging research papers that address happiness in modern society.
In this course, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper focusing on some aspect of happiness. The writing projects are 1) a summary; 2) a synthesis; 3) a research proposal; and 4) research paper. For the research paper, you will write a unique, convincing argument, supported by appropriate evidence and claims. Your paper should not only demonstrate an understanding of the context and sources, but also contribute meaningfully to the inquiry you will be exploring throughout the semester.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14396
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Scott Grunow
What psychosocial factors cause groups of persons to get involved in a disturbing dynamic of rumors, fears, and mass hysteria? In the late 20th and early 21st century, one has noticed several cases of mass hysteria, ranging from the moral panics such as “Satanic” day care centers in the 1980s and Pizzagate, to the viral spread of conspiracy theories such as QAnon, all of which have caused incidents of persecution and mob violence. Yet many of these incidents contain roots in previous movements dating as far back as the medieval period, often related to fears about the end of the world, the apocalypse. In this course, you will learn to form your own inquiry about our topic of rumors, fear, and the madness of crowds by learning the skills of analytical and research-based writing. You will learn the essential elements of writing a social sciences academic research paper. The first part of the course will focus on honing accurate and critical reading skills by summarizing shorter assigned readings and beginning what will become the reference list/abstract for your research paper. You will begin exploring a general research topic related to the topic of the course, focusing on what and how an incident or pattern of crowd behavior occurred. The second part of the course will move from restating another author’s claims and evidence, “they say” to responding to them critically with an “I say, based on they say” using the reading and writing techniques of analysis and synthesis. You will begin to tie in your more specific research topic and the sources you summarized in the annotated reference list to multiple crowd theorists we will read in this unit. The third part will involve your individual path of inquiry and research on a specific topic with a research paper proposal and accompanying annotated reference list and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research | Public Health Writing
CRN: 42687
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Devyn Andrews
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed how major structural weaknesses within the U.S. public health and healthcare systems fail the American public, too often with devastating consequences. In this section of ENGL 161, we will investigate pressing issues facing public health, including access to care, globalization and contagion, health inequities, noncommunicable diseases, the social determinants of health, and more. We will discuss differing conceptions of illness and wellbeing across cultural and socioeconomic lines; links between the environment, education, and health; implications of multidisciplinary policy decisions; and issues of social justice and structural violence. You will be encouraged to creatively explore your interests within this topic throughout the semester. Using our text Writing for Inquiry and Research, you will conduct academic research, build evidence-based arguments, and complete progressive writing assignments on your chosen topic. The four major writing assignments will include an Annotated Bibliography, Research Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry & Research: Show Me Your Teeth, and I’ll Tell You Who You Are.
CRN: 14401
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Baby. Wisdom. Eye. False. No matter their condition, we’ve all got teeth. And that’s the topic of conversation for this course on Academic Writing. We’ll be using Mary Otto’s Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America as the starting point for research. In addition to four Writing Projects, expect short daily reading and writing assignments and plenty of group work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Gothic Afterlives
CRN: 14415
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15 Online
Instructor: Nicholas Dertinger
This course will examine Gothic’ literature’s influence on modern media, how it has delighted readers for centuries, and how the themes found in Gothic literature continue to be analyzed today. In this course you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our texts will explain how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Along with supplemental readings typically found on Blackboard, you will be able to organize and formulate a final research paper that utilizes all the skills we learn through the class. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper. This class will be a blend of synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: The Walk/er
CRN: 14422
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Heather McShane
What happens when we go for a walk or, for people who use wheelchairs, a roll? What or whom do we encounter? What if we do more than just passively move through the world? What if we find inspiration or even purpose? In this course, we will investigate these questions and others as we look at the impacts of walking in contemporary literature, art, and social issues like protests and migration. As a group and separately, we will walk. Walking will serve as the theme of the four major writing assignments required for English 161: an annotated bibliography, a literature review, a research paper proposal, and a research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Post-Truth: What Is It Good for?
CRN: 43520
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ovi Brici
We are living in a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern truth from fabrication, where “alternative facts” and strong feelings dominate logical reasoning. In this course, you will learn how to distinguish between objective and subjective material. In other words, you will learn how our psychological blind spots, biases, and heuristic strategies, may lead to science denialism, and political polarization.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: The Revolution (Still) Comes From Within: Autofiction, Literary Analysis, and Narrative Mode
CRN: 42528
Days/Times: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Dan White
Locating the boundary between fiction and nonfiction implicates questions of craft, personal history, narrative technique, and creative writing as a method of social inquiry or engagement. Another way to conceive of this question is the definition of ‘autofiction,’ a term of considerable speculation and even controversy in the current literary landscape. This course will interrogate that definition and the surrounding questions to better understand the art and purpose of narrative form. There is clearly a difference between fiction and nonfiction, but how can we define them when every piece of creative work is inherently idiosyncratic and individual? How does narrative mode, and the relationship between the what and the how of a book, enter this discussion? Why does it matter, and how does the terminology we use about a book influence the way we read it and the way it speaks to us and our lives? Through the prism of a novel by the English writer Rachel Cusk, make a sophisticated argument about the question of autofiction and its associated implications, drawing upon scholarly sources and specific textual examples to help illustrate your points. Academic research—including an annotated bibliography and traditional scholarly paper—will provide the nexus between critical thought surrounding autofiction and your own literary textual analysis. The use of the novel should be seen as an aid to your task, giving you a plethora of examples to show how your definitions of fiction, nonfiction, and autofiction occur in writing. Ultimately, we will risk a definition, or at least a reduction in mystery, around the boundary of fiction vs nonfiction.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: The Revolution (Still) Comes From Within: Autofiction, Literary Analysis, and Narrative Mode
CRN: 14463
Days/Times: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Dan White
Locating the boundary between fiction and nonfiction implicates questions of craft, personal history, narrative technique, and creative writing as a method of social inquiry or engagement. Another way to conceive of this question is the definition of ‘autofiction,’ a term of considerable speculation and even controversy in the current literary landscape. This course will interrogate that definition and the surrounding questions to better understand the art and purpose of narrative form. There is clearly a difference between fiction and nonfiction, but how can we define them when every piece of creative work is inherently idiosyncratic and individual? How does narrative mode, and the relationship between the what and the how of a book, enter this discussion? Why does it matter, and how does the terminology we use about a book influence the way we read it and the way it speaks to us and our lives? Through the prism of a novel by the English writer Rachel Cusk, make a sophisticated argument about the question of autofiction and its associated implications, drawing upon scholarly sources and specific textual examples to help illustrate your points. Academic research—including an annotated bibliography and traditional scholarly paper—will provide the nexus between critical thought surrounding autofiction and your own literary textual analysis. The use of the novel should be seen as an aid to your task, giving you a plethora of examples to show how your definitions of fiction, nonfiction, and autofiction occur in writing. Ultimately, we will risk a definition, or at least a reduction in mystery, around the boundary of fiction vs nonfiction.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14409
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Scott Grunow
What psychosocial factors cause groups of persons to get involved in a disturbing dynamic of rumors, fears, and mass hysteria? In the late 20th and early 21st century, one has noticed several cases of mass hysteria, ranging from the moral panics such as “Satanic” day care centers in the 1980s and Pizzagate, to the viral spread of conspiracy theories such as QAnon, all of which have caused incidents of persecution and mob violence. Yet many of these incidents contain roots in previous movements dating as far back as the medieval period, often related to fears about the end of the world, the apocalypse. In this course, you will learn to form your own inquiry about our topic of rumors, fear, and the madness of crowds by learning the skills of analytical and research-based writing. You will learn the essential elements of writing a social sciences academic research paper. The first part of the course will focus on honing accurate and critical reading skills by summarizing shorter assigned readings and beginning what will become the reference list/abstract for your research paper. You will begin exploring a general research topic related to the topic of the course, focusing on what and how an incident or pattern of crowd behavior occurred. The second part of the course will move from restating another author’s claims and evidence, “they say” to responding to them critically with an “I say, based on they say” using the reading and writing techniques of analysis and synthesis. You will begin to tie in your more specific research topic and the sources you summarized in the annotated reference list to multiple crowd theorists we will read in this unit. The third part will involve your individual path of inquiry and research on a specific topic with a research paper proposal and accompanying annotated reference list and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Post-Truth: What Is It Good for?
CRN: 26882
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ovi Brici
We are living in a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern truth from fabrication, where “alternative facts” and strong feelings dominate logical reasoning. In this course, you will learn how to distinguish between objective and subjective material. In other words, you will learn how our psychological blind spots, biases, and heuristic strategies, may lead to science denialism, and political polarization.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry & Research: “Show Me Your Teeth, and I’ll Tell You Who You Are.
CRN: 42686
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Baby. Wisdom. Eye. False. No matter their condition, we’ve all got teeth. And that’s the topic of conversation for this course on Academic Writing. We’ll be using Mary Otto’s Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America as the starting point for research. In addition to four Writing Projects, expect short daily reading and writing assignments and plenty of group work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14471
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
In this course, we will examine the concepts of Crime through the lens of students’ individual academic majors. This is designed to not only define the terms “crime” and “punishment”, but how these definitions shift over time and between social groups. Students will be afforded opportunities to examine these shifting definitions and apply them to research focused around their own academic disciplines. Working with research methods that encourage personal and academic exploration, we will discover and elaborate on the cultural relevance of these definitions as they apply to the ethics, motives, and individual behaviors. We will examine modes of presentation (text, film, comic) that engage us with these cultural concepts and allow for students to discover research topics that will benefit both critical writing and reading skills as their college careers progress.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14443
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
In this course, we will examine the concepts of Crime through the lens of students’ individual academic majors. This is designed to not only define the terms “crime” and “punishment”, but how these definitions shift over time and between social groups. Students will be afforded opportunities to examine these shifting definitions and apply them to research focused around their own academic disciplines. Working with research methods that encourage personal and academic exploration, we will discover and elaborate on the cultural relevance of these definitions as they apply to the ethics, motives, and individual behaviors. We will examine modes of presentation (text, film, comic) that engage us with these cultural concepts and allow for students to discover research topics that will benefit both critical writing and reading skills as their college careers progress.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Gothic Afterlives
CRN: 14442
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15 Online
Instructor: Nicholas Dertinger
This course will examine Gothic’ literature’s influence on modern media, how it has delighted readers for centuries, and how the themes found in Gothic literature continue to be analyzed today. In this course you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our texts will explain how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Along with supplemental readings typically found on Blackboard, you will be able to organize and formulate a final research paper that utilizes all the skills we learn through the class. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper. This class will be a blend of synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: The Walk/er
CRN: 41131
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Heather McShane
What happens when we go for a walk or, for people who use wheelchairs, a roll? What or whom do we encounter? What if we do more than just passively move through the world? What if we find inspiration or even purpose? In this course, we will investigate these questions and others as we look at the impacts of walking in contemporary literature, art, and social issues like protests and migration. As a group and separately, we will walk. Walking will serve as the theme of the four major writing assignments required for English 161: an annotated bibliography, a literature review, a research paper proposal, and a research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing about the relationship between Gender/Sexuality and Film/Television
CRN: 14451
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: James Drown
Movies and television deliver information to us, both overtly and covertly, about social expectations concerning gender and sexuality. And because movies and television are embedded in the ideologies of their creators, it is basically impossible to make a show that does not address gender and sexuality in a way that is significant or controversial to one group or another. In relation to this, a question we might ask is “How much effect do these shows and films have on our expectations concerning gender and sexuality?” After all, media influence is only one of the social mechanisms that influence how we understand gender and sexuality.
We will be focusing on questions concerning this relationship between film/television and gender/sexuality. We will begin by examining various concepts and social theories, including readings by Stuart Hall, Judith Butler, Audre Lorde, Barthes and Foucault. We will also examine more general social theories/concepts, such as ideology, hegemony, semantics, and confirmation bias.
We will create an Annotated Bibliography for these and other readings, and using this information we will develop a research question. Once we have a research question, we will follow through by conducting research, considering what that research means, and writing a fully developed academic research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing About the Intersection of Art and Fashion: A Discourse on Visual Performance in Society
CRN: 14394
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Carrie McGath
In the age of social media, visual performance has taken center stage in our daily lives. In this class, we will engage in a discourse throughout the semester about what visual performance is and what it tells us about our society. We will be asking these questions over the course of the semester through the lens of art and fashion and how these artforms engage with social issues including race, gender and queerness, sustainability, and consumerism. Throughout the course, texts and visual media will facilitate a thoughtful discourse on how visual performance at the intersection of art and fashion comments on today’s society and the issues within the fabric of it. We will examine work by artists and designers who work with the social issues we will be discussing throughout the semester. Some visual artists we will examine include Bisa Butler, Kara Walker, Kehinde Wiley, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, Wendy Red Star, Nick Cave, Louise Bourgeois, Andrea Zittel, and more. In the arena of fashion, we will examine the phenomena of the MET Gala as well as designers and fashion houses including Vivienne Westwood, Virgil Abloh / Off-White, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Viktor and Rolf, and more. Our readings, discussions, and in-class activities will set you up for the four writing projects required in English 161. The first three independent research writing projects will culminate in a final research paper. The skills you will learn and hone in this course will nurture critical thinking, research, and inquiry while fostering strong academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry & Research: “Show Me Your Teeth, and I’ll Tell You Who You Are
CRN: 14389
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Baby. Wisdom. Eye. False. No matter their condition, we’ve all got teeth. And that’s the topic of conversation for this course on Academic Writing. We’ll be using Mary Otto’s Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America as the starting point for research. In addition to four Writing Projects, expect short daily reading and writing assignments and plenty of group work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 32293
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
In English 161, you will conduct independent research for the purpose of writing a documented research paper on some aspect of the topic of American corporations and industries and their place in our public and private lives. Through readings, videos, and discussion, we will inquire into and examine the impact of American corporations and industries on the government, economy, environment, our mental/physical health, the justice system, and more. We will also look closely at how corporate branding, advertising, and social media shape and impact perceptions of beauty, success, health, race, gender, justice, etc. These and other such inquiries will inform your own research endeavors. Over the course of the semester, you will learn about and put into practice the necessary elements of a sound, evidence-based argument with the aim of constructing a thorough, properly documented, and well-crafted argumentative research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing Toward a Queerer Nation
CRN: 14382
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Robin Gayle
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual, Intersex, Plus (LGBTQ+) Civil Rights Movement is a contentious development in the United States, teeming with social support & criticism, economic theories, sociological studies, and legal proceedings. In this writing course, you will enter contemporary discussions about some of the issues faced by the LGBTQ+ populations. Over the course of several writing projects, you will develop your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. As you focus your inquiry into a specific issue, you will immerse yourself into contemporary queer literature. Throughout the semester, you are invited to critically examine and actively participate in the discourse surrounding the LGBTQ+ communities.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Between Body and Mind: Narrative, Illness, and Medicine
CRN: 14472
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Bridget English
As humans, we inhabit bodies that are fragile and susceptible to illness and breakdown. Narratives—novels, films, television shows, and memoirs—provide us with a way of expressing and comprehending these experiences through plotting and sequence. But what is the relationship between these more subjective aspects of human existence, which most often find expression in literature and the arts, and medicine, a field that deals in facts and in objective data? At the heart of this opposition between medicine and the humanities is the view that the body and the mind exist as separate entities and must be treated accordingly.
In this class we will explore the relationship between medicine and the humanities by focusing on debates surrounding the incorporation of the humanities into a medical context. Through the examination of various kinds of narratives—medical, scholarly, public, literary, and visual—we will develop skills of academic research and writing. As part of the course, you will identify a topic of your own interest and will produce four writing projects related to this topic, culminating in a documented research paper that demonstrates your skills as an independent researcher on a topic related to illness, medicine, and the body.
ENG 161 Academic Writing II: Empathy
CRN: 14435
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
The human capacity for empathy—or the ability to feel and understand another person’s emotions—has long been considered a defining characteristic of the human race. Many have argued that it is what defines our humanity, and what separates good people from bad people.
Recent research, however, has cautioned that our abilities to recognize and understand other people’s emotions are deeply flawed, and that using empathy to make decisions has and will lead to systemic societal problems.
This class will explore, then, the human capacity for empathy—it’s strengths, weaknesses, benefits and shortcomings. As this is a writing course as well, we will also learn how to articulate your thoughts about empathy in a variety of academic and public genres, how to do effective research, and think critically about the rhetorical considerations a writer needs to make when communicating about a broad, interdisciplinary topic.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research (Prison Reform)
CRN: 32289
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Virginia Costello
This class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections between contemporary prison reform movements and politics, including content found on the following websites: The Marshall Project (news outlet), The Sentencing Project (no political affiliation), Right on Crime (conservative), and Critical Resistance (progressive). You will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, you will write and revise several drafts before you submit work for a grade. The emphasis, here, is on the process of writing; it paves the way to clear thinking. We will experiment with Artificial Intelligence at different stages of our writing. Our open-source text, Writing for Inquiry and Research, explains how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources and facts, construct a thesis, test the thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research (Prison Reform)
CRN: 26881
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Virginia Costello
This class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections between contemporary prison reform movements and politics, including content found on the following websites: The Marshall Project (news outlet), The Sentencing Project (no political affiliation), Right on Crime (conservative), and Critical Resistance (progressive). You will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, you will write and revise several drafts before you submit work for a grade. The emphasis, here, is on the process of writing; it paves the way to clear thinking. We will experiment with Artificial Intelligence at different stages of our writing. Our open-source text, Writing for Inquiry and Research, explains how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources and facts, construct a thesis, test the thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Between Body and Mind: Narrative, Illness, and Medicine
CRN: 42529
Days/Time: TR 2:00- 3:15
Instructor: Bridget English
As humans, we inhabit bodies that are fragile and susceptible to illness and breakdown. Narratives—novels, films, television shows, and memoirs—provide us with a way of expressing and comprehending these experiences through plotting and sequence. But what is the relationship between these more subjective aspects of human existence, which most often find expression in literature and the arts, and medicine, a field that deals in facts and in objective data? At the heart of this opposition between medicine and the humanities is the view that the body and the mind exist as separate entities and must be treated accordingly.
In this class we will explore the relationship between medicine and the humanities by focusing on debates surrounding the incorporation of the humanities into a medical context. Through the examination of various kinds of narratives—medical, scholarly, public, literary, and visual—we will develop skills of academic research and writing. As part of the course, you will identify a topic of your own interest and will produce four writing projects related to this topic, culminating in a documented research paper that demonstrates your skills as an independent researcher on a topic related to illness, medicine, and the body.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: The Walk/er
CRN: 22116
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Heather McShane
What happens when we go for a walk or, for people who use wheelchairs, a roll? What or whom do we encounter? What if we do more than just passively move through the world? What if we find inspiration or even purpose? In this course, we will investigate these questions and others as we look at the impacts of walking in contemporary literature, art, and social issues like protests and migration. As a group and separately, we will walk. Walking will serve as the theme of the four major writing assignments required for English 161: an annotated bibliography, a literature review, a research paper proposal, and a research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing about the relationship between Gender/Sexuality and Film/Television
CRN: 14390
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: James Drown
Movies and television deliver information to us, both overtly and covertly, about social expectations concerning gender and sexuality. And because movies and television are embedded in the ideologies of their creators, it is basically impossible to make a show that does not address gender and sexuality in a way that is significant or controversial to one group or another. In relation to this, a question we might ask is “How much effect do these shows and films have on our expectations concerning gender and sexuality?” After all, media influence is only one of the social mechanisms that influence how we understand gender and sexuality.
We will be focusing on questions concerning this relationship between film/television and gender/sexuality. We will begin by examining various concepts and social theories, including readings by Stuart Hall, Judith Butler, Audre Lorde, Barthes and Foucault. We will also examine more general social theories/concepts, such as ideology, hegemony, semantics, and confirmation bias.
We will create an Annotated Bibliography for these and other readings, and using this information we will develop a research question. Once we have a research question, we will follow through by conducting research, considering what that research means, and writing a fully developed academic research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Post-Truth: What Is It Good for?
CRN: 14464
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Ovi Brici
We are living in a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern truth from fabrication, where “alternative facts” and strong feelings dominate logical reasoning. In this course, you will learn how to distinguish between objective and subjective material. In other words, you will learn how our psychological blind spots, biases, and heuristic strategies, may lead to science denialism, and political polarization.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 32292
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Scott Grunow
What psychosocial factors cause groups of persons to get involved in a disturbing dynamic of rumors, fears, and mass hysteria? In the late 20th and early 21st century, one has noticed several cases of mass hysteria, ranging from the moral panics such as “Satanic” day care centers in the 1980s and Pizzagate, to the viral spread of conspiracy theories such as QAnon, all of which have caused incidents of persecution and mob violence. Yet many of these incidents contain roots in previous movements dating as far back as the medieval period, often related to fears about the end of the world, the apocalypse. In this course, you will learn to form your own inquiry about our topic of rumors, fear, and the madness of crowds by learning the skills of analytical and research-based writing. You will learn the essential elements of writing a social sciences academic research paper. The first part of the course will focus on honing accurate and critical reading skills by summarizing shorter assigned readings and beginning what will become the reference list/abstract for your research paper. You will begin exploring a general research topic related to the topic of the course, focusing on what and how an incident or pattern of crowd behavior occurred. The second part of the course will move from restating another author’s claims and evidence, “they say” to responding to them critically with an “I say, based on they say” using the reading and writing techniques of analysis and synthesis. You will begin to tie in your more specific research topic and the sources you summarized in the annotated reference list to multiple crowd theorists we will read in this unit. The third part will involve your individual path of inquiry and research on a specific topic with a research paper proposal and accompanying annotated reference list and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing About the Intersection of Art and Fashion: A Discourse on Visual Performance in Society
CRN: 29119
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Carrie McGath
In the age of social media, visual performance has taken center stage in our daily lives. In this class, we will engage in a discourse throughout the semester about what visual performance is and what it tells us about our society. We will be asking these questions over the course of the semester through the lens of art and fashion and how these artforms engage with social issues including race, gender and queerness, sustainability, and consumerism. Throughout the course, texts and visual media will facilitate a thoughtful discourse on how visual performance at the intersection of art and fashion comments on today’s society and the issues within the fabric of it. We will examine work by artists and designers who work with the social issues we will be discussing throughout the semester. Some visual artists we will examine include Bisa Butler, Kara Walker, Kehinde Wiley, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, Wendy Red Star, Nick Cave, Louise Bourgeois, Andrea Zittel, and more. In the arena of fashion, we will examine the phenomena of the MET Gala as well as designers and fashion houses including Vivienne Westwood, Virgil Abloh / Off-White, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Viktor and Rolf, and more. Our readings, discussions, and in-class activities will set you up for the four writing projects required in English 161. The first three independent research writing projects will culminate in a final research paper. The skills you will learn and hone in this course will nurture critical thinking, research, and inquiry while fostering strong academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14446
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 161 is an academic writing course where students explore a topic as a community of inquiry. This section will focus on Chicago neighborhoods: how they are defined, what they mean, the kinds of identities and ways of life they support, the roles they play in local politics and economies, the ways they bring people together or keep them apart, and how they change. We will initially focus on the neighborhoods that surround the UIC campus, but our inquiry will take us across the City of Chicago and into a diverse and intersecting group of communities. This course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by genres of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Gothic Afterlives
CRN: 32287
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15 Online
Instructor: Nicholas Dertinger
This course will examine Gothic’ literature’s influence on modern media, how it has delighted readers for centuries, and how the themes found in Gothic literature continue to be analyzed today. In this course you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our texts will explain how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Along with supplemental readings typically found on Blackboard, you will be able to organize and formulate a final research paper that utilizes all the skills we learn through the class. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper. This class will be a blend of synchronous and asynchronous instruction
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14444
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
In English 161, you will conduct independent research for the purpose of writing a documented research paper on some aspect of the topic of American corporations and industries and their place in our public and private lives. Through readings, videos, and discussion, we will inquire into and examine the impact of American corporations and industries on the government, economy, environment, our mental/physical health, the justice system, and more. We will also look closely at how corporate branding, advertising, and social media shape and impact perceptions of beauty, success, health, race, gender, justice, etc. These and other such inquiries will inform your own research endeavors. Over the course of the semester, you will learn about and put into practice the necessary elements of a sound, evidence-based argument with the aim of constructing a thorough, properly documented, and well-crafted argumentative research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing Toward a Queerer Nation
CRN: 14458
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Robin Gayle
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual, Intersex, Plus (LGBTQ+) Civil Rights Movement is a contentious development in the United States, teeming with social support & criticism, economic theories, sociological studies, and legal proceedings. In this writing course, you will enter contemporary discussions about some of the issues faced by the LGBTQ+ populations. Over the course of several writing projects, you will develop your critical thinking and analytical writing skills. As you focus your inquiry into a specific issue, you will immerse yourself into contemporary queer literature. Throughout the semester, you are invited to critically examine and actively participate in the discourse surrounding the LGBTQ+ communities.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: What is Culture? Criticism, Circulation, Commodification
CRN: 32295
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Corbin Hiday
In his 1976 book, Keywords, literary and cultural critic Raymond Williams calls culture “one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language.” Throughout this course, we will explore the stakes of such an assertion. We will attempt to address the following questions, among others: What is culture? What differentiates historical phases of cultural production? What are the genres of cultural criticism? What is the relation between cultural production and the economy? In doing so, we will, following Williams, attempt to understand culture through “the central question of the relations between ‘material’ and ‘symbolic’ production.” We will engage with a variety of cultural objects, across the literary and visual arts. Additionally, we will read cultural criticism and try to untangle its contemporary contradictions and iterations—across emergent genres. Ultimately, our readings, discussions, and in-class activities will provide the foundation for the four writing projects required in English 161, culminating in a research paper on a topic of your choosing based on our course theme. The skills you will learn and practice in this course will nurture critical thinking, research, and inquiry while fostering strong academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Between Body and Mind: Narrative, Illness, and Medicine
CRN: 14468
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Bridget English
As humans, we inhabit bodies that are fragile and susceptible to illness and breakdown. Narratives—novels, films, television shows, and memoirs—provide us with a way of expressing and comprehending these experiences through plotting and sequence. But what is the relationship between these more subjective aspects of human existence, which most often find expression in literature and the arts, and medicine, a field that deals in facts and in objective data? At the heart of this opposition between medicine and the humanities is the view that the body and the mind exist as separate entities and must be treated accordingly.
In this class we will explore the relationship between medicine and the humanities by focusing on debates surrounding the incorporation of the humanities into a medical context. Through the examination of various kinds of narratives—medical, scholarly, public, literary, and visual—we will develop skills of academic research and writing. As part of the course, you will identify a topic of your own interest and will produce four writing projects related to this topic, culminating in a documented research paper that demonstrates your skills as an independent researcher on a topic related to illness, medicine, and the body.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing about the relationship between Gender/Sexuality and Film/Television
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: What is Culture? Criticism, Circulation, Commodification
CRN: 14425
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Corbin Hiday
In his 1976 book, Keywords, literary and cultural critic Raymond Williams calls culture “one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language.” Throughout this course, we will explore the stakes of such an assertion. We will attempt to address the following questions, among others: What is culture? What differentiates historical phases of cultural production? What are the genres of cultural criticism? What is the relation between cultural production and the economy? In doing so, we will, following Williams, attempt to understand culture through “the central question of the relations between ‘material’ and ‘symbolic’ production.” We will engage with a variety of cultural objects, across the literary and visual arts. Additionally, we will read cultural criticism and try to untangle its contemporary contradictions and iterations—across emergent genres. Ultimately, our readings, discussions, and in-class activities will lead to four writing projects required in English 161, culminating in a research paper on a topic of your choosing based on our course theme. The skills you will learn and practice in this course will nurture critical thinking, research, and inquiry while fostering strong academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14460
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 161 is an academic writing course where students explore a topic as a community of inquiry. This section will focus on Chicago neighborhoods: how they are defined, what they mean, the kinds of identities and ways of life they support, the roles they play in local politics and economies, the ways they bring people together or keep them apart, and how they change. We will initially focus on the neighborhoods that surround the UIC campus, but our inquiry will take us across the City of Chicago and into a diverse and intersecting group of communities. This course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by genres of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: What is Culture? Criticism, Circulation, Commodification
CRN: 14418
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Corbin Hiday
In his 1976 book, Keywords, literary and cultural critic Raymond Williams calls culture “one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language.” Throughout this course, we will explore the stakes of such an assertion. We will attempt to address the following questions, among others: What is culture? What differentiates historical phases of cultural production? What are the genres of cultural criticism? What is the relation between cultural production and the economy? In doing so, we will, following Williams, attempt to understand culture through “the central question of the relations between ‘material’ and ‘symbolic’ production.” We will engage with a variety of cultural objects, across the literary and visual arts. Additionally, we will read cultural criticism and try to untangle its contemporary contradictions and iterations—across emergent genres. Ultimately, our readings, discussions, and in-class activities will provide the foundation for the four writing projects required in English 161, culminating in a research paper on a topic of your choosing based on our course theme. The skills you will learn and practice in this course will nurture critical thinking, research, and inquiry while fostering strong academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing About the Intersection of Art and Fashion: A Discourse on Visual Performance in Society
CRN: 14437
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Carrie McGath
In the age of social media, visual performance has taken center stage in our daily lives. In this class, we will engage in a discourse throughout the semester about what visual performance is and what it tells us about our society. We will be asking these questions over the course of the semester through the lens of art and fashion and how these artforms engage with social issues including race, gender and queerness, sustainability, and consumerism. Throughout the course, texts and visual media will facilitate a thoughtful discourse on how visual performance at the intersection of art and fashion comments on today’s society and the issues within the fabric of it. We will examine work by artists and designers who work with the social issues we will be discussing throughout the semester. Some visual artists we will examine include Bisa Butler, Kara Walker, Kehinde Wiley, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, Wendy Red Star, Nick Cave, Louise Bourgeois, Andrea Zittel, and more. In the arena of fashion, we will examine the phenomena of the MET Gala as well as designers and fashion houses including Vivienne Westwood, Virgil Abloh / Off-White, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Viktor and Rolf, and more. Our readings, discussions, and in-class activities will set you up for the four writing projects required in English 161. The first three independent research writing projects will culminate in a final research paper. The skills you will learn and hone in this course will nurture critical thinking, research, and inquiry while fostering strong academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Bleep That: Censorship in Contemporary American Society
CRN: 29120
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Brennan Lawler
The concept of “censorship” is often constructed as a problem of bygone eras and backwards political regimes – a supposed casualty of America’s steady march toward liberal progress and ever-increasing freedoms. In this course, we will examine the history of American censorship, from the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts to Tumblr’s 2018 ban on adult content, to unwind the ways in which censorship continues to function in American culture today.
Over the course of the semester, we will examine the ways in which censorship and the concept of free speech have evolved over time, eventually taking up specific issues of censorship in the realms of television and film, music, literature, and the Internet. As the major assignment in the course, you will conduct your own original research in relation to the course theme, writing an 8–10-page researched argument based on a specific censorship-related issue of your choosing.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis
CRN: 46009, 46163
Days/Time: MW 3:00–4:15
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
This course is an introduction to how people, often literary scholars, and critics, analyze and interpret literature and other creative works using different approaches. In this class, we will become familiar with some of those approaches by reading works of literature and criticism and experimenting with them ourselves. Throughout the semester, we will use different methods of critical analysis as lenses or frameworks for evaluating narratives and the choices authors make in the process of creating them. We will consider the strategies that scholars use to agree and disagree with each other as they engage in conversation about texts and about their work more generally. Although the course will focus on new and evolving theories that shape much of scholarly conversation in the twenty-first century, we will also pay attention to the history of literary criticism. Since conversation is a vital part of literary discourse, everyone should be ready to engage in discussion of the assigned readings for each session.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis
CRN: 46613, 46168
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Esmeralda Arrizon Palomera
ENGL 209 English Studies II: 17th Century to Today
CRN: 46583
Days/Time: MW 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Mark Canuel
This course surveys literature in English by authors from the enlightenment to the present. Beginning the course with Augustans in Britain, we focus on literary works as imaginative resources for exploring personal development and political communities. From great chains of being to dreams of imperial conquest and decay, our travels through literary works will track the changing face of literary English as a global phenomenon. We will account for the history of English as a British national literature and as an ever-mutating literature of colonial expansion, revolution, and resistance. Along the way, we’ll emphasize skills of both close and distant reading, focusing on formal characteristics of poetry and fiction, while expanding our view to contextualize literary writing within ages of revolutionary change. Topics to be considered will include Britain’s actual and imagined connections with different peoples, regions, nations, and empires; the connection between literary imagination and constructions of national and imperial spaces; and the interactions between literary genres and political affiliations, constructions, and constitutions. Works that we will study will include Alexander Pope’s _Essay on Man_, Jane Austen’s _Pride and Prejudice_, and poems by Walt Whitman and Derek Walcott. Lecture classes on Monday/Wednesday are followed by a required discussion section on Friday. Requirements include regular attendance, 2 essays, occasional other assignments or quizzes, mid-term, and final examinations.
ENGL 213 Introduction to Shakespeare: The Raw and the Cooked
CRN: 46628, 46497
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50 AM
Instructor: Jeffrey Gore
Subtitled “The Raw and the Cooked,” this course will pair Shakespeare’s early experimental works with the more refined comedies and tragedies from the height of his career. We will juxtapose the early slapstick humor of The Taming of the Shrew with Twelfth Night’s gender-bending plot twists to understand better different kinds of comedy and different forms of social negotiation. Although T. S. Eliot referred to Shakespeare’s early tragedy Titus Andronicus as “one of the stupidest. . . plays ever written,” recent scholarship on gender, race, and trauma challenges us to examine more deeply the play’s cannibalism and escalating cycles of revenge. “To be or not to be” will certainly be one of the questions when we turn to the author’s tragic masterpiece Hamlet – written a decade after Titus – but so will be the lead character’s bawdy humor and hapless efforts to be the avenging warrior that his father was. These pairs will help us to understand different approaches to storytelling during the years that Shakespeare was most devoted to experimentation and refining his craft.
ENGL 213 Introduction to Shakespeare
CRN: 46629, 46498
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Gary Buslik
Shakespeare is fun! This course will introduce you to the life, times, and work of the great poet, dramatist, and inventive genius of the English language, William Shakespeare. We’ll read a lively biography about him, his work, and Elizabethan theater. We’ll read and discuss plays and sonnets. We’ll also watch filmed productions of the Bard’s most famous plays. We’ll have a great time learning a lot about the most famous writer who ever lived!
ENGL 223 The Literature of Decolonization: A Global Perspective
CRN: 46499
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Sunil Agnani
Dive into the multifaceted realm of postcolonial literature through an exploration of the literary narratives emerging from the shadows of imperial dominance. This course delves into the rich tapestry of 20th-century writings from regions affected by European colonialism, through a spectrum of fiction, essays, and cinematic expressions that mirror the colonial period and its aftermath.
We begin with works by key European authors—Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling—then shift to those in the colonies to examine the cultural impact of empire, anti-colonial nationalism (Gandhi, Frantz Fanon, Aime Césaire), and the role played by exile and diaspora communities. What challenges do works from writers on the receiving end of empire—such as Assia Djebar, J.M. Coetzee, Michael Ondaatje, and Salman Rushdie—pose to the conventional idea of justice? How do they reveal contradictions within the languages of liberalism and progress that emerged in 19th-century Europe? How do such writers rework the classic forms of the novel? Finally, how does the Black Atlantic shade into the Indian Ocean, with the abolition of slavery and the rise of indentureship in the 1830s? We will read Amitav Ghosh to find out.
ENGL 230 Film and Culture: Science Fiction and Society in the twentieth century
CRN: 46500
Days/Time: T 3:30-4:45/ R 3:30 -6:15
Instructor: James Drown
Film and its visual media outgrowths (such as television series, cable and now YouTube and TikTok) have become an integral part of daily modern life. And these films are fascinating to study as they can not only reflect culture but can also help propel cultural change. Films and related media are the form we use for much of our modern storytelling that perpetuates and shifts our cultural history and myths. Science fiction is interesting in this way, as it envisions and fictionalizes a future, while actually examining and commenting on the present. We will begin my viewing a pair of films from the early twentieth century, Metropolis and Things to Come, in order to ground ourselves in some media and cultural theory. We will then continue watching and examining other populist science fiction films from the 20th century (with one or two possible exceptions) as cultural artifacts that reflect the historical moment, deep-seated social beliefs, and whose analysis may ultimately help us better understand the world we currently live in. Requirements for the class include weekly film responses, a group project analyzing a set of films, as well as a take-home midterm and final. After this class, viewing films will become a richer experience that will allow you to see the world around you in new ways.
ENGL 237 Graphic Novels: Comics and Cognitive Literary Theory
CRN: 46172
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
In 2013, a pair of social researchers from the New School made the astonishing claim that reading improved a person’s ability to empathize. The researchers found that fiction that focuses on the characters interiority—emotions and states of mind—gave readers the space to practice Theory of Mind, or the capacity to recognize the mental states of people around us, a cognitive ability tied to our empathy. This course will test that hypothesis with comics. We will read and discuss a variety of what might be called “literary” comics in a different genres and formats. We will explore how reading impacts our brain, if our ability to understand the emotional and mental states of others in the real world improves, and the way language limits and complicates this very exploration.
ENGL 245 Being and Becoming LGBTQ+ in 20th century American Literature
CRN: 46174
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Jared OConnor
In this course, we will read a wide selection of LGBTQ+ texts from 20th century America. We will explore the development of LGBTQ+ representation by engaging several intersectional voices integral to (and often forgotten in) the American literary canon. To develop a deeper understanding of LGBTQ+ literary contributions to the American canon, we will read across genres, including theatre, poetry, and novels. In our focus on LGTBQ+ subjects and their representation through a variety of literary genres, we will attempt to unravel the complex social, cultural, aesthetic, and political realities of the LGBTQ+ community in 20th century America.
ENGL 247 Women and Literature: Chicana Literature
CRN: 46178
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Esmeralda Arrizon Palomera
This course is an introductory survey of Chicana literature. Students will read a variety of texts such as novels, memoirs, short stories, poetry, plays and films by Chicana writers. By the end of this course, students will be able to identify and discuss key concepts and major themes in Chicana literature, examine Chicana literature with attention to aesthetic movements, cultural traditions, and historical context, and determine Chicana literature’s contribution to the development of Chicana Feminist Thought.
ENGL 251 Literature and Environment
CRN: 47358
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Jay Yencich
When speaking of environmental advocates, the portrait in our minds is often of an upper-middle class male defending his right to access mountains, forests, or lakes, an image which has changed little since the Romantic poets were tromping around England’s Lake District or Thoreau camped out at Walden Pond. However, environmentalist literature was not something “invented” in the 19th century, nor is it predominantly a concern of the white or wealthy, nor is it preoccupied with questions of access alone. There are deeper historical origins to the movement, along with diverse representatives speaking up on behalf of a wide range of ecosystems, a complexity one should expect when talking about a system as intricate as nature! While we will be engaging with works written in English or in translation, this course aims to take a broader account of how and why literature reflects the environment using a variety of forms / media, perspectives, and styles.
ENGL 264 Introduction to Native American Literature
CRN: 46180
Days/Time: MWF 12-12:50
Instructor: John Casey
Still here today” is a phrase meant to remind people that Native American communities and cultures are all around us. Too often the study of these literatures is treated as a historical exercise in analyzing creation myths and trickster tales. Although we will read some of these older stories, the texts we will focus most of our attention on are those building upon earlier traditions and showing readers how Native American culture is experienced and expressed in more modern times. Readings for this class will include some criticism to guide us in our analysis such as Thomas King’s The Truth About Stories, which will serve as our main text for this purpose. Fiction readings will include works by authors such as Louise Erdrich, Leslie Marmon Silko, James Welch, Tommy Orange, and Joy Harjo. We will also watch episodes of the FX streaming series Reservation Dogs. Assignments will involve a research paper focused on a specific Native American narrative technique and a short biography of a Native American author. You will also be asked to complete in-class writing assignments that we will use to guide class discussions on the assigned readings.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 46187
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Jeffrey C. Kessler
This course will introduce students to genres in professional media and communication with close attention to writing with directness and clarity. We will discuss many aspects of professional writing, developing a rhetorical mindset towards genres in journalism, feature writing, and digital media. Along with several shorter writing assignments, students will produce a portfolio of their work presented on a personal webpage. English 280 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 46185
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
This course will introduce students to genres in professional media and communication with close attention to writing with directness and clarity. We will discuss many aspects of professional writing, developing a rhetorical mindset towards genres in journalism, feature writing, and digital media. Along with several shorter writing assignments, students will produce a portfolio of their work presented on a personal webpage. English 280 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice
CRN: 46587, 46189
Days/Time: W 9:30 – 10:45
Instructor: Katharine Romero
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels.
The course is reading- and writing-intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
Prerequisite: A or a B in English 161 (or the equivalent transfer course) or in
other courses that have a substantial writing requirement.
ENGL 290 Introduction to the Writing of Poetry
CRN: 46193
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15 Synchronous
Instructor: Eni Vaghy
It was Percy Bysshe Shelley who defined poetry as the thing that “…lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.” Shelley’s description of crafting poems endows a writer with something akin to a magical power, awarding them with the ability to perceive experiences, objects, and people in a more thorough, experimental, and vibrant manner. This remarkable way of looking at and responding to the world will carry us through the course as we analyze approaches to description, imagery, voice/tone, form, the stanza, etc. and implement these techniques in our own work and critically assess them in brief reflection essays. As our course will be following the workshop format, you will be given the opportunity to share your poems and thoughts on poetry with your peers and hear theirs in return. By this, you will be given the precious opportunity to form a community of emerging writers committed to the strengthening of their interests in the literary arts and the facilitation of each other’s work.\
ENGL 290 Introduction to the Writing of Poetry
CRN: 46194
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Snezana Zabic
The oldest extant written poems with a named author are by Sumerian poet Enheduanna who lived and died four millennia ago. Since Enheduanna’s era, written poetry has gone through staggering changes, yet it always spirals back to its main sources: voice, body, and community. In this course, students will study individual poems and single-author collections published online and in print, and they will draft, revise, and polish their own poems, giving each other feedback throughout the process. Making poems is also a form of play, and students will get to partially erase or chop up other texts and remix them, accompany words with images, sound, and/or movement, and they’ll go for walks in order to draw inspiration from the outdoors.
ENGL 291 Introduction to the Writing of Fiction. The “Many Hats” model: the critic and the creative.
CRN: 46197
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
As fiction writers, we get used to the wardrobe changes. We wear many hats. We write. Then we edit. We read, then we rewrite. We develop our critical voice. Then we learn to quiet the critic so we can write in peace.
Just as an actor watches a movie with an eye to how a given performer delivers a line, for a writer, reading is every bit as technical as the reading you might do in a literature class. But a writer isn’t just the actor; a writer is also the director, cinematographer, camera operator, set designer, dialogue coach, and, well, the writer.
Each of these hats helps to dramatize your story. To turn them into skills that you can use in your fiction, the first half of this course will help develop your critical reading skills. You go from reading only for pleasure or for literary analysis to being a reader who also reads for technique, who reads to measure the effect of the writing on another reader, who reads with the goal of beginning or improving your own creative fiction writing. As such, even if you don’t see yourself as a fiction writer, in 291 you’ll learn more about how fiction works by trying your hand at it. In the first half of the course, you’ll read a few short stories and novel excerpts a week and then write a page or two of your own fiction in imitation of these.
In the second half of the course, each of you will use your newfound skills to write two of your own stories and workshop them with your classmates.
ENGL 291 Introduction to the Writing of Fiction
CRN: 46195
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Rebecca Fishow
This course is an introduction to the art and craft of writing fiction. We will study the fundamentals of literary storytelling, with a particular emphasis on the mechanics of characterization, point of view, plot, theme, and other elements of literary craft. During the first half of the semester, you will read and discuss short stories by established authors. Rather than analyzing these texts for cultural significance or meaning, we will be learning to “read like writers,” with a goal of gleaning insight into how stories work from the ground up, and how the “moving parts” of fiction form something complete and meaningful. In addition to these readings, you will participate in craft lectures and explore in-class creative writing activities. This analytical and imaginative work will transition into an in-person workshop in the second half of the semester. You will submit two original short stories to your peers, who will provide you with substantive feedback and constructive criticism to help you further refine your writing. You will be expected to provide thoughtful commentary on your peers’ work, just as they do for your work.
ENGL 316 British Romantic Literature: Romantic Nature
CRN: 35392
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Mark Canuel
Romantic writers are perhaps best known for their interest in nature: they wrote poems and novels that continue to thrill us with their vivid representations of sublime mountains or winding rivers recollected in tranquility. In our own age of visible climate change and increasingly politicized focus on the environment, Romantic nature seems as relevant as ever, even if often misunderstood. What was the Romantic interest in nature really about? In this course, we examine the multiple facets of “nature” in the literature of the 1770s to the early 1820s, beginning with influential scientific writing on the natural world; we follow this with an exploration of the connections that arose among the fields of science, politics, religion, and literature. From Anna Barbauld’s meditations on cosmic structures to Victor Frankenstein’s ambitions for eliminating diseases and defects in human bodies, our studies will focus on literature as a creative arena for exploring the natural world and its interactions with human imagination and construction. Both the value of natural environments, and controversial opinions that swirl around them, were as alive in the Romantic age as they are today. Requirements: attendance, short quizzes, or other exercises, 2 short papers, one research paper, midterm, and final examinations.
ENGL 331 Studies in the Moving Image: Film Noir
CRN: 4672 3
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Angela Dancey
The fast-talking, morally ambiguous detective. The seductive femme fatale, or dangerous woman. Dark and rainy city streets. Plot twists and betrayals. Cigarette smoke and deep shadows. These are some of the familiar tropes of film noir, a cycle of Hollywood crime films made in the 1940s and 1950s that continues to fascinate viewers, engage scholars, and influence filmmakers. In this course, we will examine the origins of film noir, its evolution, and its intersections with other genres and movements. We will explore the formal aspects of film noir, including its distinctive mise-en-scene and story-telling techniques, and analyze its representations of gender, sexuality, and race. Assigned films include representative film noir from the classical period (The Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity, Out of the Past), more recent interpretations or “neo-noir” films (Chinatown, Devil in a Blue Dress), and noir hybrids (Mildred Pierce, Blade Runner). Students will read key texts, participate in class discussion, and complete frequent writing assignments.
ENGL 350 Disability Studies
CRN: 46990
Days/Time: W 3:00-5:30
Instructor: Lennard Davis
The aim of this class is read and comprehend disability and Deafness and their application to literature, film, and other media. We will understand the social model of disability and its limitations. We will look at issues around identity, gender, race, class, sexuality, and representation.
ENGL 382 Editing and Publishing
CRN: 38558
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
In this course, students will study editorial oversight, copy editing/line editing techniques, style requirements, grammar as a stylistic tool, and industry standards with variations in both traditional and self-publishing. Students will learn the business behind the books. Basic design skills will also be taught for producing a cover and a book interior while adhering to publishing best practices.
ENGL 382 Editing and Publishing
CRN: 42600
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
In this course, students will study editorial oversight, copy editing/line editing techniques, style requirements, grammar as a stylistic tool, and industry standards with variations in both traditional and self-publishing. Students will learn the business behind the books. Basic design skills will also be taught for producing a cover and a book interior while adhering to publishing best practices.
ENGL 383 Writing Digital and New Media
CRN: 39948
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10-45
Instructor: Philip Hayek
Writers increasingly rely on digital media to conduct their work, and the definition of “writing” is evolving to include visual communication, audio and video editing, content management, and social media. Writing Digital and New Media is designed to familiarize you with all of these topics through theoretical exploration of digital media and practical training with a variety of software tools. Broadly stated, the key goal of this course is to increase your “digital literacies.” Learning how to use new software programs is certainly important, but genuine literacy requires more than facility with tools; it involves the ability to understand and critique digital media, then create original, rhetorically effective digital compositions. To accomplish this goal, we will read and discuss some of the most influential writers on digital literacy, then we will apply the concepts we’ve read to our own digital media projects. Our class sessions will be a mix of reading discussion, artifact analysis, and software workshop. You should expect to experiment with unfamiliar technologies every day you come to class, and you should be prepared for some of these experiments to go terribly wrong. Failure and frustration are standard experiences when working with digital media, but they are not valid justifications for giving up. When you encounter technical problems in this class, you can get help from a variety of sources, including your classmates, campus resources, and I will do whatever I can to help you navigate the sometimes treacherous waters of digital media.
ENGL 383 Writing Digital and New Media
CRN: 38535
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Philip Hayek
Writers increasingly rely on digital media to conduct their work, and the definition of “writing” is evolving to include visual communication, audio and video editing, content management, and social media. Writing Digital and New Media is designed to familiarize you with all of these topics through theoretical exploration of digital media and practical training with a variety of software tools. Broadly stated, the key goal of this course is to increase your “digital literacies.” Learning how to use new software programs is certainly important, but genuine literacy requires more than facility with tools; it involves the ability to understand and critique digital media, then create original, rhetorically effective digital compositions. To accomplish this goal, we will read and discuss some of the most influential writers on digital literacy, then we will apply the concepts we’ve read to our own digital media projects. Our class sessions will be a mix of reading discussion, artifact analysis, and software workshop. You should expect to experiment with unfamiliar technologies every day you come to class, and you should be prepared for some of these experiments to go terribly wrong. Failure and frustration are standard experiences when working with digital media, but they are not valid justifications for giving up. When you encounter technical problems in this class, you can get help from a variety of sources, including your classmates, campus resources, and I will do whatever I can to help you navigate the sometimes treacherous waters of digital media.
ENGL 384 technical Writing
CRN: 43679
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Philip Hayek
In this course, we will examine—first broadly and then with increased specificity—the types of writing required of most professionals in fields like business, medicine, science, technology and law, from the extremely basic to the more complex. We will also explore and become familiar with many real-life aspects behind the creation of technical writing, such as collaboration and presentation. Frequent opportunities to practice these skills and to incorporate knowledge you have gained in your science and technology courses will be integrated with exercises in peer review and revision. We will learn to pay attention to analyzing audience and purpose, organizing information, designing graphic aids, and writing such specialized forms as instructions, proposals and reports. Non-English majors in the STEM fields are encouraged to take this course in order to build writing skills that are directly applicable to your major coursework and projects.
ENGL 388 Writing For the Health Professions: From Madness to Mental Health
CRN: 46602
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Kim O’Neil
This is a course designed for pre-health profession students, psychology students, English students and all students interested in the field of health humanities as ways of investigating how structural racism, social inequities, and medical biases perpetuate health disparities, and the different ways writing can advocate for health justice.
In this course we will ask who decides how mental illnesses are narrated–diagnosed, attributed, and treated? How have gender, race, class, ability, and sexual orientation affected the treatment and experiences of people deemed “mad”? To answer these questions, we will look backward to the history of psychiatric discourse from degeneracy to hysteria, shell shock to paraphilia, and protest psychosis. We will consider how theoretical lenses from fields such as disability studies, medical anthropology, and public health can help us think in complex ways about the root causes of mental health inequity. We will “read as writers” texts ranging from patient narratives, memoirs, and journalism to creative non-fiction to consider how the formal and rhetorical choices across these genres can inform our own writing about these topics.
ENGL 435 Images of Asia in American Culture
CRN: 46866 UG , 46867 GRAD
Days/Time: R 3:30-6:00
Instructor: Mark Chiang
This course will trace discourses and representations of Asia in American culture from the colonial period to the 20th century, including art, material objects, cultural practices, literature, film, and music. We will examine the purposes, functions, contradictions, and consequences of Asia and Asians in the American racial imaginary, beginning with the commercial trade with Asia in the early history of the Americas, the arrival of Chinese in the US and the development of the anti-Chinese movement in the 19th century, the period of Asian exclusion, World War II, the postwar occupation of Japan and the Cold War, and ending with the rise of Japan and the “Asian economic miracle” of the 1970s and 1980s. The course will explore questions of race, gender, sexuality, labor, immigration, capitalism, imperialism, eugenics, and the family, among others. Texts for the class will include anti-Chinese plays, the various permutations of Madame Butterfly, writers such as Jack London, Lothrop Stoddard, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Sui Sin Far, and Don Delillo, and such films as Piccadilly, Sayonara, Flower Drum Song, Lawrence of Arabia, and Rising Sun.
ENGL 446 Afro pessimism: A Critical Overview
CRN: 24820, 24821
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Ainsworth Clarke
Afro pessimism is a provocative and increasingly influential current of black critical theory that reassesses and contests the theoretical investments that have dominated cultural studies over the last generation. Identified principally with the work of Frank Wilderson and Jarod Sexton, Afro pessimism proposes a “different conceptual framework,” one that dispenses with the “theoretical aphasia” it argues marks cultural studies and that informs the latter’s inability to genuinely consider the question of power. The aim of this course is to interrogate the theoretical assumptions on which these claims rest and situate Afro pessimism in relation to other important currents in black critical theory. Along with the work of Wilderson and Sexton, we will be reading Saidiya Hartman, Katherine McKittrick, Fred Moten, Kevin Quashie, and the recent work of Christina Sharpe, amongst others.
ENGL 454 Rhetoric: Rhetoric, Technology, Metaphysics
CRN: 46995 UG, 46996 GRAD
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Robin Reames
Technology—including social media and AI—is by turns critiqued and praised. Critics blame technology and social media for the destruction of civil society, democracy, discourse, and thought. Advocates, by contrast, laud it as the herald of a utopian age of meta-intelligence and super-consciousness, or what Google’s Ray Kurzweil has named “the singularity.” This course explores these critiques and commendations by placing them within their context in the history of ideas. We will examine how technology’s opponents and proponents alike implicitly engage in the foundational questions of rhetoric and metaphysics. How does faith in a future technological singularity re-envision the West’s metaphysical search for pure Being? How does the suspicion of technology reiterate the critique of literate and rhetorical technologies that arise at the very beginning of the rhetorical tradition with the “literate revolution” in Greece? And how do both attempt to define—both with and against the history of rhetoric and metaphysics—an ideal notion of what it means to be human? And what, if anything, is the difference between a techne, a technique, and a technology? We approach these and other questions from the present day, where our own “technographic revolution” transforms how we communicate, think, and live.
To pursue these lines of inquiry, we turn to a range of authors: Hannah Arendt, Ted Chiang, Jacques Ellul, Martin Heidegger, Marshall McCluhan, Alondra Nelson, and Walter Ong, as well as ancient thinkers Plato, Heraclitus, and Parmenides. Students will gain a solid understanding of the intellectual origins of critical perspectives of technology in the history of ideas, as well as a foundational understanding of rhetoric and metaphysics.
ENGL 466 Topics in Multiethnic American Literature: Racial Capitalism: Money, Magic and Anti-modernity
CRN: 46997 UG, 46998 GRAD
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Mark Chiang
Following the groundbreaking work of Cedric Robinson, theorists of racial capitalism have proposed radical revisions of Marxist theory, opening up new questions regarding the racial dynamics of capitalism and what constitutes the capitalist economy. This expanding body of work intersects with revisionist accounts of economic activity deriving from fields such as anthropology, sociology, and history, among others. This class will examine questions of value across its various transformations, from material, to symbolic, to moral, to aesthetic, in literary texts spanning the 20th and 21st centuries. Rather than conceiving of race, gender, and sexuality as issues that must be articulated to an autonomous and self-governing capitalist economy, we will explore how struggles around those issues are simultaneously social, cultural, and economic, both internal and external to capitalism itself. Texts for the class will include Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God; Bulosan, The Laughter of My Father: Kingston, The Woman Warrior; Reed, Mumbo Jumbo; Cisneros, Woman Hollering Creek; Doctorow, Ragtime; Lee, Native Speaker; and Yamashita, Tropic of Orange.
ENGL 487 Teaching of Reading and Literature in Middle and Secondary Schools
CRN: 46220 UG, 46282 GRAD
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Abby Kindelsperger
Intended as part of the English Education methods sequence, this course focuses on how to plan effective and engaging lessons focused on reading comprehension and literary analysis, as well as how to scaffold instruction for diverse learners and English language learners. Major assignments include lesson plans, discussion leadership, and a teaching demonstration.
Field work required.
ENGL 488 Methods of Teaching English
CRN: 47113, 47114
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
To be taken in conjunction with ED 425 (Curriculum and Instruction), English 488 is the final course in the sequence of English Education methods courses. It is to be taken only by English education students the semester before student teaching. Although this course is for both undergraduate and graduate students, B.A. students should register for CRN 47113, and M.A. students should register for CRN 47114. The course’s central objectives focus on the challenges of making literature and writing connect with students’ lives and with broader social/political issues—to make clear, in other words, why English “matters” to high school kids. Special attention will be paid to the ways in which teachers’ methodological choices are influenced by the theoretical frameworks they adopt. Additional focus will be on long- and short-term lesson planning and assessment. In addition to weekly written work, English 488 students will lead discussions, organize small group activities, create an instructional unit based on a Shakespeare play, and practice teaching lesson plans they design
ENGL 492 Advanced Writing of Nonfiction Prose
CRN: 14549, 19262
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
This is an advanced creative nonfiction course for students who have taken Engl. 201 or the equivalent. Students will continue to develop the techniques of writing creative nonfiction, including assimilating features of fiction and poetry, experimenting with voice, structure, style, creative integration of research, and revision. Student work will focus on three subgenres of creative nonfiction: personal essay, nature writing, and literary journalism. Published essays will provide models of technique and form for students’ own work. This class will be primarily run as a workshop: students will both receive and contribute constructive feedback on their own and their peers’ essay drafts. Students will be expected to write three essays, as well as brief but thorough critiques of their fellow writers’ essays. Tips on submitting creative nonfiction work for publication will be discussed toward end of semester.
ENGL 493 Internship in Nonfiction Writing
CRN: 26976, 26977
Days/Time: R 3:30-4:45 Hybrid
Instructor: Linda Landis Andrews
What can I do with an English major?” is a question that often concerns students, particularly when parents and others ask about the future. No need to hedge; every organization needs writers to provide information through websites, social media, and blogs, to add creativity to the focus of its work, and to move its ideas forward. Writers are gifted people, and their skills are needed.
Becoming a contributing writer takes planning, however, starting with an internship, which provides an opportunity to step off campus and use the writing and analytical skills gained through English courses.
In ENGL 493, guided by an instructor and a supervisor, English majors quickly adjust to a public audience and conduct research, gain interviewing skills, write content, edit, learn technology, assist with special events, to name a few of the tasks assigned in an internship. Students are enrolled in ENGL 493 while concurrently working at an internship.
Employers include nonprofits, radio and television stations, online and print newspapers and magazines, public relations firms, museums, associations, law firms, and health organizations. There is an internship for every interest. Many internships are conducted remotely, which makes the world a stage. During the pandemic, one intern worked for an organization in Denver, and another worked from home in Ho Chi Minh City.
First, register for ENGL 280, Media and Professional Writing, to launch your writing career. Procrastination is not advised.
Credit is variable: three or six credits
Through the new Flames Internship Grant (FIG) students may apply for possible reimbursement while working at unpaid internships. Securing a grant is competitive.
Come, jump in- you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
ENGL 496 Portfolio Practicum
CRN: 41077
Days/Time: W 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
English 496 is a capstone course in UIC’s undergraduate program in Professional Writing designed to assist our students in landing their first post-degree position as a writing professional. The major focus of this seminar is creating and revising a writing portfolio that not only represents each student’s unique talents as a writer of specialized genres but also showcases their ability to expand upon their proven academic skill sets in new professional writing situations. In order to prepare seminar participants for the job market of their choosing, students will compile a working portfolio of their best professional writing samples through an on-line platform of their choosing and in this way build upon and refine a portfolio they have already begun as members of our professional writing program. Over the course of the seminar, students will learn how to (re-)design and structure material they have already produced as students of writing for audiences beyond the university. In putting together their writing portfolio, students will be given ample opportunity to reflect on the skills they have acquired in their education in order to establish a recognizable and marketable professional identity. In a culminating assignment, students will not only present their portfolio to the class but also practice talking to future employers through mock interviews.
This seminar is designed to increase students’ confidence as they enter the job market by preparing them to share verbally and in writing their achievements as a young professionals well-prepared to utilize the writing skills they have carefully developed and honed during their university education.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in two of the following courses: ENGL 380, 382, 383, 384.
Course Information: Credit is not given for ENGL 496 if the student has credit for ENGL 493.
ENGL 498 Student Teaching with Seminar
CRN: 36162
Days/Time: ARR Online
Instructor: Kris Chen
English 498/499 is the semester of student teaching for English education students (498), plus the accompanying weekly seminar (499). These courses are to be taken concurrently, and they are only open to student teachers. Eligible students must enroll in both courses (498 & 499), and students may select any CRN’s that remain open, regardless of who is listed as the instructor.
The purpose of these courses is to support student teachers’ efforts to negotiate the complexities they will encounter in classrooms and to facilitate their growth and development as English teachers. The Wednesday seminar meetings will be remote and are structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection on classroom teaching, 2) those that help student teachers complete lessons and units they are responsible for designing, and 3) those that address issues regarding a job search and ongoing professional development.
ENGL 498 Student Teaching with Seminar
CRN: 14554
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
English 498/499 is the semester of student teaching for English education students (498), plus the accompanying weekly seminar (499). These courses are to be taken concurrently, and they are only open to student teachers. Eligible students must enroll in both courses (498 & 499), and students may select any CRN’s that remain open, regardless of who is listed as the instructor.
The purpose of these courses is to support student teachers’ efforts to negotiate the complexities they will encounter in classrooms and to facilitate their growth and development as English teachers. The Wednesday seminar meetings will be remote and are structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection on classroom teaching, 2) those that help student teachers complete the lessons and units they’re preparing in their student teaching placement, and 3) those that address issues regarding a job search and ongoing professional development.
ENGL 499 Student Teaching with Seminar
CRN: 14560
Days/Time: W 4:00-5:50 ARR ONLINE
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
English 498/499 is the semester of student teaching for English education students (498), plus the accompanying weekly seminar (499). These courses are to be taken concurrently, and they are only open to student teachers. Eligible students must enroll in both courses (498 & 499), and students may select any CRN’s that remain open, regardless of who is listed as the instructor.
The purpose of these courses is to support student teachers’ efforts to negotiate the complexities they will encounter in classrooms and to facilitate their growth and development as English teachers. The Wednesday seminar meetings will be remote and are structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection on classroom teaching, 2) those that help student teachers complete the lessons and units they’re preparing in their student teaching placement, and 3) those that address issues regarding a job search and ongoing professional development.
ENGL 499 Student Teaching with Seminar
CRN: 36163
Days/Time: ARR Online
Instructor: Kris Chen
English 498/499 is the semester of student teaching for English education students (498), plus the accompanying weekly seminar (499). These courses are to be taken concurrently, and they are only open to student teachers. Eligible students must enroll in both courses (498 & 499), and students may select any CRN’s that remain open, regardless of who is listed as the instructor.
The purpose of these courses is to support student teachers’ efforts to negotiate the complexities they will encounter in classrooms and to facilitate their growth and development as English teachers. The Wednesday seminar meetings will be remote and are structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection on classroom teaching, 2) those that help student teachers’ complete lessons and units they are responsible for designing, and 3) those that address issues regarding a job search and ongoing professional development.
ENGL 517 Remember English: The Renaissance and World Literature
CRN: 47000
Days/Time: M 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Raphael Magarik
Playing on the title of Aamir Mufti’s critique of English hegemony in the study and circulation of literature globally, this course places a long-running debate over the category of world literature—from antecedents like Goethe and Auerbach through Mufti, Damrosch, Apter, and contemporary scholarship—in conversation with test cases from the Renaissance—as print, vernacular English literature is first coming into being; as the British empire is only beginning to export the language overseas; and in a context sufficiently remote from our own that its great literary texts typically require translation, editing, and curation to be legible and palatable o university students (let alone the general reader!).
We will ask not only whether our representative test cases—some Shakespeare, some Milton, perhaps a little Margaret Cavendish—is world literature, but also, if so, how it was made into that—the work that went into constructing, say, Hamlet as a great figure of psychological interiority, existential confrontation, and modern alienation (characteristics, it has been argued, largely lacking from Shakespeare’s text); how an intensely religious poet like Milton came to be read as an icon of secular, critical consciousness; what it means to call Cavendish the progenitor of “science fiction” as a genre.
Our quarry will thus include four types of texts— (1) indisputable classics, works of literature as canonical as can be (all, I sincerely believe, absolute bangers), though we will kick the tires as hard as we can, trying to figure out exactly where that canonicity comes from and what funny business was involved in its manufacture; (2) theoretical work on the category of world literature, trying to get a handle of what exactly this category is, and how it relates to the funny, simultaneously central and marginal, case of pre-novelistic literature in English; (3) historico-critical readings of these texts, intended especially to make legible to non-specialists both the chasms that separate them from us, and how those chasms have been bridged or effaced in the texts’ moments of heroic reception; and (4), time permitting, some delightful instances of global reception, translation, film adaptation and so on of Renaissance texts, which also ask in what improbable, quirky ways Milton, Shakespeare and company circulate as “world literature” beyond the rarified, and perhaps somewhat stale, air of the Anglophone academy.
Students will leave the course with a new acquaintance with some hits of the English Renaissance; a theoretical grounding in a broad, ongoing debate in literary studies generally; and ideally, a sense of what can happen when you force these first two phenomena into dialogue.
ENGL 535 Seminar in Victorian Studies
CRN: 35412
Days/Time: T 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Lennard Davis
This course will cover the complex issue of representation by looking at novels by Victorian writers and allied writers non-British writers of the period and adjacent periods. The issue of representation will be explored theoretically and critically through the lens of “realism” which is a hallmark of the Victorian novel. Is a representation simply a mirror held up to world? Is it a social and political statement about poverty, class, and revolution? Or is it a belief in the ability of literature to capture the “authentic?” Perhaps it is a denial of the possibility of art ever being able to capture the real. Readings will include works by Bronte, Dickens, Eliot, Gissing, Zola, Balzac, Hardy, and others.
ENGL 554 Seminar in English Education: Navigating the Field
CRN: 34331
Days/Time: M 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Dave Schaafsma
English 554 is a seminar in English Education traditionally focused on doctoral level work in literacy, pedagogy, social justice, and democracy with particular relevance to the teaching of English. This semester it will cater to students in the graduate program working in ongoing reading and writing projects, students working on prelims, students working on dissertations. Reading will be selected by those who sign up for the class, based as much as possible on shared interests. Former EE students who have completed dissertations with the program will serve as guests, talking about their career trajectories, sharing their processes of moving from coursework to completed dissertations. We’ll read from their work, as well. Doctoral students in related fields of interest should contact the professor of record, David Schaafsma, about joining the class.
ENGL 570 Program for Writers: Poetry Workshop
CRN: 35448
Days/Time: R 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Daniel Borzutzky
A workshop, in one of its original definitions, is a “place in which things are produced or created.” A place where you use tools, techniques, and equipment to make things. Another definition is “a room or place where goods are manufactured or repaired.” We will be driven by this spirit of making things, as artists, in a classroom together. In other words, this workshop is much more about generating new work than it is about critique. Nevertheless, our discussions will revolve around questions of process, poetics, aesthetics, language, voice, and helping each writer develop individualized approaches to writing about what is most important to them. Students will be encouraged to write from research, to create documentary projects, to employ unconventional formal constraints, to use found text, to write across genres, to write in response to visual art, to translate or write in multiple languages, to write for performance, to incorporate video and sound, among other approaches. We will read a broad range of poems and essays by canonical and contemporary authors with the aim of figuring out how we can apply what we learn about this writing to our own poetry. This class welcomes graduate student poets, and writers and artists of other genres and media as well. Writers with different aesthetic styles are also welcomed.
ENGL 585 Psychoanalysis and the Interpretation of Culture
CRN: 47425
Days/Time: T 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Anna Kornbluh
The present omni crisis manifests at the personal scale in abject psychic misery: depression, anxiety, fascistic rage, narcissist wound, and deaths of despair. Its extent is prompting what many have chronicled as a “renaissance” of psychoanalysis in clinical therapy. Is there any attendant change in the psychoanalytic valence of contemporary cultural production? Do 21st century aesthetics demand psychoanalytic interpretation? What are the contemporary aesthetic repertoires of lack, anxiety, and enjoyment? How is psychoanalytic cultural criticism advancing? What critical approaches can explain our current intolerance for mediation? What critical approaches can amplify the marginal mediums for joy, pleasure, and the desire called utopia? Why might scholars of modern aesthetics need to engage psychoanalytic concepts, methods, and insights? To explore these questions, this course juxtaposes classic works of psychoanalytic theory and highlights of psychoanalytic cultural criticism with contemporary aesthetic objects and emergent popular critical approaches. We will try to formulate psychoanalytic contributions to the critique of omni crisis, and to practice cultural criticism that metabolizes psychoanalytic theory dynamically.
Fall 2023
ENGL 060 ESL Composition II
CRN: 37556
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
ENGL 060 is a course that introduces students to the structure of English compositions and provides practice in critical reading, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics of basic writing. This will be a workshop-based course that functions to create clear and direct sentences that build to effective paragraphs. This will be achieved through close reading exercises that act as models for effective writing and consistent practice in and out of class collaborating with the instructor and classmates.
ENGL 070 Introduction to Academic Writing for the Nonnative Speakers of English
CRN: 47235
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In this course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills that help you approach, navigate, and compose texts confidently and effectively. More specifically, you will advance your critical reading skills and develop rhetorical awareness through reading about and analyzing texts in a variety of genres on topics related to current events and contemporary issues that impact our society and the world. You will also enhance your academic writing skills through engaging in the different phases of the writing process to compose summary-response, argumentative, and reflective essays.
ENGL 070 Introduction to Academic Writing for the Nonnative Speakers of English
CRN: 35041
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In this course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills that help you approach, navigate, and compose texts confidently and effectively. More specifically, you will advance your critical reading skills and develop rhetorical awareness through reading about and analyzing texts in a variety of genres on topics related to current events and contemporary issues that impact our society and the world. You will also enhance your academic writing skills through engaging in the different phases of the writing process to compose summary-response, argumentative, and reflective essays.
ENGL 070 Introduction to Academic Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
CRN: 35040
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Deanna Thompson
This course will help you to develop the necessary skills that will allow you to express yourselves through writing. The writing that you do in this course, including a summary-response, an argumentative essay, and a reflection, will help to develop your reading, critical thinking, and writing skills, helping to prepare you for success in a range of writing situations, both academic and beyond.
ENGL 070 Introduction to Academic Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
CRN: 30497
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Deanna Thompson
This course will help you to develop the necessary skills that will allow you to express yourselves through writing. The writing that you do in this course, including a summary-response, an argumentative essay, and a reflection, will help to develop your reading, critical thinking, and writing skills, helping to prepare you for success in a range of writing situations, both academic and beyond.
ENGL 071 Introduction to Academic Writing: Writing Legacy for First Generation Students (Legacy)”
CRN: 30521
Days/Time: TR 11:00 -12:15
Instructor: Robin Gayle
This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources. Student writing projects will include evaluations of UIC resources and reflections on their first-year experiences, wherein they offer advice to incoming first-generation students. In short, this course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.
ENGL 071 Introduction to Academic Writing: Writing Legacy for First Generation Students (Legacy)”
CRN: 30519
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Robin Gayle
This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources. Student writing projects will include evaluations of UIC resources and reflections on their first-year experiences, wherein they offer advice to incoming first-generation students. In short, this course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.
ENGL 071 Introduction to Academic Writing: Writing Legacy for First Generation Students
CRN: 30507
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Robin Gayle
This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources. Student writing projects will include evaluations of UIC resources and reflections on their first-year experiences, wherein they offer advice to incoming first-generation students. In short, this course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.
ENGL 071 Story as Rhetorical Practice
CRN: 30512
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Sarah Primeau
The themes of this class are rhetoric, story, and argument. We all tell stories in our everyday life, right? We talk about how our day is going, retell an event from the weekend, or reminisce about the past with old friends or family. Telling stories and listening to them is a way that we know ourselves and each other. Examining story as a rhetorical practice can also show us how researchers and journalists use story in writing to motivate social change in public spaces.
When we walk through a museum to learn about an ancient culture, whose story are we hearing – the story of a culture being told on its own terms or an interpretation of that culture from by outsiders or colonizers? When it comes to public health, whose stories are heard and whose are silenced? How do public policies protect some people and make others more vulnerable? How does codeswitching and code meshing tell the story of a writer or a community? How does biography and autobiography demonstrate a need for change in education? Together, we will examine how rhetorician Lisa King, journalist Steven W. Thrasher, linguist Suresh Canagarajah, and researcher Steven Alvarez amplify voices that have been ignored or silenced in public spaces and, ultimately, use story in their writing to argue powerfully for social change. By the end of the course, you will have read and analyzed articles by scholars from multiple disciplines, and you will have written three major projects: a non-traditional story about yourself, a response to an argument, and your own argument related to the course theme.
ENGL 071 Introduction to Academic Writing: Your Futures
CRN: 30505
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Vainis Aleksa
The future has not been written yet! In this class, we will work together to find topics about the future that are important to you, whether it be finding out more about making choices about a major and how that connects with future careers or planning next semester or even the next week. Class activities will include presenting your writing to others, reflecting on what you can learn from your own writing, and learning how to be a good respondent to other people’s writing. This course gives you the option to work toward placing out of English 160 and signing up for English 161 by submitting a portfolio of writing you did for this class. Writing will include research on a topic related to the future and an argumentative essay based on your research. The portfolio would also include a reflective essay discussing the most important things you learned in the course and how you might use what you learn in the future.
ENGL 101 Understanding Literature as a Game of Telephone
CRN: 25642
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
Some argue that fiction and, especially, poetry can’t be translated. I argue that they always are. Fiction, when going from preindustrial novelist to postmodern reader, might be written in what we’d call the same language. Still, it must be translated between the mind of one writer to that of many readers, readers sometimes from a different century, country, or at least with different cultural backgrounds and understanding of the language. Many writers admit that they don’t fully know their own work until it is reflected in what their readers understand.
Translation — from the Classical Latin meaning, “carried across” — gives our lives happiness and wisdom we would not have without it. This course looks at literature carried across time (from the ancients to now), carried across nations (from all continents but one), and carried across genres (from canonized forms like novels, short stories, essays, memoir, poetry, and drama to those less often taught in school, like song lyrics and stand-up comedy).
My goal in this class is not to tell you what I think so much as to get you to ask each other questions about all this. Two questions we may come back to are these: To what extent is all literature a game of telephone? In other words, does all writing that we’d call “literature” bear some sign of translation?
ENGL 101 “The book was better”: Literature and Adaptations
CRN: 47254
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Rana Awwad
What role do books and movie adaptations play in the consumption and sharing of stories? This course will explore various works and their adaptations across genres and mediums. Together, we will analyze the ways different modes have enhanced or complicated storytelling by adding (and sometimes removing) the various elements that make up the books, movies, shows, and video games we have come to adore.
ENGL 101 “The book was better”: Literature and Adaptations
CRN: 20578
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Rana Awwad
What role do books and movie adaptations play in the consumption and sharing of stories? This course will explore various works and their adaptations across genres and mediums. Together, we will analyze the ways different modes have enhanced or complicated storytelling by adding (and sometimes removing) the various elements that make up the books, movies, shows, and video games we have come to adore.
ENGL 103 Understanding Poetry
CRN: 20646
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In this course, students will read a wide array of English and American poetry (and some critical writings) comprising several genres and periods, though the bulk of our readings will derive from the modern to the present eras. In addition to becoming familiar with poetic genres, students can expect to acquire proficiency in recognizing and understanding various poetic tropes and conventions and in analyzing elements of prosody (meter and rhyme). Through informal and formal written responses, students will also learn to compose coherent arguments about a literary text or problem and how to select and appropriate effective textual evidence to support those arguments. Students enrolled in this course should expect to do a substantial amount of reading and to come to each class fully prepared to engage those readings through class discussion and/or short response papers which may be shared with the class. Other course requirements may include two formal analysis papers, a midterm exam, quizzes, discussion leaders, and a final exam.
ENGL 103 Voices in History: Poetry and Poetics in British and American Poetry
CRN: 22348
Days/Time: TR 11:00 -12:15
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this course we will read a wide array of British and American poetry (and some critical writings) comprising several genres and periods, with an emphasis on the concept of the speaker. Who or what is the voice of the poem, and how is that voice constructed? How has the conception of voice or speaker shifted through time? We will situate each poem in its literary and historical contexts, strongly focusing on the relationship between form and content. Through extensive close readings, we will investigate how this relationship informs and/or reveals important aspects of a poem’s cultural and aesthetic environments. In addition to becoming familiar with voice, students can expect to acquire proficiency in recognizing and understanding various poetic tropes and conventions and in analyzing elements of prosody (meter and rhyme). Through informal and formal written responses and discussions, students will also learn to compose coherent arguments about a literary text and how to select and appropriate effective textual evidence to support those arguments.
This course will help you to develop skills that are particularly relevant for both the study and the appreciation of poetry (both reading it and writing about it), but also of art and literature of other forms—and it will prove useful for any academic or professional activity in which understanding someone else and expressing yourself is important.
ENGL 104 Understanding Drama
CRN: 26201
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
How do plays represent the world? How do they produce new worlds? This course will examine the form and content of drama from the end of the nineteenth century, the beginning of “modern drama,” to the contemporary stage. We will focus on strategies for critically reading and writing about plays through an analysis of works by playwrights including Ibsen, O’Neill, Beckett, Soyinka, Churchill, and Parks, and we will see and review productions by the UIC Theatre. Our reading will be supported by an exploration of the relationships between written texts and live performances through projects involving acting, directing, and design, as well as literary criticism. We will also explore the social contexts for plays by reading theatre history and dramatic theory. In this way, the literary texts and techniques of playwrights will be complemented and complicated by the theatre artists, theatre companies, critics, and audiences that shaped their production.
ENGL 105 Cybertexts and History of Fiction
CRN: 11129
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Seunghyun Shin
This course is designed to introduce students to the major theoretical approaches and debates that comprise “cybertexts” as an academic discipline in relation to fiction and literary history. Throughout the semester, we will traverse history of fiction and examine how it has changed its appearance. By situating cybertext, such as electronic literature, interactive fiction, hypermedia, and video games, in history of fiction, we will examine how fiction has evolved into new forms of text, building upon its tradition in literary history. The goal of the course will be writing a cogent paper about cybertexts and fiction in multiple academic contexts.
ENGL 105 Studies in Fiction: Growing up Chicago
CRN: 33745
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Dave Schaafsma
English 105, Understanding Fiction, will focus on the reading of various fiction and non-fiction coming-of-age or growing up stories that take place in various Chicago (and the surrounding area) neighborhoods, from local authors. The central text for the course will be Growing Up Chicago, edited by David Schaafsma (me!), Roxanne Pilat and Lauren DeJulio Bell, all who have a long history with UIC. Megan Gallardo, a major in English Education, is our editorial assistant and will somehow be part of the class, assisting in some ways. We will be writing our own growing up fictions and memoirs in the class. We’ll be involved in an exchange with the Elmhurst English class of Erica McCombs, who will be teaching a similar course. We will be visited via zoom by several local authors whose texts we will be reading.
ENGL 131 Introduction to Moving Image Arts
CRN: 47486
Days/Time: M 3-5:45, W 3-4:15
Instructor: John Goldbach
This course will explore the history and influence of the French New Wave (La Nouvelle Vague), a tremendously popular art film movement that emerges from France in the late 1950s. It will carefully examine a selection of films from its auteur directors and their contemporaries, including François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Agnès Varda, and Věra Chytilová. It will consider the influence of some of its precursors, from the films of Jean Renoir, Alfred Hitchcock, and Orson Welles to those of Maya Deren and Jean-Pierre Melville, and it will also consider the influence of La Nouvelle Vague upon its successors around the world, from the films of Chantal Akerman and Claire Denis to those of Yorgos Lanthimos and Bong Joon-ho. There will be no final exam in this course, but students are expected to complete a series of short response papers and regular quizzes.
ENGL 132 Understanding Film
CRN: 47454
Days/Time: T 3:30-4:45 / R 3:30-6:15
Instructor: Kaitlin Forcier
This course will provide an introduction to watching, thinking about, and analyzing film, with an emphasis on how film as a medium produces meaning. We will consider the formal elements of film – cinematography, narrative, editing, sound, mise-en-scene, performance, rhythm – alongside major theoretical questions about spectatorship, representation, and ideology. Questions we will consider include: what are the unique characteristics of film as a medium, an industry, and an art form? how do films relate to the social, political, and ideological contexts in which they are made? how do we analyze, reflect upon, and write about film? In addition to these formal and theoretical considerations, this course will provide an introduction to key film genres and movements, such as classical and post-classical Hollywood cinema, documentary, Third Cinema, the musical, film noir, and animation. We will analyze a spectrum of film texts, including historically significant works such as Modern Times (Chaplin, 1936), Sullivan’s Travels (Preston Sturges, 1941), Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954), Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder, 1950), Blow Up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), and Jurassic Park (Spielberg, 1993) as well as lesser-known and more recent films, such as Illusions (Julie Dash, 1982), Cameraperson (Kristen Johnson, 2016), Searching (Aneesh Chaganty, 2018), and Time (Garrett Bradley, 2020).
ENGL 135 Popular Genres and Culture
CRN: 47462
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Marc Baez
This course will focus on stand-up comedy as a genre with a particularly dynamic audience and a history of playing with social norms. With this focus in mind, the course will be divided into three sections. In the first section we’ll examine some things that are important to a basic appreciation of stand-up comedy: jokes, timing, stereotypes, persona, cursing, argumentation, and storytelling. In the second section we’ll look at stand-up comedy as historically and culturally situated, establishing the 1970’s and 80’s as a background context for a sustained focus on George Carlin’s longer form satirical bits in the 1990’s. And finally, in the third section, we’ll focus on the 2000’s, starting with Louis C.K. as a way into an exploration of contemporary stand-up comedy and its newer, possibly most interesting figures.
ENGL 154 Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 47488
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course, we will define and examine rhetoric in its many forms, with an emphasis on contemporary cultural and political debates, as well as some focus on historical precedents of similar conflict and/or competing systems of persuasion. We will examine, among other things, how rhetoric influences our habits and behavior, our individual and collective selves, our policies as a polity, and the forces behind rhetoric’s creation and propagation. Through readings and other media, we will analyze everything from radically divergent ideas of our Constitutional rights to how and why we consume popular culture. It’s possible we might even have actual fun (no guarantees).
ENGL 154 Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 47489
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
The word “”rhetoric”” is often associated with things that anger or upset us. We tend to use it and see it used when one feels that they are being degraded or misrepresented. Well, the discipline of rhetoric has a lot more to do with HOW we say something than just WHAT is said. Now, this class cannot tell you in one sentence what rhetoric does, or even what it is, but through the examination of ancient texts to those of the twenty-first century we will wrestle with the term “”rhetoric”” to better understand our identities as thinkers and social beings. In addition, this course will examine narratives, films, comic books, and other delivery systems that communicate and shape what we call “identity”. Ideas examined in this class will include: How do we use rhetoric in our lives both purposefully and incidentally? How do communicators interact on an intellectual, academic, and public level to influence identity? How do cultures benefit/suffer from language, identity, and policy built on rhetorical frameworks? Rhetoric will be examined through lenses of race, gender/sexuality, disability/ablism, and other social factors we as communicators interact with daily This course will allow students to see rhetoric not as a negative label, but as a method to interrogate the texts, the visuals, and the conversations we encounter daily.
This course is ideal for English, Pre-Law, Education, Professional Writing, and Communications Students.
ENGL 154 Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 47490
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: James Sharpe
We’re all born into a social and historical context that deeply shapes our way of thinking and speaking. One of the goals of this course is to increase your ability to unearth the assumptions you make every day, the assumptions that have so far shaped your life in innumerable ways. Another goal is to increase your capacity for thinking about those assumptions both critically and creatively. If humans exist not just among rocks, trees, and cities, but among other persons, their ideas, emotions, memories, and socially constructed norms, all tangled up in the confinements and affordances of language, then rhetoric is, among other things, that mode of thought and speech which seeks to illuminate those invisible realities so that we can see them (figuratively speaking). We will immerse ourselves both in rhetorical theory and in case studies drawn from our contemporary moment, and chosen in part by you, the student.
ENGL 158 Understanding English Grammar and Style
CRN: 47492
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
This course will not be your conventional “grammar drill” or “right and wrong” class. Instead, we will approach grammar and style as analytical and creative tools. Our goal will be to use grammatical forms to be more aware of the choices we make when we read and write. We will also discuss significant issues surrounding the English language, including its history, Black English, prescriptive v. descriptive linguistics, and the ethics of writing. Students will complete analyses to demonstrate the grammatical skills they have learned, as well as complete assessments of their own writing and a short-written project at the end of the semester.
ENGL 158 English Grammar and Style
CRN: 29782
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Jeff Gore
Although we regularly understand grammar as a set of prescriptive (or even annoying) rules, during the Renaissance, grammar was understood as the “art of speaking and writing well.” In this course, we’ll work to get the best of both perspectives so that rules will become tools to help you speak and write more effectively. Parts of the course will be comparable to the drills that athletes practice (such as free throws for a basketball player or kata for a practitioner of karate). You will learn to recognize parts of speech in terms of their functions in sentences and to describe them by name. You will practice using different sentence forms to appreciate how they allow you to convey different kinds of thoughts and feelings. You will exercise your mastery of these forms by producing short essays that emphasize different grammatical forms, and you will examine works by professional writers in terms of their grammatical and stylistic choices. By the end of the semester, you should be able to use grammatical and stylistic terms to discuss what makes writing more effective, and you should have enough practice with these grammatical forms that better writing comes more naturally to you.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 41705
Days/Time: M 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 41706
Days/Time: W 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 41707
Days/Time: F 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 46708
Days/Time: M 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Katie Brandt
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 46709
Days/Time: W 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Katie Brandt
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 46711
Days/Time: F 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Katie Brandt
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40315
Days/Time: M 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
English 159 is designed to support students as they complete English 160.
This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including demonstration of intent and awareness of rhetorical and grammatical choices. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40316
Days/Time: W 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
English 159 is designed to support students as they complete English 160.
This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including demonstration of intent and awareness of rhetorical and grammatical choices. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40317
Days/Time: F 1:00–1:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
English 159 is designed to support students as they complete English 160.
This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including demonstration of intent and awareness of rhetorical and grammatical choices. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 160 Gentrification
CRN: 46867
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Sian Roberts
Gentrification is sweeping through America. Perhaps you have observed it yourself in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Critics of gentrification see it as the destroyer of neighborhoods, believing that it represents a form of social cleansing and institutionalized racism. Supporters of gentrification think it is the savior of cities and claim that change is inevitable. They believe that the renovation of certain neighborhoods brings prosperity and increased public safety.
In this ENGL 160 class, we will enter the debate about gentrification through class discussions and four writing projects. This course aims to give you opportunities to practice the kind of writing and speaking skills that will serve you for a lifetime.
ENGL 160 Gentrification
CRN: 21630
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Sian Roberts
Gentrification is sweeping through America. Perhaps you have observed it yourself in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Critics of gentrification see it as the destroyer of neighborhoods, believing that it represents a form of social cleansing and institutionalized racism. Supporters of gentrification think it is the savior of cities and claim that change is inevitable. They believe that the renovation of certain neighborhoods brings prosperity and increased public safety.
In these 160 classes, we will enter the debate about gentrification through class discussions and four writing projects. This course aims to give you opportunities to practice the kind of writing and speaking skills that will serve you for a lifetime.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts Environments
CRN: 11841
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: John Goldbach
Critical thinking begins with an environment. To understand something, we first must understand something about its surroundings and conditions of possibility. A phenomenon takes place within a given context, an environment, and thinking critically requires that we first understand something about this context and the conditions under which the taking place of the phenomenon is possible. A human being, for example, lives within a certain natural environment, and to think critically about being human requires that we first understand something about the environmental conditions in which a human being lives and under which a human being flourish.
This course is devoted to the study of environments. From the air and water of the natural environment to the social media platforms and cellphone apps of the digital environment, it will focus on environmental contexts and conditions to foster independent critical thinking and writing skills. It is divided into four sections: natural environments, built environments, cultural environments, and digital environments. The first section will address various questions concerning ecology, climate change and the Anthropocene; the second will touch on issues of urban living and combined and uneven geographical development; the third will discuss language use, the culture industry, and politics and ideology; and the fourth will touch on the Internet, social media, and technological advances.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 23296
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Zara Imran
This course will explore the central questions regarding Otherness as a concept and phenomenon. What do we mean by the ‘other’? How and why do people, cultures, and societies create others amongst themselves? How are these others understood and represented in different mediums and across time?
In seeing how the other as a category is self-created and one that fluctuates, we will try to critically reflect upon our own selves. The other is never created in a vacuum and is always described against and through ‘the self’. Reflection upon the self is crucial to understand what historic and present functions categories of ‘others’ play in our lives. To begin to think about these questions this course will largely be divided into four thematic modules. Each module will try to grapple with these questions whilst we focus on different forms of otherness.
ENGL 160 Writing Home
CRN: 11828 Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ryan Nordle
How do we define ‘home’? Where are the limits of a home? How do we transition from one home to the next? Is home a feeling? Is it a place? Is it people? This course will take these as its guiding questions. We will explore the concept of home through the process of writing and develop our writing process through the concept of home. While this course will broadly instruct on principles of academic writing, you will specifically learn about and demonstrate competence in writing within four genres: personal narrative, photo essay, argumentative essay, and reflective essay. These four writing projects will be the focus of the units in this course, all designed to prepare your writing for entering public and academic spheres.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 41816
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Seunghyun Shin
In this section of English 160, we will examine non-fiction literary genres. As a tutorial composition course designed for freshmen who came to the university to try to carve a new life, through the next fifteen weeks, you will be guided to the world of fundamental writing by working on four projects: Memoir, Editorial, Indie Game Review, and Reflection. All semester long you will work step-by-step writing about yourself, your community, what you love, and ultimately, what you want to do as a young scholar. Our class will function as a collective writing community where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily. Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both creative and critical thinking.
ENGL 160 Writing Home
CRN: 38996
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ryan Nordle
How do we define ‘home’? Where are the limits of a home? How do we transition from one home to the next? Is home a feeling? Is it a place? Is it people? This course will take these as its guiding questions. We will explore the concept of home through the process of writing and develop our writing process through the concept of home. While this course will broadly instruct on principles of academic writing, you will specifically learn about and demonstrate competence in writing within four genres: personal narrative, photo essay, argumentative essay, and reflective essay. These four writing projects will be the focus of the units in this course, all designed to prepare your writing for entering public and academic spheres.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Talking Back: Reading, Writing, and Daring to Disagree
CRN: 46866
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Talking Back: Reading, Writing, and Daring to Disagree: To bell hooks, “talking back,” or “back talk,” is a “courageous act” that means “speaking as an equal to an authority figure” (5). This course will orient students to genre-writing and the rhetorical situation through a framework of “daring to disagree” with systems of oppression and injustice. Students will read and analyze different mediums and genres of writing, including podcasts, speeches, films, songs, memes, TikToks, as well as academic articles and scholarly monographs. We will engage these texts through in-class discussion, journaling, group activities, as well as formal and informal writing assignments. By the end of the semester, students will have created a portfolio of work that reflects the different ways in which writing can be a “political gesture that challenges the politics of domination” (8).
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 30663
Days/Time: MW 9.30-10.45
Instructor: Zara Imran
“This course will explore the central questions regarding Otherness as a concept and phenomenon. What do we mean by the ‘other’? How and why do people, cultures, and societies create others amongst themselves? How are these others understood and represented in different mediums and across time?
In seeing how the other as a category is self-created and one that fluctuates, we will try to critically reflect upon our own selves. The other is never created in a vacuum and is always described against and through ‘the self’. Reflection upon the self is crucial to understand what historic and present functions categories of ‘others’ play in our lives. To begin to think about these questions this course will largely be divided into four thematic modules. Each module will try to grapple with these questions whilst we focus on different forms of otherness.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11572
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In an increasingly globalized world and with the abundance of diverse modes of communication, what does be “literate” mean? Is it the ability to read and write? Are these abilities sufficient in the 21st century? In this course, we are going to explore what the term “literacy” entails in a rapidly developing world. This exploration will include examining the conventional view of literacy and how this view has evolved to include new literacies and multiliteracies such as information literacy, digital literacy, cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and more. We will look at how literacy is conceptualized from opposing theoretical perspectives; is the construction of literacy a cognitive activity or a social practice? We will also tackle literacy-related issues such as identity, power, gender as well as the impact of literacy/multiliteracies on health, socioeconomic status, and the economy at large. The course will involve in-class activities, student-facilitated discussions, and mini reading quizzes. These learning tasks and shorter assignments will enhance your critical reading skills, build knowledge of genre and writing, offer opportunities to expand areas of literacy such as information and digital literacies, and help you prepare for the major writing assignments. These assignments involve composing multiple drafts of a literacy autobiography, a definition essay, an evidence-based problem-solution paper, and a final reflection. By engaging in this course work, you will advance your critical reading and academic writing skills.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11575 Global
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Pending
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 30965
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Thomas Moore
Movies, music, and stories are something we all love to watch, listen to, and read. They soothe us, make us laugh, and make us cry. What we don’t often think about, though, beyond the way they make us feel, is the fact that these feelings are always accompanied by an interpretation. In this class, we will slow down our process of consuming media and think carefully about the ways in which we interpret it, as well as train ourselves to pay extremely close attention to the ways these works are constructed and the choices the artists and authors make as they create them.
ENGL 160 Deep Fried & Delicious: A Taste of the Fast-Food Industry
CRN: 38997
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Travis Mandell
In this course, we will engage in a semester-long investigation of the Fast-Food Industry and its impacts on society at large (both in the U.S and Globally). We will read texts that interrogate the industry’s influence on culture, economy, environment, and physical health. We will discuss countering points of view on the different issues, ranging from worker minimum wage to the impact of “”food swamps”” in varying communities, and analyze the various debates taking place across different fields of inquiry. Argument is the lifeblood of knowledge and being able to present your own voice is essential to furthering the conversation.
Through lectures, in-class discussions, group writing sessions, debates, and writing projects, this class will prepare you to participate in the academic discourse surrounding any subject you may choose in the future. By understanding rhetoric and the conceptualization of argument, conducting comparative analytic techniques, accessing scientific scholarly content, writing an argumentative essay, and reflecting on your own writing process, you will become well versed in the art of academic writing. We will be reading scholarly essays (peer-reviewed) as well as popular articles to help broaden our understanding of genre/audience regarding the Fast-Food Industry. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to prepare you for the rest of your academic career at UIC (and beyond), fostering a strong foundation for your academic writing skills and argumentation that can be used in whatever specific discipline/major you pursue.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 42864
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
In the mid-1960s, Marshall McLuhan made the then controversial claim that “the medium is the message.” For McLuhan, he was concerned about the use of the TV as a means for disseminating information, and he argued that the device used to communicate will necessarily change the content and the character of the message. In this course, we will continue McLuhan’s line of inquiry, examining the past, current and (potential) future communication technologies to see how these might influence what we say and how we say it, both in academic and public contexts.
ENGL 160 Second City: Space & Place in and Around Chicago
CRN: 29462
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Margaux Brown
We are all members of the UIC community, and we come to UIC with our own unique social and cultural backgrounds that shape our experiences, beliefs, and values down to how we express ourselves through written and spoken language. In this course we will explore and consider the spaces and places that are around us from the broad range of the city of Chicago to smaller neighborhoods and communities like UIC. You will write a profile and review that will draw attention to local communities and though an argumentative essay you will draw important attention to an issue that affects a specific local community. Through these different genres and engaging in rhetorical situations around them you will explore and learn the necessary critical reading and writing skills to be successful in your academic career.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts; Writing Towards the Arts
CRN: 11759
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Jay Yencich
While much of the buzz of the last twenty years has been about the STEM fields—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—many universities and secondary schools have recently recognized that a creative component is necessary to spur innovation in those same disciplines. Hence, many have argued for a “Arts” to fill out the acronym—STEAM—thus re-integrating humanities elements traditional to higher education. In this section of English 160, we will be using the foundations of the UIC composition program, focusing on genre and situation, to explore the world of the arts. We will begin with photography and build up writing involvement and critical scrutiny through the worlds of music and film before finally concluding with a work of literature spanning a few hundred pages, be it a novel, a play, a collection of short stories, a book of poems, or a set of essays. Through these lenses, we will examine the status of these art forms, what goes into evaluating them, and their relationship with society at large.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Haunted People, Places, and Spaces
CRN: 46717
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Carla Barger
In this class you’ll think and write about hauntings in film and literature. You’ll look at adaptations of authors like the Brontes, Dickens, and Poe and films like The Others. You’ll also read and discuss ideas by thinkers like Sigmund Freud and Avery Gordon as well as folklore from cultures around the world that attempt to explain how and why people and places are haunted.
Our theme is hauntings, but your main concern will be learning to identify and analyze different genres so that you can communicate effectively to various audiences. By the end of the semester, you’ll be able to discern genre conventions and deploy them successfully in both academic and professional settings, and you will have gained valuable project and time management skills that will prove useful to you throughout your college career and beyond.
ENGL 160 Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Pop Music and Politics
CRN: 41625
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160 Race, Gender, and Digital Culture
CRN: 11551
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Dez Brown
In this course, we will use an interdisciplinary approach to investigate complex issues present in digital and popular culture. Students will engage in an intersectional analysis that considers the ways in which race and gender (as well as class, sexuality, age, disability, and other socially constructed categories of identity) are formed, embodied, and policed in the United States, especially in digital spaces and productions. Careful investigation of the hegemonic structure and intent behind technology and digital culture (e.g., AI reproduction of human-created art, avatar creation in video games) through course readings and sustained exploration of popular genres (e.g., television, video games), will prepare students for writing projects and other major assignments in the course. Our goal will be to gain tools to be able to write and communicate effectively in general, but especially about the relationships between socially constructed identities and a myriad of technologies.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing the Image
CRN: 46725
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Kabel Mishka Ligot
In this class, you will explore the many and varied ways humans see, read, and engage with the still image, particularly paintings, illustrations, and photographs. In our meetings, will discuss and question how still images create meanings and arguments out of the world we live in. Through ekphrastic essays, reviews, and comparative genre studies, you will learn to articulate your thoughts and feelings about visuals that we encounter online, in museums, in books, in popular media, and in everyday life. We will also discover ways to integrate meaningful visual aspects in our own rhetorical and argumentative moves. This is not an art history course: you are not required to have any background in art theory or visual art to sufficiently participate in the class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Haunted People, Places, and Spaces
CRN: 46715
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Carla Barger
In this class you’ll think and write about hauntings in film and literature. You’ll look at adaptations of authors like the Brontes, Dickens, and Poe and films like The Others. You’ll also read and discuss ideas by thinkers like Sigmund Freud and Avery Gordon as well as folklore from cultures around the world that attempt to explain how and why people and places are haunted.
Our theme is hauntings, but your main concern will be learning to identify and analyze different genres so that you can communicate effectively to various audiences. By the end of the semester, you’ll be able to discern genre conventions and deploy them successfully in both academic and professional settings, and you will have gained valuable project and time management skills that will prove useful to you throughout your college career and beyond.
ENGL 160 Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Pop Music and Politics
CRN: 11570
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing 1: Writing in Public and Academic Contexts
CRN: 42863
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
Information is not knowledge. – Albert Einstein
The readings in this course will explore a range of issues, such as relationships with neighbors during the pandemic and the role of Amazon in the global economy, that are and will be relevant to your experience as citizens of the UIC campus community of thinkers, readers, and writers. You will be embarking a journey that will begin with closely observing and describing information. Then, we will focus on analyzing this information in relation to multiple experiences and viewpoints, and finally, you will develop the confidence to make the move from information to knowledge, though developing skills in applying, analyzing, and evaluating, and ultimately, writing argument-based assignments. We will emphasize, overall, in this class, making the transition to college-level thinking, reading, and writing through a range of interactive activities in and outside of class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing the Image
CRN: 46716
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Kabel Mishka Ligot
In this class, you will explore the many and varied ways humans see, read, and engage with the still image, particularly paintings, illustrations, and photographs. In our meetings, will discuss and question how still images create meanings and arguments out of the world we live in. Through ekphrastic essays, reviews, and comparative genre studies, you will learn to articulate your thoughts and feelings about visuals that we encounter online, in museums, in books, in popular media, and in everyday life. We will also discover ways to integrate meaningful visual aspects in our own rhetorical and argumentative moves. This is not an art history course: you are not required to have any background in art theory or visual art to sufficiently participate in the class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Music and Popular Culture
CRN: 11803
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
In Writing About Music Is Like Dancing About Architecture, we use music as an inspiration for our writing in a few ways. The two styles of writing we’ll work in are the personal essay (aka. memoir) and the argumentative or critical essay. In these, you can use the song’s lyrics to reflect on yourself or events in your life; they can also help you talk about the broader world (e.g., violence, racism, sexism). We’ll also learn how to make arguments (and counterarguments) about the music itself. This course often helps students realize what a large role music has in their world.
Writing often does not start with writing. Writing often does not start with words at all. Often writing starts with a feeling and the writing of words is an attempt to capture that feeling. It can be elusive, but therefore good writing is hard and there is so much bad writing. Everyone has feelings; not everyone takes the time or has the skill to make those feelings into words that evoke feelings in other people. This is one thing writing shares with music. Kind of magic in both cases.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Art and Social Change
CRN: 46732
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Mohammed AlQaisi
Words are the only tools you will be given. Learn to use them with originality and care. Value them for their strength and diversity. And remember that somebody out there is listening.” – William Zinsser
In this course you will learn how to effectively express yourself through writing using works of art that address important social issues; you will do this primarily by utilizing and honing your writing skills in four writing projects: a review, an analysis, an argument, and a reflective essay. Through individual and partner work, you will sharpen your ability to edit and revise your writing. You will learn how to navigate and use various academic resources available to you on campus and online. Your assignments will focus on art, specifically movies, paintings and works of literature. By the end of the semester, you should come away with knowledge of writing strategies that will be useful to you throughout your college career.
ENGL 160 Gangsters on Film
CRN: 11784
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Sibyl Gallus-Price
As Scarface sits in his whirlpool tub smoking a Cuban cigar, he shouts at a financial planning ad on tv: “You know what capitalism is? Getting f****ed!” Montana’s statement not only raises questions about America’s attachment to ideas of sound investment, prosperity, and financial responsibility, but capitalism’s complex and often concealed relationship with the economic underworld of organized crime. In looking at films like Scarface (1983), Goodfellas (1990), City of God (Cidade de Deus) (2002), and American Gangster (2007) we’ll discuss how this major genre serves as a lens to magnify the contradictions of our social conditions. In doing so we’ll address the kind of characters that have become central to the genre: How is the gangster represented, who’s being represented, who isn’t, and why? Does gangster film call us to admire these cowboys of capitalism or offer us a view of the hollowness of the American Dream? Our major writing projects will include the film review, the photo essay, the analytical essay, and a multimodal final reflective project.
ENGL 160 Second City: Space & Place in and Around Chicago
RN: 25927
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Margaux Brown
We are all members of the UIC community, and we come to UIC with our own unique social and cultural backgrounds that shape our experiences, beliefs, and values down to how we express ourselves through written and spoken language. In this course we will explore and consider the spaces and places that are around us from the broad range of the city of Chicago to smaller neighborhoods and communities like UIC. You will write a profile and review that will draw attention to local communities and though an argumentative essay you will draw important attention to an issue that affects a specific local community. Through these different genres and engaging in rhetorical situations around them you will explore and learn the necessary critical reading and writing skills to be successful in your academic career.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Treat Yo Self: Self-Care and Self-Help in 2023
CRN: 27283
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-1250
Instructor: Pending
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11788
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Thomas Moore
Movies, music, and stories are something we all love to watch, listen to, and read. They soothe us, make us laugh, and make us cry. What we don’t often think about, though, beyond the way they make us feel, is the fact that these feelings are always accompanied by an interpretation. In this class, we will slow down our process of consuming media and think carefully about the ways in which we interpret it, as well as train ourselves to pay extremely close attention to the ways these works are constructed and the choices the artists and authors make as they create them.
ENGL 160 Deep Fried & Delicious: A Taste of the Fast-Food Industry
CRN: 11809
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Travis Mandell
In this course, we will engage in a semester-long investigation of the Fast-Food Industry and its impacts on society at large (both in the U.S and Globally). We will read texts that interrogate the industry’s influence on culture, economy, environment, and physical health. We will discuss countering points of view on the different issues, ranging from worker minimum wage to the impact of “”food swamps”” in varying communities, and analyze the various debates taking place across different fields of inquiry. Argument is the lifeblood of knowledge and being able to present your own voice is essential to furthering the conversation.
Through lectures, in-class discussions, group writing sessions, debates, and writing projects, this class will prepare you to participate in the academic discourse surrounding any subject you may choose in the future. By understanding rhetoric and the conceptualization of argument, conducting comparative analytic techniques, accessing scientific scholarly content, writing an argumentative essay, and reflecting on your own writing process, you will become well versed in the art of academic writing. We will be reading scholarly essays (peer-reviewed) as well as popular articles to help broaden our understanding of genre/audience regarding the Fast-Food Industry. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to prepare you for the rest of your academic career at UIC (and beyond), fostering a strong foundation for your academic writing skills and argumentation that can be used in whatever specific discipline/major you pursue.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11330
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
Crime, Detection, and Scandal:
In this course we will examine the representations of illegality within texts presented in popular form. We will interrogate the complex definitions of each genre and how we use it to understand illegality in and written, visual, and verbal context. Working with texts that range from mystery, scandal history, graphic novels, and film adaptations, this course will attempt to produce plausible answers to the following questions: What defines a crime or scandal? What value is placed on the detective or investigator as a hero? Who benefits from creating objects of illegality? How do the separate modes of presentation (text v. film v. comic) engage us with these cultural concepts? Students in this class will be able to use these concepts to examine our cultural and legal systems, which produce, value, and challenge these genres and use those skills to produce texts that interrogate and investigate those systems.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11327
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
In the mid-1960s, Marshall McLuhan made the then controversial claim that “the medium is the message.” For McLuhan, he was concerned about the use of the TV as a means for disseminating information, and he argued that the device used to communicate will necessarily change the content and the character of the message. In this course, we will continue McLuhan’s line of inquiry, examining the past, current and (potential) future communication technologies to see how these might influence what we say and how we say it, both in academic and public contexts.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing 1: Writing in Public and Academic Contexts
CRN: 11496
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
Information is not knowledge. – Albert Einstein
The readings in this course will explore a range of issues, such as relationships with neighbors during the pandemic and the role of Amazon in the global economy, that are and will be relevant to your experience as citizens of the UIC campus community of thinkers, readers, and writers. You will be embarking a journey that will begin with closely observing and describing information. Then, we will focus on analyzing this information in relation to multiple experiences and viewpoints, and finally, you will develop the confidence to make the move from information to knowledge, though developing skills in applying, analyzing, and evaluating, and ultimately, writing argument-based assignments. We will emphasize, overall, in this class, making the transition to college-level thinking, reading, and writing through a range of interactive activities in and outside of class.
ENGL 160 This, Not That: The Art of Making Distinctions
CRN: 11339
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Joseph Staten
This class is based on two core ideas: 1. Good, clear writing is nothing other than good, clear thinking. 2. The basis of good, clear thinking is the ability to distinguish—to make “”distinctions””—between two things that are different from one another. Distinctions can be as trivial and ordinary as “”basketball vs. baseball,”” or as complex as “”good vs. evil,”” and it doesn’t take long to discover how foundational distinctions are not only to thinking and writing but to society itself. In this class, we will develop and sharpen our capacity for distinction making—and therefore our capacity for understanding our world as well.
Readings will be drawn from a diverse range of clear thinkers (and wonderfully clear writers), from ancient philosophers such as Aristotle to contemporary essayists such as Joan Didion and James Baldwin. We will apply the lessons learned from these writers to four genre-based writing assignments, which may include memoir, arts criticism, argumentative essay, reflective essay, and/or others.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing 1: Writing in Public and Academic Contexts
CRN: 11792
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
Information is not knowledge. – Albert Einstein
The readings in this course will explore a range of issues, such as relationships with neighbors during the pandemic and the role of Amazon in the global economy, that are and will be relevant to your experience as citizens of the UIC campus community of thinkers, readers, and writers. You will be embarking a journey that will begin with closely observing and describing information. Then, we will focus on analyzing this information in relation to multiple experiences and viewpoints, and finally, you will develop the confidence to make the move from information to knowledge, though developing skills in applying, analyzing, and evaluating, and ultimately, writing argument-based assignments. We will emphasize, overall, in this class, making the transition to college-level thinking, reading, and writing through a range of interactive activities in and outside of class.
ENGL 160 Unfinished Business: How the Past Shapes the Present
CRN: 46713
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Kris Chen
This synchronous online course will explore key events in the United States that occurred in the second half of the twentieth century that have ties to present-day social issues. This is a heavily history-oriented writing class. Topics discussed in class with include (but are not limited to): vaccines, civil rights, key Supreme Court cases, education, environmental protections, LGBTQ+, political corruption, reproductive rights, unions, and voting. In this class, you will write an op-ed piece, a film review, and an argumentative essay. The final paper for this class will be a reflective essay. Short writing assignments and peer reviews are also incorporated into the class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing on Social Issues in Film
CRN: 46739
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Eric Pahre
In this course, you will examine how popular films explore and portray different facets of common social issues, and how the discourse of film critics and academics further examine these topics and create important conversations between creators, critics, and the viewer or reader. You will watch several 21st-century films, some offering direct social satire or commentary and others working on a more subdued level. These topics include racism, gender inequality, classism, income inequality, and capitalism. Over the course of the semester, you will work to thoughtfully interpret and discuss the challenging content of these films and learn to write about deeper meaning while bringing films and reviews into conversations with one another. You will write multiple reviews of films with the goal of engaging with the ideas behind the films, and you will write an argumentative essay advocating for the presence, importance, details, or meaning of these ideas. The final goal of this class is to use these topics to become a more thoughtful and articulate academic writer. By the end of course, you should feel more confident in writing not only about challenging topics in film but also about the real-world issues that we find present in all types of media we encounter throughout our lives.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I:
CRN: 41620
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Harry Burson
In this course, we will consider the “multiverse” as it has appeared in recent films and television shows. In disparate media including the Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once, the sci-fi sitcom Rick and Morty, and the ever-expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the multiverse has become an increasingly ubiquitous strategy for building fictional worlds on screen. From its emergence as a scientific hypothesis in the twentieth century, the multiverse has been reimagined as a narrative trope to contend with a perceived surfeit of possibility, contingency, and multiplicity in contemporary life. Through the close analysis of twenty-first century multiversal media we will delve into how the multiverse reflects broader cultural concerns in an era of overlapping global crises. Examining how these audiovisual texts relate to questions of identity, history, and technology, we will explore the aesthetics and politics of the multiverse as a means of making sense of the world.
This class is designed to introduce students to college-level writing with an emphasis on genre and context as constitutive components of composition. The primary goal is to develop the core skills and techniques necessary to write for a variety of audiences. Over the course of the semester, students will work on four major writing assignments. By the end of the course, students should understand the key concepts from the course materials; draw connections among readings and case studies; create original arguments that address the larger themes of the course; and strengthen their writing by incorporating feedback from classmates and the instructor. This will help prepare students not only for professional and academic writing, but also for critically engaging with the media they encounter every day.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I:
CRN: 27284
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Harry Burson
In this course, we will consider the “multiverse” as it has appeared in recent films and television shows. In disparate media including the Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once, the sci-fi sitcom Rick and Morty, and the ever-expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the multiverse has become an increasingly ubiquitous strategy for building fictional worlds on screen. From its emergence as a scientific hypothesis in the twentieth century, the multiverse has been reimagined as a narrative trope to contend with a perceived surfeit of possibility, contingency, and multiplicity in contemporary life. Through the close analysis of twenty-first century multiversal media we will delve into how the multiverse reflects broader cultural concerns in an era of overlapping global crises. Examining how these audiovisual texts relate to questions of identity, history, and technology, we will explore the aesthetics and politics of the multiverse as a means of making sense of the world.
This class is designed to introduce students to college-level writing with an emphasis on genre and context as constitutive components of composition. The primary goal is to develop the core skills and techniques necessary to write for a variety of audiences. Over the course of the semester, students will work on four major writing assignments. By the end of the course, students should understand the key concepts from the course materials; draw connections among readings and case studies; create original arguments that address the larger themes of the course; and strengthen their writing by incorporating feedback from classmates and the instructor. This will help prepare students not only for professional and academic writing, but also for critically engaging with the media they encounter every day.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing on Social Issues in Film
CRN: 41621
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Eric Pahre
In this course, you will examine how popular films explore and portray different facets of common social issues, and how the discourse of film critics and academics further examine these topics and create important conversations between creators, critics, and the viewer or reader. You will watch several 21st-century films, some offering direct social satire or commentary and others working on a more subdued level. These topics include racism, gender inequality, classism, income inequality, and capitalism. Over the course of the semester, you will work to thoughtfully interpret and discuss the challenging content of these films and learn to write about deeper meaning while bringing films and reviews into conversations with one another. You will write multiple reviews of films with the goal of engaging with the ideas behind the films, and you will write an argumentative essay advocating for the presence, importance, details, or meaning of these ideas. The final goal of this class is to use these topics to become a more thoughtful and articulate academic writer. By the end of course, you should feel more confident in writing not only about challenging topics in film but also about the real-world issues that we find present in all types of media we encounter throughout our lives.
ENGL 160 Dystopia & the Modern World
CRN: 11505
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Margo Arruda
Covid 19. Climate change. Police brutality. Government surveillance. Artificial Intelligence. The line between reality and dystopia is becoming increasingly blurred. From images of nuclear holocaust to Philip K Dick’s pre-crime division, we will examine popular depictions of dystopia in the modern world to help us better understand what it is, why we engage with dystopic tropes, and what we stand to learn from engaging with them. To better understand the power of tales of dystopia to spur social change, we will examine movies, movie reviews, short stories, emergent narrative video games, formal analyses, and argumentative essays. Along the way, we will focus on areas key to reading and writing at the college level, including genre, form, rhetoric, and argumentation. In this English 160 course, you will learn how to effectively express yourself through writing and gain the tools necessary for success in a range of writing situations both in your academic career here at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 11583
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Ryan Croken
From the perils of climate change to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, activism, ecopsychology, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Examinations of Self and Society
CRN: 46721
Days/time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Sammie Marie Burton
English 160 is designed to expand on the critical-thinking and writing skills necessary for college success. This semester, you will embark on a journey through different genres of writing focusing on the rhetorical strategies used by scholars to convey their message to the reader. Whole group discussions, small group discussions and writing activities will further cement concepts and ideas presented within each text. Four writing genres will be explored: the Literary Analysis Essay, the Definition Essay, the Argumentative Essay, and the Reflective Essay. In addition to peer-review sessions, you will also receive feedback from your instructor to help produce clear and thought-provoking writing projects. The theme for this course centers on the dynamic relationship between self and society.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11458
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Ling He This course will be taught fully online for the entire Fall 2023 semester. The sessions will be conducted synchronously on Tuesday and Thursday on Blackboard Collaborate. You will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. Specific guides for the course site login will be sent to you by email before the first day of the semester.
ENGL160 is designed and taught using genre-based pedagogy, viewing the genre as the common form of responding to similar situations that shape writing. From this lens, the course is structured around four writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the writing purposes, audience, and context. You will learn how to write five academic genres: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection, in addition to public writing using social media. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations and appeals. Reading is integrated into writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 30664
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
In this online synchronous class, we will be reading, discussing, and writing about heroes and modern culture. What is a hero, and how does this idea change across time and culture? Who can be heroic, and how? Was there ever a time you acted heroically? Why is the world so obsessed with superhero movies? Why do we like anti-heroes as much as traditional heroes, and do both types exist in real life?
You will write about these questions and more in the form of online journal entries, short in-class writings, and 4 major writing projects: a memoir, a news article, a persuasive essay, and a digital story.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Bad Ideas About Good Writing
CRN: 39029
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Angela Dancey
Did your high school teachers tell you that you should never use the first-person (“I”) in an academic essay? Or that you should avoid contractions (like “don’t” and “can’t”) because they sound too informal?
What about the five-paragraph essay (referred to as a “theme” back in the day)? Even if your teachers didn’t call it that, you will recognize its structure right away: an introduction and thesis that sets up three main points, three corresponding body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates the introduction and begins with something like, “In conclusion…”
While the five-paragraph essay can be useful in some specific writing situations (such as standardized tests), those who study and teach academic writing generally agree that it doesn’t prepare students for college writing. In addition, it rarely produces papers that are enjoyable to write or read.
Don’t despair—the good news is that this course aims to challenge some outdated beliefs and unhelpful ideas about academic writing and replace them with habits and strategies that will serve you better as a college writer. We’ll accomplish this by focusing on situation, purpose, and audience, as well as prioritizing revision—significant changes to language and structure—over editing (corrections at the level of words and sentences). We’ll also practice critical thinking and reading skills, constructing cohesive paragraphs, writing for simplicity and concision, and finding, identifying, and working with sources. Finally, an important goal for this course is to make writing enjoyable in ways it might not have been for you in high school, and possibly shift your perception of yourself as a writer.
ENGL 160 Writing the Body and Understanding Empathy
CRN: 23461
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Lauren Keeley
The term “empathy” has become a buzzword of the COVID-19 pandemic, but what exactly does it mean to share and understand the feelings of another? How do we communicate pain, and why is doing so important? In this course, we will discuss the relationship between writing, illness, and the body. We will explore how language functions to communicate what is seemingly inexpressible (physical and mental pain) but fundamentally human and shared. You will get to write in a variety of genres, such as memoir, op-ed, and argumentative essay as we chart the boundaries between sickness and health. Finally, the class will provide a review of the grammar, editing and revision techniques that will prove useful to you throughout your time at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160 Imagine That: Writing About Sci-fi and Speculative Fiction
CRN: 32837
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Rana Awwad
In this class, you will engage with a variety of different mediums (short stories, graphic novels, TV shows, films, critical engagements, etc.,) that explore the various themes and tropes that make up science fiction and speculative fiction. What role do the themes of (dis)connection, loneliness, found family, estrangement, etc. do for these genres? What kind of tropes are at play in sci-fi and speculative fiction and what do they do to complicate or reproduce the genres? Is there even a clear difference between these two genres? Centered around four major writing projects, this course will strengthen the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills you will need to write in academic and public contexts.
ENGL 160 Writing About Popular Media, Resistance, and Social Change
CRN: 11534
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
What does it mean to be “woke.” Do you believe that popular culture can be a force for social change or does mainstream popular culture mostly encourage “slacktivism”? In this course, we will explore the ways in which (mostly) American popular media— video games, film, television, books, social media, advertising, news reporting, and other forms of infotainment—heighten or diminish our social awareness and corresponding desire to act on social problems. As a starting point for this investigation, we will be reading a recent collection, Popular Culture, and the Civic Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change (New York University Press, 2020). Students will utilize the theories generated by academics and activists to build original thinking on the popular media texts that matter most to them. A combination of in-class discussion, short writing assignments, and discussion board posts will not only prepare students to build arguments in three distinct genres—film analysis, opinion piece, and manifesto—but also to contribute to public conversations about pop culture and politics by transforming their academic prose into social media posts designed to heighten awareness of social issues for carefully chosen audiences. Through this course work, students will sharpen some of the most valuable skill sets for their future academic, personal, and professional lives: the ability to understand complex arguments, the ability to write clear, correct, and compelling prose, and the ability to assess various sorts of rhetorical situations to make successful presentations. In other words, students will begin to see the value of smart rhetorical choices in achieving their short- and long-term goals.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Examinations of Self and Society
CRN: 46718
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Sammie Marie Burton
English 160 is designed to expand on the critical-thinking and writing skills necessary for college success. This semester, you will embark on a journey through different genres of writing focusing on the rhetorical strategies used by scholars to convey their message to the reader. Whole group discussions, small group discussions and writing activities will further cement concepts and ideas presented within each text. Four writing genres will be explored: the Literary Analysis Essay, the Definition Essay, the Argumentative Essay, and the Reflective Essay. In addition to peer-review sessions, you will also receive feedback from your instructor to help produce clear and thought-provoking writing projects. The theme for this course centers on the dynamic relationship between self and society.
ENGL 160 Academic WRITING i: Mapping the Multiverse
CRN: 46865
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Harry Burson
In this course, we will consider the “multiverse” as it has appeared in recent films and television shows. In disparate media including the Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once, the sci-fi sitcom Rick and Morty, and the ever-expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the multiverse has become an increasingly ubiquitous strategy for building fictional worlds on screen. From its emergence as a scientific hypothesis in the twentieth century, the multiverse has been reimagined as a narrative trope to contend with a perceived surfeit of possibility, contingency, and multiplicity in contemporary life. Through the close analysis of twenty-first century multiversal media we will delve into how the multiverse reflects broader cultural concerns in an era of overlapping global crises. Examining how these audiovisual texts relate to questions of identity, history, and technology, we will explore the aesthetics and politics of the multiverse as a means of making sense of the world.
This class is designed to introduce students to college-level writing with an emphasis on genre and context as constitutive components of composition. The primary goal is to develop the core skills and techniques necessary to write for a variety of audiences. Over the course of the semester, students will work on four major writing assignments. By the end of the course, students should understand the key concepts from the course materials; draw connections among readings and case studies; create original arguments that address the larger themes of the course; and strengthen their writing by incorporating feedback from classmates and the instructor. This will help prepare students not only for professional and academic writing, but also for critically engaging with the media they encounter every day.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Bad Ideas About Good Writing
CRN: 27373
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Angela Dancey
Did your high school teachers tell you that you should never use the first-person (“I”) in an academic essay? Or that you should avoid contractions (like “don’t” and “can’t”) because they sound too informal?
What about the five-paragraph essay (referred to as a “theme” back in the day)? Even if your teachers didn’t call it that, you will recognize its structure right away: an introduction and thesis that sets up three main points, three corresponding body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates the introduction and begins with something like, “In conclusion…”
While the five-paragraph essay can be useful in some specific writing situations (such as standardized tests), those who study and teach academic writing generally agree that it doesn’t prepare students for college writing. In addition, it rarely produces papers that are enjoyable to write or read.
Don’t despair—the good news is that this course aims to challenge some outdated beliefs and unhelpful ideas about academic writing and replace them with habits and strategies that will serve you better as a college writer. We’ll accomplish this by focusing on situation, purpose, and audience, as well as prioritizing revision—significant changes to language and structure—over editing (corrections at the level of words and sentences). We’ll also practice critical thinking and reading skills, constructing cohesive paragraphs, writing for simplicity and concision, and finding, identifying, and working with sources. Finally, an important goal for this course is to make writing enjoyable in ways it might not have been for you in high school, and possibly shift your perception of yourself as a writer.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 19880
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
This class will provide you the opportunity to engage in the process of writing in different situations and genres as well as help you become self-aware learners. The topic of this class involves U.S. immigration, with a focus on migrants and undocumented immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, as well other Latin American countries. We will explore the reasons migrants attempt to enter the U.S. from Mexico, either through seeking asylum or unlawful entry; the experiences of and challenges for undocumented immigrants from Latin America who have settled down and built lives in a country in which they’re not recognized or welcomed as citizens (including DACA recipients); the related politics, policies, and contention; and the potential (or not) for actual “immigration reform.” Through readings and writing assignments on this topic, you will gain skills in the strategies of writing in a variety of genres, including an academic argumentative essay. You will be responsible for four writing projects, the last of which will be a reflective essay that thoughtfully and thoroughly analyzes your own learning process as a writer.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 41808
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
This class will provide you the opportunity to engage in the process of writing in different situations and genres as well as help you become self-aware learners. The topic of this class involves U.S. immigration, with a focus on migrants and undocumented immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, as well other Latin American countries. We will explore the reasons migrants attempt to enter the U.S. from Mexico, either through seeking asylum or unlawful entry; the experiences of and challenges for undocumented immigrants from Latin America who have settled down and built lives in a country in which they’re not recognized or welcomed as citizens (including DACA recipients); the related politics, policies, and contention; and the potential (or not) for actual “immigration reform.” Through readings and writing assignments on this topic, you will gain skills in the strategies of writing in a variety of genres, including an academic argumentative essay. You will be responsible for four writing projects, the last of which will be a reflective essay that thoughtfully and thoroughly analyzes your own learning process as a writer.
ENGL 160 Writing About Popular Media, Resistance, and Social Change
CRN: 39062
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
What does it mean to be “woke.” Do you believe that popular culture can be a force for social change or does mainstream popular culture mostly encourage “slacktivism”? In this course, we will explore the ways in which (mostly) American popular media— video games, film, television, books, social media, advertising, news reporting, and other forms of infotainment—heighten or diminish our social awareness and corresponding desire to act on social problems. As a starting point for this investigation, we will be reading a recent collection, Popular Culture, and the Civic Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change (New York University Press, 2020). Students will utilize the theories generated by academics and activists to build original thinking on the popular media texts that matter most to them. A combination of in-class discussion, short writing assignments, and discussion board posts will not only prepare students to build arguments in three distinct genres—film analysis, opinion piece, and manifesto—but also to contribute to public conversations about pop culture and politics by transforming their academic prose into social media posts designed to heighten awareness of social issues for carefully chosen audiences. Through this course work, students will sharpen some of the most valuable skill sets for their future academic, personal, and professional lives: the ability to understand complex arguments, the ability to write clear, correct, and compelling prose, and the ability to assess various sorts of rhetorical situations to make successful presentations. In other words, students will begin to see the value of smart rhetorical choices in achieving their short- and long-term goals.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 11343
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ryan Croken
From the perils of climate change to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, activism, ecopsychology, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11331
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be taught fully online for the entire Fall 2023 semester. The sessions will be conducted synchronously on Tuesday and Thursday on Blackboard Collaborate. You will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. Specific guides for the course site login will be sent to you by email before the first day of the semester.
ENGL160 is designed and taught using genre-based pedagogy, viewing the genre as the common form of responding to similar situations that shape writing. From this lens, the course is structured around four writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the writing purposes, audience, and context. You will learn how to write five academic genres: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection, in addition to public writing using social media. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations and appeals. Reading is integrated into writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 38998
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
In this online synchronous class, we will be reading, discussing, and writing about heroes and modern culture. What is a hero, and how does this idea change across time and culture? Who can be heroic, and how? Was there ever a time you acted heroically? Why is the world so obsessed with superhero movies? Why do we like anti-heroes as much as traditional heroes, and do both types exist in real life?
You will write about these questions and more in the form of online journal entries, short in-class writings, and 4 major writing projects: a memoir, a news article, a persuasive essay, and a digital story.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 11512
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ryan Croken
From the perils of climate change to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, activism, ecopsychology, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Examinations of Self and Society
CRN: 46738
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Sammie Marie Burton
English 160 is designed to expand on the critical-thinking and writing skills necessary for college success. This semester, you will embark on a journey through different genres of writing focusing on the rhetorical strategies used by scholars to convey their message to the reader. Whole group discussions, small group discussions and writing activities will further cement concepts and ideas presented within each text. Four writing genres will be explored: the Literary Analysis Essay, the Definition Essay, the Argumentative Essay, and the Reflective Essay. In addition to peer-review sessions, you will also receive feedback from your instructor to help produce clear and thought-provoking writing projects. The theme for this course centers on the dynamic relationship between self and society.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Writing about Sound
CRN: 27280
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Eniko Vaghy
In this course, you will investigate the significance of sound at the personal, social/cultural, and political level. Through discussions, analyses, and assignments focused on environmental sound, personal sound/speech, music, as well as other topics concerning sonic production, we will approach questions such as: “Is it possible for sounds to represent the cultural or political landscape of a certain place?” “Can you discern unrest and strife—or, conversely, joy—just by listening to the world around you?” “What are the politics contained in code-switching and personal dialect alterations?” “What biases do we inflict on others based on the way they speak?” To answer these questions, you will participate in sound walks, listen to podcasts, read articles and stories about sound, contribute to in-class discussions, and write informal reflections as well as longer papers on sound. By this, you will strengthen and diversify your writing, reading, and listening skills.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11543
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45 ONLINE
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be taught fully online for the entire Fall 2023 semester. The sessions will be conducted synchronously on Tuesday and Thursday on Blackboard Collaborate. You will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. Specific guides for the course site login will be sent to you by email before the first day of the semester.
ENGL160 is designed and taught using genre-based pedagogy, viewing the genre as the common form of responding to similar situations that shape writing. From this lens, the course is structured around four writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the writing purposes, audience, and context. You will learn how to write five academic genres: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection, in addition to public writing using social media. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations and appeals. Reading is integrated into writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 38999
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45 ONLINE
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
In this online synchronous class, we will be reading, discussing, and writing about heroes and modern culture. What is a hero, and how does this idea change across time and culture? Who can be heroic, and how? Was there ever a time you acted heroically? Why is the world so obsessed with superhero movies? Why do we like anti-heroes as much as traditional heroes, and do both types exist in real life?
You will write about these questions and more in the form of online journal entries, short in-class writings, and 4 major writing projects: a memoir, a news article, a persuasive essay, and a digital story.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 30669
Instructor: Jenna Hart
We live in a time when we’re inundated with media reports on any number of catastrophic things, almost daily. How can we determine what is worth our attention? How can we know which ones are solid reporting? What issues should we be paying the most attention to? We’ll be using these questions to look at texts and other media in a critical way, as a tool to begin learning about academic dialogue. The course will consist of layered assignments—an annotated bibliography, literature review, proposal, outline— that lead up to a longer academic research paper on a topic of your choosing.
ENGL 161 Society, Multimedia, and Groupthink
CRN: 21838
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Antonio Guerrero
At its core, this course will explore the ways in which we craft and consume ideas. We exist in a complex ideological ecosystem that allows us to have a great amount of mental dexterity and individualization — but how we wield this dexterity has a lot to do with our environment. This course will have you read, write, and research with the goal of understanding how everyday consumption of information influences our collective trajectories.
ENGL 161 Reading and Writing About the Arts
CRN: 25953
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Jared O’Connor
How do we understand art? How do we even approach it? When we see, read, or hear a piece of art, how do we know what it means? How do we explain it? And most importantly, why can it be so meaningful to us and others? In this class you will learn how to read and write about many different types of art objects, including literary, visual, and moving arts. This course will provide the tools for interpreting, evaluating, and writing about art in academic and non-academic settings. Ultimately, our goal is to recognize how pervasive and significant art is not only for this course but also in our everyday lives.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Contemporary Issues in Higher Education
CRN: 11861
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
What are we doing here in an institution of higher education? What issues about higher education affect our class and how do our experiences of higher education vary? In our section of English 161, a writing course situated in academic inquiry, we will take up these questions through an exploration of academic research and public debate. The course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by forms of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing IICRN: 11979
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Philip Hayek
ENGL 161 is a continuation and extension of the work you completed and the strategies you learned in ENGL 160. We’ll learn about academic writing through arguments about the United States national security strategy. How does America define its place in the world, and how do the executive branch and the Department of Defense respond rhetorically? In this course we will analyze current United States National Security Strategy (NSS), using the framework of Michael Walzer’s Just War Theory. You will choose an issue in the NSS to explore further with library research, culminating in a 10-page research paper on an issue of your choosing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 22420
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Marc Baez
In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is
particularly bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of
stand-up’s fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class
readings and discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible
research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and
audience: the sword and shield of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness.
argument by analogy in satire; conglomerate niche marketing and the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and the relationship between social norms
and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a
Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic career. So be prepared to read and write every day.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Research and Inquiry
CRN: 11950
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: T. Sherfinski
Baby. Wisdom. Eye. False. No matter their condition, we’ve all got teeth. And that’s the topic of conversation for this course on Academic Writing. We’ll be using Mary Otto’s Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America as the starting point for research. In addition to four Writing Projects, expect short daily reading and writing assignments and plenty of group work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research “Chicago Works?” Writing Through the Issues of the Working Poor
CRN: 11961
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: jennifer lewis
Course description and goals: In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas, debates and questions about work, poverty and social mobility and participate in current public conversations about these (initially broad) topics. We will first discern what these public conversations about the “working poor” in fact, are, assess their validity, and articulate our own, well-supported arguments. As summary, analysis and synthesis are central components of the academic research paper, we will practice these, and we will learn to find and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources for our own research. You will develop your reading, writing, research and communications skills through assignments and activities such as class discussion, group work and peer review.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Contemporary Issues in Higher Education
CRN: 11932
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
What are we doing here in an institution of higher education? What issues about higher education affect our class and how do our experiences of higher education vary? In our section of English 161, a writing course situated in academic inquiry, we will take up these questions through an exploration of academic research and public debate. The course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by forms of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research “Chicago Works?” Writing Through the Issues of the Working Poor
CRN: 11956
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: jennifer lewis
Course description and goals: In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas, debates and questions about work, poverty and social mobility and participate in current public conversations about these (initially broad) topics. We will first discern what these public conversations about the “working poor” in fact, are, assess their validity, and articulate our own, well-supported arguments. As summary, analysis and synthesis are central components of the academic research paper, we will practice these, and we will learn to find and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources for our own research. You will develop your reading, writing, research and communications skills through assignments and activities such as class discussion, group work and peer review.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 27376
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Marc Baez
In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is
particularly bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of
stand-up’s fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class
readings and discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible
research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and
audience: the sword and shield of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness.
argument by analogy in satire; conglomerate niche marketing and the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and the relationship between social norms and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a
Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic career. So be prepared to read and write every day.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Research and Inquiry
CRN: 24055
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Baby. Wisdom. Eye. False. No matter their condition, we’ve all got teeth. And that’s the topic of conversation for this course on Academic Writing. We’ll be using Mary Otto’s Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America as the starting point for research. In addition to four Writing Projects, expect short daily reading and writing assignments and plenty of group work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research “Chicago Works?” Writing Through the Issues of the Working Poor
CRN: 11924
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: jennifer lewis
Course description and goals: In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas, debates and questions about work, poverty and social mobility and participate in current public conversations about these (initially broad) topics. We will first discern what these public conversations about the “working poor” in fact, are, assess their validity, and articulate our own, well-supported arguments. As summary, analysis and synthesis are central components of the academic research paper, we will practice these, and we will learn to find and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources for our own research. You will develop your reading, writing, research and communications skills through assignments and activities such as class discussion, group work and peer review.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Research and Inquiry
CRN: 11854
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: T. Sherfinski
Baby. Wisdom. Eye. False. No matter their condition, we’ve all got teeth. And that’s the topic of conversation for this course on Academic Writing. We’ll be using Mary Otto’s Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America as the starting point for research. In addition to four Writing Projects, expect short daily reading and writing assignments and plenty of group work.
ENGL 161 Prison Reform
CRN: 21700
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Virginia Costello
Although we begin with an analysis of Emma Goldman’s highly romantic and wildly impractical theory of anarchism, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections to contemporary movements and politics and examine The Marshall Project (news outlet), About – The Sentencing Project (no political affiliation), Right On Crime (conservative) and other webpages. You will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, in this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our text Writing for Inquiry and Research (About This Book – Writing for Inquiry and Research) is divided in chapters on genres and explains how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Empathy and Mass Communication
CRN: 29283
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this class, we will explore theories of empathy in digital spaces and how these do (or do not) reconcile with our lived experiences. At issue in our texts are questions of identity and creativity, as well as rhetoric’s of authorship and cultural appropriation, ubiquitous telepresence, machinic modes of perception, and the disconnection between people trying to care—and feel cared about—in a world of algorithmically-driven communication technologies. We will examine mass media like video games, social media, and AI, and the implications of their reach and their increasing tendency to mobilize empathy in search of new audiences. You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (annotated bibliography, review of literature, paper proposal, final paper) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: Writing about Environmental Issues
CRN: 30670
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Kate Boulay
This course approaches academic inquiry through examination of environmental issues. Reading a range of work by and about environmental activists, students write a research paper in which, after reviewing the relevant literature, they take a stance and support it with evidence from recent academic research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Critical Thinking in 2023
CRN: 40446
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: James Sharpe
In this course, we will take as our point of departure urgent, relevant topics from contemporary public sources such as magazine and newspaper articles. These topics may include, for example, artificial intelligence, modern science, global capitalism, climate change, or more. You, the student, will help select the topics of our class discussions. And we will use these topics to generate research questions and to illustrate fundamental compositional concepts such as organization, argument, genre, citational formats, and multi-media presentation. Ultimately, students will be expected to conduct their own research in library databases in the second half of the course, finally producing a researched argumentative paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Empathy and Mass Communication
CRN: 28749
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45 ONLINE
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this class, we will explore theories of empathy in digital spaces and how these do (or do not) reconcile with our lived experiences. At issue in our texts are questions of identity and creativity, as well as rhetoric’s of authorship and cultural appropriation, ubiquitous telepresence, machinic modes of perception, and the disconnection between people trying to care—and feel cared about—in a world of algorithmically-driven communication technologies. We will examine mass media like video games, social media, and AI, and the implications of their reach and their increasing tendency to mobilize empathy in search of new audiences. You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (annotated bibliography, review of literature, paper proposal, final paper) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 11958
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability as it relates to waste management, urban stormwater management, transportation, and labor. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 21668
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability as it relates to waste management, urban stormwater management, transportation, and labor. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Empathy and Mass Communication
CRN: 28747
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45 ONLINE
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this class, we will explore theories of empathy in digital spaces and how these do (or do not) reconcile with our lived experiences. At issue in our texts are questions of identity and creativity, as well as rhetoric’s of authorship and cultural appropriation, ubiquitous telepresence, machinic modes of perception, and the disconnection between people trying to care—and feel cared about—in a world of algorithmically-driven communication technologies. We will examine mass media like video games, social media, and AI, and the implications of their reach and their increasing tendency to mobilize empathy in search of new audiences. You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (annotated bibliography, review of literature, paper proposal, final paper) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Contemplating the Now
CRN: 30674
Days/Time: TR 3.30-4.45
Instructor: PENDING
This course will focus mainly on the contemporary issues facing us today politically and socially, and how we position ourselves in relation to those issues at hand, whether it be by fervently adopting a particular ideology or remaining ignorantly ambivalent. Quite simply, this course will not necessarily have a concrete topic on which to focus on, but will emphasize, and perhaps provoke, interest in contemporary issues that inevitably saturate our everyday lives. And hopefully, in discussing these difficult issues, in taking the time to write about them in a critical manner, we will find something to say and maybe even care about.
ENGL 161 Contemplating the Now
CRN: 25879
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6.15
Instructor: Pending
This course will focus mainly on the contemporary issues facing us today politically and socially, and how we position ourselves in relation to those issues at hand, whether it be by fervently adopting a particular ideology or remaining ignorantly ambivalent. Quite simply, this course will not necessarily have a concrete topic on which to focus on, but will emphasize, and perhaps provoke, interest in contemporary issues that inevitably saturate our everyday lives. And hopefully, in discussing these difficult issues, in taking the time to write about them in a critical manner, we will find something to say and maybe even care about.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing about Popular Film and Social Movements/Social Change/Social Stagnation
CRN: 32676
Days/Time: TR 8-9:15
Instructor: James Drown
Media theorist Stuart Hall said that when producers create media (such as popular film) they “encode” messages as part of that creation process. These messages may reinforce expected social norms, as well as challenge them. For example, think about how films depict gender and gender expectations, and how these depictions might vary from traditional to progressive. These can be considered encoded messages. From an audience perspective, the messages might be obvious, loud, and direct, or they might be so quiet, subtle, and well-integrated into a film that you don’t even notice them. However, all of these messages have an impact and influence both us and society in general. If you consider how many films you have seen and how many messages they contain, you begin to understand why this is important and how it impacts social movements and change. We will begin by reading some theoretical work, including an essay by Hall, as well as applications of these theories. In our exploration of the relationship between popular film and social change/stagnation, we will be reading widely, considering how the different readings intersect, and using this information to develop a research question. Once we have a research question, we will follow through by conducting research, considering what that research means, and writing a fully developed academic research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 11875
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Virginia Costello
Although we begin with an analysis of Emma Goldman’s highly romantic and wildly impractical theory of anarchism, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections to contemporary movements and politics and examine The Marshall Project (news outlet), About – The Sentencing Project (no political affiliation), Right On Crime (conservative) and other webpages. You will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, in this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our text Writing for Inquiry and Research (About This Book – Writing for Inquiry and Research) is divided in chapters on genres and explains how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing about Popular Film and Social Movements/Social Change/Social Stagnation
CRN: 25973
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: James Drown
Media theorist Stuart Hall said that when producers create media (such as popular film) they “encode” messages as part of that creation process. These messages may reinforce expected social norms, as well as challenge them. For example, think about how films depict gender and gender expectations, and how these depictions might vary from traditional to progressive. These can be considered encoded messages. From an audience perspective, the messages might be obvious, loud, and direct, or they might be so quiet, subtle, and well-integrated into a film that you don’t even notice them. However, all these messages have an impact and influence both us and society in general. If you consider how many films you have seen and how many messages they contain, you begin to understand why this is important and how it impacts social movements and change. We will begin by reading some theoretical work, including an essay by Hall, as well as applications of these theories. In our exploration of the relationship between popular film and social change/stagnation, we will be reading widely, considering how the different readings intersect, and using this information to develop a research question. Once we have a research question, we will follow through by conducting research, considering what that research means, and writing a fully developed academic research paper.
ENGL 161 Prison Reform
CRN: 23990
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Virginia Costello
Course Description
Although we begin with an analysis of Emma Goldman’s highly romantic and wildly impractical theory of anarchism, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections to contemporary movements and politics and examine The Marshall Project (news outlet), About – The Sentencing Project (no political affiliation), Right On Crime (conservative) and other webpages. You will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, in this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our text Writing for Inquiry and Research (About This Book – Writing for Inquiry and Research) is divided in chapters on genres and explains how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Inquiry and Research Between Body and Mind: Narrative, Illness, and Medicine
CRN: 25972
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Bridget English
As humans, we inhabit bodies that are fragile and susceptible to illness and breakdown. Narratives—novels, films, television shows, and memoirs—provide us with a way of expressing and comprehending these experiences through plotting and sequence. But what is the relationship between these more subjective aspects of human existence, which most often find expression in literature and the arts, and medicine, a field that deals in facts and in objective data? At the heart of this opposition between medicine and the humanities is the view that the body and the mind exist as separate entities and must be treated accordingly.
In this class we will explore the relationship between medicine and the humanities by focusing on debates surrounding the incorporation of the humanities into a medical context. Through the examination of various kinds of narratives—medical, scholarly, public, literary, and visual—we will develop skills of academic research and writing. As part of the course, you will identify a topic of your own interest and will produce four writing projects related to this topic, culminating in a documented research paper that demonstrates your skills as an independent researcher on a topic related to illness, medicine, and the body.
ENGL 161 Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 42939 Global
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “”social justice””—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality, and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both research and revision. All semester long you will work step-by-step towards the completion of an academic research paper, and you will do so not only with my help, but also with the help of your fellow classmates. Our class will function as a collective “writing community” where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily.
ENGL 161 Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 11853
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “”social justice””—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality, and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both research and revision. All semester long you will work step-by-step towards the completion of an academic research paper, and you will do so not only with my help, but also with the help of your fellow classmates. Our class will function as a collective “writing community” where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 11958
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability as it relates to waste management, urban stormwater management, transportation, and labor. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 21668
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability as it relates to waste management, urban stormwater management, transportation, and labor. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Literary Analysis
CRN: 47520, 45721
Days/Time: MWF 9:00- 9:50
Instructor: Bridget English
The process of reading literary texts gives us pleasure because it allows us to enter another world and to imagine what it is like to be someone else. In this sense literature encourages us to empathize with others. But how do we make sense of this experience which reading enables and how is it connected to the “real world”? What methods can we use to better understand or decipher the meaning of a novel, short story, poem, or play? In this course we will study different theoretical approaches to literature, including Marxist, psycho-analytical, historical, structuralist, and post-structuralist literary and social theory to gain skills of literary analysis, but also to learn about different ways of “seeing” or understanding the world around us. After completing this course students will have a better understanding of literary analysis and interpretation, what literary theory is and how to apply it, and will also know how to formulate their own thesis based on this understanding.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis
CRN: 47523
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: John Casey
In this course we will examine the foundations of literary study—how to read a text, interpret it, and then provide a clear evaluation. We will also explore a few of the methodologies or “theories” that allow us to engage in those activities. A wide variety of theories will be discussed that focus on the reader, the text, and the social conditions surrounding the reading and writing of literature. These will include Reader-Response, Digital Humanities, Queer Studies, Marxism, and Post-Colonialism. Assignments for the class consist of short weekly response papers and two essays in addition to the required readings. The first of these essays will be a “critical etymology,” an analysis of a term associated with a specific methodology for reading literature. The second paper will provide a reading of a literary text of your choice using one of the theoretical approaches discussed in class. This text must be pre-approved by the instructor.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis: Madmen and Ghosts and Liminal Spaces
CRN: 47516
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Dave Schaafsma
English 207 is a required course for the English major, though it is open to anyone. It’s intended as an introduction on how to read, interpret, analyze, and write critically about texts. The focus in this course will be on stories and theories about liminal spaces, including ghost stories and stories of madness. We’ll read, among other things, Claire Keegan’s Foster, Tarjei Vesaas’s The Ice Palace, Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw. We’ll see the film The Others, we’ll read some graphic novels, informed by various relevant critical lens from Michel Foucault’s Madness and Civilization to Jacques Derrida’s Hauntology.
ENGL 207 Literary Theory and Analysis
CRN: 47526
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Natasha Barnes
“This course is designed to teach English majors how to read literature, specifically in relation to the construction and analysis of literary realism. We will explore the form and narrative language of realism as a springboard to understanding some of the main tenets of twentieth-century literary theory. As we examine how “English literature” became an academic pursuit, we will recognize schools of literary interpretation (liberal humanism, new criticism, narratology, etc.) and distinguish the critical methodology associated with each category. Literary texts studied will include Ian McEwan’s Saturday and Atonement, Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway and Michael Cunningham’s The Hours. Excerpts from Peter Barry’s Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory and Robert Dale Parker’s How to Analyze Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies will guide our theoretical studies.
There is about 75-100 pages of reading per week for this class. Students are expected to read ALL assigned texts carefully and to take difficult literary fiction seriously.
IMPORTANT: I would prefer that students intending to choose academic literature as their concentration in the English major take this course. This is a rigorous course and I expect every student who elects to take this class should apply themselves with due diligence.
If you’re *not* an English major and want to take an English class to practice academic writing, this course is probably too specialized for your needs.
Textbooks: All books will be available at the UIC Bookstore, articles and short stories will be uploaded on Blackboard
Students will be required to write 2 short papers and take midterm and final exams
ENGL 208 Monsters, Dragons, and Sinful Knights: A Survey of English Literature from the Beginnings to the 17th Century
CRN: 47258
Days/Time: MW 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Alfred Thomas
This course offers an overview of writing in English from the Old English heroic epic Beowulf to the poems and plays of the Elizabethans. Readings include the Arthurian romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; selected tales from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales; the writings of the female mystics Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe; the prose stories of Sir Thomas Malory known as the Morte Darthur that trace the decline and fall of King Arthur’s Round Table, and the rise of secular drama by Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare as well as the development of the sonnet form.
ENGL 209 English Studies I: 17th Century to Today
CRN: 47533
Days/Time: MW 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Anna Kornbluh
This course tracks how literary forms emerged and changed in response to events like the expansion of global capitalism, the development of mass literacy, revolutions and the rise of democracy, and the growth of cities. We will study authors from England, the British Colonies, and the United States, and focus on the development of the novel as the literary form unique to modernity. We will also practice close reading to carefully appreciate the specific formal strategies involved in writing literature.
ENGL 213 Introduction to Shakespeare
CRN: 47460, 47461
Days/time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Gary Buslik
This course will introduce you to the life, times, and work of the great poet, dramatist, and inventive genius of the English language, William Shakespeare. We will read a lively biography and selections from books about him, his work, and Elizabethan theater. We will read and discuss plays and sonnets. We will also watch filmed productions of the Bard’s most famous plays. We will write response papers and have quizzes on all readings, midterm, and summary exams.
ENGL 213 Introduction to Shakespeare: The Raw and the Cooked
CRN: 47458, 47459
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Jeff Gore Subtitled
“The Raw and the Cooked,” this course will pair Shakespeare’s early experimental works with the more refined comedies, tragedies, and histories from the height of his career. We will juxtapose the early slapstick humor of The Taming of the Shrew with Twelfth Night’s gender-bending banter to understand better different kinds of comedy and different forms of social negotiation. Although T. S. Eliot referred to Shakespeare’s early tragedy Titus Andronicus as “one of the stupidest. . . plays ever written,” recent scholarship on gender, race, and trauma challenges us to examine more deeply the play’s cannibalism and escalating cycles of revenge. “To be or not to be” will certainly be one of the questions when we turn to the author’s tragic masterpiece Hamlet – written a decade after Titus – but so will be the lead character’s bawdy humor and hapless efforts to be the avenging warrior that his father was. With the histories, we will examine two kinds of leaders, the villain Machiavel Richard III, and the unifying warrior-king, Henry V: although the former cruelly murders his way to the top, the latter draws a subtler approach from the Machiavellian playbook. These pairs will help us to understand different approaches to storytelling during the years that Shakespeare was most devoted to experimentation and refining his craft.
ENGL 223 Introduction to Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
CRN: 47474
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Hanna Khan
ENGL 230 Film and Culture: Embodying Difference in the Horror Film
CRN: 47484
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45/6:15
Instructor: Angela Dancey
Horror is one of cinema’s most enduring and iconic genres, reflecting individual and collective fears about monstrosity, difference, and the body. In this course, we will study how the American horror film has evolved over time, viewing representative examples of its most important subgenres and they ways they are influenced by historical context, social movements, and human psychology. We will also devote class time to a basic understanding of film and cultural studies, including major concepts, techniques, and terminology. Weekly film screenings include Cat People (1942), Carrie (1976), Jennifer’s Body (2009), Get Out (2017), Candyman (1992), and The VVitch (2015). Assignments include discussion board posts, film response videos, online quizzes, and a final writing project.
ENGL 230 ENGL230: Cinema of Logistics
CRN: 47482
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15/5:45
Instructor: Pending
Cinema of Logistics: Of the many things ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic, the global supply chain has shifted from the mundane to the meme-d. Quarantined at home, we ordered online and had boxes delivered to our door. In the first year of the pandemic, Amazon saw record profits and Bezos added nearly $70 billion to his net worth. The news blares about a supply chain in crisis. From panicked broadcasts about mask and toilet paper shortages in 2020 to the looping newsreels of the Ever-Given stuck cattywampus in the Suez Canal in 2021, we’re in the midst of a growing critical awareness of how the seemingly banal global processes of manufacturing, production, and circulation actually encapsulate some of the most urgent crises of our time. How can film help us understand the global supply chain—and what’s at stake? In this class we will unpack depictions of global supply and logistics in film. We will inventory the crises, contradictions, paradigms of security, uses of law, and cultural representations of logistics. We will map the network of infrastructures, technologies, and sites of global logistics, and will deliver—just in time for the end of the semester—critical analyses of logistics in works which construct, congest, pack, pirate, jam, and hack logistics networks. We will engage with films including Alex Rivera’s Sleep Dealer, Chloe Zhao’s Nomadland, Allan Sekula and Noel Burch’s The Forgotten Space, Todd Phillips’ War Dogs, Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion, Bong Joon-ho’s Snowpiercer, and Michael Mann’s Miami Vice, as well as HBO’s Station Eleven and Season Two of The Wire.
ENGL 232 History of Film I: 1890 to World War II
CRN: 12114, 12118
Days/Time: MW 1:00-2:50
Instructor: Martin Rubin
An exploration of film history from the late 19th century to the late 1940s. The journey begins with the eruption of a vigorous early cinema based on variety, spectacle, and sensation. This is followed by the rise of story-based movies and the emergence of the film director to better tell those stories. The less rigid structure of the early film industry opens a space for women filmgoers and filmmakers. Meanwhile, scattered queer filmmakers challenge sexual orthodoxies, and African American “race movies” offer an alternative to Hollywood racism. In the 1920s, filmmakers in Germany fashion dazzling images to express the psychological and political turmoil of their time, while Soviet directors use dynamic editing to make revolutionary films in tune with their revolution-forged society. The coming of sound provides filmmakers with new expressive tools and spurs a trend toward realism, culminating in the Italian neorealist movement, which creates a more open form of film storytelling whose influence is still felt today. There is no textbook; requirements include written assignments and online quizzes. This course is cross listed as AH 232 and MOVI 232.
ENGL 236 Young Adult Fiction
CRN: 48468
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Kate Boulay
Focusing on a specific theme, subgenre, period, etc., this course provides an overview of young adult fiction.
ENGL 237 Graphic Novels
CRN: 47578
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: James Drown
This class in the Graphic Novel will begin by examining some basic questions such as, “What is a Graphic Novel,” and “How do we read and understand graphic novels.” We will begin by grounding our exploration with texts about comics, such as Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud and Comics and Sequential Art by William Eisner. We will then move on and examine questions like, “How have graphic novels reflected our society” and “Why have they become an important and recognized literary form?” Readings will focus on work produced since the 1960’s and include both full graphic novels and specific selections. Additionally, while we are mainly interested in American Graphic Novels, we will include some influential works from Japan and Europe. Examples of International graphic novels we may examine for the course include Tintin by Herge, works by Osamu Tezuka (Astroboy), Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo, and I Hear the Sunspot by Yukio Fumino. American Graphic Novels will include both literary and populist works, such as Maus by Art Spiegelman, The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Fun House by Alison Bechdel. Assignments will include online discussion boards, weekly Journals, midterm and final, and an independent research paper examining a specific graphic novel.
ENGL 237 Graphic Novels—Comics and Cognitive Literary Theory
CRN: 48469
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
In 2013, a pair of social researchers from the New School made the astonishing claim that reading improved a person’s ability to empathize. The researchers found that fiction that focuses on the characters interiority—emotions and states of mind—gave readers the space to practice Theory of Mind, or the capacity to recognize the mental states of people around us, a cognitive ability tied to our empathy. This course will test that hypothesis with comics. We will read and discuss a variety of what might be called “literary” comics in a different genres and formats. We will explore how reading impacts our brain, if our ability to understand the emotional and mental states of others in the real world improves, and the way language limits and complicates this very exploration.
ENGL 238 Banned Book Club
CRN: 48450
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Margo Arruda
Over the past several years, we have seen an unprecedented sweep of book bans across American public education institutions. This new hysteria surrounding the types of stories we allow our children to access is best encapsulated by new legislation in Florida allowing parents to sue public educators for third degree felonies for disseminating restricted books. The interwoven genres of dystopia and science fiction have historically been a bastion of analysis for the social and political risks of information control and the road from book bans to totalitarianism. Throughout this course, we will be asking ourselves: Why do we tell stories? What makes this act so dangerous? What kinds of stories and experiences are being censored? How can stories build a foundation of connection rather than division? We will begin with two of the most iconic novels on books bans: Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” and George Orwell’s “1984”. We will then examine more subtle methods of information control through Ursula LeGuin’s “The Dispossessed” and culminate with Emily St. John’s “Station Eleven” as we explore the restorative and healing capacity of literature. Join us as we dedicate ourselves to the power that can be found in the telling and sharing of stories. How can this communal act bring us together across lines of difference? Can stories ever be the thing that saves us?
ENGL 245 Queer Literature & Contemporary Culture
CRN: 47477
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Em Williamson
In this course, through the comparative study of important gay, lesbian, queer, bisexual, and transgender writers, we will interrogate how literary representations of queerness have contributed to our cultural understanding of gender, sex, and sexuality. Since the mid twentieth century, the material reality of queer identity in our everyday lives has shifted significantly. What role can literature be said to play in that evolution? How might contemporary queer literature(s) chart a progression of both the lived experience of LGBTQ life and the emergence of queerness as a theoretical apparatus in gender and sexuality studies? In our search to answer these questions, we will explore the work of a diverse selection of contemporary LGBTQ writers, spanning from the 1950s to the present day. Our goal when reading these various novels, poems, and short stories will be to examine the ways in which these writers represent queerness both formally and narratively in order to see how these representations illuminate and/or complicate our understanding of queerness in the world around us. We will also read some short texts by important literary and cultural queer theorists, but our reading of such texts will always be in the service of better elucidating the primary literary texts under review.
ENGL 245/GWS 245 Love is Strange: The Politics of Desire in Modern Literature
CRN: 47475
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
Course Description:
We will begin the work of ENGL 245: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature by tracing the social forces that brought about the “invention” of heterosexuality. By immersing ourselves in this history, we will aim to become better readers of the ways in which late 19th and early 20th century writers of memoir and fiction either resisted or internalized the pathologizing voices of the sexual sciences as these texts framed masculinity and femininity as biologically determined and heterosexuality as the norm. As we close the course concentrating on 21st century queer and transgender speculative fiction about different ways of being in love, one of our overarching projects will be to locate in the literature we read patterns of resistance to both long-standing and relatively new discourses that attempt to put all of us into very confining gender and sexuality boxes. In doing so, we will investigate the ways in which notions of class, race, and ability differences inform various kinds of scientific and literary narratives about gender and sexual normalcy as well as what we have come to understand as “romantic love.” Thus, our inquiry this semester will not only inspire reflection on societal notions of who should love whom but also meditation on possibilities for creating a culture of “ethical eroticism” that encourages mutuality and love in its many possible forms.
ENGL 247 Women and Literature: Women, Wives, and Shapeshifting Lives
CRN: 47465
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Eniko Vaghy
In this course, we will examine the role transformation plays in the lives of women and consider whether it denotes a period of “becoming,” or a phase of personal estrangement between the mind, body, and will. Through literary depictions of explicit and implicit transformation, we will uncover the many ways transformation can manifest and discuss how women compelled to undergo a transformation navigate these sometimes revelatory, sometimes devastating instances of personal evolution. The authors that will assist us in our discussions of transformation will be Angela Carter, Carmen Maria Machado, Samantha Hunt, Emma Donoghue, and other creatives of word and image. This course will be discussion-based, and students will be encouraged to facilitate in-class conversations through their observations, questions, and visions regarding our texts. Written assignments will be administered in the form of analytical reflections, creative reflections, and two essays related to the themes of the course.
ENGL 247/GWS 247 Survey of Women’s Literature in English
CRN: 47467
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jared O’Connor
In this course, we will survey canonical women’s writings from the 19th to the present day. We will pay attention to issues in race, class, gender, and sexuality. We will read across a variety of genres including the short story, novel, poetry, and theatre.
ENGL 267 Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literature
CRN: 47591, 47592
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Esmeralda Arrizón-Palomera
This course is an introductory survey of U.S. Latinx literature. Students will read a variety of texts such as novels, memoirs, short stories, poetry, plays, and films by Chicanx, Central American, Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican writers. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify and discuss key concepts and major themes in U.S. Latinx literature, analyze connections and discontinuities between different strands of U.S. Latinx literature, and examine U.S. Latinx literature with attention to aesthetic movements, cultural traditions, and historical context.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 47497
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Karen Leick
In this course, students learn skills in media and communication that are used in the professional workplace. Students will research, discuss, and analyze aspects of professional written communication, including journalism, feature writing, and public relations. Over the course of the semester, each student will produce a portfolio of writing in various genres, presented on a personal webpage. The course is designed to prepare students for professional internships and employment. English 280 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 47496
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50 ONLINE
Instructor: Karen Leick
*This is an ONLINE COURSE that meets via Zoom. Attendance is required. *
In this course, students learn skills in media and communication that are used in the professional workplace. Students will research, discuss, and analyze aspects of professional written communication, including journalism, feature writing, and public relations. Over the course of the semester, each student will produce a portfolio of writing in various genres, presented on a personal webpage. The course is designed to prepare students for professional internships and employment. English 280 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 47495
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course, you will develop a fresh perspective on and skills regarding media and professional writing. Through reading and interviewing, writing and discussion, you will learn to analyze and produce work appropriate for these dynamically evolving industries. We acknowledge this as a moment of acute transformation in the way we ingest and disseminate the written word. Taking these shifts into account, students will develop confidence as media writers and future participants in the professional workplace. You will examine multiple aspects of media and communications—from journalism to PR—and eventually produce a writing portfolio (via your personal web page), preparing you for internship and employment opportunities.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 47498
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course, you will develop a fresh perspective on and skills regarding media and professional writing. Through reading and interviewing, writing and discussion, you will learn to analyze and produce work appropriate for these dynamically evolving industries. We acknowledge this as a moment of acute transformation in the way we ingest and disseminate the written word. Taking these shifts into account, students will develop confidence as media writers and future participants in the professional workplace. You will examine multiple aspects of media and communications—from journalism to PR—and eventually produce a writing portfolio (via your personal web page), preparing you for internship and employment opportunities.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 47495
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course, you will develop a fresh perspective on and skills regarding media and professional writing. Through reading and interviewing, writing and discussion, you will learn to analyze and produce work appropriate for these dynamically evolving industries. We acknowledge this as a moment of acute transformation in the way we ingest and disseminate the written word. Taking these shifts into account, students will develop confidence as media writers and future participants in the professional workplace. You will examine multiple aspects of media and communications—from journalism to PR—and eventually produce a writing portfolio (via your personal web page), preparing you for internship and employment opportunities.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 47498
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course, you will develop a fresh perspective on and skills regarding media and professional writing. Through reading and interviewing, writing and discussion, you will learn to analyze and produce work appropriate for these dynamically evolving industries. We acknowledge this as a moment of acute transformation in the way we ingest and disseminate the written word. Taking these shifts into account, students will develop confidence as media writers and future participants in the professional workplace. You will examine multiple aspects of media and communications—from journalism to PR—and eventually produce a writing portfolio (via your personal web page), preparing you for internship and employment opportunities.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice
CRN: 47512, 47513
Days/Time: T 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Kim O’Neil
Prerequisite for this course is ENGL 161.
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels. The course is reading- and writing intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice
CRN: 48470, 48471
Days/Time: T 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Deanna Thompson
Prerequisite for this course is ENGL 161.
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels.
The course is reading- and writing-intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
Prerequisite: A or a B in English 161 (or the equivalent transfer course) or in
other courses that have a substantial writing requirement.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice
CRN: 47514, 47515
Days/Time: W 3:00 – 4:15
Instructor: Benjamin Seigle
Prerequisite for this course is ENGL 161.
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels. The course is reading- and writing intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice.
CRN: 47510, 47511
Days/Time: W 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Antonio Guerrero
Prerequisite for this course is ENGL 161.
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels. The course is reading- and writing intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
ENGL 290 Introduction to the Writing of Poetry
CRN: 47507
Days/Time: TR 11:00- 12:15
Instructor: Jay Yencich
Beginning workshops, especially in poetry, often attract a range of voices in the classroom, from those who have spent sleepless nights giving form to their feelings to those merely interested in the elective after years of memorizing song lyrics. My aim as an instructor is to provide a supportive environment in either case, to help get your footing with poetic techniques and perhaps challenge yourselves to branch out as you begin to read more deeply and get a sense of your own writing habits. The first half of the semester will be devoted to exploring what traditional elements have comprised a poem using a blend of contemporary and pre-20th century readings from writers with a variety of backgrounds, where applicable. During the second half, critiques will get deeper, and we’ll start to explore conceptual and structural frameworks behind various subspecies of poems. Tuesdays will generally be devoted to workshopping on a rotation with every student turning in one poem a week and we will spend Thursdays discussing how certain techniques manifest in the poems within the course reader.
ENGL 290 Introduction to the Writing of Poetry
CRN: 47506
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jules Wood
The primary goal of this course is to think critically about the craft of writing poetry and ultimately create our own portfolio of poems. To this aim, we will read poems spanning from the 19th century to the present moment, learning as we go about prosody, rhyme, meter, and other formal elements of poetry. We will also trace the history of poetic forms like the sonnet and the pastoral to consider how contemporary poets use, critique, repurpose, and/or mutilate these canonical forms—and how we might do so ourselves. When looking at these contemporary poets, we will also keep an eye out for the development of new forms in their work. Through weekly writing exercises, including an ekphrastic poetry project, we will explore the craft of poetry with the aim of gaining competency when writing our own poems.
ENGL 291 Introduction to Fiction Writing
CRN: 47509
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Angelica Davila
This course is designed as an introduction to the writing of fiction. However, before we can write, we must learn to read like writers. As such, we will focus on reading published works to study the craft of basic techniques found in literary fiction. These techniques will include point of view, character development, dialogue, theme, and conflict to name a few. This course will require short responses to readings. In addition to enhancing your skills as readers, we will also be developing your writing skills in the form of in-class writing assignments, short story writing, and via peer feedback during workshops. You will also be revising your work and turning in a revised portfolio at the end. Additionally, this course welcomes any student who is interested in working with multiple languages within their prose.
ENGL 292 Introduction to Creative Nonfiction
CRN: 47494
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Lauren Keeley
What is creative nonfiction? It’s autobiography, memoir, lyric essay, flash essay, New Journalism, public writing—the list goes on. The capaciousness and permeability of the genre’s borders are, some would argue, its greatest strength. Others regard this malleability as an Achilles heel, forever foreclosing it from establishing itself as a serious genre of creative writing. In this course, we will consider these two stances as we interrogate the history of creative nonfiction—its ethics, exigence, and, most importantly, how to write it well.
ENGL 303 Studies in Poetry: Twentieth Century Poetry and the Lyric Tradition
CRN: 29861
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Christina Pugh
Lyric poetry has always been a vessel for the pleasures of music, feeling, and complex thought. This course focuses on a selection of American poets in the twentieth century (including Frost, Williams, Stevens, Brooks, Plath, and others), to be considered considering their participation in the age-old genre of the lyric. The course will address the following questions: what is the role of musicality (including, but not limited to, formal constraint) in the twentieth-century lyric poem? What are the differences between aural and silent (readerly) reception of poetic voice? How do we construct what is commonly known as a poetic “speaker,” and how are the idiosyncrasies of speakers articulated through poetic tropes and techniques? Do lyric poems support or resist storytelling and narrative? What is the role of emotion in the lyric? Can lyric poetry viably respond to visual phenomena or to broader cultural issues, including those associated with differences of race and gender? How have lyric poems helped to construct “Americanness”? We will approach these questions with the aid of critics including W. R. Johnson, Paul Allen Miller, Roland Barthes, and others. As we approach these questions, we will be working on both the micro level (listening to the idiosyncrasies of each poet’s particular voice) and the macro level (considering how each poet navigates larger issues surrounding the genre of the modern and contemporary lyric). The course requires short papers, a longer final paper, and an oral presentation.
ENGL 311 WARRIOR KINGS AND COURTLY KNIGHTS: The Two Traditions of Arthurian Romance in Medieval England
CRN: 27719
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4.15
Instructor: Alfred Thomas
This course explores the development of Arthurian romance in medieval Britain from the earliest Latin and Old Welsh sources to Sir Thomas Malory’s compendium of tales known as Le Morte Darthur. We will trace two distinct traditions, one based on Geoffrey of Monmouth’s pseudo-history The History of the Kings of Britain, the first full-fledged account of King Arthur as a warrior king, the other based on the French courtly romances of Chretien de Troyes. These insular and French strains are skillfully intertwined in the greatest of all English Arthurian Romances: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The course will end with close readings of the Alliterative Morte Arthur and Malory’s Le Morte Darthur, both of which chronicle Arthur’s decline and fall, reflecting England’s lurch into the political conflict known as the War of the Roses.
ENGL 351 Literatures of Decolonization
CRN: 37202
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Ainsworth Clarke
The mid-twentieth century marks not only the advent of the Cold War but also registers a political and cultural transformation that continues to circumscribe us today. Within a brief twenty-eight-month period in the mid-1950s we witnessed the end of legal segregation in the United States with the decision of Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the toppling of a colonial power with the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu (1954), and the arrival of alternative political and cultural voices with the 1955 Bandung Conference in Indonesia and the First International Congress of Black Writers and Artists held in Paris the following year. Although the decision in Brown and the French defeat in Vietnam are viewed as embodying different histories and sets of concerns, this course will seek to ask what it would mean to read these moments –– and the texts that engage them –– together. The course will take as its focus the work of representative African American and postcolonial writers of the period and situate them against the backdrop of concerns embodied by these signal moments. Our readings will include works by Richard Wright, George Lamming, Chinua Achebe, William Gardner Smith, and Tayeb Salih, amongst others.
ENGL 380 Advanced Professional Writing
CRN: 47537
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Philip Hayek
Course description and goals
This advanced professional writing course teaches ethics and argumentation relevant to writing in the workplace. Our assignments will bridge the public and private sectors and teach you how to define issues, propose changes, judge actions, and promote values within your chosen field. We will debate about controversies involving business, government, law, and medicine. Integral to these debates will be how clear thinking and good writing can create the common ground necessary for these professional communities to work and to work together.
Public Sector (public policy):
We will explore the area of public policy writing, and you will practice various genres in the policy communication process. You will locate, analyze, and advise on an issue in public policy.
Private Sector:
In this unit we will practice writing internal and external business messages. You will work on promotional materials for a business of your choosing and develop social media strategies and crisis management solutions.
Third Sector (proposal and grant writing): The third sector refers to America’s non-business, non-government institutions, commonly known as nonprofit organizations, or NPOs. NPOs include most of our hospitals, a large part of our schools, and a large percentage of our colleges and universities. Habitat for Humanity is one such philanthropy, with thousands of chapters and a million volunteers. Proposal and grant writing offers a competitive edge for young jobseekers across many disciplines: art, business, corporate communications, education, environmental studies, health, music, the STEM fields, politics, sociology, etc. This unit will teach research and assessment, project management, professional editing, and formal document design, as you develop a media packet for a nonprofit of your choosing.
ENGL 380 Advanced Professional Writing
CRN: 47538
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
In this course, you will learn genres and forms in the professional writing spectrum that demonstrate competence in creating clear, concise narratives for a wide variety of audiences with changing needs. You will examine characteristics of effective writing in a non-academic context, developing a facility in writing across a range of specialized areas. Expect to produce proposals, reports, newsletters, and document design. You will learn to make sense of numbers with data reporting and research methods that measure your proficiency to construct appropriate styles of advanced professional writing on an array of platforms, including online. In the process, you will learn to communicate well by recognizing the correct manner and form to use for different media formats.
ENGL 382 Editing and Publishing
CRN: 44817
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
“In this course, students will study editorial oversight, copy editing/line editing techniques, style requirements, grammar as a stylistic tool, and industry standards with variations in both traditional and self-publishing. Students will learn the business behind the books. Basic design skills will also be taught for producing a cover and a book interior while adhering to publishing best practices.
ENGL 384 Technical Writing
CRN: 43391
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Philip Hayek
Course Overview and Objectives:
In this course, we will examine—first broadly and then with increased specificity—the types of writing required of most professionals in fields like business, medicine, science, technology, and law, from the extremely basic to the more complex. We will also explore and become familiar with many real-life aspects behind the creation of technical writing, such as collaboration and presentation. Frequent opportunities to practice these skills and to incorporate knowledge you have gained in your science and technology courses will be integrated with exercises in peer review and revision. We will learn to pay attention to analyzing audience and purpose, organizing information, designing graphic aids, and writing such specialized forms as instructions, proposals, and reports. Non-English majors in the STEM fields are encouraged to take this course to build writing skills that are directly applicable to your major coursework and projects.
ENGL 389 Writing for Community Advocacy and Activism
CRN: 47580
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Karen Leick
In this course, students will learn about writing strategies and a variety of genres related to nonprofit organizations, advocacy, and activism. Assignments will include an advocacy letter, a newsletter or brochure for nonprofit organizations, and a grant proposal. Students will also develop, design, and produce content for a white paper. In addition, students will learn to create an effective oral presentation using a presentation program (such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi).
ENGL 422 The Literature of Decolonization: From Colony to Post Colony
CRN: 35516, 35517
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Sunil Agnani
This course introduces students to what used to be called third-world literature, or postcolonial literature. We will investigate the legacies of European colonialism through a study of fiction, essays, and films produced during the colonial period and its aftermath. We begin with Conrad and Kipling, then shift to those in the colonies to examine the cultural impact of empire, anti-colonial nationalism, and the role played by exile and diaspora communities.
What challenges do works from writers on the receiving end of empire—such as Gandhi, Fanon, Césaire, J.M. Coetzee, Assia Djebar, Michael Ondaatje, Salman Rushdie and Amitav Ghosh—pose to the conventional idea of justice? How do they reveal contradictions within the languages of liberalism and progress that emerged in 19th-century Europe? How do such writers rework the classic forms of the novel? Finally, how has the failure of some of the primary aims of decolonization (economic sovereignty, full political autonomy) affected more recent writing of the last 40 years? Criticism from: Edward Said and Gayatri Spivak.
ENGL 430 Topics in Cultural and Media Studies: Film and Television After the Digital
CRN: 47546, 47547
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Kaitlin Forcier
Susan Sontag once lamented the “decay of cinema,” arguing that new digital technologies would lead to the death of cinema as we know it. Yet, as this course will explore, over the course of its 125-year history, cinema has experienced numerous deaths and rebirths. This course will explore how digital technologies have transformed film and television – how they are made, what they look like, and where they are watched. We will use film and TV as case studies for thinking about the cultural impact of digital media more broadly. We will think about how a given technology may offer constraints or new possibilities for the sorts of stories we tell, the art we create, and the information we consume. While we will be focusing on feature films and television, these theories offer insights into the proliferation of many related screen media since the turn of the century: videogames, VR, mobile media, streaming platforms and more.
The course will ask questions such as: What new styles and forms have emerged in the digital age? How have digital technologies transformed how we consume and create media? Have digital tools destabilized the relationship between creators and consumers? What parallels can we draw between the “digital revolution” at the turn of the 21st century, and the emergence of cinema at the turn of the last century? How do changes in film and media intersect with broader economic, cultural, and political questions? Did digital media lead to “an ignominious, irreversible decline” as Sontag predicted? Case studies will include films such as: Singing’ in the Rain (Donen, 1952), 2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick, 1968), The Last Angel of History (Akomfrah, 1995), Toy Story (Lasseter, 1995), Titanic (Cameron, 1997), The Matrix (The Wachowski’s, 1999), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Lee, 2000), Timecode (Figgis, 2000) The Bourne Supremacy (Greengrass, 2004), Be Kind, Rewind (Michel Gondry, 2008), Gravity (Cuarón, 2013), Tangerine (Sean Baker, 2015), Lemonade (Beyoncé/ Good Company, 2016), Emily in Paris (Netflix, 2020).
ENGL 452/PA 452/UPP 452 The Freshwater Lab
CRN: 48620, 48621
Days/Time: T 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Rachel Havrelock
The Freshwater Lab is a grant supported program that invites students to learn about water and its social contexts. Students are empowered to take action to improve water quality, access, and knowledge throughout the Great Lakes region.
Rather than a traditional lecture course, it endeavors to put the pressing issues surrounding the Great Lakes before students to support their engagement with the issues and their innovative approaches to addressing them. In this Humanities “lab” setting, we study and discuss social and environmental dimensions of the Great Lakes, meet with leaders in the Great Lakes water sector, visit relevant Chicago area sites, and work individually and in groups on projects to advance existing initiatives and pioneer new approaches. Students are paired with professionals working on issues relevant to their project and Professor Havrelock helps to suggest avenues for advancing student projects during the semester and beyond.
Although we certainly respect and depend upon scientific approaches to the Great Lakes, this is a Humanities-driven course interested in the many ways in which water interacts with socio-political systems, legal structures, cultural perceptions, and artistic visions. Focus also falls on how race, class, and gender determine access to water, exposure to contamination, and participation in the institutions responsible for the region’s water.
ENGL 480 Introduction to Teaching of English in Middle and Secondary
CRN: 47552, 47553
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Lauren Elizabeth Reine Johnson
English 480 is the first required methods course for the English Education major and a course for anyone who wants to explore the possibility of being an English teacher. Together we will explore the seemingly simple question, Why teach English? This question will undoubtedly lead to a series of related questions, such as What is the purpose of English/Language Arts? What does English teaching look like in different settings? How do our experiences as students shape our perspectives and commitments? How do our students influence what teaching English means? We will consider multiple perspectives, including those attending to ideas of justice, equity, and belonging. Through our learning, we will develop emerging frameworks for how we might approach English teaching. Course requirements include 12 hours of fieldwork in an area high school.
ENGL 482 Writing Center Leadership
CRN: 21190, 47267
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Charitianne Williams
English 482 is an advanced Writing Center studies/tutor-training course exploring multiple perspectives–specifically that of tutor, administrator, and researcher. We will examine established best practices from the cross-disciplinary field of peer tutoring and tutor training, read about multiple theoretical perspectives (feminist theory, genre theory, and second language acquisition theories, to name a few), and practice research methods (such as survey, discourse analysis, and case study) common to writing center research. By the end of the class, participants will understand the potential of peer tutoring in the curriculum, major concerns in the administration and assessment of writing centers, as well as how to conduct qualitative research that moves the discipline forward.
ENGL 486 Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools
CRN: 47023, 47024
Days/Time: TR 12:30–1:45
Instructor: Kate Sjostrom
Why teach writing? How can we teach writing more effectively and responsibly? These are the main questions we will try to answer in English 486. Drawing from a wide range of sources, we will think about writing not only as a transfer of information but as a way of thinking critically, reflectively, and precisely about issues that are important to us. In our readings, we will encounter practical activities suggested by experienced writing teachers; we will practice these activities as we write extensively together; we will read and assess each other’s work; we will talk about how to teach students a variety of genres. In essence, we will create an environment where you can develop your professional identity as a writer and teacher of writing. Also, we will discuss ideas that lend coherence to our classroom activities (what some people call “theory”). Whatever generalizing we do, however, will be grounded in the particular details of working toward the goal of this class: to prepare you to establish a productive community of writers.
Course requirements include 12-15 hours of field work in an area high school and three portfolios demonstrating what you have learned in various sections of the course.
ENGL 487 Teaching of Reading and Literature in Middle and Secondary Schools
CRN: 47558, 47559
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Abby Kindelsperger
Intended as part of the English Education methods sequence, this course focuses on how to plan effective and engaging lessons focused on reading comprehension and literary analysis, as well as how to scaffold instruction for a wide variety of readers. Major assignments include lesson plans, discussion leadership, and a teaching demonstration. Students also complete 12-15 hours of field work in local schools, with an opportunity to facilitate literary study for a small group of learners.
ENGL 488 Methods of Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools
CRN: 48771, 48772
Days/Time: TR 3:30 – 4:45
Instructor: Brennan Lawler
To be taken in conjunction with ED 425 (Curriculum and Instruction), English 481 is the final course in the sequence of English Education methods courses. It is to be taken only by English education students the semester before student teaching. The course’s central objectives focus on the challenges of making literature and writing connect with students’ lives and with broader social/political issues—to make clear, in other words, why English “matters” to high school kids. Special attention will be paid to the ways in which teachers’ methodological choices are influenced by the theoretical frameworks they adopt. Additional focus will be on long- and short-term lesson planning and assessment. In addition to weekly written work, English 481 students will lead discussions, organize small group activities, create an instructional unit based on a Shakespeare play, and practice teaching lesson plans they design.
ENGL 488 Methods of Teaching English
CRN: 48769, 48770
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
To be taken in conjunction with ED 425 (“Curriculum and Instruction”), English 488 is the final course in the sequence of English Education methods courses. It is to be taken only by English education students the semester before student teaching. Although this course is for both undergraduate and graduate students, B.A. students should register for CRN 33811, and M.A. students should register for CRN 33812. The course’s central objectives focus on the challenges of making literature and writing connect with students’ lives and with broader social/political issues—to make clear, in other words, why English “matters” to high school kids. Special attention will be paid to the ways in which teachers’ methodological choices are influenced by the theoretical frameworks they adopt. Additional focus will be on long- and short-term lesson planning and assessment. In addition to weekly written work, English 488 students will lead discussions, organize small group activities, create an instructional unit based on a Shakespeare play, and practice teaching lesson plans they design.
ENGL 490 Advanced Poetry Workshop
CRN: 12504, 20335
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: daniel borzutzky
A workshop, in one of its original definitions, is a “place in which things are produced or created.” A place where you use tools, techniques, and equipment to make things. Another definition is “a room or place where goods are manufactured or repaired.” We will be driven by this spirit of making things, as artists, in a classroom together. In other words, this writing workshop is much more about generating new work than it is about critique. It’s exciting to make new things! It’s exciting to experiment with language, images, forms, and voices, in a classroom where students make work that is vibrant, unexpected, and transformational. Students will be encouraged to create chapbooks and long poems; to use documentary or research-oriented approaches; to translate or write in multiple languages; to write across genres and art forms; and to incorporate film and sound and music into their poems. To this end, we will read broadly as we study innovative poetic and artistic models that will help us craft our own work. And we will get the chance to speak with some writers as well as we investigate new approaches to how art and poetry get made.
ENGL 492 Advanced Writing of Creative Nonfiction
CRN: 20346, 12510
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
This is an advanced creative nonfiction course for students who have taken Engl. 201 or the equivalent. Students will continue to develop the techniques of writing creative nonfiction, including assimilating features of fiction and poetry, experimenting with voice, structure, style, creative integration of research, and revision. Student work will focus on three subgenres of creative nonfiction: personal essay, nature writing, and literary journalism. Published essays will provide models of technique and form for students’ own work. This class will be primarily run as a workshop: students will both receive and contribute constructive feedback on their own and their peers’ essay drafts. Students will be expected to write three essays, as well as brief but thorough critiques of their fellow writers’ essays. Tips on submitting creative nonfiction work for publication will be discussed toward end of semester.
ENGL 493 Internship in Nonfiction Writing
CRN: 25243, 25244
Days/Time: R 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Linda Landis Andrews
What can I do with an English major?” is a question that often concerns students, particularly when parents and others ask about the future. No need to hedge; every organization needs writers to provide information through websites, social media, and blogs, to add creativity to the focus of its work, and to move its ideas forward. Writers are gifted people, and their skills are needed.
Becoming a contributing writer takes planning, however, starting with an internship, which provides an opportunity to step off campus and use the writing and analytical skills gained through English courses.
In ENGL 493, guided by an instructor and a supervisor, English majors quickly adjust to a public audience and conduct research, gain interviewing skills, write content, edit, learn technology, assist with special events, to name a few of the tasks assigned in an internship. Students are enrolled in ENGL 493 while concurrently working at an internship for 12 hours a week.
Employers include nonprofits, radio, and television stations, online and print newspapers and magazines, public relations firms, museums, associations, law firms, and health organizations. There is an internship for every interest. Many internships are conducted remotely, which makes the world a stage. During the pandemic, one intern worked for an organization in Denver, and another worked from her home in Ho Chi Minh City.
First, register for ENGL 280, Media, and Professional Writing, to launch your writing career. Procrastination is not advised.
Credit is variable: three or six credits
Through the new Flames Internship Grant (FIG) students may apply for possible reimbursement while working at unpaid internships. Securing a grant is competitive.
Come, jump in-you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
ENGL 493: Internship in Nonfiction Writing
CRN: 25243/25244
Days: R 3:30 – 4:45 PM
Linda Landis Andrews (
What can I do with an English major?” is a question that often concerns students, particularly when parents and others ask about the future. No need to hedge; every organization needs writers to provide information through websites, social media, and blogs, to add creativity to the focus of its work, and to move its ideas forward. Writers are gifted people, and their skills are needed.
Becoming a contributing writer takes planning, however, starting with an internship, which provides an opportunity to step off campus and use the writing and analytical skills gained through English courses.
In ENGL 493, guided by an instructor and a supervisor, English majors quickly adjust to a public audience and conduct research, gain interviewing skills, write content, edit, learn technology, assist with special events, to name a few of the tasks assigned in an internship. Students are enrolled in ENGL 493 while concurrently working at an internship for 12 hours a week.
Employers include nonprofits, radio, and television stations, online and print newspapers and magazines, public relations firms, museums, associations, law firms, and health organizations. There is an internship for every interest. Many internships are conducted remotely, which makes the world a stage. During the pandemic, one intern worked for an organization in Denver, and another worked from her home in Ho Chi Minh City.
First, register for ENGL 280, Media, and Professional Writing, to launch your writing career. Procrastination is not advised.
Credit is variable: three or six credits
Through the new Flames Internship Grant (FIG) students may apply for possible reimbursement while working at unpaid internships. Securing a grant is competitive.
Come, jump in-you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
ENGL 496 Portfolio Practicum
CRN: 46515
Days/Time: T 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
English 496 is a capstone course in UIC’s undergraduate program in Professional Writing designed to assist our students in landing their first post-degree position as a writing professional. The major focus of this seminar is creating and revising a writing portfolio that not only represents each student’s unique talents as a writer of specialized genres but also showcases their ability to expand upon their proven academic skill sets in new professional writing situations.
To prepare seminar participants for the job market of their choosing, students will compile a working portfolio of their best professional writing samples through an on-line platform of their choosing and in this way build upon and refine a portfolio they have already begun as members of our professional writing program. Over the course of the seminar, students will learn how to (re-)design and structure material they have already produced as students of writing for audiences beyond the university. In putting together their writing portfolio, students will be given ample opportunity to reflect on the skills they have acquired in their education to establish a recognizable and marketable professional identity.
This seminar is designed to increase students’ confidence as they enter the job market by preparing them to share verbally and in writing their achievements as a young professional well-prepared to utilize the writing skills they have carefully developed and honed during their university education.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in two of the following courses: ENGL 380, 382, 383, 384.
Course Information: Credit is not given for ENGL 496 if the student has credit for ENGL 493.
ENGL 498 Educational Practice with Seminar
CRN: 12518
Days/Time: W 4:00–5:50
Instructor: Kate Sjostrom
A two-segment sequence of practice teaching, including seminar, to meet certification requirements for teaching in grades nine through twelve. Graduate credit only with approval of the department.
Prerequisite(s): Good academic standing in a teacher education program, completion of 120 clock hours of pre-student-teaching field experiences, and approval of the department. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice section for ENGL 498, as well as one Conference and one Practice section for ENGL 499.
The seminar is structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection upon your classroom teaching; 2) those that allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and field instructors to prepare for your upcoming teaching and licensure assessment; and 3) those that address issues pertinent to your job search and on-going professional development.
ENGL 499 Educational Practice with Seminar
CRN: 12530
Days/Time: W 4:00–5:50
Instructor: Kate Sjostrom
A two-segment sequence of practice teaching, including seminar, to meet certification requirements for teaching in grades nine through twelve. Graduate credit only with approval of the department.
Prerequisite(s): Good academic standing in a teacher education program, completion of 120 clock hours of pre-student-teaching field experiences, and approval of the department. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice section for ENGL 498, as well as one Conference and one Practice section for ENGL 499.
The seminar is structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection upon your classroom teaching; 2) those that allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and field instructors to prepare for your upcoming teaching and licensure assessment; and 3) those that address issues pertinent to your job search and on-going professional development.
ENGL 500 Master’s Proseminar
CRN: 22397
Days/Time: W 5:00–7:50
Instructor: Madhu Dubey
An introduction to graduate study in English for first year master’s students, this proseminar will focus on the topic of literature and humanism. Our reading and discussion of literary and critical texts will be guided by questions relating to this topic, such as: What is the value of literature as an area of humanistic study? Do literary canons embody universal human values and ideals that transcend time and place? Does reading literature help make us better human beings and citizens? In what ways do literary texts mobilize affect and empathy to ethical ends and to extend human rights to ‘others? Although the course is not designed to present a chronological survey, we will consider a range of responses to these questions, beginning with Matthew Arnold’s humanist conception of literature, moving through various defenses and critiques of literary humanism, and ending with contemporary post humanist manifestoes.
ENGL 503 Form
CRN: 21006
Days/Time: W 5:00 – 7:50
Instructor: Nicholas Brown
What is literary (or generally, aesthetic) form? What does form have to do with meaning? What is the relation of form to history? This course is not a survey, but rather the invitation to a debate. Nonetheless, it will cover positions from Aristotle to Lessing to Roberto Schwarz and Otilia Arantes to Fred Moten and Toril Moi.
ENGL 541 Seminar in Black Literature
CRN: 48746
Days/Time: M 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Esmeralda Arrizón-Palomera
This course examines how Black feminist thinkers have engaged the subject of migration to understand its significance in the development of Black Feminist Thought. Our course readings will include 19th and 20th century primary texts that attend to the way race, class, gender, sexuality, migration, and legal status have inform the development of a Black feminist consciousness and political agenda. Secondary texts will include recent scholarship on Black Feminist Thought and migration. Together, these texts will aid us in locating and tracing a strand in Black Feminist Thought that is largely unexplored.
ENGL 557 Language and Literacy: Pragmatism, Schooling, and the Quest for Democracy
CRN: 23604
Days/Time: R 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
What does it mean to teach for justice and democracy, and what does American pragmatism have to contribute to conversations regarding whether it’s desirable or even possible to do so? These central questions will provide a framework for our exploration of the (ir?) relevance of our work as scholars and teachers of English to the world beyond our classrooms and campuses.
Although we will occasionally discuss specific curricular choices and teaching methods, most of our readings will encourage us to consider broader theoretical issues such as 1) how “democracy” and “social justice” can be defined and whether these remain viable sociopolitical aspirations, 2) the extent to which pragmatism as a philosophical/analytical method provides useful ways to think about ameliorating social and economic problems, and 3) what schools —specifically, English language arts classes—have to do with any of this.
Put another way, this course will be the site of an ongoing conversation about whether we as students and teachers of English can/should hope that our work “matters” beyond our own intellectual or financial interests. Though our reading list will evolve in response to our discussions and students’ recommendations, some likely texts (or at least selected chapters from them) are these:
PRAGMATISM by William James
THE FIRE NEXT TIME by James Baldwin
English 557 is intended for students in the graduate English, Education, and TESOL programs. Course requirements include bi-weekly “conversation papers” used to prompt class discussions, a mid-term paper, and an end-of-term paper/project of each student’s choosing. Interested students are encouraged to contact Todd DeStigter (
ENGL 570 Program for Writers: Poetry Workshop
CRN: 33612
Days/Time: M 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Christina Pugh
This course is a poetry workshop for graduate level poets. Graduate-level writers in other genres are welcomed in our course. Varied styles and aesthetics are also welcomed in the workshop. Discussion of student work will be the primary focus here, but we will also read some notable recent volumes of contemporary poetry. The course includes critical readings that directly treat issues of poetic making, including the study of syntax, line, and linguistic music. These critical works treat poems in the lyric tradition; it is my belief that study of this tradition can inform a variety of aesthetic commitments.
Students will write new poems that will be discussed in workshop and revised for a final portfolio; they will also produce an artist’s statement to accompany their final portfolios. My goal is for you to be writing with energy and focus, and for you to deepen your own poetic practice by thinking critically about the elements of craft that are available to you as a poet. I also strive to create a classroom environment that is encouraging and supportive – while staying seriously focused on the art and craft (and the perennial challenge and delight) of making poems.
ENGL 571 Program for Writers Fiction Workshop
CRN: 33333
Days/Time: T 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Cris Mazza
The Program for Writers fall fiction workshop is for fiction of all lengths: novels, short fiction, novellas, flash fiction, etc. Writers of literary nonfiction who can’t fit the nonfiction workshop into their schedules are also welcome.
Workshop discussion includes critiques of works-in-progress, including approach to writing fiction, specific techniques, shape, form, plot, character, theory, etc. We can also entertain discussion about pitfalls, variables and whims of the marketplace, and how literary fiction is affected by social pressures and/or political unrest in the world. Discussion and reading assignments will be based on submissions of student work. This workshop will not discuss genre (commercial/popular) fiction.
Students who are not in the Program for Writers need the permission from the instructor to enroll.
ENGL 585 Melville, or Varieties of Historicism
CRN: 29630
Days/Time: R 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Peter Coviello
In this seminar we will read deeply in the archive of Herman Melville – Moby-Dick will be our central text, among others – as a way of inquiring into the suite of methods that have clustered around various conjugations of “history.” Histories of capital and labor, histories of law and empire, histories of sexuality, histories of enslavement, histories of literary expression: Melville’s corpus has a way of running these matters into and across one another, which we will take as an occasion to appraise several strands of “historicism,” such as they have figured in literary criticism and theory. Importantly, this is not a class about what now tends to be called “New Historicism,” since one of our premises will be that that set of interpretive protocols neither inaugurates nor exhausts historicism as such.
ENGL 590 Environmental Humanities: Climate Change and the Novel
CRN: 48690
Days/Time: W 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Rachel Havrelock
The literary genre of Cli-Fi intersects with speculative fiction and its utopian and dystopic poles. It often incorporates ecology and economics into a narrative form with global reach and troubled interiority. In this seminar, we will read leading contemporary climate change fiction while developing a timeline of its genesis. Simultaneously, we will interrogate the criteria for inclusion in the category of Cli-Fi and finetune our definition. Causes, events, and responses to climate change will factor into our analysis as we consider whether the novels impact outcomes and if they should be expected to do so.
Texts may include Aldous Huxley, Island; Octavia Butler, Parable of the Sower; Amitav Ghosh, Gun Island & The Nutmeg’s Curse; Louise Erdrich, Future Home of the Living God; Kim Stanley Robinson the Ministry for the Future; Lydia Millet the Children’s Bible.
Summer 2023
ENGL 105 Fiction, Reality, Literature
CRN: 17428, 14043 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-1:40 In-Person
Instructor: Hanna Khan
This course will introduce you to various forms of fictional literature. Fiction emerges with an author’s creative engagement with a text’s many themes and topics; however, what happens when fiction is intertwined with nonfictional tropes and realistic literary genres? When an author opts for a realist contour to underscore a fictional narrative, how does that ambition complicate or strengthen the narrative that is used? Furthermore, how do the narrative and aesthetic components of any fiction—the narrator, point-of-view, genre, and character among others—further make fictional works appear so real? In this class, you will read texts that have drawn from real life, real events, and real problems, highlighting how an author’s uses a realist perspective to present fiction immersed.
ENGL 132 Introduction to Moving Image Arts
CRN: 24271 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: TR 10:45-1:15 In-Person
Instructor: John Goldbach
This course will explore the history and influence of the French New Wave (La Nouvelle Vague), a tremendously popular art film movement that emerges from France in the late 1950s. It will carefully examine a selection of films from its auteur directors and their contemporaries, including François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Agnès Varda, and Věra Chytilová. It will consider the influence of some its precursors, from the films of Jean Renoir, Alfred Hitchcock, and Orson Welles to those of Maya Deren and Jean-Pierre Melville, and it will also consider the influence of La Nouvelle Vague upon its successors around the world, from the films of Chantal Akerman and Claire Denis to those of Yorgos Lanthimos and Bong Joon-ho. There will be no final exam in this course, but students are expected to complete a series of short response papers and regular quizzes.
ENGL 159 Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 21948
Days/Time: M 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts Woodshedding: What Music Can Teach Us About Writing
CRN: 16259 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-11:40
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
In Woodshedding: What Music Can Teach Us About Writing, we use music as inspiration, jumping off point, and sounding board. The two styles of writing we’ll work with are the personal essay (aka. memoir) and the argumentative or critical essay. In the personal essay, you are free to use the song’s lyrics to reflect on yourself, including such things as events from your life and mental health; they can also help you talk about the broader world (e.g., violence, racism, sexism). In the critical essays, we’ll learn how to make strong, evidence-based arguments and counterarguments about the music itself. This course often helps students realize what a large role music has in their lives.
I believe that everyone can be a good or even great writer with a little help. If high school left you feeling that you had to write with fancy words that you would never otherwise use, I will help show that this isn’t so. Even — especially — when the subject at hand is complex, it is often best to write short clear sentences using familiar words to get your thoughts across. Writing often does not start with writing. Writing often does not start with words at all. Often writing starts with a feeling and the writing of words is an attempt to capture that feeling. Everyone has feelings; not everyone takes the time in the short or long term to make those feelings into words that evoke feelings in other people. This is one thing writing shares with music. Keep in mind that, like getting good at music, any piece of writing will take a few drafts; those afraid to put in the work tell us they’re just bad writers; the truth is that bad writing comes from people giving up too soon. That’s what woodshedding is about.
ENGL 161 Art and Social Progress
CRN: 17707 S2 (8 weeks)
DAYS/Time: MWF 10:00-11:40 ONLINE
Instructor: Mohammed AlQaisi
In this course you will learn how to effectively express yourself through writing using works of art that address important social issues; you will do this primarily by utilizing and honing your writing skills in four writing projects: an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a research report, and a research paper. Through individual and partner work, you will sharpen your ability to edit and revise your writing. You will learn how to navigate and use various academic resources available to you on campus and online. Your assignments will focus on art; specifically, movies, paintings and works of literature. By the end of the semester, you should come away with knowledge of writing strategies that will be useful to you throughout your college career.
ENGL 161 Contemplating the Now
CRN: 18181 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: MWF 4.00-5.40
Instructor: Alonzo Rico
This course will focus mainly on the contemporary issues facing us today politically and socially, and how we position ourselves in relation to those issues at hand, whether it be by fervently adopting a particular ideology or remaining ignorantly ambivalent. Quite simply, this course will not necessarily have a concrete topic on which to focus on, but will emphasize, and perhaps provoke, interest in contemporary issues that inevitably saturate our everyday lives. And hopefully, in discussing these difficult issues, in taking the time to write about them in a critical manner, we will find something to say and maybe even care about.
ENGL 161 Gentrification
CRN: 23385 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: TR 1:30-4:00 ONLINE
Instructor: Sian Roberts
Gentrification is sweeping through America. Perhaps you have observed it yourself in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Critics of gentrification see it as the destroyer of neighborhoods, believing that it represents a form of social cleansing and institutionalized racism. Supporters of gentrification think it is the savior of cities and claim that change is inevitable. They believe that the renovation of certain neighborhoods brings prosperity and increased public safety.
In these 161 classes, we will enter the debate about gentrification. This course aims to give you opportunities to practice the kind of writing and speaking skills that will serve you for a lifetime.
Our online classes will be designed to avoid ‘Zoom fatigue.’ I will do my best to keep them engaging and varied.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis
CRN: 24272, 24273 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-11:40
Instructor: Thomas Moore
The primary aim of this course, which prepares English majors for upper-level study, is for students to arrive at a better understanding of how it is that we interpret novels and short stories. We will begin by surveying a range of approaches taken by scholars and authors in both theoretical and critical essays. Across the eight weeks of this course, students will apply ideas drawn from these essays to their own analysis and interpretation of novels and short stories by influential modern authors, such as Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, and Samuel Beckett.
ENGL 209 “British” Literature, Global Origins
CRN: 24274, 24275 S1 (4 week)
Days/Time: MTRF1:00-4:00
Instructor: Nasser Mufti
This course is about how British imperialism was essential to the invention of “British literature.” Over the semester, we will read the canonical figures of modern British literature from the 17th to the mid-20th century and learn how Britain’s colonial adventures oversaw slavery, settler colonialism, the rise of capitalism, mass exploitation, and how these were integral to the formation and development of the British literary imagination and English national identity. We will read writers from Britain, South Asia, the United States, East Africa and the West Indies.
ENGL 267 Intro to Latinx Literature
CRN: 24277, 24278 S1 (4 week)
Days/Time: MTRF 9:00-12:00
Instructor: Daniel Borzutzky
This is a survey course of Latinx literature in various genres written by Latinx authors from many national and regional backgrounds. Possible readings include works from the 1960s to the present day, with particular attention to the Puerto Rican activist movements of the 1960s and 70s; diasporic literatures from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Central America; Spanglish, translation, and language-mixing; immigration law, enforcement, and activism; labor movements; terminology (Latino/a/x/@/e); Afro-Latinx experiences amid broader questions of race and racism in Latin America and Latinx communities; gender and sexuality; and different visions of nationalism and assimilation. Our pedagogy will include student presentations, formal and informal writing assignments, close readings, small group discussions, and active and thoughtful listening.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in Writing Center
CRN: 24279, 24280
Days/Time: MW 2:00-3:40
Instructor: Vainis Aleska
Prerequisite for this course is ENGL 161.
ENGL 291 Introduction to Writing of Fiction: The “Many Hats”
CRN: 24281 S2 (8weeks)
Days/Time: TR 1:30-4:00
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
ENGL 491 Advanced Writing of Fiction
CRN: 21363, 21364 S2 (8 week)
Days/Time: TR 10:45 -1:15 Hybrid
Instructor: Cris Mazza
This advanced fiction workshop is for students who have earned a B or higher in English 291 (or the equivalent). Knowledge of fiction-writing techniques and willingness to engage in discussion of work-in-progress are necessary. This workshop will not accept work that is formula-based: no genre science fiction, fantasy, horror, or graphic fiction. There will be additional guidelines to assist students broaden the scope of their approach to writing. Work that was initiated in a previous 291 course is permissible if revised since last seen by a workshop. This course will be in-person except 2 or 3 sessions that will be remote — held during class time. The assigned room will be available if needed when the course has remote sessions.
Spring 2023
ENGL 070 Introduction to Academic Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
CRN: 39951
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In this course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills that help you approach, navigate, and compose texts confidently and effectively. More specifically, you will advance your critical reading skills and develop rhetorical awareness through reading about and analyzing texts in a variety of genres on topics related to current events and contemporary issues that impact our society and the world. You will also enhance your academic writing skills through engaging in the different phases of the writing process to compose summary-response, argumentative, and reflective essays.
ENGL 071 Introduction to Academic Writing: Story as Rhetorical Practice
CRN: 37889
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Sarah Primeau
The themes of this class are rhetoric, story, and argument. We all tell stories in our everyday life, right? We talk about how our day is going, retell an event from the weekend, or reminisce about the past with old friends or family. Telling stories and listening to them is a way that we know ourselves and each other. Examining story as a rhetorical practice can also show us how researchers and journalists use story in writing to motivate social change in public spaces.
When we walk through a museum to learn about an ancient culture, whose story are we hearing – the story of a culture in its own words or an interpretation of that culture by outsiders or colonizers? When it comes to public health, whose stories are heard and whose are silenced? How do healthcare policies protect some people and make others more vulnerable? How does codeswitching and codemeshing tell the story of a writer or a community? Together, we will examine how rhetorician Lisa King, journalist Steven W. Thrasher, and linguist Suresh Canagarajah amplify voices that have been ignored or silenced in public spaces and, ultimately, use story in their writing to argue powerfully for social change. By the end of the course, you will have read and analyzed articles by scholars from multiple disciplines, and you will have written three major projects: a non-traditional story about yourself, a response to an argument, and your own argument related to the course theme.
English 101 Understanding Literature and Culture.
CRN: 18933
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Terence Whalen
This course focuses on the reading and interpretation of literature. We explore several literary forms from a variety of cultures and historical periods, but the general concept of the undead will provide a measure of thematic consistency. Authors will include Edgar Allan Poe, Edith Wharton, Emily Dickenson, and others. Requirements: weekly writing assignments; two or three formal papers; a research project; a final critical paper (based upon the research project); occasional tests or quizzes; and participation in group projects.
ENGL 101 Understanding Literature
CRN: 41732
Days/Time: MWF 9:9:50
Instructor: Walter Ben Michaels
How is understanding literature different from understanding any other piece of writing? Why, for example, is a shopping list in a poem different from the exact same list you might look at in a supermarket? Is it because one is supposed to tell you what to buy and the other is supposed to give you some kind of aesthetic pleasure? How does that work? Is it because one has “formal” qualities, and the other doesn’t? What are formal qualities anyway? In this course we’ll read some poems, short stories, and several short novels and try to see whether they do in fact give us some kind of pleasure and, if so, how. The reading assignments will be short, but you’ll be expected to do them carefully, and the writing assignments will also be short but there will be several of them, plus revisions – the idea is not only to get better at reading literature but also to work on writing about it.
ENGL 103 Understanding Poetry
CRN: 37897, 37896
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Mark Canuel
Poetry has a troubled relation to the city. The crowds, the noise, the trash, and the ceaseless movement bring exhilaration, repulsion, or a mixture of these and other contradictory emotions. This course examines English and American poetry from the eighteenth century to the present, focusing on poetry’s relation to three great cities: London, New York, and Chicago. The particular features of these cities, and how they are affected by issues ranging from urban planning and industrialization to poverty and immigration, help us to contextualize our readings of poems by authors including Jonathan Swift, William Blake, Mary Robinson, Walt Whitman, and Gwendolyn Brooks. In a range of genres and styles, poetic forms respond to the city’s variously frustrating, agglomerating, disintegrating, and chaotic energies, encouraging us to build a history of poetry through its negotiation with urban space. Requirements: attendance, short assignments or quizzes, final paper.
ENGL 103 Voices in History: Poetry and Poetics in British and American Poetry
CRN: 20878
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this course we will read a wide array of British and American poetry (and some critical writings) comprising several genres and periods, with an emphasis on the concept of the speaker. Who or what is the voice of the poem, and how is that voice constructed? How has the conception of voice or speaker shifted through time? We will situate each poem in its literary and historical contexts, strongly focusing on the relationship between form and content. Through extensive close readings, we will investigate how this relationship informs and/or reveals important aspects of a poem’s cultural and aesthetic environments. In addition to becoming familiar with voice, students can expect to acquire proficiency in recognizing and understanding various poetic tropes and conventions and in analyzing elements of prosody (meter and rhyme). Through informal and formal written responses and discussions, students will also learn to compose coherent arguments about a literary text and how to select and appropriate effective textual evidence to support those arguments.
This course will help you to develop skills that are particularly relevant for both the study and the appreciation of poetry (both reading it and writing about it), but also of art and literature of all forms—and it will prove useful for any academic or professional activity in which understanding someone else and expressing yourself is important.
ENGL 104 Understanding Drama
CRN: 29789
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Aaron Krall
How do plays represent the world? How do they produce new worlds? This course will examine the form and content of drama from the end of the nineteenth century, the beginning of “modern drama,” to the contemporary stage. We will focus on strategies for critically reading and writing about plays through an analysis of works by playwrights including Ibsen, Glaspell, Brecht, Beckett, Soyinka, Kushner, and Parks, and we will see and review productions by the UIC Theatre. Our reading will be supported by an exploration of the relationships between written texts and live performances through projects involving acting, directing, and design, as well as literary criticism. We will also explore the social contexts for plays by reading theatre history and dramatic theory. In this way, the literary texts and techniques of playwrights will be complemented and complicated by the theatre artists, theatre companies, critics, and audiences that shaped their production.
ENGL 123 Introduction to Asian American Literature
CRN: 35444, 35443
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Mark Chiang
Same as GLAS 123. Must enroll in one LEC and one DIS.
ENGL 131 /MOVI 131 Introduction to Moving Image Arts
CRN: 46155
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45/6:15
Instructor: Katherine Boulay
In this course we explore Film Noir, a tremendously popular and influential film genre born in 1940s Hollywood. Basing our discussions on screenings of such films as The Maltese Falcon (Huston 1941), Laura (Preminger 1944), Double Indemnity (Wilder 1944), etc. we track the genre’s development and its impact on global cinema.
ENGL 132 Understanding Film: The Real and the Surreal
CRN: 46156
Days/Time: M 3:00-4:15, W 3:00-5:45
Instructor: Alex Morelli
This course offers an introduction to the study of film through a dialectic that has preoccupied cinema: the desire to faithfully reproduce reality and efforts to transport audiences into their imaginations. Screenings will emphasize topics related to film style and genre along with significant interventions in film theory, including issues of spectatorship, race, gender, realism, and cinema as a liberatory tool. Students will develop language for reading films as texts and writing with secondary sources. Through class discussion and creative assignments, students will also build the sorts of collaborative communities that have defined this popular medium. Surrealism will guide our journey, encouraging us to unpack cinematic “norms” and embrace unexpected juxtapositions.
ENGL 135 Popular Genres and Culture
CRN: 46157
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Marc Baez
This course will focus on stand-up comedy as a genre with a particularly dynamic audience and a history of playing with social norms. With this focus in mind, the course will be divided into three sections. In the first section we’ll examine some things that are important to a basic appreciation of stand-up comedy: jokes, storytelling, argument, timing, persona, cursing, stereotypes, body language, and choice of clothing. In the second section we’ll look at stand-up comedy as historically and culturally situated, establishing the 1970’s and 80’s as a background context for a sustained focus on George Carlin in the 1990’s. And finally, in the third section, we’ll focus on the 2000’s, starting with Louis C.K. as a way into an exploration of contemporary stand-up comedy and its newer, possibly most interesting figures.
ENGL 154 Understanding (Unruly) Rhetorics: Seeking Productive Public Arguments in America’s Body Politic
CRN: 46160
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
An introductory examination of rhetoric as an intellectual force shaping discourse in both academic and public domains with a focus on the messy arts of (bodily) rhetoric in American debate. This section will focus on such hotly contested issues as who has access to reproductive healthcare; the meaning of the land to Indigenous peoples; the relationship between feminism and Black Lives Matter; the right of BIPOC students to protest on university campuses; what should be done about poverty and houselessness; and the creation of comprehensive sexual education by LGBTQIA youth. Course Information: Previously listed as ENGL 122. Creative Arts course, and Individual and Society course.
Course Text (Available at the UIC bookstore & through online book sellers): Unruly Rhetorics: Protest, Persuasion, and Publics. (Eds. Jonathan Alexander, Susan C. Jarratt, and Nancy Welch). Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. ISBN 13 978-0-8229-6556-5
ENGL 154 Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 46159
Days/Time: MWF 1:00 – 1:50
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
We often hear: “Did you see that nasty rhetoric!” or “Their rhetoric was so strange”. Well, in actuality, rhetoric is much more about HOW we say something than what is said. Here’s an example: The comedian Lewis Black declared, “Here’s your law: If a company, can’t explain, in one sentence, what it does… it’s illegal.” What has he done here? He has used sarcasm and economic law to shape a position. But he also has a conditional sentence, a colon and an ellipsis! All of these items contribute to Black’s comedic rhetoric of identity. Now, this class cannot tell you in one sentence what rhetoric does, or even what it is, but through the examination of ancient rhetoric to that of the twenty-first century we will negotiate with this term to better understand our identities as thinkers and social beings. In addition, this course will examine narrative rhetoric, film rhetoric, comic book rhetoric, and other delivery systems that shape what we call “identity”. Ideas examined in this class will include: How do we use rhetoric in our lives both consciously and unconsciously? How do rhetors and rhetoric interact on an intellectual, academic, and public level to influence identity creation? How do cultures benefit/suffer from language, identity, and policy built on rhetorical frameworks? This course will allow students to see rhetoric not as a negative label, but as a method to interrogate the texts, the visuals, and the conversations we encounter daily.
ENGL 158 English Grammar and Style
CRN: 46162
Days/Time: MWF 2:00- 2:50
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
Is grammar a clump of rules that defines your intelligence? No freakin’ way. Is grammar a system of laws that cannot be broken? Fuggedabawtit. This class will focus on form and function but also get us to question why we care about it. In his book Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote, “the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.” While this seems lofty, it speaks to grammar being the most communicative tool built within language. Preference will be given to examining grammar uses as intentional choices made by authors to aid audiences in comprehending the goals of textual communication. In both individual and group contexts, students in this course will learn the structures of English grammar and analyze texts containing those functions. At the conclusion of the course students will be able to use grammatical terms and processes to better understand written communication and take with them a skill that aids in revision and reflection. So grammar is more about this: You do you, but with a bit of help.
This course is ideal for English, Pre-Law, Education, and Professional Writing, and Communications Students.
ENGL 158 English Grammar and Style
CRN: 46161
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Jeff Gore
Although we regularly understand grammar as a set of prescriptive (or even annoying) rules, during the Renaissance, grammar was understood as the “art of speaking and writing well.” In this course, we’ll work to get the best of both perspectives: rules will become tools to help you to speak and write more effectively. Parts of the course will be comparable to the drills that athletes practice (such as free throws for a basketball player or kata for a practitioner of karate). You will learn to recognize parts of speech in terms of their functions in sentences and to describe them by name. You will practice using different sentence forms in order to appreciate how they allow you to convey different kinds of thoughts and feelings. You will exercise your mastery of these forms by producing short essays that emphasize different grammatical forms, and you will examine works by professional writers in terms of their grammatical and stylistic choices. By the end of the semester, you should be able to use terms of grammar to discuss what makes writing more effective, and you should have enough practice with these grammatical forms that better writing will come more naturally to you.
*Highly Recommended for Pre-Law, Education, and Professional Writing students
ENGL 160 Examinations of Self and Society
CRN: 14363
Days/Time: MWF 10-10:50
Instructor: Sammie Burton
English 160 is designed to expand on the critical-thinking and writing skills necessary for college success. This semester, you will embark on a journey through different genres of writing focusing on the rhetorical strategies used by scholars to convey their message to the reader. Whole group discussions, small group discussions and writing activities will further cement concepts and ideas presented within each text. Four writing genres will be explored: the Literary Analysis, the Persuasive Letter, the Argumentative Essay and the Reflective Photo Essay. In addition to peer-review sessions, you will also receive feedback from your instructor to help produce clear and thought-provoking writing projects. The theme for this course centers on the dynamic relationship between self and society.
ENGL 160 Examinations of Self and Society
CRN: 41435
Days/Time: MWF 11-11:50
Instructor: Sammie Burton
English 160 is designed to expand on the critical-thinking and writing skills necessary for college success. This semester, you will embark on a journey through different genres of writing focusing on the rhetorical strategies used by scholars to convey their message to the reader. Whole group discussions, small group discussions and writing activities will further cement concepts and ideas presented within each text. Four writing genres will be explored: the Literary Analysis, the Persuasive Letter, the Argumentative Essay and the Reflective Photo Essay. In addition to peer-review sessions, you will also receive feedback from your instructor to help produce clear and thought-provoking writing projects. The theme for this course centers on the dynamic relationship between self and society.
ENGL 160 Examinations of Self and Society
CRN: 14356
Days/Time: MWF 1-1:50
Instructor: Sammie Burton
English 160 is designed to expand on the critical-thinking and writing skills necessary for college success. This semester, you will embark on a journey through different genres of writing focusing on the rhetorical strategies used by scholars to convey their message to the reader. Whole group discussions, small group discussions and writing activities will further cement concepts and ideas presented within each text. Four writing genres will be explored: the Literary Analysis, the Persuasive Letter, the Argumentative Essay and the Reflective Photo Essay. In addition to peer-review sessions, you will also receive feedback from your instructor to help produce clear and thought-provoking writing projects. The theme for this course centers on the dynamic relationship between self and society.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 26187
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In an increasingly globalized world and with the abundance of diverse modes of communication, what does being “literate” mean? Is it the ability to read and write? Are these abilities sufficient in the 21st century? In this course, we are going to explore what the term “literacy” entails in a rapidly developing world. This exploration will include examining the conventional view of literacy and how this view has evolved to include new literacies and multiliteracies such as information literacy, digital literacy, cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and more. We will look at how literacy is conceptualized from opposing theoretical perspectives; is the construction of literacy a cognitive activity or a social practice? We will also tackle literacy-related issues such as identity, power, gender as well as the impact of literacy/multiliteracies on health, socioeconomic status, and the economy at large. The course will involve in-class collaborative activities, student-facilitated discussions, mini reading quizzes, and major writing projects. In these writing projects, you will compose multiple drafts of texts in a variety of genres including personal, persuasive, and reflective essays. The learning tasks and assignments in this course will enhance your critical reading skills, build knowledge of genre and writing, and offer opportunities to expand various areas of literacy including information and digital literacies.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: It’s gonna be alright
CRN: 36501
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Gregor Baszak
With a dramatic war in Eastern Europe raging and sky-high prices at home, you couldn’t be blamed for feeling pessimistic about the future. Add to that ever more dramatic news on climate change and crime, and the feeling of dread can feel overwhelming at times. In fact, many teenagers in America and around the world report feelings of anxiety and depression surrounding these issues.
But maybe the future is not as bleak as many in our news media paint it. In this class, we will contemplate whether things may, in fact, turn out much differently than many predict. Scientific modeling of our climate future, for example, predicts several possible outcomes, not all of which are quite as bad as you may read in the news. Could it simply be that we have some psychological tendency to look at matters in the worst possible light?
Since this is a writing class, you will reflect on these questions through several genres, most importantly the argumentative essay, in which you will draw on a wide range of sources to make an original claim about an urgent social issue of the day. And you will ask: At the end of the day, may things just turn out to be alright?
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: It’s gonna be alright
CRN: 26189
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Gregor Baszak
With a dramatic war in Eastern Europe raging and sky-high prices at home, you couldn’t be blamed for feeling pessimistic about the future. Add to that ever more dramatic news on climate change and crime, and the feeling of dread can feel overwhelming at times. In fact, many teenagers in America and around the world report feelings of anxiety and depression surrounding these issues.
But maybe the future is not as bleak as many in our news media paint it. In this class, we will contemplate whether things may, in fact, turn out much differently than many predict. Scientific modeling of our climate future, for example, predicts several possible outcomes, not all of which are quite as bad as you may read in the news. Could it simply be that we have some psychological tendency to look at matters in the worst possible light?
Since this is a writing class, you will reflect on these questions through several genres, most importantly the argumentative essay, in which you will draw on a wide range of sources to make an original claim about an urgent social issue of the day. And you will ask: At the end of the day, may things just turn out to be alright?
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: It’s gonna be alright
CRN: 32310
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Gregor Baszak
With a dramatic war in Eastern Europe raging and sky-high prices at home, you couldn’t be blamed for feeling pessimistic about the future. Add to that ever more dramatic news on climate change and crime, and the feeling of dread can feel overwhelming at times. In fact, many teenagers in America and around the world report feelings of anxiety and depression surrounding these issues.
But maybe the future is not as bleak as many in our news media paint it. In this class, we will contemplate whether things may, in fact, turn out much differently than many predict. Scientific modeling of our climate future, for example, predicts several possible outcomes, not all of which are quite as bad as you may read in the news. Could it simply be that we have some psychological tendency to look at matters in the worst possible light?
Since this is a writing class, you will reflect on these questions through several genres, most importantly the argumentative essay, in which you will draw on a wide range of sources to make an original claim about an urgent social issue of the day. And you will ask: At the end of the day, may things just turn out to be alright?
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts—Rhetoric and Discourse in Our Cities and Communities
CRN: 14374
Days/Time: TR 12:30–1:45
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
As students, you will spend much of your time looking at print works, but you look at images and writing in other contexts every day. Whether or not you seek them out, rhetorical messages reach you and you probably have a sense of how to respond. These messages frequently concern the future and welfare of local and global communities, both here in Chicago, in other communities where you have lived and traveled, and even online. Reading an article, listening to a speech, or encountering a post on social media, you already know how to “read” these arguments and respond to them in a general sense.
This course is an introduction to writing, rhetoric, and research. Though each of these terms can be defined in numerous ways, we will focus most carefully on writing and rhetoric as the craft of constructing an argument and research as the process of investigation and analysis. Since good writing begins with good thinking, this course will emphasize the importance of critical reading and will ask you to analyze a variety of texts throughout the term. We will focus on discourse surrounding real-world issues in cities and other communities in various public media and from diverse sources.
ENGL 160 Academic writing 1 – Art, Music, & Society
CRN: 14357
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Carrie McGath
Visual art and music have an intriguing and deep connection in our world and in this course, we will delve into that connection, and in this course will examine the visual landscape around us. Together, we will look at visual art from the 20th century to the present and how it relates to music, from videos and album covers to various collaborations. Art and music will be our entry into a deep examination of how these artforms express the times we are living in and the times that came before us. In this course, you will learn and have the opportunity to deeply explore and analyze these artforms in order to explore and analyze society. You will learn numerous strategies to set you up for success in looking and listening, deeply exploring, and analyzing the art and music we look at together to prepare you to do this on your own in writing projects throughout the semester.
We will look at music video directors who have also embarked on other forms of visual art including painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. Some of the musicians we will look closely at in the course include Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Orville Peck, LP, among others. You will learn about important art movements and the artists who were a part of them in the 20th century and what is happening in the art world in the 21st century and how it relates to musical artists and the canon and history that is being created right now.
There will be numerous readings throughout the semester that will be available on the course Blackboard as well as in-class activities, and class discussions to ready you for the writing projects you will submit during the semester.
ENGL 160 Academic writing 1 – Art, Music, & Society
CRN: 14361
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Carrie McGath
Visual art and music have an intriguing and deep connection in our world and in this course, we will delve into that connection, and in this course will examine the visual landscape around us. Together, we will look at visual art from the 20th century to the present and how it relates to music, from videos and album covers to various collaborations. Art and music will be our entry into a deep examination of how these artforms express the times we are living in and the times that came before us. In this course, you will learn and have the opportunity to deeply explore and analyze these artforms in order to explore and analyze society. You will learn numerous strategies to set you up for success in looking and listening, deeply exploring, and analyzing the art and music we look at together to prepare you to do this on your own in writing projects throughout the semester.
We will look at music video directors who have also embarked on other forms of visual art including painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. Some of the musicians we will look closely at in the course include Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Orville Peck, LP, among others. You will learn about important art movements and the artists who were a part of them in the 20th century and what is happening in the art world in the 21st century and how it relates to musical artists and the canon and history that is being created right now.
There will be numerous readings throughout the semester that will be available on the course Blackboard as well as in-class activities, and class discussions to ready you for the writing projects you will submit during the semester.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing (I): Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 46437
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be taught fully online for the entire Spring 2023 semester. The sessions will be conducted synchronously on Tuesday and Thursday on Blackboard Collaborate. You will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. All course materials will be on the Blackboard course site. Specific guides for the course site login will be sent to the class by email before the first day of the semester.
ENGL160 is designed and taught using genre-based pedagogy, viewing the genre as the common form of responding to similar situations that shape writing. From this lens, the course is structured around four writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the writing purposes, audience, context, and the related expectations for the writing form and content. You will learn how to write five academic genres: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection, in addition to public writing using social media. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations. Reading is integrated into writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Advertising and Consumerism
CRN: 14364
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Deanna Thompson
Those who seek to persuade, leverage our attitudes and beliefs, appealing to our emotions, habits, or intellect, to convince us to be, to act, to feel, or to think in a certain way. Efforts to persuade can be as subtle as a facial expression, while others can be as overt as an ad on your social media feed. In this course, we will explore a variety of texts, delving into their rhetorical situations in order to understand how arguments are constructed, how positions are taken, and how individuals persuade. This exploration will aid you in developing the requisite skills that will allow you to express yourselves in various genres of writing as well as hone your ability to critically survey texts and other media forms to identify the means they utilize to influence your opinion.
ENGL 160 Advertising and Consumerism
CRN: 26185
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Deanna Thompson
Those who seek to persuade, leverage our attitudes and beliefs, appealing to our emotions, habits, or intellect, to convince us to be, to act, to feel, or to think in a certain way. Efforts to persuade can be as subtle as a facial expression, while others can be as overt as an ad on your social media feed. In this course, we will explore a variety of texts, delving into their rhetorical situations in order to understand how arguments are constructed, how positions are taken, and how individuals persuade. This exploration will aid you in developing the requisite skills that will allow you to express yourselves in various genres of writing as well as hone your ability to critically survey texts and other media forms to identify the means they utilize to influence your opinion.
ENGL 160 Advertising and Consumerism
CRN: 27287
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Deanna Thompson
Those who seek to persuade, leverage our attitudes and beliefs, appealing to our emotions, habits, or intellect, to convince us to be, to act, to feel, or to think in a certain way. Efforts to persuade can be as subtle as a facial expression, while others can be as overt as an ad on your social media feed. In this course, we will explore a variety of texts, delving into their rhetorical situations in order to understand how arguments are constructed, how positions are taken, and how individuals persuade. This exploration will aid you in developing the requisite skills that will allow you to express yourselves in various genres of writing as well as hone your ability to critically survey texts and other media forms to identify the means they utilize to influence your opinion.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 14367
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Ryan Croken
From the perils of climate change to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 14379
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Ryan Croken
From the perils of climate change to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I
CRN: 19835
Days/Time: 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Ryan Croken
From the perils of climate change to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ENGL 160 Writing About African American Oppression, Resistance, & Inspiration:
CRN: 46348
Days/Time: Asynchronous Remote
Instructor: Robin Gayle
In this asynchronous remote course, we will study the works of Maya Angelou and Malcolm X to learn how individuals use their words to enact change. As we study their writings, we will better conceptualize the reality of racism within the United States. Then, we will narrow our lens to how the US Criminal Justice System continues to oppress Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) and to how these communities are combatting these historically racist institutions. Through weekly discussion boards and formal writing assignments, we will learn that language is a form of power that we can adapt for our purposes. Ultimately, this course will provide you with the skills to be successful in English 161 and beyond.
Note: This course is designed for highly motivated, organized students. While the flexible scheduling allows student workers, parents, and caretakers more control over their schedules, students will be held to the same rigorous standards as classes held IRL.
ENGL 160 “Writing About African American Oppression, Resistance, & Inspiration:
CRN: 46441
Days/Time: Asynchronous Remote
Instructor: Robin Gayle
In this asynchronous remote course, we will study the works of Maya Angelou and Malcolm X to learn how individuals use their words to enact change. As we study their writings, we will better conceptualize the reality of racism within the United States. Then, we will narrow our lens to how the US Criminal Justice System continues to oppress Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) and to how these communities are combatting these historically racist institutions. Through weekly discussion boards and formal writing assignments, we will learn that language is a form of power that we can adapt for our purposes. Ultimately, this course will provide you with the skills to be successful in English 161 and beyond.
Note: This course is designed for highly motivated, organized students. While the flexible scheduling allows student workers, parents, and caretakers more control over their schedules, students will be held to the same rigorous standards as classes held IRL.
ENGL 160 “Writing About African American Oppression, Resistance, & Inspiration:
CRN: 46444
Days/Time: Asynchronous Remote
Instructor: Robin Gayle
In this asynchronous remote course, we will study the works of Maya Angelou and Malcolm X to learn how individuals use their words to enact change. As we study their writings, we will better conceptualize the reality of racism within the United States. Then, we will narrow our lens to how the US Criminal Justice System continues to oppress Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) and to how these communities are combatting these historically racist institutions. Through weekly discussion boards and formal writing assignments, we will learn that language is a form of power that we can adapt for our purposes. Ultimately, this course will provide you with the skills to be successful in English 161 and beyond.
Note: This course is designed for highly motivated, organized students. While the flexible scheduling allows student workers, parents, and caretakers more control over their schedules, students will be held to the same rigorous standards as classes held IRL.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 14355
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be taught fully online for the entire Spring 2023 semester. The sessions will be conducted synchronously on Tuesday and Thursday on Blackboard Collaborate. You will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. All course materials will be on the Blackboard course site. Specific guides for the course site login will be sent to the class by email before the first day of the semester.
ENGL160 is designed and taught using genre-based pedagogy, viewing the genre as the common form of responding to similar situations that shape writing. From this lens, the course is structured around four writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the writing purposes, audience, context, and the related expectations for the writing form and content. You will learn how to write five academic genres: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection, in addition to public writing using social media. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations. Reading is integrated into writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing (I): Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 41136
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ling He
This course will be taught fully online for the entire Spring 2023 semester. The sessions will be conducted synchronously on Tuesday and Thursday on Blackboard Collaborate. You will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. All course materials will be on the Blackboard course site. Specific guides for the course site login will be sent to the class by email before the first day of the semester.
ENGL160 is designed and taught using genre-based pedagogy, viewing the genre as the common form of responding to similar situations that shape writing. From this lens, the course is structured around four writing projects to help you develop genre-specific knowledge through attention to the writing purposes, audience, context, and the related expectations for the writing form and content. You will learn how to write five academic genres: Reading Summary, Reading Response, Argumentation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Reflection, in addition to public writing using social media. These genre-based writing strategies help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework and specific rhetorical situations. Reading is integrated into writing for topical knowledge, modeling, and genre analyses. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in and after class.
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 14365
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Eman Elturki
In an increasingly globalized world and with the abundance of diverse modes of communication, what does being “literate” mean? Is it the ability to read and write? Are these abilities sufficient in the 21st century? In this course, we are going to explore what the term “literacy” entails in a rapidly developing world. This exploration will include examining the conventional view of literacy and how this view has evolved to include new literacies and multiliteracies such as information literacy, digital literacy, cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and more. We will look at how literacy is conceptualized from opposing theoretical perspectives; is the construction of literacy a cognitive activity or a social practice? We will also tackle literacy-related issues such as identity, power, gender as well as the impact of literacy/multiliteracies on health, socioeconomic status, and the economy at large. The course will involve in-class collaborative activities, student-facilitated discussions, mini reading quizzes, and major writing projects. In these writing projects, you will compose multiple drafts of texts in a variety of genres including personal, persuasive, and reflective essays. The learning tasks and assignments in this course will enhance your critical reading skills, build knowledge of genre and writing, and offer opportunities to expand various areas of literacy including information and digital literacies.
ENGL 160 Academic writing 1 – Art, Music, & Society
CRN: 27288
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Carrie McGath
Visual art and music have an intriguing and deep connection in our world and in this course, we will delve into that connection, and in this course will examine the visual landscape around us. Together, we will look at visual art from the 20th century to the present and how it relates to music, from videos and album covers to various collaborations. Art and music will be our entry into a deep examination of how these artforms express the times we are living in and the times that came before us. In this course, you will learn and have the opportunity to deeply explore and analyze these artforms in order to explore and analyze society. You will learn numerous strategies to set you up for success in looking and listening, deeply exploring, and analyzing the art and music we look at together to prepare you to do this on your own in writing projects throughout the semester.
We will look at music video directors who have also embarked on other forms of visual art including painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. Some of the musicians we will look closely at in the course include Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Orville Peck, LP, among others. You will learn about important art movements and the artists who were a part of them in the 20th century and what is happening in the art world in the 21st century and how it relates to musical artists and the canon and history that is being created right now.
There will be numerous readings throughout the semester that will be available on the course Blackboard as well as in-class activities, and class discussions to ready you for the writing projects you will submit during the semester.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II. Rumors, Fear, and the Madness of Crowds: A Research Inquiry Into the Phenomenon of Mass Hysteria
CRN: 30805
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
What psychosocial factors cause groups of persons to get involved in a disturbing dynamic of rumors, fears, and mass hysteria? In the late 20th and early 21st century in particular, one has noticed several cases of mass hysteria, ranging from the moral panics such as “Satanic” day care centers in the 1980s and Pizzagate, to the viral spread of conspiracy theories such as QAnon, all of which have caused incidents of persecution and mob violence. Yet many of these incidents contain roots in previous movements dating as far back as the medieval period, often related to fears about the end of the world, the apocalypse. In this course, you will learn to form your own inquiry about our topic of rumors, fear, and the madness of crowds by learning the skills of analytical and research-based writing. You will learn the essential elements of writing a social sciences academic research paper. The first part of the course will focus on honing accurate and critical reading skills by summarizing shorter assigned readings and beginning what will become the reference list/abstract for your research paper. You will begin exploring a general research topic related to the topic of the course, focusing on what and how an incident or pattern of crowd behavior occurred. The second part of the course will move from restating another author’s claims and evidence, “they say” to responding to them critically with an “I say, based on they say” using the reading and writing techniques of analysis and synthesis. You will begin to tie in your more specific research topic and the sources you summarized in the annotated reference list to multiple crowd theorists we will read in this unit. The third part will involve your individual path of inquiry and research on a specific topic with a research paper proposal and accompanying annotated reference list and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Language, Society, and Accessibility
CRN: 14452
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Antonio Guerrero
Our focus in this online course will be to explore, question, and propose critical ideas about the ways we all learn, communicate, and interact. Among other topics, we will research and write about language, writing, social dynamics, education systems, and the way in which elements from our day-to-day lives translate to learning spaces and beyond. As you conduct a semester-long research project, you will begin exploring the ways in which online learning influences contemporary social structures, and vice versa. We will begin this research journey collectively by asking some key questions: how do we use knowledge as a measurement of individual merit? What influences our perception of value in society? What are tangible and rhetorical roles of learning spaces, and how do these contribute to our worldview? To try to answer these questions we will explore the structure of this very English course and our individual identities as members of our academic community. Doing so will allow us to analyze the role of learning ‘spaces’ across social structures and to posit why it is that knowledge, ideas, and communication hold such immense power in our lives.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research; Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 14427
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “social justice”—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Oh, Horrors! Research Papers!
CRN: 14473
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Kian Bergstrom
Horror. Terror. The uncanny. The weird. The gothic. The oneiric. The frightful. The supernatural. The haunted. The plagued. The ghastly. The dark. The dark. The dark. The dark. So dark. So very dark. The endless night. Forever the night. All work. No play. And Jack is a dull, dull boy… Hold my hand?
ENGL 161 Writing in the University
CRN: 14394
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Jennifer Hernandez
Ever find yourself saying you don’t know how to write? Or, more popularly, that you’re not good at it? Good writing, bad writing—what does it mean anyway? More specifically, what does writing mean and what does it look like for YOUR academic discipline? From English to Engineering, we’ll look beyond writing to write and learn about why certain genres of writing are more rhetorically effective in specific disciplines. We’ll also delve into the diverse ways we all approach inquiry and research in an effort to figure out what your ideal writing process looks like. In the end, we’ll piece together individualized research projects that show us how interdisciplinary rhetoric and composition truly are.
ENGL 161 Writing About Music and Society
CRN: 44764
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Chris Muratore
In this class, you will learn about academic writing and the research process through the
lens of writing about music. Specifically, we will be exploring how writing about a musical
piece of your choice will allow you to discuss and examine important contemporary social and political issues such as gender equality and cultural appropriation. The class will therefore be structured around four projects– an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a literary review and a research paper– which will culminate in the writing of an extended argumentative essay based on analysis of your own research. This will help you learn how to write in a clear and effective manner that will give you valuable communication skills both within academia and whatever career you choose to pursue after college.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Unfinished Business: How Events of 1955-1975 Shape Our Present
CRN: 32285
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50 Online
Instructor: Kris Chen
In this synchronous online course, we will explore key events in the United States that occurred between 1955 and 1975 and have ties to present-day social issues. Topics discussed in class will include (but are not limited to): civil rights, counterculture, education reform, environmental protections, LGBTQ+ rights, Medicare, political corruption, reproductive rights, Russia, unions, and voting rights. In this class, you will select a present-day topic with ties to the 1955-1965 era in the United States to conduct a semester-long focused inquiry of that topic. Assignments will include four writing projects: an annotated bibliography, a project proposal, a literature review, and a research paper. Short writing assignments and peer reviews are also incorporated into the class.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Contemporary Film and Culture
CRN: 14388
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Ryan Nordle
This course will explore the role that contemporary film plays in culture, and that culture plays in film. By contemporary film, we mean the inter/national cinema of the last 50 years. In your examination of the connection between film and culture, you will develop your skills in academic writing and the research process. While this course will broadly instruct on principles of academic writing, you will specifically learn about and demonstrate competence in writing through four projects: an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a literary review, and a research paper. These four writing projects will be the focus of the units in this course, all designed to prepare your writing for entering public and academic spheres.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Female Networks and Feminist Resistances
CRN: 41600
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Zara Imran
This course will investigate female networks of kinship/friendship and their relationship to feminist resistances. We will read a range of texts from various disciplines and critically analyze theoretical paradigms and feminist movements over time. It will provide you with a breadth of knowledge, exposing you to some central political and social movements, their criticisms and shortcomings, theorizations and complications of sisterhood, correspondences, etc. The primary goal of this course is to help students undertake independent research. Students should choose what aspect of the course they like and explore it that in depth in their own research projects.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Contemporary Cinema and Modern Problems
CRN: 14434
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Eric Pahre
The social issues at the forefront of our conscience—inequality, discrimination, war, climate change, to list only a few—are prevalent in modern film and television to a degree that we as viewers may not feel prepared to engage with the deeper meaning of every piece of media we encounter. In this English 161 section, you will develop your ability to research and draft an academic essay by writing about the depiction of modern issues in contemporary cinema. You will work to thoughtfully interpret and discuss the challenging content of socially-minded films and learn to write about and argue for that deeper meaning. You will also learn to join an ongoing academic conversation about the representation of your chosen topic in popular film and media. You will focus your efforts towards one or two films and a central social topic and spend the bulk of the semester on the systematic and thorough development of your own, well-supported ideas in a semester-long project. You will create an annotated bibliography, research proposal, literature review, and end the semester with a thoroughly reasoned and researched essay.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Disability in Literature, Film, and Online Media
CRN: 14384
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Angelica Davila
Almost everyone will experience disability at some point in their lives. Despite this, disabled people continue to be treated as an afterthought of society. The same could be said for how disability is portrayed in various forms of media, such as literature, film, and online. In this section of English 161, we will analyze disability portrayal in the media and explore connections between media and society. How does disability portrayal in media translate into the field of education, politics, quality of daily living, and popular culture? We will focus on critically analyzing media, identifying issues, and researching a chosen topic within disability portrayal and society. This course’s final project will be a research paper where you will explore your chosen topic, engage critically with various sources, and enter a larger conversation through your academic writing.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Writing, Seeing
CRN: 14386
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Kabel Mishka Ligot
From checking your phone right after waking up to scanning the cereal box while eating breakfast, from seeing the many posters and billboards on your morning commute to opening your textbooks for class, our lives are supersaturated with images. Through the stories they tell and represent, images can silently or explicitly evoke emotional, intellectual, or even spiritual responses in the people that view them. They can inspire people to think or (re)act in a specific way. In this course, you will be learning about the conventions and methods of academic research and writing. Through four projects (an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a literature review, and a final research paper), you will use these approaches to find effective and compelling ways to talk about the images you encounter in your everyday life, and try to make sense of how they make sense of the world.
ENGL 161 Writing About Music and Society
CRN: 14392
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Chris Muratore
In this class, you will learn about academic writing and the research process through the
lens of writing about music. Specifically, we will be exploring how writing about a musical
piece of your choice will allow you to discuss and examine important contemporary social and political issues such as gender equality and cultural appropriation. The class will therefore be structured around four projects– an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a literary review and a research paper– which will culminate in the writing of an extended argumentative essay based on analysis of your own research. This will help you learn how to write in a clear and effective manner that will give you valuable communication skills both within academia and whatever career you choose to pursue after college.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 42683
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45 ONLINE
Instructor: Karen Leick
* This section meets online on Monday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM. Attendance at Zoom meetings is required.
In this course, we will look at the ways our social, educational, employment, and leisure activities are affected by technology. In addition, we will discuss the ways we think about the value and threat of technological developments. How do we understand the relationship between human “”progress”” and technology? What is the relationship between technology and power? Does technology make our lives better, or sometimes worse? Why is there often a negative public reaction to new technology?
Each student will write a 10-page research paper about a controversial issue related to one of the topics that we have discussed in the course: Social Media, the Music Industry, Online Education, Video Games. In addition to short readings that we will discuss in class, students will find sources about their topic of interest to explore in more depth for their research papers. As we explore the major topics of the course, students will develop a research proposal, annotated bibliography, comparative essay, and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Oh, Horrors! Research Papers!
CRN: 14399
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Kian Bergstrom
Horror. Terror. The uncanny. The weird. The gothic. The oneiric. The frightful. The supernatural. The haunted. The plagued. The ghastly. The dark. The dark. The dark. The dark. So dark. So very dark. The endless night. Forever the night. All work. No play. And Jack is a dull, dull boy… Hold my hand?
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Atmospheric Media
CRN: 42684
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45 ONLINE
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this course, we will explore texts and cinematic examples of cutting-edge media forms: virtual reality, augmented reality, and atmospheric media. We will begin with theories and authorial visions that yearn for immersion in—or perhaps escape to—imaginary spaces (virtual reality), how these spaces can blur the lines between work and play, and the mixture of isolation and hyper-connectivity that various thinkers both promise and caution against. We will unpack our contemporary preoccupation with artificial objects and companions that join us in our real physical spaces (augmented reality), and finally we will consider the ways that machines can “see” us in unexpected ways and how they teach us to see ourselves, a growing ubiquity mediated by increasingly diffuse and invisible technologies (so-called “atmospheric” media). You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (annotated bibliography, review of literature, paper proposal, final paper) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Democracy and its Consequences
CRN: 26192
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Abigail Kremer
We often think of democracy as a flawed, but “best as we can get” system. Surely, as we’ve seen with American democracy, it can be flawed, disrupted, and broken. In this class, we will examine, first, democracy as a system alone: what would it look like if democracy worked perfectly? In doing so we will analyze democracy’s practical application, and what it looks like in governments presently. We will also be working to understand democracy and its relationship to capitalism. That is, until inevitably, we explore what happens when and how democracies collapse.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Female Networks and Feminist Resistances
CRN: 25973
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Zara Imran
This course will investigate female networks of kinship/friendship and their relationship to feminist resistances. We will read a range of texts from various disciplines and critically analyze theoretical paradigms and feminist movements over time. It will provide you with a breadth of knowledge, exposing you to some central political and social movements, their criticisms and shortcomings, theorizations and complications of sisterhood, correspondences, etc. The primary goal of this course is to help students undertake independent research. Students should choose what aspect of the course they like and explore it that in depth in their own research projects.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Writing, Seeing
CRN: 14462
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Kabel Mishka Ligot
From checking your phone right after waking up to scanning the cereal box while eating breakfast, from seeing the many posters and billboards on your morning commute to opening your textbooks for class, our lives are supersaturated with images. Through the stories they tell and represent, images can silently or explicitly evoke emotional, intellectual, or even spiritual responses in the people that view them. They can inspire people to think or (re)act in a specific way. In this course, you will be learning about the conventions and methods of academic research and writing. Through four projects (an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a literature review, and a final research paper), you will use these approaches to find effective and compelling ways to talk about the images you encounter in your everyday life, and try to make sense of how they make sense of the world.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Contemporary Cinema and Modern Problems
CRN: 42686
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Eric Pahre
The social issues at the forefront of our conscience—inequality, discrimination, war, climate change, to list only a few—are prevalent in modern film and television to a degree that we as viewers may not feel prepared to engage with the deeper meaning of every piece of media we encounter. In this English 161 section, you will develop your ability to research and draft an academic essay by writing about the depiction of modern issues in contemporary cinema. You will work to thoughtfully interpret and discuss the challenging content of socially-minded films and learn to write about and argue for that deeper meaning. You will also learn to join an ongoing academic conversation about the representation of your chosen topic in popular film and media. You will focus your efforts towards one or two films and a central social topic and spend the bulk of the semester on the systematic and thorough development of your own, well-supported ideas in a semester-long project. You will create an annotated bibliography, research proposal, literature review, and end the semester with a thoroughly reasoned and researched essay.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Contemporary Film and Culture
CRN: 43491
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Ryan Nordle
This course will explore the role that contemporary film plays in culture, and that culture plays in film. By contemporary film, we mean the inter/national cinema of the last 50 years. In your examination of the connection between film and culture, you will develop your skills in academic writing and the research process. While this course will broadly instruct on principles of academic writing, you will specifically learn about and demonstrate competence in writing through four projects: an annotated bibliography, a research proposal, a literary review, and a research paper. These four writing projects will be the focus of the units in this course, all designed to prepare your writing for entering public and academic spheres.
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Unfinished Business: How Events of 1955-1975 Shape Our Present
CRN: 14431
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Kris Chen
This course will explore key events in the United States that occurred between 1955 and 1975 and have ties to present-day social issues. Topics discussed in class will include (but are not limited to): civil rights, counterculture, education reform, environmental protections, LGBTQ+ rights, Medicare, political corruption, reproductive rights, Russia, unions, and voting rights. In this class, you will select a present-day topic with ties to the 1955-1965 era in the United States to conduct a semester-long focused inquiry of that topic. Assignments will include four writing projects: an annotated bibliography, a project proposal, a literature review, and a research paper. Short writing assignments and peer reviews are also incorporated into the class.
ENGL 161 English 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 43494
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Ryan Asmussen
This course is designed to prepare you for the research and writing you will do throughout your academic career. Class discussion will involve class lecture and activities to assist you in engaging in the practice of academic discourse, which involves developing rhetorical, grammatical, and research skills. You will be required to read challenging academic texts, learn to navigate library databases, evaluate sources, write formal research assignments, write reflectively, and work in discussion/peer-editing groups.
More specifically, we will be focusing on disciplines associated with the humanities. What are the humanities? As opposed to STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), the humanities “includes, but is not limited to, the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life” (National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act, 1965, as amended).
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Understanding Documentary
CRN: 14474
Days/Time: MWF 11:00 – 11:50
Instructor: Seunghyun Shin
In this section of English 161, we will explore documentary works—not only documentary film but also photography, poetry, and stenography—and practice academic writing, research, and critical thinking. Although documentary was traditionally tied to historiography and ethnography, many intellectual works driven by documentary mode of discourse and the combination of aesthetic and rhetoric have become significant to any communities and cultural discussions around the world. In this course, we will take up questions in regard to documentary as more than a mode of discourse. Through the examination of various forms of texts—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will practice critical reading, writing, and academic research.
Throughout this course, you will explore and identify your interest and original argument broadly related to documentary works. By working on four projects—annotated bibliography, literature review, research proposal, and critical paper—you will practice culminating your argument into a thesis and contribute to the ongoing academic discussion of your interest.
ENGL 161 Unfiltered: The Effects of Social Media on Body Image and Psychological Well-Being
CRN: 32291
Days/Time: MWF 10-10:50
Instructor: Karisa Sosnoski
In this class you will consider the intricacies of social media by reading, watching, and listening to sources through an analytical lens. You will be invited to think about other people’s experiences with interactive technologies, their comprehensive influence on communities, and how they facilitate the creation of powerful ideas and standards. Through class discussion and interaction, you will analyze the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, social status, and gender, and how they influence the use and addictive nature of social media. We will analyze controversial topics as a starting point in our exploration, while also considering the positive and negative influence of hyper-technological demands for young people today. How does social media play a role in politics, power, body standards, and psychological well-being? Throughout the course, you will write four major writing projects including an annotated bibliography, synthesized analysis, research proposal, and research essay. We will begin considering larger discussion points as a class, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. Each writing assignment will enable you to further develop your research interests within our class inquiry.
ENGL 161 Sports Fans: Psychology, Superstition, and Scapegoats
CRN: 14402 MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Psychology, Superstition, and Scapegoats”, we will explore the psychology of sports fans and the folklore attached to sports teams in considerable depth as we pursue the aforementioned goals. Beginning with the etymological roots of the word “fan” (from “fanatic”), we will explore such phenomena as deindividuation, disinhibition, and parasocial relationships. We’ll also examine the history of superstition, curses, and scapegoats attached to our own Chicago Cubs (and other teams). These are some of the starting points for much stimulating critical thinking and writing we will undertake together this semester. While these concepts provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about academic research and writing, not just about psychology and superstition. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning about summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing arguments, conducting academic research, writing a research proposal, and drafting a research paper. All of this will culminate in a final research project that answers a research question you have posed in relation to the course inquiry. Our readings and class discussions will guide you through each of these steps, and help you work toward generating a research topic that interests you enough to write a ten-page paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Tabletop Role-Playing Games
CRN: 14461
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Hyacinthe Ingram
Table-Top Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs) such as Dungeons and Dragons have seen a boom in popularity in current cultural conscious, with actual play shows like Critical Role and podcasts like The Adventure Zone aiding in the genre’s revival. In this class, you will be looking at TTRPGs and the actual play shows that have aided in this revival to examine the ways that this form of media functions in creating space for representations of major cultural issues. As a class, we will explore these representations and cultural examinations by viewing these shows and reading various sources about TTRPGs, specifically looking at the ways in which these role-playing games affects these representations and major discussions.
While looking at specific examples of these topics, as well as academic sources discussing TTRPGs, you will be tasked with researching and writing a long form research paper discussing one of the many topics that come up in these games and enter the conversation of this form of media and play that is currently happening. During the semester, the writing that you do, including the annotated bibliography, the research proposal, and the literature review, will serve as steppingstones that culminate in the research paper and the presentation of your research to the class. This is a student-driven exploration of TTRPGS as a genre, and what the genre has to offer to society.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14417
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Ryan Asmussen
This course is designed to prepare you for the research and writing you will do throughout your academic career. Class discussion will involve class lecture and activities to assist you in engaging in the practice of academic discourse, which involves developing rhetorical, grammatical, and research skills. You will be required to read challenging academic texts, learn to navigate library databases, evaluate sources, write formal research assignments, write reflectively, and work in discussion/peer-editing groups.
More specifically, we will be focusing on disciplines associated with the humanities. What are the humanities? As opposed to STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), the humanities “includes, but is not limited to, the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life” (National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act, 1965, as amended).
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Writing about Film and Society
CRN: 14412
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Snezana Zabic
Whether they focus on one character’s inner life or depict scenes of mass revolt (or anything in-between those two extremes), films tell stories deeply intertwined with both negative and positive developments in society. Within our general inquiry about film and society, you will research a scripted feature film, read articles in-depth, discuss your sources and respond to them in writing. You will produce essays that go through drafting, peer-review, and revision phases. Assignments include: 1) an annotated bibliography, 2) a film analysis, 3) a research proposal, and 4) a researched argument essay. You will choose the film and all the sources for your semester-long research project. You will conduct research using the UIC library databases, and write arguments based on the knowledge gained during this research. You will be able to discuss your ideas from inception to completion.
ENGL 161 Social Justice in Public Writing
CRN: 14408
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Katharine Romero
In this section of English 161, called “Social Justice in Public Writing,” we will examine the argumentation of rhetors in the public writing sphere to understand argumentation as it relates to public context and the intended audience. In this course, we will write in various genres, such as the rhetorical precis, the research proposal, and the annotated bibliography which are all designed to develop your research skills such as summarizing, accessing, and citing. These research-focused genres will help to plan and build your semester-long research project, which will take the shape of an academic research paper and a multimodal re-imagination on a social justice issue of your choosing and proposed solutions to this issue. You will be guided throughout this process as we will learn to find sources through the UIC Library Databases and you will be supported by a writing community of peers, through peer review sessions, and receive individualized, instructor feedback on your writing and research. I look forward to working with you!
ENGL 161 Writing in the University
CRN: 14459
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jennifer Hernandez
Ever find yourself saying you don’t know how to write? Or, more popularly, that you’re not good at it? Good writing, bad writing—what does it mean anyway? More specifically, what does writing mean and what does it look like for YOUR academic discipline? From English to Engineering, we’ll look beyond writing to write and learn about why certain genres of writing are more rhetorically effective in specific disciplines. We’ll also delve into the diverse ways we all approach inquiry and research in an effort to figure out what your ideal writing process looks like. In the end, we’ll piece together individualized research projects that show us how interdisciplinary rhetoric and composition truly are.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: “Writing Urban Secret Histories”
CRN: 14470 14449 14446
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Michael Newirth
This English 161 course is structured around the theme of “”Writing Urban Secret Histories””. We will look at contested or alternative narratives in urban life, including issues such as segregation, the underground economy, political corruption, and the development of infrastructure and law enforcement in cities like Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Paris. We will read full-length critical and shorter texts by scholars and writers such as Gary Krist and Marco d’Eramo. As with all 161 courses, students will produce a minimum of 20 pages of polished, original expository writing over the course of the semester. In this class, this takes the form of an independent research paper following a research proposal, and two shorter papers focused on required critical texts. Students will encounter relevant historical narratives and social arguments as background material. In addition to being a full-time Lecturer in English at UIC for over fifteen years, the instructor has an extensive background as a writer and editor. These professional experiences inform the intense focus on the nuts and bolts of revising argumentative writing for clarity and power.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II. Rumors, Fear, and the Madness of Crowds: A Research Inquiry Into the Phenomenon of Mass Hysteria
CRN: 14467
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
What psychosocial factors cause groups of persons to get involved in a disturbing dynamic of rumors, fears, and mass hysteria? In the late 20th and early 21st century in particular, one has noticed several cases of mass hysteria, ranging from the moral panics such as “Satanic” day care centers in the 1980s and Pizzagate, to the viral spread of conspiracy theories such as QAnon, all of which have caused incidents of persecution and mob violence. Yet many of these incidents contain roots in previous movements dating as far back as the medieval period, often related to fears about the end of the world, the apocalypse. In this course, you will learn to form your own inquiry about our topic of rumors, fear, and the madness of crowds by learning the skills of analytical and research-based writing. You will learn the essential elements of writing a social sciences academic research paper. The first part of the course will focus on honing accurate and critical reading skills by summarizing shorter assigned readings and beginning what will become the reference list/abstract for your research paper. You will begin exploring a general research topic related to the topic of the course, focusing on what and how an incident or pattern of crowd behavior occurred. The second part of the course will move from restating another author’s claims and evidence, “they say” to responding to them critically with an “I say, based on they say” using the reading and writing techniques of analysis and synthesis. You will begin to tie in your more specific research topic and the sources you summarized in the annotated reference list to multiple crowd theorists we will read in this unit. The third part will involve your individual path of inquiry and research on a specific topic with a research paper proposal and accompanying annotated reference list and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Modern Worlds
CRN: 42528
Days/Time: MWF 11:00 – 11:50
Instructor: james sharpe
The “modern world” means many different things to many different people. In this course, we will use journalistic sources covering topics typically considered “modern” — e.g. artificial intelligence, modern science, global capitalism, climate change, and more — to generate research questions and to illustrate fundamental compositional concepts such as organization, argument, genre, citational formats, and multi-media presentation. Students will be expected to conduct their own research in library databases in the second half of the course, ultimately producing a researched argumentative paper.
ENGL 161 Gnetrification
CRN: 14439
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Sian Roberts
Gentrification is sweeping through America. By definition, gentrification is the process of renovating deteriorated urban neighborhoods through the influx of more affluent residents. Gentrification is painted alternately as a destroyer of neighborhoods or a savior of cities. For some, the process of gentrification represents a form of social cleansing and institutionalized racism: families and communities who have lived in the same neighbourhood for many years are forced to move out of their homes due to rising house prices. Critics of gentrification also denounce the way gentrifying leads to the homogenization of neighbourhoods: frequently gentrification leads to an onslaught of hip coffee shops, craft breweries and boutique clothing shops, which replace a neighbourhood’s distinct personality and culture. However, supporters of gentrification claim that change is inevitable, and the renovation of certain neighbourhoods brings prosperity and increased public safety.
ENGL 161 Welcome to My Home?: How Segregationist Legislative Housing Policies Mapped out Chicagoland
CRN: 14387
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Arney Bray
Chicago is one of the most beautiful cities around the world. It has a rich history and a myriad of cultures. This diverse city is also one of the most segregated cities in the United States. This is the result of many years of legislation that inhibited the movement of cultures across town lines. In this class we will research how the housing laws have mapped our city.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research/ Using Utopia: Writing Real-World Reform
CRN: 14432
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Shaina D. Warfield
In this course, we will explore contemporary ideas of progressive reform and engage with thinkers interested in using the “utopian” as a critical device for conceptualizing radical public policies worth fighting for. Together, we will discuss the uses of utopian imagination in the appeal of the American ideals that uphold our current social systems and think about how policy advocates encourage collective investment in reforming the world.
These considerations will accompany us on our journey through the research process in which you will be tasked with completing four writing assignments. First, you will read and annotate articles related to utopian world-building and advocating for progressive ideas. Then, you will choose your own contemporary reform policy, read relevant research on the subject, enter the conversation with your own argument and develop a research paper to articulate your ideas.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14450
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Spencer Harrison
Writing is not one size fits all! In this course, we will look broadly at writing pedagogy in higher education, who it benefits, and how to make it more equitable. We will shift from a monolingual approach to writing education to multi- and translingual theories of writing/communication. A main tenet is that different languages (English, Spanish, Russian, etc.) are not actually distinct entities but simply a part of a greater and fluid linguistic whole. We will learn the pros and cons of the conventions of “standard” English academic writing while challenging those norms with alternate strategies. Such strategies include “code-meshing” (incorporating multiple dialects/languages in one document) and mixing genres (e.g., creative writing, personal narrative, and other non-academic genres.) Ultimately, you will choose you own topic of research relating to language that interests you. Some of those topics might include the revival of dead languages, the synthesis of languages in a multi-lingual environment, alternate grammar rules and their implications, etc. This course focuses heavily on the peer review/workshop model of writing to build a supportive writing community.
ENGL 161 The Evolution of Advertising
CRN: 14457
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Daniel McGee
Today, some of the most invasive ad campaigns can be found lurking within algorithms on social media websites we often visit. This is a method of advertising that has only recently become available thanks to the development of new technologies. However, decades ago, advertising had very different approaches and appeals. So, how does technology affect advertising methods, messages, and strategies? In this class, we will investigate and track the history of advertising and learn how emerging technology created new advertising media in both the past and present.
This course will give you a wide-but-shallow look at the history and development of advertising strategies around the world. You will read/watch a number of sources including blogs, commercial, research articles, books, newspapers, government websites, and many other to get a holistic understanding how technology and advertising evolve together. As you investigate ads and advertising in this research-central course, you will compose several writing assignments, including an annotated bibliography, research proposal, and literature review. The culmination of these writing projects will help develop the fourth and most important writing project of this semester: the research essay. No prior information on advertising, technology, or business is needed.
The goal of using this wide-but-shallow content approach is to cover enough material on advertising and technology that you will find a topic that is meaningful, which will serve as your basis when researching and composing the research essay.
ENGL 161 Sports Fans: Psychology, Superstition, and Scapegoats
CRN: 14405
Days/Time: MWF 11:00 – 11:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Psychology, Superstition, and Scapegoats”, we will explore the psychology of sports fans and the folklore attached to sports teams in considerable depth as we pursue the aforementioned goals. Beginning with the etymological roots of the word “fan” (from “fanatic”), we will explore such phenomena as deindividuation, disinhibition, and parasocial relationships. We’ll also examine the history of superstition, curses, and scapegoats attached to our own Chicago Cubs (and other teams). These are some of the starting points for much stimulating critical thinking and writing we will undertake together this semester. While these concepts provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about academic research and writing, not just about psychology and superstition. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning about summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing arguments, conducting academic research, writing a research proposal, and drafting a research paper. All of this will culminate in a final research project that answers a research question you have posed in relation to the course inquiry. Our readings and class discussions will guide you through each of these steps, and help you work toward generating a research topic that interests you enough to write a ten-page paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14397
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
In English 161, you will conduct independent research for the purpose of writing a documented research paper on some aspect of the topic of American corporations and their place in our public and private lives. Through readings, videos, and discussion, we will examine the impact of American corporations on the government, economy, environment, mental/physical health, and the justice system. We will also look closely at how corporate branding and advertising shape our notions – from childhood on – of beauty, success, race, gender, and more. Does profit-driven privatization subvert the public good? Are corporations that claim to promote social and environmental causes actually doing so? These and other such questions will inform your own academic inquires. Over the course of the semester, you will produce four writing projects, the last of which will ask you to introduce your readers to a current debate involving our class topic, take a position on this debate, and construct an evidence-based argument to support your position.
ENGL 161 Bildungsroman, Racism and Youth Culture
CRN: 14411
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Zhuang Du
Bildungsroman, as a meta-narrative focusing on teenagers’ growing-up and finding a proper place in the cruel adult world, has a universal appeal to youngsters. Marvel’s superhero movies and the Harry Potter series faithfully follow the logic of Bildungsroman:courage and anti-authoritarianism. But although Black Panther was released in 2018, and Shangchi was in 2021, thus Bildungsroman basically is more like a white male meta-narrative. Thus, we need to ask the reasons for that. Moreover, as young social media Vloggers get fame so easily and the second-generation stars and elites inherit their parents’ wealth and fame so naturally, we need to ask another tricky question: do youngsters today still believe in the logic of the traditional Bildungsroman?
The course consists of four main writing projects centered on Bildungsroman. In the first project, enabling you to practice documenting and critically responding to others’ ideas, you read and annotate two short articles about Bildungsroman. Following this assignment, you increasingly work on your own as you build the blocks of your final ten-page research paper. Before you submit this paper, you submit two related writing assignments. In these assignments you hone your skills identifying relevant research and incorporating it into your own work.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II. Rumors, Fear, and the Madness of Crowds: A Research Inquiry Into the Phenomenon of Mass Hysteria
CRN: 22118
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
What psychosocial factors cause groups of persons to get involved in a disturbing dynamic of rumors, fears, and mass hysteria? In the late 20th and early 21st century in particular, one has noticed several cases of mass hysteria, ranging from the moral panics such as “Satanic” day care centers in the 1980s and Pizzagate, to the viral spread of conspiracy theories such as QAnon, all of which have caused incidents of persecution and mob violence. Yet many of these incidents contain roots in previous movements dating as far back as the medieval period, often related to fears about the end of the world, the apocalypse. In this course, you will learn to form your own inquiry about our topic of rumors, fear, and the madness of crowds by learning the skills of analytical and research-based writing. You will learn the essential elements of writing a social sciences academic research paper. The first part of the course will focus on honing accurate and critical reading skills by summarizing shorter assigned readings and beginning what will become the reference list/abstract for your research paper. You will begin exploring a general research topic related to the topic of the course, focusing on what and how an incident or pattern of crowd behavior occurred. The second part of the course will move from restating another author’s claims and evidence, “they say” to responding to them critically with an “I say, based on they say” using the reading and writing techniques of analysis and synthesis. You will begin to tie in your more specific research topic and the sources you summarized in the annotated reference list to multiple crowd theorists we will read in this unit. The third part will involve your individual path of inquiry and research on a specific topic with a research paper proposal and accompanying annotated reference list and the final research paper.
ENGL 161 Writing for Inquiry and Research: Writing about Film and Society
CRN: 42685
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Snezana Zabic
Whether they focus on one character’s inner life or depict scenes of mass revolt (or anything in-between those two extremes), films tell stories deeply intertwined with both negative and positive developments in society. Within our general inquiry about film and society, you will research a scripted feature film, read articles in-depth, discuss your sources and respond to them in writing. You will produce essays that go through drafting, peer-review, and revision phases. Assignments include: 1) an annotated bibliography, 2) a film analysis, 3) a research proposal, and 4) a researched argument essay. You will choose the film and all the sources for your semester-long research project. You will conduct research using the UIC library databases, and write arguments based on the knowledge gained during this research. You will be able to discuss your ideas from inception to completion.
ENGL 161 English 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14445
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Ryan Asmussen
This course is designed to prepare you for the research and writing you will do throughout your academic career. Class discussion will involve class lecture and activities to assist you in engaging in the practice of academic discourse, which involves developing rhetorical, grammatical, and research skills. You will be required to read challenging academic texts, learn to navigate library databases, evaluate sources, write formal research assignments, write reflectively, and work in discussion/peer-editing groups.
More specifically, we will be focusing on disciplines associated with the humanities. What are the humanities? As opposed to STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), the humanities “includes, but is not limited to, the study and interpretation of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life” (National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act, 1965, as amended).
ENGL 161 Writing About Stand-up Comedy, Stereotype Humor, and Marginalized Communities
CRN: 14433
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Evan Steuber
Stand-up, with its conceit of truth-telling and authenticity, often frames stereotypes as true and pervasive, but it also critiques them through playing on the audience’s expectations and through a heightened sense of the absurd. While stereotypes are by their nature false, as they assume all members of a community share the same features, they can be used to bring communities together as well as attack them, and sometimes simultaneously. We will see how comedians from marginalized groups have accepted and dealt with issues of identity that are present before they take the stage, and how their comedy reflects the issues of this debate. Our class is concerned with comedians’ stage personas and how they produce cultural context. This context elucidates their target audience and how their jokes and stories create meaning. This same process is reflected in the production of any discourse, including a successful essay. We will learn to be cognizant of the context and larger conversation in which our words take place, thereby reflecting a knowledge of our target audience and how our language creates meaning. All standard 161 essays will be required in addition to individual presentations and a significant amount of watching and reading.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 42682
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
In English 161, you will conduct independent research for the purpose of writing a documented research paper on some aspect of the topic of American corporations and their place in our public and private lives. Through readings, videos, and discussion, we will examine the impact of American corporations on the government, economy, environment, mental/physical health, and the justice system. We will also look closely at how corporate branding and advertising shape our notions – from childhood on – of beauty, success, race, gender, and more. Does profit-driven privatization subvert the public good? Are corporations that claim to promote social and environmental causes actually doing so? These and other such questions will inform your own academic inquires. Over the course of the semester, you will produce four writing projects, the last of which will ask you to introduce your readers to a current debate involving our class topic, take a position on this debate, and construct an evidence-based argument to support your position.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 42687
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability as it relates to waste management, urban stormwater management, transportation, and labor. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Social Justice in Public Writing
CRN: 14414
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Katharine Romero
In this section of English 161, called “Social Justice in Public Writing,” we will examine the argumentation of rhetors in the public writing sphere to understand argumentation as it relates to public context and the intended audience. In this course, we will write in various genres, such as the rhetorical precis, the research proposal, and the annotated bibliography which are all designed to develop your research skills such as summarizing, accessing, and citing. These research-focused genres will help to plan and build your semester-long research project, which will take the shape of an academic research paper and a multimodal re-imagination on a social justice issue of your choosing and proposed solutions to this issue. You will be guided throughout this process as we will learn to find sources through the UIC Library Databases and you will be supported by a writing community of peers, through peer review sessions, and receive individualized, instructor feedback on your writing and research. I look forward to working with you!
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: “Writing Urban Secret Histories”
CRN: 14449
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Michael Newirth
This English 161 course is structured around the theme of “”Writing Urban Secret Histories””. We will look at contested or alternative narratives in urban life, including issues such as segregation, the underground economy, political corruption, and the development of infrastructure and law enforcement in cities like Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Paris. We will read full-length critical and shorter texts by scholars and writers such as Gary Krist and Marco d’Eramo. As with all 161 courses, students will produce a minimum of 20 pages of polished, original expository writing over the course of the semester. In this class, this takes the form of an independent research paper following a research proposal, and two shorter papers focused on required critical texts. Students will encounter relevant historical narratives and social arguments as background material. In addition to being a full-time Lecturer in English at UIC for over fifteen years, the instructor has an extensive background as a writer and editor. These professional experiences inform the intense focus on the nuts and bolts of revising argumentative writing for clarity and power.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 32290
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Angela Dancey
A major concern of the academic study of film is how it both mirrors and shapes our understanding of gender. Your goal is to identify, research, and develop an inquiry into some aspect of the intersection of gender and film that interests you. As part of this process, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper. Your final project should not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic and the existing public and academic conversations about it, but also engage with these conversations in a meaningful way.
ENGL 161 Sports Fans: Psychology, Superstition, and Scapegoats
CRN: 42688
Days/Time: MWF 1:00 -1:50
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Psychology, Superstition, and Scapegoats”, we will explore the psychology of sports fans and the folklore attached to sports teams in considerable depth as we pursue the aforementioned goals. Beginning with the etymological roots of the word “fan” (from “fanatic”), we will explore such phenomena as deindividuation, disinhibition, and parasocial relationships. We’ll also examine the history of superstition, curses, and scapegoats attached to our own Chicago Cubs (and other teams). These are some of the starting points for much stimulating critical thinking and writing we will undertake together this semester. While these concepts provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about academic research and writing, not just about psychology and superstition. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning about summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing arguments, conducting academic research, writing a research proposal, and drafting a research paper. All of this will culminate in a final research project that answers a research question you have posed in relation to the course inquiry. Our readings and class discussions will guide you through each of these steps, and help you work toward generating a research topic that interests you enough to write a ten-page paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: “Writing Urban Secret Histories”
CRN: 14446
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Michael Newirth
This English 161 course is structured around the theme of “”Writing Urban Secret Histories””. We will look at contested or alternative narratives in urban life, including issues such as segregation, the underground economy, political corruption, and the development of infrastructure and law enforcement in cities like Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Paris. We will read full-length critical and shorter texts by scholars and writers such as Gary Krist and Marco d’Eramo. As with all 161 courses, students will produce a minimum of 20 pages of polished, original expository writing over the course of the semester. In this class, this takes the form of an independent research paper following a research proposal, and two shorter papers focused on required critical texts. Students will encounter relevant historical narratives and social arguments as background material. In addition to being a full-time Lecturer in English at UIC for over fifteen years, the instructor has an extensive background as a writer and editor. These professional experiences inform the intense focus on the nuts and bolts of revising argumentative writing for clarity and power.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14383
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: John Casey
Sustainability has become so common of a word that we hardly notice it anymore. This class will begin with an examination of the concept of sustainability and its relationship to something known as the circular economy. From there, we’ll analyze examples of current research on sustainability as it relates to waste management, urban stormwater management, transportation, and labor. These studies will then serve as guides for each of you to begin your own research study on a topic related to sustainability. That topic should not only address a larger issue that researchers are examining around the world but show how that issue relates back to the Chicagoland area.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14454
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Angela Dancey
A major concern of the academic study of film is how it both mirrors and shapes our understanding of gender. Your goal is to identify, research, and develop an inquiry into some aspect of the intersection of gender and film that interests you. As part of this process, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper. Your final project should not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic and the existing public and academic conversations about it, but also engage with these conversations in a meaningful way.
ENGL 161 Writing for Inquiry and Research: Writing about Film and Society
CRN: 14407
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Snezana Zabic
Whether they focus on one character’s inner life or depict scenes of mass revolt (or anything in-between those two extremes), films tell stories deeply intertwined with both negative and positive developments in society. Within our general inquiry about film and society, you will research a scripted feature film, read articles in-depth, discuss your sources and respond to them in writing. You will produce essays that go through drafting, peer-review, and revision phases. Assignments include: 1) an annotated bibliography, 2) a film analysis, 3) a research proposal, and 4) a researched argument essay. You will choose the film and all the sources for your semester-long research project. You will conduct research using the UIC library databases, and write arguments based on the knowledge gained during this research. You will be able to discuss your ideas from inception to completion.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 44763
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
In English 161, you will conduct independent research for the purpose of writing a documented research paper on some aspect of the topic of American corporations and their place in our public and private lives. Through readings, videos, and discussion, we will examine the impact of American corporations on the government, economy, environment, mental/physical health, and the justice system. We will also look closely at how corporate branding and advertising shape our notions – from childhood on – of beauty, success, race, gender, and more. Does profit-driven privatization subvert the public good? Are corporations that claim to promote social and environmental causes actually doing so? These and other such questions will inform your own academic inquires. Over the course of the semester, you will produce four writing projects, the last of which will ask you to introduce your readers to a current debate involving our class topic, take a position on this debate, and construct an evidence-based argument to support your position.
ENGL 161 Social Justice in Public Writing
CRN: 43519
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Katharine Romero
In this section of English 161, called “Social Justice in Public Writing,” we will examine the argumentation of rhetors in the public writing sphere to understand argumentation as it relates to public context and the intended audience. In this course, we will write in various genres, such as the rhetorical precis, the research proposal, and the annotated bibliography which are all designed to develop your research skills such as summarizing, accessing, and citing. These research-focused genres will help to plan and build your semester-long research project, which will take the shape of an academic research paper and a multimodal re-imagination on a social justice issue of your choosing and proposed solutions to this issue. You will be guided throughout this process as we will learn to find sources through the UIC Library Databases and you will be supported by a writing community of peers, through peer review sessions, and receive individualized, instructor feedback on your writing and research. I look forward to working with you!
ENGL 161 Writing About Stand-up Comedy, Stereotype Humor, and Marginalized Communities
CRN: 14413
Days/Time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Evan Steuber
Stand-up, with its conceit of truth-telling and authenticity, often frames stereotypes as true and pervasive, but it also critiques them through playing on the audience’s expectations and through a heightened sense of the absurd. While stereotypes are by their nature false, as they assume all members of a community share the same features, they can be used to bring communities together as well as attack them, and sometimes simultaneously. We will see how comedians from marginalized groups have accepted and dealt with issues of identity that are present before they take the stage, and how their comedy reflects the issues of this debate. Our class is concerned with comedians’ stage personas and how they produce cultural context. This context elucidates their target audience and how their jokes and stories create meaning. This same process is reflected in the production of any discourse, including a successful essay. We will learn to be cognizant of the context and larger conversation in which our words take place, thereby reflecting a knowledge of our target audience and how our language creates meaning. All standard 161 essays will be required in addition to individual presentations and a significant amount of watching and reading.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14428
Days/Time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Heather Doble
In this course we will use food as a way to explore larger issues of culture and identity. Here we will take a page from authors like Geeta Kothari who locates her struggle between Indian and American cultures in food and argues that “cultural identity shapes, and is shaped by, the foods one eats and the ways one eats them.” We specifically look at immigrant contributions to “American” food and culture. We will ask questions like: what is Chicago food? Is it deep-dish pizza and Chicago hot dogs? Or is it the Korean/Polish fusion of Chef Won Kim who grew up in a Korean family in a predominately Polish neighborhood in Chicago?
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Oh, Horrors! Research Papers!
CRN: 26194
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Kian Bergstrom
Horror. Terror. The uncanny. The weird. The gothic. The oneiric. The frightful. The supernatural. The haunted. The plagued. The ghastly. The dark. The dark. The dark. The dark. So dark. So very dark. The endless night. Forever the night. All work. No play. And Jack is a dull, dull boy… Hold my hand?
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research; Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 40110
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “social justice”—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Atmospheric Media
CRN: 14447
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15 ONLINE
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this course, we will explore texts and cinematic examples of cutting-edge media forms: virtual reality, augmented reality, and atmospheric media. We will begin with theories and authorial visions that yearn for immersion in—or perhaps escape to—imaginary spaces (virtual reality), how these spaces can blur the lines between work and play, and the mixture of isolation and hyper-connectivity that various thinkers both promise and caution against. We will unpack our contemporary preoccupation with artificial objects and companions that join us in our real physical spaces (augmented reality), and finally we will consider the ways that machines can “see” us in unexpected ways and how they teach us to see ourselves, a growing ubiquity mediated by increasingly diffuse and invisible technologies (so-called “atmospheric” media). You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (annotated bibliography, review of literature, paper proposal, final paper) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Writing About Stand-up Comedy, Stereotype Humor, and Marginalized Communities
CRN: 14438
Days/Time: MWF 4:00-4:50
Instructor: Evan Steuber
Stand-up, with its conceit of truth-telling and authenticity, often frames stereotypes as true and pervasive, but it also critiques them through playing on the audience’s expectations and through a heightened sense of the absurd. While stereotypes are by their nature false, as they assume all members of a community share the same features, they can be used to bring communities together as well as attack them, and sometimes simultaneously. We will see how comedians from marginalized groups have accepted and dealt with issues of identity that are present before they take the stage, and how their comedy reflects the issues of this debate. Our class is concerned with comedians’ stage personas and how they produce cultural context. This context elucidates their target audience and how their jokes and stories create meaning. This same process is reflected in the production of any discourse, including a successful essay. We will learn to be cognizant of the context and larger conversation in which our words take place, thereby reflecting a knowledge of our target audience and how our language creates meaning. All standard 161 essays will be required in addition to individual presentations and a significant amount of watching and reading.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14403
Days/Time: MWF 4:00-4:50
Instructor: Heather Doble
In this course we will use food as a way to explore larger issues of culture and identity. Here we will take a page from authors like Geeta Kothari who locates her struggle between Indian and American cultures in food and argues that “cultural identity shapes, and is shaped by, the foods one eats and the ways one eats them.” We specifically look at immigrant contributions to “American” food and culture. We will ask questions like: what is Chicago food? Is it deep-dish pizza and Chicago hot dogs? Or is it the Korean/Polish fusion of Chef Won Kim who grew up in a Korean family in a predominately Polish neighborhood in Chicago?
ENGL 161 Health Disparities: Closing the Health Gap in America
CRN: 26193
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Kim O’Neil
English 161 is designed to provide you with the intellectual tools you will need to engage in academic inquiry. Roughly the first third of the course is devoted to developing these tools, exploring texts within our theme across a range of media and genres, practicing effective strategies for finding, assessing, reading, annotating, and summarizing sources with an eye to understanding how we can credibly use different source types, putting them in conversation with each other; the result of this work will be an annotated bibliography. The second part of the course is devoted to applying these tools to a specific topic of interest to you within our broader theme—a health disparity that you will argue is current, dire, impacted by social policy, and in need of solution. As part of our class theme, we will examine how material factors like the resources in the neighborhood where you live, as well as factors like racism and homophobia, act as chronic stressors on health and indeed shorten lifespan, a phenomenon which one medical journalist has called “medical apartheid” and another the “status syndrome.” The final writing project for the course will be a documented research paper you write cumulatively in three stages. You will 1) present the problem—use a case study and statistical evidence to show that a health disparity exists for a particular community, is severe in impact, broad in scope, and something we should care about; 2) analyze causes—use a literature review format to synthesize the various factors contributing to the problem into distinct schools of thought, weigh the merits and limitations of each; and 3) analyze policy solutions—after logical consideration of the arguments for and against various approaches, advocate for a specific program you judge most effective, and call your audience to action. As a capstone project, as researchers, you will raise awareness about the disparities you’ve investigated by presenting your findings for the broader UIC community of stakeholders in the public health and social justice discourse.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research – Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Atmospheric Media
CRN: 43492
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Mark R. Brand
In this course, we will explore texts and cinematic examples of cutting-edge media forms: virtual reality, augmented reality, and atmospheric media. We will begin with theories and authorial visions that yearn for immersion in—or perhaps escape to—imaginary spaces (virtual reality), how these spaces can blur the lines between work and play, and the mixture of isolation and hyper-connectivity that various thinkers both promise and caution against. We will unpack our contemporary preoccupation with artificial objects and companions that join us in our real physical spaces (augmented reality), and finally we will consider the ways that machines can “see” us in unexpected ways and how they teach us to see ourselves, a growing ubiquity mediated by increasingly diffuse and invisible technologies (so-called “atmospheric” media). You should expect to read and write extensively as you develop a thesis-driven research project on a subtopic of your choosing. This project will unfold over several steps (annotated bibliography, review of literature, paper proposal, final paper) that span the entire semester and will serve as your entrée to the fundamentals of University-level research.
ENGL 161 Contemplating the Now
CRN: 29121
Days/Time: MW 4.30-5:45
Instructor: Alonzo Rico
This course will focus mainly on the contemporary issues facing us today politically and socially, and how we position ourselves in relation to those issues at hand, whether it be by fervently adopting a particular ideology or remaining ignorantly ambivalent. Quite simply, this course will not necessarily have a concrete topic on which to focus on, but will emphasize, and perhaps provoke, interest in contemporary issues that inevitably saturate our everyday lives. And hopefully, in discussing these difficult issues, in taking the time to write about them in a critical manner, we will find something to say and maybe even care about.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14453
Days/Time: MWF 5:00-5:50
Instructor: Heather Doble
In this course we will use food as a way to explore larger issues of culture and identity. Here we will take a page from authors like Geeta Kothari who locates her struggle between Indian and American cultures in food and argues that “cultural identity shapes, and is shaped by, the foods one eats and the ways one eats them.” We specifically look at immigrant contributions to “American” food and culture. We will ask questions like: what is Chicago food? Is it deep-dish pizza and Chicago hot dogs? Or is it the Korean/Polish fusion of Chef Won Kim who grew up in a Korean family in a predominately Polish neighborhood in Chicago?
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Processing Grief through Poetry, Music and Writing
CRN: 14401
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Nicholas Dertinger
Grief is a universal experience, but the way humans handle it varies. While we will use music, poetry, and writing to explore grief, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about how grief effects the human condition. From personal loss to collective grief, we will make connections between the psychological effects of grief and how it informs the creative journey. In doing so, we can enter an intellectual conversation about life, loss, and how humans cope and process through their grief. In this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our texts They Say, I Say and From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide explain how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Along with supplemental readings typically found on Blackboard, you will be able to organize and formulate a final research paper that utilizes all the skills we learn through the class. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing 2: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 29118
Days/Time: TR 8-9:15 AM
Instructor: David Jakalski
Why do students go to a college or university? What experiences or services should colleges or universities provide? Should postsecondary education in the United States be devoted entirely to academics, or should co-curricular activities (clubs, sports, etc.) constitute part of the college or university experience? What methods and technologies should be employed to best provide this education? Do institutions of postsecondary education promote economic mobility, or do they sustain and perpetuate inequality? This course will conduct a focused inquiry into issues related to postsecondary education in the United States. We will read from several scholarly articles, and we will also examine a variety of popular sources (journal and newspaper articles, film, interviews, etc.). Assignments will include four writing projects: annotated bibliography, literature review, research proposal, argumentative research paper. Short drafting and peer-review assignments are also to be expected.
ENGL 161 Writing about Stand-Up Comedy and Audience
CRN: 14422
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Marc Baez
In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is particularly bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of stand-up’s fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class readings and discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and audience: the sword and shield of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness; argument by analogy in satire; the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and the relationship between social norms and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic career. So be prepared to read and write every day.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: Linguistics, Identity and Community
CRN: 14415
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
In this class, we will study English in a way you may not have thought of before–not so much as writing an essay or reading a novel, but as language, a tool to communicate with the world around us. Language shapes our own and other’s sense of identity, and we will explore how it varies based on who we are, where we are, and who we’re talking to.
While the theme of this course is sociolinguistics (the scientific study of language use in societies), you will also use this context to hone your academic research and writing skills. Each major project in this class prepares you for the final project, a 10-page research paper on a specific area of sociolinguistics related to your interests.
Past topics have investigated the possibility of integrating non-prestige language varieties into academic settings, the effects of bilingualism upon academic success, the role of language in personal/group identity formation, predictions about the future role of English in the global workplace, etc. An example of my own sociolinguistic research analyzed the content of toxic comments female video gamers received in comparison to their male counterparts. The field of sociolinguistics is broad, so start thinking about language, identity, and society now to see what piques your interest.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing 2: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 26882
Days/Time: TR 9:30 – 10:45 AM
Instructor: David Jakalski
Why do students go to a college or university? What experiences or services should colleges or universities provide? Should postsecondary education in the United States be devoted entirely to academics, or should co-curricular activities (clubs, sports, etc.) constitute part of the college or university experience? What methods and technologies should be employed to best provide this education? Do institutions of postsecondary education promote economic mobility, or do they sustain and perpetuate inequality? This course will conduct a focused inquiry into issues related to postsecondary education in the United States. We will read from several scholarly articles, and we will also examine a variety of popular sources (journal and newspaper articles, film, interviews, etc.). Assignments will include four writing projects: annotated bibliography, literature review, research proposal, argumentative research paper. Short drafting and peer-review assignments are also to be expected.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 14398
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Virginia Costello
Although we begin with an analysis of Emma Goldman’s highly romantic and wildly impractical theory of anarchism, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections to contemporary movements and politics and in this way, you will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, in this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our text From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide explains how to develop ideas, read and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Research and Inquiry
CRN: 14471
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Animalia arthropoda hexapoda will serve as the subject of inquiry for this course. Whether you’re confused as Gregor Samsa or as certain as E. O. Wilson about insects, you’ll find this course emphasizing what it means to engage in both oral and written academic conversations, how to read around subjects, and how to navigate research on the world wide web as well as through the stacks of the Daley Library. The course involves reading and writing assignments, four writing projects, and a group research project – all revolving around insects and how we interact with them.
The course seeks to view academic writing through the lens of entomology in the hopes that students might make connections between composition and the physical world. The course also challenges students to consider what we mean when we use the word “research,” as well as the scope and impact of research.
ENGL 161 Writing about Stand-Up Comedy and Audience
CRN: 14465
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Marc Baez
In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is particularly bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of stand-up’s fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class readings and discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and audience: the sword and shield of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness; argument by analogy in satire; the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and the relationship between social norms and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic career. So be prepared to read and write every day.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Processing Grief through Poetry, Music and Writing
CRN: 30804
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Nicholas Dertinger
Grief is a universal experience, but the way humans handle it varies. While we will use music, poetry, and writing to explore grief, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about how grief effects the human condition. From personal loss to collective grief, we will make connections between the psychological effects of grief and how it informs the creative journey. In doing so, we can enter an intellectual conversation about life, loss, and how humans cope and process through their grief. In this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our texts They Say, I Say and From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide explain how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Along with supplemental readings typically found on Blackboard, you will be able to organize and formulate a final research paper that utilizes all the skills we learn through the class. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 29120
Days/Time: TR 11:00- 12:15
Instructor: Virginia Costello
Although we begin with an analysis of Emma Goldman’s highly romantic and wildly impractical theory of anarchism, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about prison reform. You will be asked to make connections to contemporary movements and politics and in this way, you will be entering into an intellectual conversation about prison systems and positioning yourselves within those conversations.
Contrary to common understanding, neither writing nor research is a linear process. Thus, in this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our text From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide explains how to develop ideas, read and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing Inquiry and Research: Between Body and Mind: Narrative, Illness, and Medicine
CRN: 26880
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Bridget English
As humans, we inhabit bodies that are fragile and susceptible to illness and breakdown. Narratives—novels, films, television shows, and memoirs—provide us with a way of expressing and comprehending these experiences through plotting and sequence. But what is the relationship between these more subjective aspects of human existence, which most often find expression in literature and the arts, and medicine, a field that deals in facts and in objective data? At the heart of this opposition between medicine and the humanities is the view that the body and the mind exist as separate entities and must be treated accordingly.
In this class we will explore the relationship between medicine and the humanities by focusing on debates surrounding the incorporation of the humanities into a medical context. Through the examination of various kinds of narratives—medical, scholarly, public, literary and visual—we will develop skills of academic research and writing. As part of the course you will identify a topic of your own interest and will produce four writing projects related to this topic, culminating in a documented research paper that demonstrates your skills as an independent researcher on a topic related to literary representations of illness and the body, narrative medicine, illness narratives, trauma and the body, mental illness and the arts, television depictions of medicine, emotions and the body, the history of medicine, mediating the body in the public sphere or any related topic of your choosing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14443
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Animalia arthropoda hexapoda will serve as the subject of inquiry for this course. Whether you’re confused as Gregor Samsa or as certain as E. O. Wilson about insects, you’ll find this course emphasizing what it means to engage in both oral and written academic
conversations, how to read around subjects, and how to navigate research on the world wide web as well as through the stacks of the Daley Library. The course involves reading and writing assignments, four writing projects, and a group research project – all revolving around insects and how we interact with them.
The course seeks to view academic writing through the lens of entomology in the hopes that students might make connections between composition and the physical world. The course also challenges students to consider what we mean when we use the word “research,” as well as the scope and impact of research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research Linguistics, Identity and Community
CRN: 14442
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos cvlaho2@uic.du
In this class, we will study English in a way you may not have thought of before–not so much as writing an essay or reading a novel, but as language, a tool to communicate with the world around us. Language shapes our own and other’s sense of identity, and we will explore how it varies based on who we are, where we are, and who we’re talking to.
While the theme of this course is sociolinguistics (the scientific study of language use in societies), you will also use this context to hone your academic research and writing skills. Each major project in this class prepares you for the final project, a 10-page research paper on a specific area of sociolinguistics related to your interests.
Past topics have investigated the possibility of integrating non-prestige language varieties into academic settings, the effects of bilingualism upon academic success, the role of language in personal/group identity formation, predictions about the future role of English in the global workplace, etc. An example of my own sociolinguistic research analyzed the content of toxic comments female video gamers received in comparison to their male counterparts. The field of sociolinguistics is broad, so start thinking about language, identity, and society now to see what piques your interest.
ENGL 161 Writing about Popular Film and Social Movements/Social Change/Social Stagnation
CRN: 41131
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: James Drown
Media theorist Stuart Hall said that when producers create media (such as popular film) they “encode” messages as part of that creation process. These messages may reinforce expected social norms, as well as challenge them. For example, think about how films depict gender and gender expectations, and how these depictions might vary from traditional to progressive. These can be considered encoded messages. From an audience perspective, the messages might be obvious, loud, and direct, or they might be so quiet, subtle, and well-integrated into a film that you don’t even notice them. However, all of these messages have an impact and influence both us and society in general. If you consider how many films you have seen and how many messages they contain, you begin to understand why this is important and how it impacts social movements and change. We will begin by reading some theoretical work, including an essay by Hall, as well as applications of these theories. In our exploration of the relationship between popular film and social change/stagnation, we will be reading widely, considering how the different readings intersect, and using this information to develop a research question. Once we have a research question, we will follow through by conducting research, considering what that research means, and writing a fully developed academic research paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 32289
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 161 is an academic writing course situated in academic inquiry, where students explore a topic as a community of inquiry. This section will focus on Chicago neighborhoods: how they are defined, what they mean, the kinds of identities and ways of life they support, the roles they play in local politics and economies, the ways they bring people together or keep them apart, and how they change. We will initially focus on the neighborhoods that surround the UIC campus, but our inquiry will take us across the City of Chicago and into a diverse and intersecting group of communities. This course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by genres of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 32293
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
Animalia arthropoda hexapoda will serve as the subject of inquiry for this course. Whether you’re confused as Gregor Samsa or as certain as E. O. Wilson about insects, you’ll find this course emphasizing what it means to engage in both oral and written academic
conversations, how to read around subjects, and how to navigate research on the world wide web as well as through the stacks of the Daley Library. The course involves reading and writing assignments, four writing projects, and a group research project – all revolving around insects and how we interact with them.
The course seeks to view academic writing through the lens of entomology in the hopes that students might make connections between composition and the physical world. The course also challenges students to consider what we mean when we use the word “research,” as well as the scope and impact of research.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Democracy in the Age of Misinformation: Real Votes and Fake News
CRN: 43493
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course we will examine the threats to democracy in the 21st century, including misinformation, voter suppression, the influence of money and (as some argue) the very structure of American government. We will explore and analyze links between public positions and private motives, historic compromises and their contemporary consequences, money and policy, information and belief. You will (or should, if you do the work) develop critical thinking and analytical writing skills in the process of composing three short writing projects. You will apply these skills more comprehensively in a final, lengthier research paper, thus inserting your own voice and argument in a larger conversation regarding our course themes.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Democracy in the Age of Misinformation: Real Votes and Fake News
CRN: 32288
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15 / 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course we will examine the threats to democracy in the 21st century, including misinformation, voter suppression, the influence of money and (as some argue) the very structure of American government. We will explore and analyze links between public positions and private motives, historic compromises and their contemporary consequences, money and policy, information and belief. You will (or should, if you do the work) develop critical thinking and analytical writing skills in the process of composing three short writing projects. You will apply these skills more comprehensively in a final, lengthier research paper, thus inserting your own voice and argument in a larger conversation regarding our course themes.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing 2: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 14464
Days/Time: TR 2:00- 3:15 PM
Instructor: David Jakalski
Why do students go to a college or university? What experiences or services should colleges or universities provide? Should postsecondary education in the United States be devoted entirely to academics, or should co-curricular activities (clubs, sports, etc.) constitute part of the college or university experience? What methods and technologies should be employed to best provide this education? Do institutions of postsecondary education promote economic mobility, or do they sustain and perpetuate inequality? This course will conduct a focused inquiry into issues related to postsecondary education in the United States. We will read from several scholarly articles, and we will also examine a variety of popular sources (journal and newspaper articles, film, interviews, etc.). Assignments will include four writing projects: annotated bibliography, literature review, research proposal, argumentative research paper. Short drafting and peer-review assignments are also to be expected.
ENGL 161 Writing about Happiness
CRN: 26881
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Instructor: Christopher Bryson
In this course, we will examine questions about happiness. In her book, The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think is Right is Wrong, Jennifer Michael Hecht explains that our common notions of happiness, what makes us happy in today’s society, is a kind of mythology we all accept as fact. She explores the conception of happiness across history, illuminating traditions and practices that made our ancestors happy, as a means of demonstrating how those notions often contradict our current beliefs and actions. As you read Hecht’s text and the supplemental readings, you will be able to question happiness in your own lives and communities. So, what are the consequences of such an inquiry? Hecht, I think, says it best in her introduction, entitled “Get Happy.” She explains:
We need to pay careful attention to our modern, unhelpful myths [about happiness] so that we can make better choices…Sometimes the lesson is to go out and change our behavior, and sometimes a remarkably different experience of the same behavior becomes possible with the simple addition of some big-picture knowledge. (13-14)
The consequence of this inquiry is, in other words, to better understand our actions and the motives behind them when happiness is at stake. We can better understand ourselves and our society as a result. Much of what Hecht says on this subject is controversial (money can make us happy), and it is my belief that these kinds of propositions will inspire lively debate and engaging research papers that address happiness in modern society.
In this course, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper focusing on some aspect of happiness. The writing projects are 1) a summary; 2) a synthesis; 3) a research proposal; and 4) research paper. For the research paper, you will write a unique, convincing argument, supported by appropriate evidence and claims. Your paper should not only demonstrate an understanding of the context and sources, but also contribute meaningfully to the inquiry you will be exploring throughout the semester.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II
CRN: 32295
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 161 is an academic writing course situated in academic inquiry, where students explore a topic as a community of inquiry. This section will focus on Chicago neighborhoods: how they are defined, what they mean, the kinds of identities and ways of life they support, the roles they play in local politics and economies, the ways they bring people together or keep them apart, and how they change. We will initially focus on the neighborhoods that surround the UIC campus, but our inquiry will take us across the City of Chicago and into a diverse and intersecting group of communities. This course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by genres of academic writing.
ENGL 161 Writing about Popular Film and Social Movements/Social Change/Social Stagnation
CRN: 29119
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: James Drown
Media theorist Stuart Hall said that when producers create media (such as popular film) they “encode” messages as part of that creation process. These messages may reinforce expected social norms, as well as challenge them. For example, think about how films depict gender and gender expectations, and how these depictions might vary from traditional to progressive. These can be considered encoded messages. From an audience perspective, the messages might be obvious, loud, and direct, or they might be so quiet, subtle, and well-integrated into a film that you don’t even notice them. However, all of these messages have an impact and influence both us and society in general. If you consider how many films you have seen and how many messages they contain, you begin to understand why this is important and how it impacts social movements and change. We will begin by reading some theoretical work, including an essay by Hall, as well as applications of these theories. In our exploration of the relationship between popular film and social change/stagnation, we will be reading widely, considering how the different readings intersect, and using this information to develop a research question. Once we have a research question, we will follow through by conducting research, considering what that research means, and writing a fully developed academic research paper
ENGL 161 Writing for Inquiry and Research Linguistics, Identity and Community
CRN: 32287
Days/time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
In this class, we will study English in a way you may not have thought of before–not so much as writing an essay or reading a novel, but as language, a tool to communicate with the world around us. Language shapes our own and other’s sense of identity, and we will explore how it varies based on who we are, where we are, and who we’re talking to.
While the theme of this course is sociolinguistics (the scientific study of language use in societies), you will also use this context to hone your academic research and writing skills. Each major project in this class prepares you for the final project, a 10-page research paper on a specific area of sociolinguistics related to your interests.
Past topics have investigated the possibility of integrating non-prestige language varieties into academic settings, the effects of bilingualism upon academic success, the role of language in personal/group identity formation, predictions about the future role of English in the global workplace, etc. An example of my own sociolinguistic research analyzed the content of toxic comments female video gamers received in comparison to their male counterparts. The field of sociolinguistics is broad, so start thinking about language, identity, and society now to see what piques your interest.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Processing Grief through Poetry, Music and Writing
CRN: 14458
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Nicholas Dertinger
Grief is a universal experience, but the way humans handle it varies. While we will use music, poetry, and writing to explore grief, this class centers on a student-driven, semester-long research project about how grief effects the human condition. From personal loss to collective grief, we will make connections between the psychological effects of grief and how it informs the creative journey. In doing so, we can enter an intellectual conversation about life, loss, and how humans cope and process through their grief. In this class you will write drafts and revise several times before you submit work for a grade. Our texts They Say, I Say and From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide explain how to develop ideas, read, and think critically, analyze sources, construct a thesis, organize an essay, conduct basic research, and use appropriate styles and forms of citation. Along with supplemental readings typically found on Blackboard, you will be able to organize and formulate a final research paper that utilizes all the skills we learn through the class. Writing assignments include but are not limited to the following: Annotated Bibliography, Proposal, Literature Review, and Research Paper.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Madness and Society
CRN: 22116
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Evan Reynolds
In this class, we will examine the economics of so-called “mental health” and how it affects what gets offered to those deemed mad in terms of resources by the state and the economy. We will examine how the entire industry of mental health services emerges and absorbs opposition from service user activism. We will also chart out madness’s relationship to the Prison Industrial Complex, police brutality and neo-colonial expropriation of resources. We will examine the relationship between ecological crisis and mental distress played out by Greta Thunberg. We will examine how the workplace stress produced by adherence to the logic of maximizing shareholder value produces breakdowns. As the course progresses, we will ultimately produce an original argument about madness and political economy in the form of a research paper.
ENGL 161 Writing about Chicago’s Parks
CRN: 14456
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Rachel Zein
Nature never intended that this vast number of people should live confined in such small space without any touch of nature and clear sunshine. We need and must have sunning places and spots where our children may enjoy the blessings of nature as provided by flowers, grass, air and sunshine. There is more to life than the splendor of brick and stone structures that go to make up the life of this city. -Chicago Defender, February 12, 1927
Did you know that more than 600 public parks can be found across Chicago? Today, thousands of residents cherish the plethora of public green space throughout the city, but this was not always the case. The epigraph above from the Chicago Defender, a historically Black newspaper that has greatly shaped Chicago’s social and cultural landscape, gestures toward Chicagoans’ strong need for public green spaces at the beginning of the 20th century. In this course, we will explore the past, present, and future(s) of Chicago’s green spaces, including traditional parks, beaches, river walkways, and more. First, we will think carefully about the distinction between “nature” and “city,” and what it means for a park to be “public.” We will also consider contemporary issues such as: the Edgewater community’s fight for life rings at their neighborhood beach; the long struggle to rename Douglas Park after abolitionist Frederick Douglass and his wife Anna Douglass; and the role the parks played during the most acute moments of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we explore these issues together — by way of scholarly articles and books, essays, podcasts, films, photography, and other media — you will be working on your own final research paper that broadly connects to the course theme.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II – Democracy in the Age of Misinformation: Real Votes and Fake News
CRN: 14425
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Jay Shearer
In this course we will examine the threats to democracy in the 21st century, including misinformation, voter suppression, the influence of money and (as some argue) the very structure of American government. We will explore and analyze links between public positions and private motives, historic compromises and their contemporary consequences, money and policy, information and belief. You will (or should, if you do the work) develop critical thinking and analytical writing skills in the process of composing three short writing projects. You will apply these skills more comprehensively in a final, lengthier research paper, thus inserting your own voice and argument in a larger conversation regarding our course themes.
ENGL 161 Writing about Happiness
CRN: 14468
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Christopher Bryson
In this course, we will examine questions about happiness. In her book, The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think is Right is Wrong, Jennifer Michael Hecht explains that our common notions of happiness, what makes us happy in today’s society, is a kind of mythology we all accept as fact. She explores the conception of happiness across history, illuminating traditions and practices that made our ancestors happy, as a means of demonstrating how those notions often contradict our current beliefs and actions. As you read Hecht’s text and the supplemental readings, you will be able to question happiness in your own lives and communities. So, what are the consequences of such an inquiry? Hecht, I think, says it best in her introduction, entitled “Get Happy.” She explains:
We need to pay careful attention to our modern, unhelpful myths [about happiness] so that we can make better choices…Sometimes the lesson is to go out and change our behavior, and sometimes a remarkably different experience of the same behavior becomes possible with the simple addition of some big-picture knowledge. (13-14)
The consequence of this inquiry is, in other words, to better understand our actions and the motives behind them when happiness is at stake. We can better understand ourselves and our society as a result. Much of what Hecht says on this subject is controversial (money can make us happy), and it is my belief that these kinds of propositions will inspire lively debate and engaging research papers that address happiness in modern society.
In this course, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper focusing on some aspect of happiness. The writing projects are 1) a summary; 2) a synthesis; 3) a research proposal; and 4) research paper. For the research paper, you will write a unique, convincing argument, supported by appropriate evidence and claims. Your paper should not only demonstrate an understanding of the context and sources, but also contribute meaningfully to the inquiry you will be exploring throughout the semester.
ENGL 161 Writing about Happiness
CRN: 14437
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Christopher Bryson
In this course, we will examine questions about happiness. In her book, The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think is Right is Wrong, Jennifer Michael Hecht explains that our common notions of happiness, what makes us happy in today’s society, is a kind of mythology we all accept as fact. She explores the conception of happiness across history, illuminating traditions and practices that made our ancestors happy, as a means of demonstrating how those notions often contradict our current beliefs and actions. As you read Hecht’s text and the supplemental readings, you will be able to question happiness in your own lives and communities. So, what are the consequences of such an inquiry? Hecht, I think, says it best in her introduction, entitled “Get Happy.” She explains:
We need to pay careful attention to our modern, unhelpful myths [about happiness] so that we can make better choices…Sometimes the lesson is to go out and change our behavior, and sometimes a remarkably different experience of the same behavior becomes possible with the simple addition of some big-picture knowledge. (13-14)
The consequence of this inquiry is, in other words, to better understand our actions and the motives behind them when happiness is at stake. We can better understand ourselves and our society as a result. Much of what Hecht says on this subject is controversial (money can make us happy), and it is my belief that these kinds of propositions will inspire lively debate and engaging research papers that address happiness in modern society.
In this course, you will produce four (4) writing projects, culminating in a documented research paper focusing on some aspect of happiness. The writing projects are 1) a summary; 2) a synthesis; 3) a research proposal; and 4) research paper. For the research paper, you will write a unique, convincing argument, supported by appropriate evidence and claims. Your paper should not only demonstrate an understanding of the context and sources, but also contribute meaningfully to the inquiry you will be exploring throughout the semester.
ENGL 161 Crises of the Neoliberal Present and How We Solve Them
CRN: 14418
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Thomas Moore
Students in this course will research and critically analyze how the actions (and inactions) of the recent past have led to the sociopolitical, ecological, and economic crises of our neoliberal present—namely those of perpetual war, climate change, a mismanaged global pandemic, and the heightened exploitation of American workers. Our discussions and collective investigation of contemporary U.S. politics will draw on a variety of scholarly and popular sources. We will begin by reading three recent articles together as a class to establish a conceptual foundation, and, as the semester progresses, each student will be free to research and write about the issue that matters to them most. Students will embark on semester-long, cumulative research projects with two objectives in mind: (1) understanding how a specific sociopolitical, cultural, and/or economic problem became what it is today; and (2) proposing realistic steps we can take to solve it.
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Research and Inquiry: What is a Hero?
CRN: 22117
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, hospitals, grocery stores and nursing homes would put out signs that read, “Heroes work here!” At the same time, the pandemic exposed for many the systemic inequalities in the service industry where these heroes purportedly worked.
It’s worth exploring, then, what is meant by “hero,” and how that term is used in American society—a culture inundated with media that makes claims about heroism. In this course, students will explore how heroes might be defined, and how that definition shapes individual and societal thought and action. This exploration will culminate in a substantial research paper that will contribute to the scholarly and cultural discourse on heroism and its connection to the American Identity.
ENG 175 The Bible as Literature
CRN: 46190
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Raphael Magarik
This course will introduce you to the study of the Bible as a collection of literary texts written by human beings. The texts we read discuss (and disagree with each other about!) erotic desire, the possibility of redemption, politics and warfare, family, the existence of evil, and so on. We will learn something about the times and places in which these texts were produced, and we will practice reading them for ourselves, learning to pay close attention to their quirks, problems, and weirdness. We will also reflect on the varied uses to which biblical texts have been put over time, indeed the varied bibles that later readers, scribes, and editors have created.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis
CRN: 46167, 46612
Days/Time: TR 2:00–3:15
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
This course is an introduction to how people, often literary scholars and critics, analyze and interpret literature and other creative works using different approaches. In this class, we will become familiar with some of those approaches by reading works of literature and criticism and experimenting with them ourselves. Throughout the semester, we will use different methods of critical analysis as lenses or frameworks for evaluating narratives and the choices authors make in the process of creating them. We will consider the strategies that scholars use to agree and disagree with each other as they engage in conversation about particular texts and about their work more generally. Although the course will focus on new and evolving theories that shape much of scholarly conversation in the twenty-first century, we will also pay attention to the history of literary criticism. Students should plan to read about eighty pages a week. Since conversation is a vital part of literary discourse, everyone should be ready to engage in discussion of the assigned readings for each session.
ENGL 207 Close Reading in and out of the Classroom
CRN: 46168, 46613
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
Interpretation is not an isolated act but takes place within a Homeric battlefield, on which a host of interpretive options are either openly or implicitly in conflict—Frederic Jameson
Close reading, the careful examination of literary language, has remained the bedrock of English studies for nearly a century. How has this practice changed over time? What critical movements have embraced or disparaged close reading? In this course, we will trace the history of close reading across different critical frameworks (New Criticism, deconstructionism, Marxism, queer theory, and New Historicism) and engage in current disciplinary debates about the role of close reading in contemporary teaching and criticism. Throughout the course we’ll examine critical practices alongside a wide range of literary texts, while thinking about what role the classroom plays among critical methods.
You’ll be asked to complete three papers: a close reading, an analysis of literary criticism, and a critical argument. In addition, you will have brief reading assessments throughout the semester to help measure your analytical skills. Our readings will likely include poetry by William Shakespeare, John Keats, Robert Browning, Emily Dickinson, Eve Ewing, and Claudia Rankin; and fiction by Henry James, Jhumpa Lahiri, Carmen Maria Machado and others.
ENGL 207 Interpretation and Literary Analysis
CRN: 46164, 46610
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Bridget English
The process of reading literary texts gives us pleasure because it allows us to enter another world and to imagine what it is like to be someone else. In this sense literature encourages us to empathize with others. But how do we make sense of this experience which reading enables and how is it connected to the “real world”? What methods can we use to better understand or decipher the meaning of a novel, short story, poem, or play? In this course we will study different theoretical approaches to literature, including Marxist, psycho-analytical, historical, structuralist and post-structuralist literary and social theory in order to gain skills of literary analysis, but also to learn about different ways of “seeing” or understanding the world around us. After completing this course students will have a better understanding of literary analysis and interpretation, what literary theory is and how to apply it, and will also know how to formulate their own thesis based on this understanding.
English 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis.
CRN: 46166
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Terence Whalen
This course will explore literary criticism as both a field of study and a practical skill. We will consider major approaches and theories on their own terms, but we will also “test” various theories against a range of primary literary texts. Literary authors include Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, and George Orwell. Requirements: weekly writing assignments; two or three formal papers; a research project; a final critical paper (based upon the research project); occasional tests or quizzes; and participation in group projects.
English 207 Interpretation and Critical Analysis.
CRN: 46163, 46609
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
ENGL 208 Survey of British Literature from the Beginnings to 17th Century
CRN: 46099
Days/Time: MW 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Alfred Thomas
This course offers a survey of British Literature from its beginnings to the early 17th century. Representing a thousand years of writing, it reveals the extraordinary vitality of the vernacular in Old English texts like Beowulf and The Seafarer and the post-Conquest resurgence of English as a major literature on a par with French in outstanding works by Chaucer, the anonymous author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and the mystic Julian of Norwich,. The course culminates in the plays and poems of Marlowe and Shakespeare as well as Milton’s great religious epic Paradise Lost, which brings us full circle back to the heroic epic Beowulf.
ENGL 209 English Studies II
CRN: 46169
Days/Time: MW 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Peter Coviello
This course will survey the astonishing archive of American writing from the 18th- and 19th-cenuries, the years that witness the transformation of a provincial colonial outpost into that unlikeliest of things: a nation. We will read a great range of works, written by slaves, aristocrats, sailors, spinsters, sex-radicals, and bureaucrats, to ask how contradictions between empire and freedom, colonization and enfranchisement, democracy and enslavement, gave shape to the “America” that emerged. Authors will include Phillis Wheatley, Herman Melville, Frederick Douglass, Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and others.
ENGL 209 “British” Literature, Global Origins
CRN: 46583 MW 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Nasser Mufti
This course is about how British imperialism was essential to the invention of “British literature.” Over the semester, we will read the canonical figures of modern British literature from the Restoration (1660) to the mid-twentieth century and learn how Britain’s colonial adventures oversaw slavery, settler colonialism, the rise of capitalism, mass exploitation, and how these were integral to the formation and development of the British literary imagination and English national identity. Even though places like India, Jamaica, South Africa, and Argentina rarely find themselves on the pages of writers like Defoe, Wordsworth, Shelley, Dickens, Brontë, and Conrad (all of whom, amongst others, we will read), and rarely do we include colonial writers in the British canon, these sites and authors were in fact central to the formation of British national identity and the idea of British literature. In a word, the point of this class is to introduce the idea that “British literature” is not properly British.
ENGL 213 Introduction to Shakespeare
CRN: 46498
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Gary Buslik
This course will introduce you to the life, times, and work of the great poet, dramatist, and inventive genius of the English language, William Shakespeare. We will read a lively biography and selections from books about him, his work, and Elizabethan theater. We will read and discuss plays and sonnets. We will also watch filmed productions of the Bard’s most famous plays. We will write response papers and have quizzes on all readings, as well as midterm and summary exams.
ENGL 213 Introduction to Shakespeare
CRN: 46497
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Jeff Gore
Subtitled “The Raw and the Cooked,” this course will pair Shakespeare’s early experimental works with the more refined comedies, tragedies, and histories from the height of his career. We will juxtapose the early slapstick humor of The Taming of the Shrew with Twelfth Night’s gender-bending banter in order to understand better different kinds of comedy and different forms of social negotiation. Although T. S. Eliot referred to Shakespeare’s early tragedy Titus Andronicus as “one of the stupidest. . . plays ever written,” recent scholarship on gender, race, and trauma challenges us to examine more deeply the play’s cannibalism and escalating cycles of revenge. “To be or not to be” will certainly be one of the questions when we turn to the author’s tragic masterpiece Hamlet – written a decade after Titus – but so will be the lead character’s bawdy humor and hapless efforts to be the avenging warrior that his father was. With the histories, we will examine two kinds of leaders, the villain Machiavel Richard III, and the unifying warrior-king, Henry V: although the former cruelly murders his way to the top, the latter draws a subtler approach from the Machiavellian playbook. These pairs will help us to understand different approaches to story telling during the years that Shakespeare was most devoted to experimentation and refining his craft.
**Highly Recommended for Theatre, English Education, and Pre-Law students
ENGL 223 What Was Postcolonial Fiction?
CRN: 46499
Days/Time: MWF 2:00 -2:50
Instructor: Nicholas Brown
Is “postcolonial literature” a geographic-geopolitical designation, or a literary-historical one? That is, does it refer to literature written by certain kinds of people in certain places, or does it refer to literature that takes part in a literary development that corresponds, in ways still to be determined, to historical developments? This course aims to test the thesis that it refers most productively to the latter. For that reason, we will read “classic” postcolonial fiction (Dangarembga, Anand, Naipaul) against more recent fiction from the postcolonial world (Adichie, Ghosh, Danticat) in an attempt to tease out the implications and limits of this thesis. Readings will include authors such as Tsitsi Dangarembga, Edwidge Danticat, Chinua Achebe, V.S. Naipaul, Mulk Raj Anand, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Salman Rushdie, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Pepetela, Sylvia Wynter, M.G. Vassanji, Sara Suleri,
ENGL 230 Introduction to Film and Culture
CRN: 46501
Days/Time: M 3:00-4:15, W 3:00-5:45
Instructor: Angela Dancey
This course examines the relationship between film and culture through the lens of the horror genre. We will watch and discuss a variety of horror movies and analyze how their representations of gender, racial, and ethnic difference both shape and are shaped by the cultural context in which they were produced. Representative films include Psycho, Jennifer’s Body, Get Out, Halloween, Carrie, and Night of the Living Dead. There is no required textbook; assignments include discussion boards, reading responses, and weekly video posts.
ENGL 230 Film and Culture
CRN: 46500
Days/Time: T 3:30-4:45, R 3:30-6:15
Instructor: James Drown
Film and its media outgrowths have become an integral part of daily modern life. These media are fascinating to study, as they can act as both a reflection of our culture, and as an impetus for cultural change. They are one of the primary ways we embody much of our current storytelling, including the creation and perpetuation of our cultural history and myths. In this class, we will view a selection of populist films, primarily from the late 60’s to the early 80’s. Looking at these films will allow us to examine how films reflect the culture of the historical moment, including deep-seated social beliefs, as well as helping to foster social change. They can also help us understand our own cultural moment more deeply. Requirements for the class include weekly responses to the films, a group project analyzing your own set of films, and a take-home midterm and final. After this class viewing films will become a richer experience that will allow you to see the world around you in new ways.
ENGL 233 History of Film II: World War II to the Present
CRN: 14589
Days/Time: MW 3:30-5:20 – ONLINE
Instructor: Martin Rubin
An overview of the modern era of film history, with emphasis on the various “”new waves”” that rocked the cinema establishment during the postwar period, and on the major technical developments (widescreen, Dolby stereo, digital media) that have changed the ways we see, hear, and consume movies. Among the areas likely to be covered in the course are the Italian neorealist movement of Rossellini and De Sica, the early American avant-garde of Deren and Anger, the European art cinema of Bergman and Fellini, the rule-breaking French New Wave of Godard and Varda, the immediacy-seeking Cinéma Vérité movement of Drew and Pennebaker, the identity-building African cinema of Sembene and Mambéty, and the technically innovative blockbusters of Coppola and Spielberg. There is no textbook; requirements include regular quizzes and written assignments. History of Film I is not required; this course is self-sufficient. This course will be taught ONLINE (synchronous).
ENGL 236 Environmental Rhetoric
CRN: 46171
Days/time: T R 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Kate Boulay
In this course we explore environmental rhetoric. Our focus is on the ways conceptions of and messages about the environment are constructed and disseminated. Based upon the supposition that “…rhetoric and its analytic methods can help us understand the nature of our environmental debates and their outcomes,” we track and explore various issues including global warming, environmental policy, and environmental activism (Herndl and Brown 1996)
ENGL 237 Graphic Novels: “Reading” Visual Narratives
CRN: 46172
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Keegan Lannon
Visual narratives arguably predate written stories, with cave painting depicting a pig hunt in Indonesia predating Sumerian, the first written language, by about 39,000 years. Sight, for most people, precedes language in childhood development, and because we can see and interpret the world around us with no formal instruction leads many to take their own sight for granted. Maybe for this reason, largely visual communication is seen as something that requires less academic consideration. Seeing, after all, is natural; thus, understanding what we see should also come naturally.
This belief about the naturalness of seeing might factor into why comics and graphic novels have struggled to find legitimacy as a narrative art form. This course will explore the complexity of this multimodal narrative medium, and the story-telling possibilities of a blended, heavily visual form. We will read a variety of comics, both short and long, and a variety of genres (even superheroes) to examine how comics tell stories in ways similar to and different from other media.
ENGL 238 Speculative Fiction, Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
CRN: 46173
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
Snow White retold as a contemporary tale of family secrets and racial politics. A magical town in which incredible events are incredibly mundane. A post-pandemic world where our civilization has been obliterated and transformed. All of these are stories that fall under the umbrella of speculative literature. Speculative literature works by imagining or speculating about a world very different than our own, with different and sometimes inexplicable rules and features including things like magic, non-human characters, or advanced science. In this course, we will explore the stories described above in order to delineate the literary strategies that distinguish three sub-genres of speculative literature: fabulism, magical realism, and science fiction. And though the speculative is typically associated with fiction and storytelling, we will consider whether it might apply to poetry as well. In our exploration of poetry, we will encounter poems that enter haunted houses, that use science as metaphors for political unrest, and that use magical thinking to make reality look like dreams. In these ways, we will trace the formal, rhetorical, and literary threads that constitute speculative genres; we will consider their relation to social, cultural, political, and psychological issues and we will determine the place of magic in contemporary life and literature.
ENGL 245 Queer Forms
CRN: 46174
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
The cultural revolutions of the late 1960s brought about significant transformations in the ways we think about gender/sex and sexuality in our everyday lives. Not only were these revolutions tethered to presenting and enacting radical gender and sexual identities in our social reality, but they were also represented in the literature and art of the period. And these representations have continually inspired the ways contemporary literature and art thinks about and represents gender and sex. This course will explore literature and art from the late 1960s to our present day by paying particular attention to experiments with form and genre as they relate to gender and sex. We will read novels, poems, and the graphic novel that use form to interrogate and make legible these radical ideas and what these expressions suggest about our ever-changing relationship to gender and sexuality.
ENGL 245/GWS 245—Love is Strange: The Politics of Desire in Modern Literature
CRN: 46176
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
We will begin the work of ENGL 245: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature by tracing the social forces that brought about the “invention” of heterosexuality. By immersing ourselves in this history, we will aim to become better readers of the ways in which late 19th and early 20th century writers of memoir and fiction either resisted or internalized the pathologizing voices of the sexual sciences as these texts framed masculinity and femininity as biologically determined and heterosexuality as the norm. As we close the course concentrating on 21st century queer and transgender speculative fiction about different ways of being in love, one of our overarching projects will be to locate in the literature we read patterns of resistance to both long-standing and relatively new discourses that attempt to put all of us into very confining gender and sexuality boxes. In doing so, we will investigate the ways in which notions of class, race, and ability differences inform various kinds of scientific and literary narratives about gender and sexual normalcy as well as what we have come to understand as “romantic love.” Thus, our inquiry this semester will not only inspire reflection on societal notions of who should love whom but also meditation on possibilities for creating a culture of “ethical eroticism” that encourages mutuality and love in its many possible forms.
Required texts (available at the UIC bookstore and through on-line booksellers):
• B. Alexina/Abel. Herculine Barbin: Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth Century French Hermaphrodite. (Introduction by Michel Foucault). New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.
• Blank, Hanne. Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality. Boston: Beacon P, 2012.
• Leilani, Raven. Luster: A Novel. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2020.
ENGL 247 The Madwoman Leaves the Attic (and goes to Grad School instead)
CRN: 46177
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ann-Marie McManaman
This course asks – what’s the relationship between madness and womanhood? We’ll read 19th, 20th, and 21st century novels, poetry, short stories, and comics by women and femmes across a broad range of American and British locations to probe the long-standing history of mad women. Some of the questions that underpin this course are as follows: Who gets to decide who is and is not mad? In what ways do madness and gender or sexuality overlap? What spaces are attached to mad women? Through a combination of survivor narratives, literature, and theoretical accounts of gender and madness we’ll challenge a whole history of concepts about mad women. We’ll work continuously at short readings, producing smaller close reading papers, reflective responses, and creative reflections, as a means of exploring these and many more questions that emerge throughout the semester.
ENGL 247 GWS 247 Women and Literature
CRN: 46179
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
INSTRUCTOR: Virginia Costello
In this class, lectures and class discussion invite students to immerse themselves in the environments in which they were written. We will take a socio-historical approach to texts written by and about women. Although we will analyze Sappho’s poetry and recent work in transgender studies, many of our texts were written between 1890-1940. Writing during this time period often depicted a crisis in the human spirit and disruption of tradition. As such, this time period offers a unique view of the intersections between gender, sexuality, class, race, and nationality (among others). Many American artists and writers moved to Paris during this time, and we will examine why they chose Paris and what drove them out of the US in the first place. Finally, a close reading of our texts and supporting documents will allow us to address, at least tangentially, issues of censorship and sexuality. The texts we will read include (but are not limited to) Mark Twain’s Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies and Erika Sánchez’s I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter.
ENGL 247 Feminist Science Fiction
CRN: 46178
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Margo Arruda
The genre of science fiction has long been dominated by white men. This homogeneous base of authorship has severely limited the kinds of futures these works imagine and the types of social/scientific changes we may see within them. In this course, we will immerse ourselves in the women challenging the boundaries of the genre, using the science fiction tropes to complicate ingrained concepts of sex, gender, and personhood.
We will examine how these writers use the lens of science and technology to radically re-envision definitions of autonomy, agency, and the self. Starting with the foundations of the genre with Mary Shelley’s “”Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus””, we will chart the path of iconic feminist science fiction writers such as Margaret Atwood, Ursula LeGuin, and Octavia Butler.
ENGL 258 The Grammar and Style of Non-Standard Englishes in the U.S.
CRN: 46502
Days/Time: MWF 9:00 – 9:50
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
In English 258, students will see grammar as less of a textbook and more as a multicultural/crosslinguistic exercise of examining U.S. societal values concerning language use. The English of the United States has a unique grammatical history of absorbing grammar and vocabulary of immigrated/marginalized people’s languages. Through the adoption of texts which examine these usages, “American” Grammar will be descriptively examined as a consistently reborn object through which students will interrogate past and present usage to understand how “rules” depend on cultural and situational appropriateness. Through examinations of grammatical flexibility, students will encounter cultural and sociolinguistic reasons for shifts in grammar use, and how experience with these forms contributes to the greater fabric of English. By interrogating linguistic biases, this course seeks to demystify grammar as it relates to societal norms and integrate non-standard English forms into grammatical analysis. The examination of poetry, sociolinguistic research, and multicultural grammar will engage multiple forms of linguistic production and rhetorical language. By the end of this course, students will have had the opportunity to historicize and interrogate the United States’ long sociocultural debate with grammar, production, and education. This course is ideal for English, Pre-Law, Education, and Professional Writing, and Communications Students.
ENGL 264 Introduction to Native American Literatures
CRN: 46180
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: John Casey
Still here today” is a phrase meant to remind people that Native American communities and cultures are all around us. Too often the study of these literatures is treated as a historical exercise in analyzing creation myths and trickster tales. Although we will read some of these older stories, the texts we will focus most of our attention on are those building upon earlier traditions and showing readers how Native American culture is experienced and expressed in more modern times. Readings for this class will include some criticism to guide us in our analysis such as Thomas King’s ‘The Truth About Stories,’ which will serve as our main text for this purpose. Fiction readings will include works by authors such as Louise Erdrich, Leslie Marmon Silko, James Welch, Tommy Orange, and Melissa Tanaquidgeon Zobel. We will also watch episodes of the television series Reservation Dogs. Assignments will involve a research paper focused on a specific Native American narrative technique and a short biography of a Native American author. You will also be asked to write a weekly response paper that we will use to guide class discussions on the assigned readings. If you have any questions about the class, feel free to contact me at
ENGL 267 Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literature
CRN: 46181
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Esmeralda Arrizón-Palomera
This course is an introductory survey of U.S. Latinx literature. Students will read a variety of texts such as novels, memoirs, short stories, poetry, plays, and films by Chicanx, Central American, Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican writers. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify and discuss key concepts and major themes in U.S. Latinx literature, analyze connections and discontinuities between different strands of U.S. Latinx literature, and examine U.S. Latinx literature with attention to aesthetic movements, cultural traditions, and historical context.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 46183
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15- ONLINE
Instructor: Karen Leick
In this course, students learn skills in media and communication that are used in the professional workplace. Students will research, discuss, and analyze aspects of professional written communication, including journalism, feature writing, and public relations. Over the course of the semester, each student will produce a portfolio of writing in various genres, presented on a personal webpage. The course is designed to prepare students for professional internships and employment. English 202 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 46184
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Karen Leick
In this course, students learn skills in media and communication that are used in the professional workplace. Students will research, discuss, and analyze aspects of professional written communication, including journalism, feature writing, and public relations. Over the course of the semester, each student will produce a portfolio of writing in various genres, presented on a personal webpage. The course is designed to prepare students for professional internships and employment. English 202 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 46187
Days/time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
This course will introduce students to genres in professional media and communication with close attention to writing with directness and clarity. We will discuss many aspects of professional writing, developing a rhetorical mindset towards genres in journalism, feature writing, and public relations. Along with several shorter writing assignments, students will produce a portfolio of their work presented on a personal webpage. English 202 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 280 Media and Professional Writing
CRN: 46185
Days/Time: MWF 12:00p-12:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
This course will introduce students to genres in professional media and communication with close attention to writing with directness and clarity. We will discuss many aspects of professional writing, developing a rhetorical mindset towards genres in journalism, feature writing, and public relations. Along with several shorter writing assignments, students will produce a portfolio of their work presented on a personal webpage. English 202 is the prerequisite for English 493, the English internship for Nonfiction Writing.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice
CRN: 46192, 46585
Days/time: T 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Charitianne Williams
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels. The course is reading- and writing intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice
CRN: 46189, 46587
Days/Time: W 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Antonio Guerrero
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels.
The course is reading- and writing intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
Prerequisite: A or a B in English 161 (or the equivalent transfer course) or in
other courses that have a substantial writing requirement.
ENGL 282 Peer Tutoring in the Writing Center: Introduction to Theory and Practice.
CRN: 46191, 46586
Days/Time: W 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Vainis Aleska
English 282 prepares students to tutor writing from all academic disciplines and levels. The course is reading- and writing intensive, drawing on established theory and evidence-based practice from the field of writing center studies. As part of the course, students tutor two hours a week starting the fifth week of the semester. Students continue to meet in class in small sections capped at 12 throughout the semester, analyzing their sessions, critically engaging theories of tutoring, conducting research, and developing collaborative approaches to tutoring that foster an inclusive community among fellow UIC students. With its emphasis on integrating learning with practice, the course is ideal for students of all majors who would like to develop professional skills, especially critical thinking, communication in diverse environments, and leadership.
Prerequisite: A or a B in English 161 (or the equivalent transfer course) or in other courses that have a substantial writing requirement.
ENGL 290 Introduction to the Writing of Poetry
CRN: 46194
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Carla Barger
This course is designed to serve as an introduction to the craft of writing poetry. You will investigate form and language, learn close reading, develop a critical vocabulary to approach the work of others, and learn to use poetic devices in your own work. All this will be accomplished by reading a wide range of poetry, and by completing writing exercises and response essays in addition to creating original work.
This course is also where you will learn that poetry is a discipline, not merely self-expression. You will engage in poetry workshop by offering constructive criticism, and you will receive the same in turn. This means that in order to be successful in this class you must be open to suggestions and you must be willing to revise your work, often dramatically. It also means that participation is mandatory.
ENGL 290 Introduction to the Writing of Poetry
CRN: 46193
Dyas/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Eniko Deptuch Vaghy
It was Percy Bysshe Shelley who defined poetry as the thing that “…lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.” Shelley’s description of crafting poems endows a writer with something akin to a magical power, awarding them with the ability to perceive experiences, objects, and people in a more thorough, experimental, and vibrant manner. This remarkable way of looking at and responding to the world will carry us through the course as we analyze approaches to description, imagery, voice/tone, form, the stanza, etc. and implement these techniques in our own work and critically assess them in brief reflection essays. As our course will be following the workshop format, you will be given the opportunity to share your poems and thoughts on poetry with your peers and hear theirs in return. By this, you will be given the precious opportunity to form a community of emerging writers committed to the strengthening of their interests in the literary arts and the facilitation of each other’s work.
ENGL 291 Introduction to the Writing of Fiction
CRN: 46197
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Michael Williamson
This course will serve as an introduction to the art and craft of writing fiction. Our focus will be on the components that go into literary storytelling, with a particular emphasis on things like plot, character, dialogue, perspective, and theme. In order to examine how these elements, work in a piece of fiction, we will be reading a variety of short stories by established writers. Rather than analyzing these texts for cultural significance or meaning, however, we will be analyzing them purely on the level of craft. Our goal when reading will be to understand how a story works from the ground up, how all these mysterious components come together to build a piece of literary art. This analytical work will culminate with a class workshop in the second half of the semester, during which time you will produce your own body of two short stories. You will submit each of these stories to your peers, who will provide you with substantive feedback and critique in order to further refine your writing. In addition, you will be expected to provide thoughtful commentary on your peers’ work in turn.
ENGL 291 Introduction to the Writing of Fiction
CRN: 46195
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Travis Mandell
Reading makes a great writer. The more one reads, the more one understands the world of fiction, the better their prose; there is no substitute. This course will build on four major tenets of writing creative fiction: reading the works of established authors, writing our own fiction, critiquing the works of others, and editing/revising our own works.
For the first half of the semester, we will be reading short story selections from Gotham Writers’ Workshop Fiction Gallery, as well as some craft-oriented and theoretical work by other famous authors, to get a grasp on the technique and form that goes into producing lasting fiction. We will interrogate point of view, setting, world building, characters, plot, conflict, narrative voice, and dialogue. One cannot begin to break the rules, without first knowing them.
In the second half of the course, we will apply the fundamentals from the readings to develop our own short stories. Positioning ourselves as both writers and critics in workshop sessions, we will help every writer improve their work through constructive criticism and inspired discussion. We will utilize Blackboard for readings, quizzes, workshopping, and writing prompt assignment submissions.
ENGL 291 Intro to Fiction Writing
CRN: 46196
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Mary Anne Mohanraj
This is an intro undergraduate fiction workshop. We will study the craft of fiction, reading and writing fiction and learning to critique each other’s’ work. A broad range of genres are welcome, including science fiction and fantasy.
ENGL 303 Studies in Poetry: Forms of Resistance
CRN: 34226
Days/Time: TR 11:00 -12:15
Instructor: Jennifer Ashton
In this course we’ll explore a range of formal experiments and movements in recent American poetry. We’ll start with a survey of late 20th-century examples of what came to be known as Language writing (sometimes referred to as L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E), followed by several early 21st-century antagonistic and otherwise resistant responses to that movement, both aesthetic and sociopolitical, that became associated with the term “postlangpo.” This will in turn lead us to a number of works involving wholesale or partial appropriation of existing texts: the Internet-search-based “Flarf” movement; Mark Nowak’s Coal Mountain Elementary, a collage of news reports of mining accidents in China and firsthand testimonies of survivors of the 2006 Sago Mine disaster in Virginia alongside K-12 lesson plans about coal mining published on a website operated by the American Coal Foundation, a pro-coal industry lobbying group; Jen Bervin’s Nets, an erasure-based work using Shakespeare’s sonnets.
Other works will shift poetic agency away from the poet onto mechanical processes or procedures or outsourced producers: computer-generated works such as The Apostrophe Engine or Gnoetry, pseudo-aleatory methods adopted by Harryette Mullen in Sleeping with the Dictionary, poems written by Amazon Turk workers in Nick Thurston’s Of the Subcontract.
Many of the works we’ll explore are also legible as forms of resistance to a longstanding lyric tradition (variously defined), with which much of the poetry written in English and other European languages over the last four and half centuries (at least) has been associated. Tracing the path of lyric engagement further will lead us to some remarkable invented poetic speakers: the “Black Automaton” in the series of eponymous graphic poems by Douglas Kearney; Cathy Park Hong’s fabricated “pidgin” spoken by a Virgil-like “Guide” in Dance Dance Revolution; Claudia Rankine’s astonishing use of the second-person address in Citizen: An American Lyric; or the exaggerated confessional persona of ‘Tao Lin’ (in scare quotes) in Tao Lin’s early poems.
Students will complete three short writing assignments, a mix of analytical short papers (300-750 words) and creative experiments in response to prompts that will be available from the start of the semester. Students must do at least one of each type of assignment, but otherwise the mix will be at everyone’s discretion. There will also be a longer final project (up to 2000 words) that can be developed out of one of the earlier short assignments.
ENGL 305 Studies in Fiction: Crime and Vice
CRN: 27643
Days/Time: T 3:30-6:00
Instructor: Lennard Davis
In this course we will look at crime fiction from the 18th through the 20th century. The course will consider how crime is depicted, who tends to be criminals, and the social and political implications of how crimes are defined. Eighteenth-century criminal narrations lead to the 19th century detective story and 20th century sensational novels. Readings include works by Daniel Defoe, William Godwin, Charles Dickens, Emile Zola, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Wright, Theodore Dreiser, and others.
ENG 314 “All About Eve”
CRN: 46199
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Raphael Magarik
We will devote our semester to the biblical character of Eve, called “”the mother of all living,”” and some of her literary descendants. The course will center on the parts of Milton’s “”Paradise Lost”” in which Eve figures, which have provoked scholarly controversy: are they sexist or egalitarian? How does Milton think about the origins and meaning of gender difference? We will read Milton alongside seventeenth century retellings of Eve’s story by women like Lucy Hutchinson and Amelia Lanyer, and selected criticism.
But in the course’s first and final units, we will also reach backward and forward, placing Milton’s poem in a larger Eve tradition. Thus, we will start with the biblical story, which we will read alongside Near Eastern parallels; rabbinic legends about Eve’s demonic shadow, Lilith; and modern feminist scholarship. And after we discuss Milton, our third unit will take up Eve’s fortunes in the twentieth century, especially in science-fiction stories like Octavia Butler’s “”Xenogenesis”” series or poems like Marge Piercy’s “”Apple Sauce for Eve”” which aspire to the capacious, foundational reach of their biblical precedents. (Preston Sturges’s screwball comedy “”The Lady Eve”” does not exactly fit the course theme, but quite possibly we will watch at least a little of it anyway, because it is very good.)
Thematically, we will explore stories about the origin and history of gender difference. We will also be interested in tracking a significant character across a vast swath of literary history. We will explore both the patriarchal, sexist dimensions of the Eve tradition as well as its potential for critique. Eve’s daring revision of the original divine plan makes her a model for creative writers re-envisioning creation and revising literary tradition; she pushes us to theorize a tradition defined by reinvention or subversion.
ENGL 335 Black Female “Middlebrow” Fiction
CRN: 46577
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Natasha Barnes
This course will look at a variety of African diaspora women writers whose critical reception is tempered by their popularity. What’s the difference between Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie whose intricate family stories land her work in the pages of the New York Review of Books, and Atlanta-based Tayari Jones whose Southern family dramas are rarely reviewed in The New York Times where she frequently makes the bestseller list. We will examine some of the literature that is emerging on this phenomenon. Books that we will read include Tayari Jones, An American Marriage and Deesha Pilyaw, The Secret Lives of Church Ladies. If there’s a page-turner you encountered in a book club, send me an email about it and perhaps that book may be included in our reading list. We will also examine the ways in which black women writers stood at the vortex of middlebrow and critical literary categories through figures like Alice Walker, Gayl Jones and Octavia Butler. Please be prepared for lively conversation…which you can’t have if you’re not in class, a midterm and an end of term exam, one short (5 page) and one longer (12 page) paper.
ENGL 382 Editing and Publishing
CRN: 42660
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
In this course, students will study editorial oversight, copy editing/line editing techniques, style requirements, grammar as a stylistic tool, and industry standards with variations in both traditional and self-publishing. Students will learn the business behind the books. Basic design skills will also be taught for producing a cover and a book interior while adhering to publishing best practices.
ENGL 382 Editing and Publishing
CRN: 38558
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
In this course, students will study editorial oversight, copy editing/line editing techniques, style requirements, grammar as a stylistic tool, and industry standards with variations in both traditional and self-publishing. Students will learn the business behind the books. Basic design skills will also be taught for producing a cover and a book interior while adhering to publishing best practices.
ENGL 383 Writing Digital and New Media
CRN: 39948
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Philip Hayek
Writers increasingly rely on digital media to conduct their work, and the definition of “writing” is evolving to include visual communication, audio and video editing, content management, and social media. Writing Digital and New Media is designed to familiarize you with all of these topics through theoretical exploration of digital media and practical training with a variety of software tools. Broadly stated, the key goal of this course is to increase your “digital literacies.”
Learning how to use new software programs is certainly important, but genuine literacy requires more than facility with tools; it involves the ability to understand and critique digital media, then create original, rhetorically effective digital compositions. To accomplish this goal, we will read and discuss some of the most influential writers on digital literacy, then we will apply the concepts we’ve read to our own digital media projects. Our class sessions will be a mix of reading discussion, artifact analysis, and software workshop.
You should expect to experiment with unfamiliar technologies every day you come to class, and you should be prepared for some of these experiments to go terribly wrong. Failure and frustration are standard experiences when working with digital media, but they are not valid justifications for giving up. When you encounter technical problems in this class, you can get help from a variety of sources, including your classmates, campus resources, and I will do whatever I can to help you navigate the sometimes-treacherous waters of digital media.
ENGL 383 Writing Digital and New Media
CRN: 38535
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Philip Hayek
Writers increasingly rely on digital media to conduct their work, and the definition of “writing” is evolving to include visual communication, audio and video editing, content management, and social media. Writing Digital and New Media is designed to familiarize you with all of these topics through theoretical exploration of digital media and practical training with a variety of software tools. Broadly stated, the key goal of this course is to increase your “digital literacies.”
Learning how to use new software programs is certainly important, but genuine literacy requires more than facility with tools; it involves the ability to understand and critique digital media, then create original, rhetorically effective digital compositions. To accomplish this goal, we will read and discuss some of the most influential writers on digital literacy, then we will apply the concepts we’ve read to our own digital media projects. Our class sessions will be a mix of reading discussion, artifact analysis, and software workshop.
You should expect to experiment with unfamiliar technologies every day you come to class, and you should be prepared for some of these experiments to go terribly wrong. Failure and frustration are standard experiences when working with digital media, but they are not valid justifications for giving up. When you encounter technical problems in this class, you can get help from a variety of sources, including your classmates, campus resources, and I will do whatever I can to help you navigate the sometimes-treacherous waters of digital media.
ENGL 384 Technical Writing
CRN: 43679
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Philip Hayek
In this course, we will examine—first broadly and then with increased specificity—the types of writing required of most professionals in fields like business, medicine, science, technology and law, from the extremely basic to the more complex. We will also explore and become familiar with many real-life aspects behind the creation of technical writing, such as collaboration and presentation. Frequent opportunities to practice these skills and to incorporate knowledge you have gained in your science and technology courses will be integrated with exercises in peer review and revision. We will learn to pay attention to analyzing audience and purpose, organizing information, designing graphic aids, and writing such specialized forms as instructions, proposals and reports. Non-English majors in the STEM fields are encouraged to take this course in order to build writing skills that are directly applicable to your major coursework and projects.
ENGL 388 Writing for the Health Professions
CRN: 46602
Days/Time: TR 12:30- 1:45
Instructor: Bridget English
This is a course designed for English pre-health profession and English students interested in the field of health humanities and how writing can shape healthcare. Students in this course will investigate how structural racism, social inequities, and medical biases perpetuate health disparities, and the different ways that writing can advocate for health justice.
In this course we will ask who decides how mental illnesses are narrated: diagnosed, attributed, and treated? How have gender, race, class, ability, and sexual orientation affected the treatment and experiences of people deemed “mad”? To answer these questions, we will look at the history of psychiatric discourse from degeneracy to hysteria, shell shock to paraphilia, and protest psychosis. We will consider how theoretical lenses from fields such as disability studies, medical anthropology, and public health can help us think in complex ways about the root causes of mental health inequity. We will read texts ranging from patient narratives, memoirs, and journalism to creative non-fiction to consider how the formal and rhetorical choices across these genres can inform our own writing about these topics.
ENGL 406 Topics in Poetry and Poetic Theory: Emily Dickinson and Her Legacy in American Poetry
CRN: 46201, 46271
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Christina Pugh
Emily Dickinson’s poetry has been both central to the history of American letters and enormously influential on the direction of American lyric poetry after her time. This course will begin by studying Dickinson’s works and considering a variety of critical approaches to her poetry – including prosodic, feminist, and so on, covering critical writings by Cristanne Miller, Sharon Cameron, Virginia Jackson, and others. The course will then proceed to consider several twentieth and twenty-first poets whose work either directly comments on Dickinson (for example, Lucie Brock-Broido and / or Alice Fulton) or could be seen as more indirect heirs (Louise Bogan, Marianne Moore, Ed Roberson, and / or Carl Phillips). The course will require a short paper and a longer final paper, as well as oral presentations.
ENGL 407 Realism
CRN: 46272, 46202
Days/Time: MW 3:00 – 4:15
Instructor: Nicholas Brown
Is realism a genre? Surely it is. But this course seeks a more robust or ambitious understanding of realism, one both more capacious — in that it might include works that initially present themselves as anything but realist — and more restrictive, in that most generically “realist” works might not be included. The purpose of this course is to investigate whether literature is capable of producing insight into, in Gyorgy Lukács’s phrase, “the real movement of society” — in the strongest version of this thesis, of producing insight that is unavailable through other discourses and modes of knowledge. Readings will include acknowledged classics of the realist tradition (Honore de Balzac, Mongane Serote, George Eliot [Mary Ann Evans]), generically realist novels (Champfleury, Adichie, Dickens), and novels like those of Kafka , Tutuola, or Conrad that might serve realist ends through anti-realist means.
ENGL 422 The Literature of Decolonization: From Colony to Postcolony
CRN: 43656, 43657
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Sunil Agnani
This course introduces students to what used to be called third-world literature, or postcolonial literature. The aim is to understand anticolonial nationalism in tandem with decolonization.
We will investigate the legacies of European colonialism through a study of fiction, essays, and films that were produced during the colonial period and its aftermath. We begin with Conrad and Kipling, then shift to those in the colonies in order to examine the cultural impact of empire, anti-colonial nationalism, and the role played by exile and diaspora communities.
What challenges do works from writers on the receiving end of empire—such as Gandhi, Fanon, Césaire, J.M. Coetzee, Assia Djebar, Michael Ondaatje, Salman Rushdie and Amitav Ghosh—pose to the conventional idea of justice? How do they reveal contradictions within the languages of liberalism and progress that emerged in 19th-century Europe? How do such writers rework the classic forms of the novel? Finally, how has the failure of some of the primary aims of decolonization (economic sovereignty, full political autonomy) affected more recent writing of the last 40 years? Criticism from: Edward Said and Gayatri Spivak
ENGL 423 Topics in American Literary Nonfiction Prose
CRN: 46203, 46273
Days/Time: T 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Luis Urrea
How Do Stories Function: 15 Stories and 2 Books This course explores both fiction and nonfiction. We will examine short form essays and stories and all of the magic tricks writers use to make them sink deeply into the consciousness of the readers. We will also read a collection of “flash fiction” and I will dissect with you one of my own nonfiction books. Warning: I will also ask you to do a few creative projects. It’s a celebration!
ENGL 424 Topics in American Literature and Culture
CRN: 46204, 46274
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Jennifer Ashton
Work, Art, and Money: 1845-1945 “I am writing this with an American Dollar Pen,” Gertrude Stein remarks in her Depression-era masterpiece, The Geographical History of America(1937). There did indeed exist (and still does) a kind of novelty pen with a rolled-up U.S. dollar bill visible inside it. For Stein, money taken out of circulation is represented in that work as a kind of analogue to the work of art as such, whether in the form of a poem or a novel or a painting. In the works we’ll look at, starting with two strikingly different texts from 1845 — Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave the concept of the market is also transformative, and in the case of these antebellum texts by Poe and Douglass, it represents in very different ways a positive mechanism for transformation, whether social or aesthetic. Meanwhile, in the case of Stein and others, the market and its operations prove deadly for art and for persons alike. Other works to be discussed may include Herman Melville, “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Tale of Wall-Street” (1853), Rebecca Harding Davis, Life in the Iron-Mills (1861), Henry James, “The Real Thing” (1892), poetry by Paul Laurence Dunbar (1895-1896), Kate Chopin, The Awakening (1899), Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie (1900), Jack London, The Iron Heel (1908), T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land (1922), Hart Crane, “Voyages” (1931), Langston Hughes, Scottsboro Limited (1933), Ernest Hemingway, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (1936), as well as works by Laura Riding and Gertrude Stein from the late 20s and early 30s. Most of our texts are in the public domain (no longer subject to copyright restrictions) and will be available to you in PDF form. Students will complete several short writing assignments (500-750 words) and a longer conference-panel-length paper (1500-2000 words). Some creative options will be available for those honing their own literary artistic skills.
ENGL 435/GLAS 490
CRN: ENGL 46866, 46867
CRN: GLAS 42776, 43365
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Mark Chiang
This course will trace discourses and representations of Asia in American culture from the colonial period to the 20th century, including art, material objects, cultural practices, literature, film, and music. We will examine the purposes, functions, contradictions, and consequences of Asia and Asians in the American racial imaginary, beginning with the commercial trade with Asia in the early history of the Americas, the arrival of Chinese in the US and the development of the anti-Chinese movement in the 19th century, the period of Asian exclusion, World War II, the postwar occupation of Japan and the Cold War, and ending with the rise of Japan and the “Asian economic miracle” of the 1970s and 1980s. The course will explore questions of race, gender, sexuality, labor, immigration, capitalism, imperialism, eugenics, and the family, among others. Texts for the class will include anti-Chinese plays, the various permutations of Madame Butterfly, writers such as Jack London, Lothrop Stoddard, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Sui Sin Far, and Don Delillo, and such films as Sayonara, Flower Drum Song, Lawrence of Arabia, and Rising Sun.
ENGL 446 Afropessimism: A Critical Overview
CRN: 24820, 24821
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ainsworth Clarke
Afropessimism is a controversial and increasingly influential current of black critical theory that reassesses and contests the theoretical investments that have dominated cultural studies over the last generation. Identified principally with the work of Frank Wilderson and Jarod Sexton, Afropessimism proposes a “different conceptual framework,” one that dispenses with the “theoretical aphasia” it argues marks cultural studies and that informs the latter’s inability to genuinely consider the question of power. The aim of this course is to interrogate the theoretical assumptions on which these claims rest and situate Afropessimism in relation to other important currents in black critical theory. Along with the work of Wilderson and Sexton, we will be reading Sylvia Wynter, Katherine McKittrick, Fred Moten, Christina Sharpe, the recent work of Nahum Chandler and Ronald Judy, amongst others.
ENGL 450 Topics in Disability Studies
CRN: 46214, 46275
Days/Time: W 3-5:30
Instructor: Lennard J Davis
This course will cover the basics of disability studies including an emphasis on Deaf Studies, Mad Studies, Neurodiversity, Intersectionality, Poverty and Disability. We will also cover the failings of disability studies up to this point and directions where disability studies could go. Also included are controversies within disability studies. Readings will include theoretical and critical works as well as fiction, poetry, art, film, and video.
ENGL 453 The Freshwater Lab + Internship Course
CRN: 46589, 46590
Days/Time: T 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Rachel Havrelock
The Freshwater Lab Internship course consists of three parts:
Study of local and regional water and environmental issues
Skill-building with professionals in the areas of environmental writing and communication, community-based research, water policy, and public health
Placement in an internship for all interested students. Professor Havrelock tailors the internship to student interests. An internship is not mandatory for those who prefer to focus on a project
Last year every student received a summer stipend for their internship. Many have joined an active Freshwater Lab cohort that helps to advance professional careers in the environmental sector.
ENGL 455 Topics in Rhetorical Studies: Climate Change—Past, Present, and Future
CRN: 46215, 46276
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Ralph Cinton
Jointly taught: Professors Ralph Cintron and George Crabtree
This course is an experiment. A small interdisciplinary group of faculty from the sciences and humanities from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and other Colleges have been exploring what a set of courses addressing climate change might look like. We have been talking for about two years, and this course is one of our first iterations.
Cintron is a member of the English department and Latin American and Latino Studies. Crabtree is an electro chemist and physicist who is also a Distinguished Professor at UIC and a Distinguished Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.
The goal of the course is to explore climate change through many perspectives: for instance, from the physics of climate change; to historical instances of climate change (paleoclimatology); to the predicted futures of climate change; to the problems of climate modeling; to philosophical matters such as the relationship between certainty and uncertainty; to indigenous vs. modernist conceptualizations of nature; to the advent and role of capitalism in climate change; to policy-making; to theories of social catastrophe; to economic and political repercussions due to climate change; to climate migration and the possible futures of the nation-state; to climate denialism; to particular case studies (Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico, flooding in Pakistan, and so on). In one sense the course will be a broad overview, but we also hope to invite a series of guest speakers representing different disciplines who will deepen specific areas of study.
ENGL 480
CRN: 46218, 46278
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: David Schaafsma
English 480 is the first required methods course for the English Education major and also a course anyone can take who might want to explore the possibility of being an English teacher. Together we will explore the seemingly simple question, Why teach English? This question will undoubtedly lead to a series of related questions, such as, What is the purpose of English/Language Arts? What does English teaching look like in different settings? How do our students influence what teaching English means? What does it mean to teach in an urban or at least multicultural environment? We will consider competing perspectives and reflect on our own assumptions in an attempt to develop an emerging framework for how we might approach English teaching. We’ll read texts such as Same as it Never Was by Chicago middle school teacher Greg Michie, some Young Adult literature, we’ll read a book of Chicago neighborhood stories of which I was co-editor, Growing Up Chicago, we’ll learn a bit about lesson planning and we’ll connect through field experience with area high school English classes.
ENGL 481 Methods of Teaching English
CRN: 19874, 19876
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
ENGL 481 is to be taken in conjunction with ED 425 (Curriculum and Instruction) and is the final course in the sequence of English Education methods courses. It is to be taken only by English education students the semester before student teaching. The course’s central objectives focus on the challenges of making literature and writing connect with students’ lives and with broader social/political issues—to make clear, in other words, why English “matters” to high school kids. Special attention will be paid to the ways in which teachers’ methodological choices are influenced by the theoretical frameworks they adopt. Additional focus will be on long- and short-term lesson planning and assessment. In addition to weekly written work, English 488 students will lead discussions, organize small group activities, create an instructional unit based on a Shakespeare play, and practice teaching lesson plans they design. Note: for graduate students the CRN of this course is 19876.
ENGL 486 Teaching of Writing in Middle and High Schools
CRN: 19256, 19257
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Kate Sjostrom
Why teach writing? How can we teach writing more effectively and responsibly? These are the main questions we will try to answer in English 486. Drawing from a wide range of sources, we will think about writing not only as a transfer of information but as a way of thinking critically, reflectively, and precisely about issues that are important to us. In our readings, we will encounter practical activities suggested by experienced writing teachers; we will practice these activities as we write extensively together; we will read and assess each other’s work; we will talk about how to teach students a variety of genres. In essence, we will create an environment where you can develop your professional identity as a writer and teacher of writing. Also, we will discuss ideas that lend coherence to our classroom activities (what some people call “theory”). Whatever generalizing we do, however, will be grounded in the particular details of working toward the goal of this class: to prepare you to establish a productive community of writers.
Course requirements include 12-15 hours of field work in an area high school and three portfolios demonstrating what you have learned in various sections of the course.
ENGL 486 Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools
CRN: 46647, 46648
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Brennan Lawler
Why teach writing? How can we teach writing more effectively and responsibly? These are the main questions we will try to answer in English 486. Drawing from a wide range of sources, we will think about writing not only as a transfer of information but as a way of thinking critically, reflectively, and precisely about issues that are important to us. In our readings, we will encounter practical activities suggested by experienced writing teachers; we will practice these activities as we write extensively together; we will read and assess each other’s work; we will talk about how to teach students a variety of genres. In essence, we will create an environment where you can develop your professional identity as a writer and teacher of writing. Also, we will discuss ideas that lend coherence to our classroom activities (what some people call “theory”). Whatever generalizing we do, however, will be grounded in the details of working toward the goal of this class: to prepare you to establish a productive community of writers. Course requirements include 12-15 hours of field work in an area high school and three portfolios demonstrating what you have learned in various sections of the course.
ENGL 487 Teaching of Reading and Literature in Middle and Secondary Schools
CRN: 46220
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Abby Kindelsperger
Intended as part of the English Education methods sequence, this course focuses on how to plan effective and engaging lessons focused on reading comprehension and literary analysis, as well as how to scaffold instruction for a wide variety of readers. Major assignments include lesson plans, discussion leadership, and a teaching demonstration. Students also complete 12-15 hours of field work in local schools, with an opportunity to facilitate literary study for a small group of learners.
ENGL 490 Advanced Poetry Writing
CRN: 29430
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Daniel Borzutzky
A workshop, in one of its original definitions, is a “place in which things are produced or created.” A place where you use tools, techniques, and equipment to make things. Another definition is “a room or place where goods are manufactured or repaired.” We will be driven by this spirit of making things, as artists, in a classroom together. In other words, this writing workshop is much more about generating new work than it is about critique. It’s exciting to make new things! It’s exciting to experiment with language, images, forms, and voices, in a classroom where students make work that is vibrant, unexpected, and transformational. Students will be encouraged to create chapbooks and long poems; to use documentary or research-oriented approaches; to translate or write in multiple languages; to write across genres and art forms; and to incorporate film and sound and music into their poems. To this end, we will read broadly as we study innovative poetic and artistic models that will help us craft our own work. And we will get the chance to speak with some writers as well as we investigate new approaches to how art and poetry get made.
ENGL 491 Advanced Writing of Fiction
CRN: 19260, 19261
Days/Time: TR: 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Christopher Grimes
You must have taken ENGL 291 to enroll. Otherwise, this will be a productive, respectful and engaged workshop focused exclusively on your own writing.
ENGL 491 Advanced Fiction Writing
CRN: 22828, 22829
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Mary Anne Mohanraj
This is a combined graduate and advanced undergraduate fiction workshop. We will study the craft of fiction, reading the work of published authors and examining their methods. We will also write fiction and learn to critique each other’s’ work. A broad range of genres are welcome, including science fiction and fantasy.
ENGL 493 Internship in Nonfiction Writing
CRN: 26976, 26977
Days/Time: R 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Linda Landis Andrews
What can I do with an English major?” is a question that often concerns students, particularly when parents and others ask about the future. No need to hedge; every organization needs writers to provide information through websites, social media, and blogs, to add creativity to the focus of its work, and to move its ideas forward. Writers are gifted people, and their skills are needed.
Becoming a contributing writer takes planning, however, starting with an internship, which provides an opportunity to step off campus and use the writing and analytical skills gained through English courses.
In ENGL 493, guided by an instructor and a supervisor, English majors quickly adjust to a public audience and conduct research, gain interviewing skills, write content, edit, learn technology, assist with special events, to name a few of the tasks assigned in an internship. Students are enrolled in ENGL 493 while concurrently working at an internship for 12 hours a week.
Employers include nonprofits, radio and television stations, online and print newspapers and magazines, public relations firms, museums, associations, law firms, and health organizations. There is an internship for every interest. Many internships are conducted remotely, which makes the world a stage. During the pandemic, one intern worked for an organization in Denver, and another worked from home in Ho Chi Minh City.
First, register for ENGL 280, Media and Professional Writing, to launch your writing career. Procrastination is not advised.
Credit is variable: three or six credits Through the new Flames Internship Grant (FIG) students may apply for possible reimbursement while working at unpaid internships. Securing a grant is competitive.
Come, jump in- you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
ENGL 496 Portfolio Practicum
CRN: 41077
Days/Time: W 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
English 496 is a capstone course in UIC’s undergraduate program in Professional Writing designed to assist our students in landing their first post-degree position as a writing professional. The major focus of this seminar is creating and revising a writing portfolio that not only represents each student’s unique talents as a writer of specialized genres but also showcases their ability to expand upon their proven academic skill sets in new professional writing situations.
In order to prepare seminar participants for the job market of their choosing, students will compile a working portfolio of their best professional writing samples through an on-line platform of their choosing and in this way build upon and refine a portfolio they have already begun as members of our professional writing program. Over the course of the seminar, students will learn how to (re-)design and structure material they have already produced as students of writing for audiences beyond the university. In putting together their writing portfolio, students will be given ample opportunity to reflect on the skills they have acquired in their education in order to establish a recognizable and marketable professional identity. In a culminating assignment, students will not only present their portfolio to the class but also practice talking to future employers through mock interviews.
This seminar is designed to increase students’ confidence as they enter the job market by preparing them to share verbally and in writing their achievements as a young professional well-prepared to utilize the writing skills they have carefully developed and honed during their university education.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in two of the following courses: ENGL 380, 382, 383, 384.
Course Information: Credit is not given for ENGL 496 if the student has credit for ENGL 493.
ENGL 498 Student teaching with seminar
CRN: 14554
Days/Time: Arranged -Online
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
English 498/499 is the semester of student teaching for English education students (498), plus the accompanying weekly seminar (499). These courses are to be taken concurrently, and they are only open to student teachers. Eligible students must enroll in both courses (498 & 499), and students may select any CRN’s that remain open, regardless of who is listed as the instructor.
The purpose of these courses is to support student teachers’ efforts to negotiate the complexities they will encounter in classrooms and to facilitate their growth and development as English teachers. The Wednesday seminar meetings will be remote and are structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection on classroom teaching, 2) those that help student teachers complete the edTPA assessment, and 3) those that address issues regarding a job search and ongoing professional development.
ENGL 498 Educational Practice with Seminar
CRN: 14555, 14556
Days/Time: Arranged – Online
Instructor: Katherine Sjostrom
A two-segment sequence of practice teaching, including seminar, to meet certification requirements for teaching in grades nine through twelve. Graduate credit only with approval of the department. Prerequisite(s): Good academic standing in a teacher education program, completion of 120 clock hours of pre-student-teaching field experiences, and approval of the department. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice section for ENGL 498, as well as one Conference and one Practice section for ENGL 499.
The seminar is structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection upon your classroom teaching; 2) those that allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and field instructors to prepare for your upcoming teaching and licensure assessment; and 3) those that address issues pertinent to your job search and on-going professional development.
ENGL 499 Student teaching with seminar
CRN: 14560
Days/Time: W 4:00-5:50
Instructor: Todd DeStigter
English 498/499 is the semester of student teaching for English education students (498), plus the accompanying weekly seminar (499). These courses are to be taken concurrently, and they are only open to student teachers. Eligible students must enroll in both courses (498 & 499), and students may select any CRN’s that remain open, regardless of who is listed as the instructor.
The purpose of these courses is to support student teachers’ efforts to negotiate the complexities they will encounter in classrooms and to facilitate their growth and development as English teachers. The Wednesday seminar meetings will be remote and are structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection on classroom teaching, 2) those that help student teachers complete the edTPA assessment, and 3) those that address issues regarding a job search and ongoing professional development.
ENGL 499 Educational Practice with Seminar
CRN: 14561, 14562
Days/Time: Arranged-Online
Instructor: Katherine Sjostrom
A two-segment sequence of practice teaching, including seminar, to meet certification requirements for teaching in grades nine through twelve. Graduate credit only with approval of the department. Prerequisite(s): Good academic standing in a teacher education program, completion of 120 clock hours of pre-student-teaching field experiences, and approval of the department. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice section for ENGL 498, as well as one Conference and one Practice section for ENGL 499.
The seminar is structured to encourage three different sorts of conversations and activities: 1) those that invite reflection upon your classroom teaching; 2) those that allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and field instructors to prepare for your upcoming teaching and licensure assessment; and 3) those that address issues pertinent to your job search and on-going professional development.
ENGL 515 Studies in Medieval Literature: MEDIEVAL SHAKESPEARE
CRN: 46404
Days/Time: M 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Alfred Thomas
This course examines the continuities between medieval English literature and the plays of William Shakespeare. Refuting the old-fashioned taxonomy that artificially separated the Renaissance of the sixteenth century from the late medieval period, it reveals the medieval subtexts and themes in many of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, including Richard II, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, King Lear, and The Winter’s Tale, and the way Shakespeare uses the past in order to critique the political present. ”
ENGL 527 The Chicanx (Im)migration Narrative
CRN: 36689
Days/Time: T 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Esmeralda Arrizon-Palomera
(Im)migration is a central topic in U.S. Latinx literature. This seminar will interrogate its significance in the work of Chicanx writers. Students will explore how movement, within and across national borders, has shaped the contours of Chicanx literature and criticism. Our course readings will include 19th and 20th century primary texts that attend to the way race, class, gender, sexuality, and legal status inform Chicanx (im)migration narratives. Secondary work will include recent scholarship on Chicanx literature and (im)migration. Together, these texts will give students a strong foundation in Chicanx literature and criticism and provide important context for recent publications by undocumented and formerly undocumented writers such as, My (Underground) American Dream, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Immigrant, The Undocumented Amerícans, Children of the Land, and Solito.
ENGL 537 Contemporary Fiction
CRN: 46505
Days/Time: M 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Madhu Dubey
Various critical rubrics have been developed to characterize the genre of the novel in what is often clunkily called “the post-postmodern moment.” In this seminar, we will examine some such rubrics (novels of globalization, world-system novels, Afropolitanism, speculative realism, capitalist realism, post-postmodern realism, cli-fi, and petrofiction), paying attention to their accounts of contemporaneity as well as of contemporary fiction. We will read these critical accounts in relation to novels by authors including NoViolet Bulawayo, Jennifer Egan, William Gibson, Mohsin Hamid, David Mitchell, Jesmyn Ward, Colson Whitehead, and Karen Tei Yamashita.
ENGL 570 Program for Writers: Poetry Workshop
CRN: 35448
Days/Time: R 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Christina Pugh
This course is a poetry workshop for graduate level poets. Graduate level writers in other genres are welcomed in our course. Varied styles and aesthetics are also welcomed in the workshop. Discussion of student work will be the primary focus here, but we will also read some notable recent volumes of contemporary poetry. The course includes critical readings that directly treat issues of poetic making, including the study of syntax, line, and linguistic music. These critical works treat poems in the lyric tradition; it is my belief that study of this tradition can inform a variety of aesthetic commitments.
Students will write ten new poems and revise nine of these for a final portfolio; they will also produce an artist’s statement and critical writing on the assigned books of poetry.
My goal is for you to be writing with energy and focus, and for you to deepen your own poetic practice by thinking critically about the elements of craft that are available to you as a poet. I also strive to create a classroom environment that is encouraging and supportive – while staying seriously focused on the art and craft (and the perennial challenge and delight) of making poems.
ENGL 571 Program for Writers Fiction Workshop
CRN: 14577
Days/Time: T 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Christopher Grimes
You know the drill: we’ll be engaged in championing each other’s work in a thoughtful, respectful, collegial environment. As Professor Mazza’s workshop will be focusing on longer forms, we’ll be concentrating on short fiction.
ENGL 572 Novel Workshop
CRN: 14578
Days/Time: R 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Cris Mazza
This workshop is open to all graduate students in the English Department’s Program for Writers. All other graduate students from other English Department programs or from other departments must get prior approval of the professor. This is a writing workshop where we evaluate and discuss novels-in-progress. You do not have to have a completed novel to participate. You may only have an idea or a single chapter, perhaps several drafted chapters. Memoirs are also welcome. The workshop will not distribute nor discuss formula-driven genre/commercial fiction. Aspects of publishing and other functional or philosophic issues in a novelist’s life are also fodder for workshop conversation and reading suggestions will depend on the focus taken by workshop submissions.
ENGL 580 Aesthetic Environment
CRN: 35414
Days/Time: W 5:00-7:50
Instructor: Anna Kornbluh
This seminar studies the environmental capacities of the novel and film, including probing the inclusions and exclusions of the genre deemed “cl-fi”: climate fiction and climate film. We will work with theories of medium and form and the history of urbanization to develop an understanding of the aptitudes for world-building in these setting-driven modes and familiarize ourselves with “climate humanities” paradigms like infrastructuralism and ecomarxism. Questions will include: how does the novel as the literary form unique to capitalism conceptualize petromodernity? How does film intervene in the invisibility of oil and of infrastructure? What alternative energy regimes can novels and films help us design and implement? What art forms mediate the political specters of degrowth, “fully automated luxury gay space communism,” and authoritarian scarcity? Authors likely to include Emily Bronte, Lydia Millet, Michael Mann, Roland Emmerich, Kim Stanley Robinson, Octavia Butler, Ridley Scott, John Hughes, Georg Lukacs, David Bordwell, Fredric Jameson, Eric Hayot, Brian R. Jacobson, Myron Dewey, David Harvey, Mike Davis, Caroline Levine, Ruth Levitas, Andreas Malm.
ENGL 585 Theoretical Sites: On Antilogic
CRN: 36690
Days/Time: W 2:00-4:50
Instructor: Robin Reames
Rhetoric was the first discipline to self-consciously and explicitly theorize about language—the first formal study of and systematic speculation about what language could be harnessed to do. This course will offer an abbreviated account of that history through one of rhetoric’s repressed techniques: the practice of “antilogic.”
Despite its name, antilogic was a form of dialectic that predated the birth of what is now called “logic” by over a century. An experienced practitioner of antilogic could cause a person to view a single thing or idea in diametrically opposing ways, and to hold those opposing views simultaneously with no need or desire for resolution or synthesis. In this way, the practice of antilogic deliberately pursued aporia and the suspension of judgment to the same extent that the practice of logic pursues judgment and knowledge. In fact, one reason Western logic came into being in the first place was precisely to suppress the rival dialectic of antilogic. It is for this reason that antilogic is now all but lost for us today.
Central to this study is the idea that language implicitly carries on its back an ontology, an apprehension of what is. Thus, the language of antilogic was coextensive with an ontology that was different from and repressed by the ontology that arose in and through the logic of Western metaphysics. By investigating the repressed linguistic technique that rivalled and imperiled logic, we will likewise unearth its concomitant rival metaphysics and its rival model of knowledge: a will to suspend judgment that preceded the irreversible ascendance of the West’s implacable Will-to-Know.
Students in the course will gain a foundational understanding of what rhetoric as a discipline was at its inception and engage in advanced research methods in support of an independent scholarly project
Fall 2022
ENGL 060: English as a Second Language Composition II
CRN: 37556
Days/Times: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
ENGL 060 is a course that introduces students to the structure of English compositions and provides practice in critical reading, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics of basic writing. This will be a workshop-based course that functions to create clear and direct sentences that build to effective paragraphs. This will be achieved through close-reading exercises that act as models for effective writing and consistent practice in and out of class by working closely with the instructor and classmates.
ENGL 070: Introduction to Academic Writing for the Nonnative Speakers of English
CRN: 30497
Days/Times: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: James Drown
In this class you will examine issues concerning writing and writing instruction. During the semester you will have three major projects in different genres. The first will be a series of summary/responses that will not only help ground you in conversations about writing but will also help you develop better reading and critical thinking habits. In the second project, you will take a critical look at a specific aspect of writing and/or writing instruction, formulate a position around that belief, and create a populist argumentative essay based on that position. For the third project, you will be expected to write three reflective essays during the semester. You will write one for each project and one at midterm concerning your reading skills. Each reflection will be based on a critical examination of what you learned and how well you have been able to apply what we learn in class. There will be four reflective essays in total, including a final letter for students in a future class. Each project will help you develop rhetorical analysis skills and give you a chance to apply them in a particular genre and context. All writing for the class will be shared publicly within the class through in-class discussion, presentation, and peer editing. Finally, throughout the semester you will also learn and utilize grammar, writing processes, organizational strategies, and editing techniques as appropriate to the needs of our class.
ENGL 070: Introduction to Academic Writing for the Nonnative Speakers of English
CRN: 35040
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:30
Instructor: James Drown
In this class you will examine issues concerning writing and writing instruction. During the semester you will have three major projects in different genres. The first will be a series of summary/responses that will not only help ground you in conversations about writing but will also help you develop better reading and critical thinking habits. In the second project, you will take a critical look at a specific aspect of writing and/or writing instruction, formulate a position around that belief, and create a populist argumentative essay based on that position. For the third project, you will be expected to write three reflective essays during the semester. You will write one for each project and one at midterm concerning your reading skills. Each reflection will be based on a critical examination of what you learned and how well you have been able to apply what we learn in class. There will be four reflective essays in total, including a final letter for students in a future class. Each project will help you develop rhetorical analysis skills and give you a chance to apply them in a particular genre and context. All writing for the class will be shared publicly within the class through in-class discussion, presentation, and peer editing. Finally, throughout the semester you will also learn and utilize grammar, writing processes, organizational strategies, and editing techniques as appropriate to the needs of our class.
ENGL 071: Introduction to Academic Writing
CRN: 30505
Days/Time: 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Robin Gayle
“””Writing Legacy for First Generation Students”” This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources, and they will develop networks within UIC support services and enrichment programs. Student writing projects will include competing in the First-at-LAS “Tell Me Your Story” essay contest and writing reflections of their first-year experiences, wherein they offer advice to incoming first-generation students. In short, this course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.”
ENGL 071: Introduction to Academic Writing
CRN: 30507
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Robin Gayle
“””Writing Legacy for First Generation Students”” This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources, and they will develop networks within UIC support services and enrichment programs. Student writing projects will include competing in the First-at-LAS “Tell Me Your Story” essay contest and writing reflections of their first-year experiences, wherein they offer advice to incoming first-generation students. In short, this course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.”
ENGL 071: Introduction to Academic Writing
CRN: 30521
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Robin Gayle
“””Writing Legacy for First Generation Students”” This section is designed specifically for first generation college students, meaning you are the first in your family to attend a university. This course will enable first-generation students to increase their confidence as academics, establish a strong community of like-minded students, and ultimately, craft a legacy to be passed down to incoming students. The classroom will be structured as a “homeplace” that builds on each student’s cultural richness. Students will learn how to access and use available resources, and they will develop networks within UIC support services and enrichment programs. Student writing projects will include competing in the First-at-LAS “Tell Me Your Story” essay contest and writing reflections of their first-year experiences, wherein they offer advice to incoming first-generation students. In short, this course will help to prepare you for the rigors of academic writing and collegiate life.”
ENGL 071: Introduction to Academic Writing: Writing and the Student Experience
CRN: 30512
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Mark Schoenknecht
“In this course, we’ll focus on improving our reading comprehension and writing skills, using topics related to the student experience as a means of situating ourselves in a conversation about English composition. While thinking critically about “the student experience” will often include a reflection on our own experience as students, it will also entail an investigation into things like the (potentially) racist politics of mainstream writing instruction, the ways schools and other institutions create and reproduce hegemonic power relations, and the complex social dynamics involved in navigating between identities at home and at school (especially for those who are poor or come from marginalized communities).
Students will be asked to write three papers in this course: a personal essay, an argumentative essay, and a multi-genre project accompanied by a reflective essay. We’ll read a variety of written texts, from scholarly articles to literary memoirs, and engage with others in the UIC writing community through visits to the Writing Center and via a possible guest speaker or two. Students will also be asked to contribute work to a digital magazine written and edited by the class and will be expected to actively participate in class discussions and activities.”
ENGL 071: Introduction to Academic Writing: Choices and Change in the Study of Academic Writing
CRN: 30514
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Sarah Primeau
What exactly is academic writing? In writing classes, we often learn about rules for writing and the boundaries of what counts as academic writing, yet some of the most influential pieces of academic writing intentionally push at those boundaries and break the rules. When do writers choose to conform to historic ideas of academic writing and when do they choose to subvert the rules in their writing? These choices may be personal to the writer and to their identity, and yet these choices can create lasting political and social change for future readers and students. In this class, we will read BOTH examples of writing that conform to academic standards and examples from scholars who are working to change the definition of academic writing. The major projects in this course include a narrative about your own experience, an argumentative essay, and the study of another genre (or type of writing) that is new to you.
ENGL 101: Understanding Literature and Culture
CRN: 29203, 29202
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Gary Buslik
In this course, we will read and learn how to appreciate great works of literature. We will read, analyze, and discuss several short stories, one novel, about ten poems, and a play. Authors will include Hemingway, Jamaica Kincaid, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Frost, Shakespeare, and several other poets. We will write two major papers and several shorter papers. We will have midterm and final exams.
ENGL 101: Understanding Literature and Culture: GIRLS IN TROUBLE
CRN: 22330, 20578
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Peter Coviello
“GIRLS IN TROUBLE: This course introduces students to literary interpretation by studying the fate of imperiled young women across a range of fictions. We will consider the entanglements of desire and danger – as well as questions of freedom, friendship, family, work – as they play in the lives of women navigating their way through turbulent worlds. Authors may include Carson McCullers, Nella Larsen, Flannery O’Connor, Toni Morrison, and others. “
ENGL 101: Understanding Literature and Culture
CRN: 25644, 25642
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Sian Roberts
In this course we will attempt to answer some key questions about literature: why do we read and study literature in the first place? How do we effectively analyze texts and take up a critical position? Our readings will be structured around the theme of the future. We will read texts that anticipated our own present with eerie accuracy and texts that attempt to imagine where our present world might lead us. We will encounter many different visions of the future as inaccessible, prosperous, and uncertain. Our focus will be on texts from the twentieth and twenty-first century.
ENGL 103: Understanding Poetry – Finding Place in Poetry
CRN: 20645, 20646
Days/Time: MWF 12:00 – 12:50
Instructor: Daniel Barton
Have you ever encountered a place—whether it’s a park, street corner, or specific city—and felt an unmistakable connection to it? How were you moved by the experience? More pressing, what would it mean to lose a sense of place or be disconnected from places important to us? What if the places close to us are fraught with difficult histories? These questions have been rich and compelling catalysts for poets across different time periods and from around the world. Reflecting on this tradition, in this course we will examine how poets have variously approached the theme of place to discover what makes poetry, as an experience of language, unique from other forms of writing, particularly when it comes to drawing connections between place and self. We’ll look at poets from different literary time periods, ranging from the 18th century to the present, and compare their approaches to this theme, whether it’s Romantic meditations on landscape, contemporary Eco poetry, or the work of postcolonial writers navigating legacies of Imperialism and displacement. Throughout our investigation, we’ll develop a vocabulary for various aspects of form, line, meter, and other devices to better appreciate how they work together to achieve the ultimate effect of a poem. Grading for this course will be based on participation in daily discussions, written responses to class readings, one short paper, and a longer final paper.
ENGL 103: Understanding Poetry
CRN: 22349, 22348
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Jennifer Ashton
“If a poem were like an engine, how would you set about dismantling and reassembling it? If a poem were a math problem or an equation, how would you solve it? If a poem were a research subject, how would you interview it? What would you ask it and what do you think it might say? You could call this course Poetry for Engineers. Or you could call it Poetry for Mathematicians. Or Poetry for Sociologists and Statisticians. All the above will apply to the work we do, but you can also think of this course as Poetry for Poets, Teachers, and English literature majors. We’ll spend the semester studying a set of case examples ranging from early ballads with recognizable patterns of rhythm and rhyme to 21st century poems that contain no words at all. Our efforts in and out of the classroom will revolve around studying these texts closely and discovering and developing the tools necessary for explaining how their producers intend them to work.
All our practice in this course will emphasize what the great 20th-century avant-garde dramatist and poet Bertolt Brecht thought that all art (and all thinking about art) should involve: namely, *fun*.
And even though our focus will be on poetry (not exactly what a majority of people choose to focus on for fun), the skills you practice will be both fun and highly transferable. Let’s just say that if you can learn how to give a compelling explanation of how a work of literature (or any work of art) operates, you can probably learn how to construct a compelling explanation of just about anything else, and that is a highly valued ability in many kinds of careers.”
ENGL 104: Understanding Drama
CRN: 26201
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
How do plays represent the world? How do they produce new worlds? This course will examine the form and content of drama from the end of the nineteenth century, the beginning of “modern drama,” to the contemporary stage. We will focus on strategies for critically reading and writing about plays through an analysis of works by playwrights including Ibsen, O’Neill, Beckett, Soyinka, Churchill, and Parks, and we will see and review productions by the UIC Theatre. Our reading will be supported by an exploration of the relationships between written texts and live performances through projects involving acting, directing, and design, as well as literary criticism. We will also explore the social contexts for plays by reading theatre history and dramatic theory. In this way, the literary texts and techniques of playwrights will be complemented and complicated by the theatre artists, theatre companies, critics, and audiences that shaped their production.
ENGL 131/MOVI 131: Introduction to Moving Image Arts
CRN: 47486
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45/6:15
Instructor: Kate Boulay
Focusing on a number of different themes, in this course students learn about the history and development of moving image arts and the field’s intersections with various socio-cultural categories including race, class, gender and sexualities.
ENGL 132: Understanding Film
CRN: 47454
Day/Time: MW 3:00-5:45/4:15
Instructor: Thomas Moore
In this course, students will collaborate with their peers to understand how the various elements of cinema—such as sound, music, acting, editing, lighting, dialogue, narrative, composition, set design, and cinematography—are brought together to produce meaning. As a class, we will seek to answer the following questions: What is distinctive about the medium of film? How does one interpret a movie as a work of art? Why do so many cinematic masterpieces manifest an acute awareness of themselves as films?
Attentive to the roles of writers, actors, and other creative agents involved in this necessarily collective art form, we will study thirteen internationally acclaimed films by such directors as David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcock, Ingmar Bergman, Billy Wilder, and Jordan Peele. The course will feature in-class film screenings on Mondays and student-directed, discussions on Wednesdays.
ENGL 135: English and American Popular Genres
CRN: 47462
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: David Schaafsma
ENGL 154: Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 47488
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Ralph Cintron
ENGL 154: Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 47490
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
“The comedian Lewis Black declared, “Here’s your law: If a company, can’t explain, in
one sentence, what it does… it’s illegal.” What has he done here? He has used sarcasm and economic law to shape a position. But he has also a conditional sentence, a colon and an ellipsis! All of these items contribute to Black’s comedic rhetoric of identity. Now, this class cannot tell you in one sentence what rhetoric does, or even what it is, but through the examination of ancient rhetoric to that of the twenty-first century we will negotiate with this term to better understand our identities as thinkers and social beings. In addition, this course will examine multilingual rhetoric, political rhetoric, multimodal rhetoric, and other delivery systems that shape what we call “identity”. Ideas examined in this class will include: How do we use rhetoric in our lives both consciously and unconsciously? How do rhetors and rhetoric interact on an intellectual, academic, and public level to influence identity creation? How do cultures benefit/suffer from language, identity, and policy built on rhetorical frameworks? This course will allow students to see rhetoric not as a negative label, but as a method to interrogate the texts, the visuals, and the conversations we encounter daily.
This course is ideal for English, Pre-Law, Education, and Professional Writing students.”
ENGL 154: Understanding Rhetoric
CRN: 47489
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Mark Schoenknecht
“In the 4th Century BC, Aristotle famously defined rhetoric as “the faculty of observing, in any given case, the available means of persuasion.” He saw the usefulness of rhetoric in helping us arrive at solutions to the kinds of problems that couldn’t be solved using exact knowledge. Aristotle’s teacher Plato, who thought of rhetoric as the “art of enchanting the soul,” had other ideas. He condemned rhetoric (or “sophistry”) for its ability to steer people away from the truth by making the non-real appear real. While many new conceptions of rhetoric have been introduced in the years since Plato and Aristotle roamed the halls of the Lyceum, no definitive consensus about what constitutes “rhetoric” has yet been reached. Given this messy history, how should we understand the notion of “rhetoric” today? In what ways has rhetoric influenced the social spaces we inhabit? And why might studying this be useful?
To address these questions, our course will begin by exploring some general theories of rhetoric as both a discipline and practice. We’ll read a variety of commentaries and canonical texts, paying particular attention to the ways certain key terms and themes arise out of the history of rhetorical theory. About halfway through the semester, we’ll start looking at contemporary rhetorical scholarship that takes up issues of political economy (defined as the study of the relationship between individuals and society, and between markets and the state). Throughout this phase of the course, we’ll want to highlight the ways the key terms and themes we identified earlier are taken up in present-day rhetorical discourse. In doing so, we hope to not only arrive at a better understanding of rhetoric and its relevance to our lives, but to develop transferable capacities in reading, writing, and public speaking.”
ENGL 158: English Grammar and Style
CRN: 47491
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Doug Sheldon
“In his book Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote, “the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.” While this seems lofty, it speaks to grammar being the most communicative tool built within language. This course will focus on grammar as object of structure and style within several genres of text, examining not just form and function, but practical application across a variety of professional areas. Preference will be given to examining grammar uses as intentional choices made by authors to aid audiences in comprehending the goals of textual communication. In both individual and group contexts, students in this course will learn the structures of English grammar and analyze texts containing those functions. At the conclusion of the course students will be able to use grammatical terms and processes to better understand written communication and take with them a skill that aids in revision and reflection.
This course is ideal for Pre-Law, Education, and Professional Writing students.”
ENGL 158: English Grammar and Style
CRN: 47493
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Jeffrey Gore
“Although we regularly understand grammar as a set of prescriptive (or even annoying) rules, during the Renaissance, grammar was understood as the “art of speaking and writing well.” In this course, we’ll work to get the best of both perspectives: rules will become tools to help you to speak and write more effectively. Parts of the course will be comparable to the drills that athletes practice (such as free throws for a basketball player or kata for a practitioner of karate). You will learn to recognize parts of speech in terms of their functions in sentences and to describe them by name. You will practice using different sentence forms to appreciate how they allow you to convey different kinds of thoughts and feelings. You will exercise your mastery of these forms by producing short essays that emphasize different grammatical forms, and you will examine works by professional writers in terms of their grammatical and stylistic choices. By the end of the semester, you should be able to use terms of grammar to discuss what makes writing more effective, and you should have enough practice with these grammatical forms that better writing will come more naturally to you.
**Highly Recommended for Pre-Law, Education, and Professional Writing students”
ENGL 158: English Grammar and Style
CRN: 47492
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
This course will not be your conventional “grammar drill” or “right and wrong” class. Instead, we will approach grammar and style as analytical and creative tools. Our ultimate goal will be to use grammatical forms to be more aware of the choices we make when we read and write. We will also discuss significant issues surrounding the English language, including its history, Black English, prescriptive v. descriptive linguistics, and the ethics of writing. Students will complete analyses to demonstrate the grammatical skills they have learned, as well as complete assessments of their own writing and a short-written project at the end of the semester.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40751
Days/Time: M 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40752
Days/Time: W 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40753 F 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 41705
Days/Time: M 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 41706
Days/Time: W 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 41707
Days/Time: F 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Aaron Krall
English 159 is designed to help students move through the First-Year Writing sequence more quickly by supporting the required writing for English 160. This is a challenging course that requires students to make critical reading and writing connections, to shape and communicate meaning, and to meet the demands of academic writing conventions, including sentence-level correctness. English 159 provides an individualized space distinct from (but also connected to) the space of English 160. Students will discuss and reflect on the expectations for college writing, workshop drafts of English 160 writing projects, review their English 160 Instructors’ feedback, and discuss strategies for revision and editing.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40315
Days/Time: M 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
English 159 is designed to support students as they complete English 160.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40316
Days/Time: W 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
English 159 is designed to support students as they complete English 160.
ENGL 159: Academic Writing Workshop
CRN: 40317
Days/Time: F 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
English 159 is designed to support students as they complete English 160.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11784
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Jay Shearer
“This course will direct and assist you in a written conversation with the world around you, primarily through the art of composing an argument. Through articles, book excerpts and other media, you will examine popular culture, political culture, and your place in the nation and the world. You will express and examine ideas regarding these issues and evaluate claims that differ from your own. Ultimately, you will give your “take” on a given situation using three distinct written genres: the Opinion Piece, the Media Review, and the Argumentative Essay. You will also compose a Reflective Essay with your final portfolio. This course will challenge you, improve your writing, and help you engage in a public conversation. It might even be actual fun.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Reading and Writing Mystery: Investigating True Crime
CRN: 11901
Days/Time: MWF 9-9:50
Instructor: Karisa Sosnoski
In this course, you will investigate true crime through reading, watching, and writing. By viewing various forms of media, and reading diverse true stories, you will dig deeper into the complexities of true crime narratives. Through group discussions and critical analysis, you will consider how mysterious experiences, relationships with the police, the legal system, denationalization of violence, and intersectionality’s reveal larger social, political, moral, and ethical issues. You will be provided with the opportunity to find your voice while considering how mystery and true crime have influenced your own life. Through the course of the semester, you will be assigned four major writing projects (WPs) that will be guided by our reading, watching, and smaller writing assignments in and outside of the classroom. Each writing project is a distinctly different genre that will allow you to experience how crime and mystery adapt and transform. Throughout the course of the semester, you will be invited to consider how style, language, and audience influence true crime, as well as the reasoning behind society’s obsession with true crime stories.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Reading and Writing Mystery: Investigating True Crime
CRN: 24124
Days/Time: MWF 11-11:50
Instructor: Karisa Sosnoski
In this course, you will investigate true crime through reading, watching, and writing. By viewing various forms of media, and reading diverse true stories, you will dig deeper into the complexities of true crime narratives. Through group discussions and critical analysis, you will consider how mysterious experiences, relationships with the police, the legal system, denationalization of violence, and intersectionality’s reveal larger social, political, moral, and ethical issues. You will be provided with the opportunity to find your voice while considering how mystery and true crime have influenced your own life. Through the course of the semester, you will be assigned four major writing projects (WPs) that will be guided by our reading, watching, and smaller writing assignments in and outside of the classroom. Each writing project is a distinctly different genre that will allow you to experience how crime and mystery adapt and transform. Throughout the course of the semester, you will be invited to consider how style, language, and audience influence true crime, as well as the reasoning behind society’s obsession with true crime stories.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Monsters Across Media
CRN: 46734
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Hyaciinthe Ingram
In this course, you will look at monsters and their functions across various types of media. You will examine a range of monsters, from werewolves and vampires to ghosts and mysterious cosmic beings and explore how they are used within the confines of their medium, and why it is significant that monsters are used. Through class discussion, analysis, and assignments, you will learn what the function of monsters are within media, taking into consideration the cultural and political context of using non-humans to discuss a plethora of human issues. By reading, watching, listening to, and analyzing a variety of genres and styles of media involving monsters, you will learn the ways in which monster media is a lens through which audiences can view human experiences, despite being existing in media that seems like a fun escape into fantasy. The goal of this class is to engage with monsters in order to learn how to become articulate writers within academia and adjust your writing to appeal to a variety of audiences. By taking an in depth look at monsters, culminating in a film review, a comparative analysis, an argumentative essay, and a reflection, you will expand your reading, critical thinking, and writing skills, and help prepare you for your future in academia.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Monsters Across Media
CRN: 46737
Days/Time: MWF 11:00- 11:50
Instructor: Hyacinthe Ingram
In this course, you will look at monsters and their functions across various types of media. You will examine a range of monsters, from werewolves and vampires to ghosts and mysterious cosmic beings and explore how they are used within the confines of their medium, and why it is significant that monsters are used. Through class discussion, analysis, and assignments, you will learn what the function of monsters are within media, taking into consideration the cultural and political context of using non-humans to discuss a plethora of human issues. By reading, watching, listening to, and analyzing a variety of genres and styles of media involving monsters, you will learn the ways in which monster media is a lens through which audiences can view human experiences, despite being existing in media that seems like a fun escape into fantasy. The goal of this class is to engage with monsters in order to learn how to become articulate writers within academia and adjust your writing to appeal to a variety of audiences. By taking an in depth look at monsters, culminating in a film review, a comparative analysis, an argumentative essay, and a reflection, you will expand your reading, critical thinking, and writing skills, and help prepare you for your future in academia.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Writing about Chicago’s Near West Side
CRN: 38957
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Rachel Zein
Have you ever wondered why University Hall looks like a tall, grey waffle? Do you ever think about what Chicago might have looked like a hundred years ago? In this class we will be exploring the past, present, and future of one Chicago community area — the Near West Side — through photos, words, videos, and more. We will also consider the area beyond the realm of UIC to discuss past and current trends such as urban renewal, gentrification, ethnic neighborhood formation and dissolution, and more.
Over the course of fifteen weeks, in addition to reading and learning about the Near West Side as a class, each of you will also create four writing projects. This course is structured to allow you to work in more than just the traditional academic essay format, allowing you to integrate media such as images and sound into your writing. Your writing assignments are designed to be useful in the world beyond the university. We will begin with a photo essay assignment (no experience with photography required) for which I ask you to go out into the Near West Side, document what you observe, and write about it. Next, we will learn about the rhetoric of persuasion so that you can write persuasive letters to government officials on the Near West Side regarding an issue you care about. Third, I’ll ask you to write an argumentative essay related to UIC’s fraught history on the Near West Side. Finally, toward the end of the semester, you will reflect on everything you have learned and create a podcast about your own writing journey in the course.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Writing about Chicago’s Near West Side
CRN: 11332
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Rachel Zein
Have you ever wondered why University Hall looks like a tall, grey waffle? Do you ever think about what Chicago might have looked like a hundred years ago? In this class we will be exploring the past, present, and future of one Chicago community area — the Near West Side — through photos, words, videos, and more. We will also consider the area beyond the realm of UIC to discuss past and current trends such as urban renewal, gentrification, ethnic neighborhood formation and dissolution, and more.
Over the course of fifteen weeks, in addition to reading and learning about the Near West Side as a class, each of you will also create four writing projects. This course is structured to allow you to work in more than just the traditional academic essay format, allowing you to integrate media such as images and sound into your writing. Your writing assignments are designed to be useful in the world beyond the university. We will begin with a photo essay assignment (no experience with photography required) for which I ask you to go out into the Near West Side, document what you observe, and write about it. Next, we will learn about the rhetoric of persuasion so that you can write persuasive letters to government officials on the Near West Side regarding an issue you care about. Third, I’ll ask you to write an argumentative essay related to UIC’s fraught history on the Near West Side. Finally, toward the end of the semester, you will reflect on everything you have learned and create a podcast about your own writing journey in the course.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Questions of Humanity in Black Sci-Fi
CRN: 41782
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Arney Bray
What makes you a human? As humans, we make rules on what humanity is and how to define it. But are you considered a human in all aspects, or is your humanity questioned? Black Americans historically were legally deemed subhuman. Our Constitution concluded that enslaved Africans were only considered property and part of a man. Science Fiction is a genre that applauds the creation of anything. Speculative fiction has given Black writers a space to create and define Black humanity. The goal of this class is to question the definitions of humanity and explore through writing how our own humanity is granted or ignored in the genre of sci-fi.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Questions of Humanity in Black Sci-Fi
CRN: 46716
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Arney Bray
What makes you a human? As humans, we make rules on what humanity is and how to define it. But are you considered a human in all aspects, or is your humanity questioned? Black Americans historically were legally deemed subhuman. Our Constitution concluded that enslaved Africans were only considered property and part of a man. Science Fiction is a genre that applauds the creation of anything. Speculative fiction has given Black writers a space to create and define Black humanity. The goal of this class is to question the definitions of humanity and explore through writing how our own humanity is granted or ignored in the genre of sci-fi.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Into the Cyber-verse: Writing in the Digital Commons
CRN: 11796
Days/Time: MWF/ 8:00 – 8:50
Instructor: Shaina Warfield
To think about the genre conventions of academic and public writing, we will consider the formal conditions of the cyber commons, the digital media spaces that we occupy and help to build as Web 2.0 users. Together, we will think through what it means to be a “content creator” and the analog ancestry of digital media forms. While considering the role of digital publics and their productive function in our lives, we will take the position of digital professionals, explore the nuances of digital protest, form perspectives on digital policy, and contemplate the paradoxes of constructing our own digital personhood. We will take on these tasks with four writing assignments: creating a professional resume and cover letter, profiling significant social media movements, writing an argumentative essay on digital policy, and reflecting on our experiences as cyber citizens.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Into the Cyber-verse: Writing in the Digital Commons
CRN: 27282
Days/Time: MWF 11:00 – 11:50
Instructor: Shaina Warfield
To think about the genre conventions and rhetorical contexts of academic and public writing, we will consider the formal conditions of the cyber commons, the digital media spaces that we occupy and help to build as Web 2.0 users. Together, we will think through what it means to be a “content creator” and the analog ancestry of digital media forms. While considering the role of digital publics and their productive function in our lives, we will take the position of digital professionals, explore the nuances of digital protest, form perspectives on digital policy, and contemplate the paradoxes of constructing our own digital personhood. We will take on these tasks with four writing assignments: creating a professional resume and cover letter, profiling a significant social media movement, writing an argumentative essay on a digital policy, and reflecting on our experiences as cyber citizens.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing
CRN: 46713
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Zhuang Du
In this course, you will investigate the concept and behaviors of self-management. Through discussions, analyses and assignments focused on the self-management’s relationship with Neoliberalism, Post-Fordism, and the current American political and racial atmosphere, we will decipher the seemingly direct and simple “self-management” and treat it in a more intricate and complex manner. Self-management might be considered as a sign of people’s success in controlling their lives, but this mindset can also reveal persons’ lack of security, and too much self-management might lead to high mental and psychological pressures. A discussion and exploration about this topic will help students reconsider the relationship between themselves and the physical environment in the neo-liberalist context.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing
CRN: 46725
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Zhang Du
In this course, you will investigate the concept and behaviors of self-management. Through discussions, analyses and assignments focused on the self-management’s relationship with Neoliberalism, Post-Fordism, and the current American political and racial atmosphere, we will decipher the seemingly direct and simple “self-management” and treat it in a more intricate and complex manner. Self-management might be considered as a sign of people’s success in controlling their lives, but this mindset can also reveal persons’ lack of security, and too much self-management might lead to high mental and psychological pressures. A discussion and exploration about this topic will help students reconsider the relationship between themselves and the physical environment in the neo-liberalist context.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Pollinators & Their Concerning Future
CRN: 46736
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Daniel McGee
This course will give you a wide-but-shallow look at the breadth of pollinator species and the specific relationships they have with flora and other vegetation. You will read several sources including government websites, endangered species lists, research articles, and many other sources to get a holistic understanding of the danger’s pollinators face. As you investigate pollinators, you will compose a nature memoir, letters to future generations, an argumentative essay, and a reflective essay to engage with the past, present, and future of pollinators. No prior information on ecology is needed.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Pollinators & Their Concerning Future
CRN: 11551
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Daniel McGee
This course will give you a wide-but-shallow look at the breadth of pollinator species and the specific relationships they have with flora and other vegetation. You will read several sources including government websites, endangered species lists, research articles, and many other sources to get a holistic understanding of the danger’s pollinators face. As you investigate pollinators, you will compose a nature memoir, letters to future generations, an argumentative essay, and a reflective essay to engage with the past, present, and future of pollinators. No prior information on ecology is needed.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Linguistic (r)Evolution
CRN: 46731
Days/Time: MWF 8:00 – 8:50
Instructor: Spencer Harrison
The main purpose of this course is for you to develop a writing process that will set you up for success in your college career and beyond. The emphasis is on writing as a process, and rather than think of writing as producing a series of distinct assignments, you will develop a core writing habit that you can adapt to complete all your writing projects. This involves self-reflection, so that you can tailor your process to what works for you. Allow your process to evolve as you progress as a writer. The course is not designed to fit you into a cookie cutter mold of an “academic writer” bound by rules and convention, but to make you aware of the conventions, and give you your own rationale for when to adhere and when to deviate from those conventions. This course will introduce you to the ongoing debate in higher education about what kinds of writing are and are not acceptable in academia. We will compare translingual theories of writing that incorporate code-meshing (using multiple dialects/languages in the same document) and “Edited Academic English” (largely governed by tradition and excludes voices outside of a narrow band of “acceptable” speech) to introduce you to a wide range of writing styles for you to develop your own voice.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing: Linguistic (r)Evolution
CRN: 46735
Days/Time: MWF 10:00 – 10:50
Instructor: Spencer Harrison
The main purpose of this course is for you to develop a writing process that will set you up for success in your college career and beyond. The emphasis is on writing as a process, and rather than think of writing as producing a series of distinct assignments, you will develop a core writing habit that you can adapt to complete all your writing projects. This involves self-reflection, so that you can tailor your process to what works for you. Allow your process to evolve as you progress as a writer. The course is not designed to fit you into a cookie cutter mold of an “academic writer” bound by rules and convention, but to make you aware of the conventions, and give you your own rationale for when to adhere and when to deviate from those conventions. This course will introduce you to the ongoing debate in higher education about what kinds of writing are and are not acceptable in academia. We will compare translingual theories of writing that incorporate code-meshing (using multiple dialects/languages in the same document) and “Edited Academic English” (largely governed by tradition and excludes voices outside of a narrow band of “acceptable” speech) to introduce you to a wide range of writing styles for you to develop your own voice.
English 160: Academic Writing: English Composition I
CRN: 11835
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Abigail Kremer
Almost everyone uses language daily to interact with other people. That language doesn’t just communicate information via what you say, but also communicates information on how you say it. By investigating the culture significance and practical effects of language, this course will explore the implications of language, how to use language, and how it is perceived.
English 160: Academic Writing: English Composition I
CRN: 11792
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Abigail Kremer
Almost everyone uses language daily to interact with other people. That language doesn’t just communicate information via what you say, but also communicates information on how you say it. By investigating the culture significance and practical effects of language, this course will explore the implications of language, how to use language, and how it is perceived.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing About Illness
CRN: 46866
Days/Time: MW 9:30- 10:45
Instructor: Evan Reynolds
“On the difficulty of writing about illness, Virginia Woolf claims “The merest schoolgirl, when she falls in love, has Shakespeare, Donne, Keats to speak her mind for her; but let a sufferer try to describe a pain in his head to a doctor and language at once runs dry.” Despite the relative lack of effective models of writing about illness in prior times, writers over the last century have nonetheless attempted to broach the subject by bringing illness to bear on the writing of their disciplines.
This class will help you hone your writing skills by practicing on a topic so common, it is almost invisible. Illness will serve as an occasion for thinking, writing and thinking about writing. We will interrogate evidence in writing. What counts as evidence and when and why? Is personal experience always irrelevant to the construction and apprehension of knowledge? We will examine, apply and explain the relevance of fundamentals of effective writing as it relates to our course theme: organization, exposition, grammatical structure, etc. We will examine how writing shapes and is shaped by the expectations of its disciplinary and social contexts (e.g.: academic writing in your discipline vs memoir).
This is as much a course about metacognition as it is a course about writing. “Good” writing is always relative to a particular discursive context and goal within that context. It’s not enough to know which notes need to be played—you need to know why they need to be played. To this end, we will examine different models of writing about illness to see what notes they were playing and why. We will then compose our own pieces, drawing on the models for inspiration without simply reproducing them.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 23296
Days/Time: MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ling He
ENGL160 aims to reinforce writing in academic and public contexts through rhetorical awareness of audiences, purposes, and the use of language. The course is structured around four major writing projects through which you develop effective writing strategies for social media, an academic summary, a reading response, argumentation, a rhetorical analysis, and reflection. These writing skills help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework. Reading scholarly articles is integrated into discussions of each genre for topical knowledge and as writing modeling. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in decisions.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 30663
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ling He
“ENGL160 aims to reinforce writing in academic and public contexts through rhetorical awareness of audiences, purposes, and the use of language. The course is structured around four major writing projects through which you develop effective writing strategies for social media, an academic summary, a reading response, argumentation, a rhetorical analysis, and reflection. These writing skills help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework. Reading scholarly articles is integrated into discussions of each genre for topical knowledge and as writing modeling. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in decisions. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 27285
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Ling He
“ENGL160 aims to reinforce writing in academic and public contexts through rhetorical awareness of audiences, purposes, and the use of language. The course is structured around four major writing projects through which you develop effective writing strategies for social media, an academic summary, a reading response, argumentation, a rhetorical analysis, and reflection. These writing skills help ensure your success in writing for your university coursework. Reading scholarly articles is integrated into discussions of each genre for topical knowledge and as writing modeling. ENGL160 features student-centered learning, offering frequent opportunities to write with ongoing instructor feedback on multiple drafts and teacher-student interactions in decisions. ”
ENGL 160: English 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts; Identity, Professionalism, and Rhetoric
CRN: 11841
Days/Time: TR 8-9:15
Instructor: Laura Jok
In this first-year writing course, we will study the ways in which we perceive and perform personality. Hybrid narrative and psychology texts like Susan Cain’s Quiet dramatize our cultural preoccupation with the person versus situation debate—how stable or dynamic our traits are depending on our audience and purpose. We will devote particular attention to the choices that you make regarding structure and style when writing for your intended professional or academic disciplines, as well as personal or creative forms of writing, each of which have unique conventions. Throughout the semester, you will exercise the different registers of your writer’s voice by completing a narrative, a summary and analysis of a model piece of writing, an argumentative paper based on that model, and a reflective final essay. We will discuss what writing for these different genre situations means for your sense of academic, professional, and authorial identity.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Gentrification
CRN: 30965
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Sian Roberts
“Gentrification is sweeping through America. For some, the process of gentrification represents a form of social cleansing and institutionalized racism that forces people to move away from their homes and communities. However, supporters of gentrification claim that change is inevitable and that the process of gentrification increases prosperity and public safety.
Through work across four writing projects, you will think about the issues relating to gentrification. These assignments and our readings will inspire in-class discussions about a topic that is urgent and important, particularly in the city of Chicago. Through this course work, you will sharpen some of the most valuable skills for your academic and professional lives. You will improve on your ability to understand complex arguments and to write clear, correct, and compelling prose.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Writing about the Work of Art
CRN: 11327
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Erich von Klosst-Dohna
What is the work of art? What place does it hold in our society? Is there any real difference between Manet and Monet? Or even Monet and money? This course will use the work of art in its many forms as the backdrop to learn to write in many genres. We will discuss both the pleasure that comes along with interacting with the work of art as well as the philosophical questions concerning what a work of art is and what it does if anything at all. Whether we are writing a memoir about a personal experience with a work of art or an argumentative essay where interpretation and proof is key, this course will prepare you to produce a foundation for cogent, thoughtful writing no matter what major you decide to study during your time at UIC.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing & Performance
CRN: 11558
Days/time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Michael Williamson
In this first-year writing course, we will study the intersections of composition and performance. Like performance, writing is a social act meant for audience consumption—if this is true, what could be learned from studying them in tandem? While you will not be called on to perform in this class, you will be made to think critically about the nature of performance through a variety of writing assignments and in-depth readings. Throughout the semester, you will engage with more traditionally performative, public genres of writing like blog posts and reviews, as well as explore the more formal, academic voice of an argumentative essay. The central consideration that will propel you through each of these assignments is that of audience: how can we, as writers, adjust to audience expectations much in the way a performer might? Our understanding of performance in this course will be wide-ranging, including things like theater, dance, drag, stand-up comedy, and even contemporary modes of online performance.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Writing Towards the Arts
CRN: 41620
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Jay Yencich
While much of the buzz of the last twenty years has been about the STEM fields—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—many universities and secondary schools have recently recognized that a creative component is necessary to spur innovation in those same disciplines. Hence, many have argued for an Arts and Design aspect to fill out the acronym—STEAM—thus re-integrating humanities elements traditional to higher education. In this section of English 160, we will be using the foundations of the UIC composition program, focusing on genre and situation, to explore the world of the arts. We will begin with photography and build up writing involvement and critical scrutiny through the worlds of music and film before finally concluding with a work of literature spanning a few hundred pages, be it a novel, a play, a collection of short stories, a book of poems, or a set of essays. Through these various lenses, we will examine the status of these art forms, what goes into evaluating them, and their relationship with society at large.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 23461
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
“Of the 40 million immigrants living in the U.S., 10.5 million are undocumented: they entered the U.S. without permission – by crossing the U.S./Mexico border undetected by border patrol; overstaying a temporary visa; or using false documentation. It is estimated that five million of the 10.5 million undocumented immigrants are from Mexico, and 1.9 million are from Central America. They have fully immigrated to the U.S., meaning they live, work, and have families here – for them, the U.S. is “home.” In this class, we will look closely at the ongoing issue of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., including the implications of living without legal status, and the long-standing failure of the American government to figure out a fair, humane, and logical solution. We will also examine U.S. asylum policies as they pertain to migrants attempting to seek asylum at the U.S./Mexico border; detention centers (in which migrants and apprehended undocumented immigrants are often held); U.S. immigration laws; and more. You will read and write a variety of texts of different genres with the purpose of adding your own voice to the often contentious and always important national discussion of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., and the unending waves of migrants arriving at the southern border, desperately seeking stability and safety in the U.S. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11390
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
“Of the 40 million immigrants living in the U.S., 10.5 million are undocumented: they entered the U.S. without permission – by crossing the U.S./Mexico border undetected by border patrol; overstaying a temporary visa; or using false documentation. It is estimated that five million of the 10.5 million undocumented immigrants are from Mexico, and 1.9 million are from Central America. They have fully immigrated to the U.S., meaning they live, work, and have families here – for them, the U.S. is “home.” In this class, we will look closely at the ongoing issue of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., including the implications of living without legal status, and the long-standing failure of the American government to figure out a fair, humane, and logical solution. We will also examine U.S. asylum policies as they pertain to migrants attempting to seek asylum at the U.S./Mexico border; detention centers (in which migrants and apprehended undocumented immigrants are often held); U.S. immigration laws; and more. You will read and write a variety of texts of different genres with the purpose of adding your own voice to the often contentious and always important national discussion of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., and the unending waves of migrants arriving at the southern border, desperately seeking stability and safety in the U.S. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 25927
Days/Time: MWF 12-12:50
Instructor: Margo Arruda
Covid 19. Climate change. Police brutality. Government surveillance. Artificial Intelligence. The line between reality and dystopia is becoming increasingly blurred. From images of nuclear holocaust to Philip K Dick’s pre-crime division, we will examine popular depictions of dystopia in the modern world to help us better understand what it is, why we engage with dystopic tropes, and what we stand to learn from engaging with them. To better understand the power of tales of dystopia to spur social change, we will examine movies, movie reviews, short stories, emergent narrative video games, formal analyses, and argumentative essays. Along the way, we will focus on areas key to reading and writing at the college level, including genre, form, rhetoric, and argumentation. In this English 160 course, you will learn how to effectively express yourself through writing and gain the tools necessary for success in a range of writing situations both in your academic career here at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Dystopia & The Modern World
CRN: 29462
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Margo Arruda
Covid 19. Climate change. Police brutality. Government surveillance. Artificial Intelligence. The line between reality and dystopia is becoming increasingly blurred. From images of nuclear holocaust to Philip K Dick’s pre-crime division, we will examine popular depictions of dystopia in the modern world to help us better understand what it is, why we engage with dystopic tropes, and what we stand to learn from engaging with them. To better understand the power of tales of dystopia to spur social change, we will examine movies, movie reviews, short stories, emergent narrative video games, formal analyses, and argumentative essays. Along the way, we will focus on areas key to reading and writing at the college level, including genre, form, rhetoric, and argumentation. In this English 160 course, you will learn how to effectively express yourself through writing and gain the tools necessary for success in a range of writing situations both in your academic career here at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Lose Yourself: The Transformative Power of Music
CRN: 46739
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Margena A. Christian
“When O’Shea “Ice Cube” Jackson and Lorenzo “MC Ren” Patterson, members of the rap group NWA, penned a controversial song that appeared on their 1988 debut album Straight Outta Compton, the teens were frustrated and angry about being racially profiled and harassed by certain cops in Compton, California. The tune was their way to be heard and an opportunity to let the world know about their unpleasant realities, growing up in urban South-Central Los Angeles. Today, 31 years later, the song resonates with a new generation who seem to encounter the same concerns. Legendary U2 rocker Bono once said it best, “”Music can change the world because it can change people.”” That’s the transformative power it encompasses from the cradle to the grave. It transcends time, boundaries, and race. It is the universal soundtrack of our lives, rhythmically punctuating and documenting the good, the bad and the ugly by stirring emotions that make us dance, laugh, cry, listen, learn, and grow. Using various genres of academic writing, this course, “Lose Yourself: The Transformative Power of Music,” enables you to critically reflect upon how music could move the masses and capture history with its message. From NWA to Lil Nas X, you will begin to consider the transformative ability some of these artists and their music possess. The focus of this course is to prepare you for the challenges of writing in the languages of academic and other forms of social discourse. Most importantly, you will observe how the way in which we approach a story, the contents we use to support it and the context in which we craft it makes a difference in producing our own melody writing. Be prepared to produce a position essay, a playlist memoir, an argumentative essay, and a self-evaluation essay. “
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 38997
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Phil Hayek
This course focuses on the kind of academic writing that uses information drawn from research to shape convincing, defensible arguments. This course will teach you how to function in college through writing. ENGL 160 will reinforce and extend your abilities to deal with the tricky relationships between writer, reader, and subject in the specific context of academic research and argumentation. This course will help you build the confidence you need to enter into and contribute to academic and public conversations through writing. You’ll be able to identify an issue in academia or the public sphere, or both, and research this issue. We will practice library and online research, and you’ll discover who is saying what about the issue and why, and you’ll eventually be able to bring your own convictions to bear on the issue, making arguments in support of your individual perspective.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11720
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 39029
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 39062
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Chris Glomski
In “Popular Music and Politics,” we will investigate subjects that may find us debating such questions as: “How does popular music reflect and comment on contemporaneous social and political issues?” “What might something so basic, so essential, as the music we listen to reveal about our social class or political beliefs?” “Can mere ideas or artistic creations ever be dangerous enough to warrant regulation?” While these questions provide the context for our writing, our goal is to learn about the conventions of academic discourse and writing, not just about pop music or politics. Therefore, in addition to our inquiries into these subjects, we will also spend time learning to engage actively with course texts, to work on sharpening mechanics, and to write effectively in a variety of genres. All of this will culminate in a final reflective project pertaining to your experiences in English 160.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Imagine That: Writing About Sci-fi and Speculative Fiction
CRN: 11570
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Rana Awwad
In this class, you will engage with a variety of different mediums (short stories, graphic novels, TV shows, films, critical engagements, etc.,) that explore the various themes and tropes that make up science fiction and speculative fiction. What role do the themes of (dis)connection, loneliness, found family, estrangement, etc. do for these genres? What kind of tropes are at play in sci-fi and speculative fiction and what do they do to complicate or reproduce the genres? Is there even a clear difference between these two genres? Centered around four major writing projects, this course will strengthen the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills you will need to write in academic and public contexts.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Imagine That: Writing About Sci-fi and Speculative Fiction
CRN: 27283
Days/Time: MWF 12;00-12:50
Instructor: Rana Awwad
In this class, you will engage with a variety of different mediums (short stories, graphic novels, TV shows, films, critical engagements, etc.,) that explore the various themes and tropes that make up science fiction and speculative fiction. What role do the themes of (dis)connection, loneliness, found family, estrangement, etc. do for these genres? What kind of tropes are at play in sci-fi and speculative fiction and what do they do to complicate or reproduce the genres? Is there even a clear difference between these two genres? Centered around four major writing projects, this course will strengthen the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills you will need to write in academic and public contexts.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Illness and the Body
CRN: 38996
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Bridget English
In her memoir Constellations: Reflections from Life, Irish journalist Sinéad Gleeson writes that “Illness is an outpost: lunar, Arctic, difficult to reach […] it is the location of an unrelatable experience never fully understood by those lucky enough to avoid it.” The COIVD pandemic has brought the experience of illness home to us, blurring the boundaries between sick and well and causing us to consider illness in a new way. In this course we will discuss the relationship between writing, illness, and the body. How can writing help to alleviate mental and/or physical suffering? Is it possible to convey pain in words? Through reading, writing, and discussing a variety of texts—memoirs, op-ed pieces, and argumentative essays—we will pursue answers to these questions as we assess the relationship between bodily experience, identity, and writing. You will learn to participate in a public conversation about illness that ranges from personal memoirs to political policies. You will get the chance to write in a variety of genres and to share your work with other members of the class. Finally, the class will provide a review of the grammar, editing and revision techniques that will prove useful to you throughout your time at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Illness and the Body
CRN: 46867
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Bridget English
In her memoir Constellations: Reflections from Life, Irish journalist Sinéad Gleeson writes that “Illness is an outpost: lunar, Arctic, difficult to reach […] it is the location of an unrelatable experience never fully understood by those lucky enough to avoid it.” The COIVD pandemic has brought the experience of illness home to us, blurring the boundaries between sick and well and causing us to consider illness in a new way. In this course we will discuss the relationship between writing, illness, and the body. How can writing help to alleviate mental and/or physical suffering? Is it possible to convey pain in words? Through reading, writing, and discussing a variety of texts—memoirs, op-ed pieces, and argumentative essays—we will pursue answers to these questions as we assess the relationship between bodily experience, identity, and writing. You will learn to participate in a public conversation about illness that ranges from personal memoirs to political policies. You will get the chance to write in a variety of genres and to share your work with other members of the class. Finally, the class will provide a review of the grammar, editing and revision techniques that will prove useful to you throughout your time at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Illness and the Body
CRN: 32836
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Bridget English
In her memoir Constellations: Reflections from Life, Irish journalist Sinéad Gleeson writes that “Illness is an outpost: lunar, Arctic, difficult to reach […] it is the location of an unrelatable experience never fully understood by those lucky enough to avoid it.” The COIVD pandemic has brought the experience of illness home to us, blurring the boundaries between sick and well and causing us to consider illness in a new way. In this course we will discuss the relationship between writing, illness, and the body. How can writing help to alleviate mental and/or physical suffering? Is it possible to convey pain in words? Through reading, writing, and discussing a variety of texts—memoirs, op-ed pieces, and argumentative essays—we will pursue answers to these questions as we assess the relationship between bodily experience, identity, and writing. You will learn to participate in a public conversation about illness that ranges from personal memoirs to political policies. You will get the chance to write in a variety of genres and to share your work with other members of the class. Finally, the class will provide a review of the grammar, editing and revision techniques that will prove useful to you throughout your time at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Treat Yo Self: Self-Care and Self-Help in 2022
CRN: 41780
Days/Time: TR 8;00-915
Instructor: Katie Brandt
“In this class, we will explore a variety of issues related to the larger course theme of “Self-Care and Self-Help”—that is, what it means to take care of oneself holistically in the strangeness of life post-2020. Throughout the semester, we will learn about multiple self-care methods; practice, criticize, and evaluate methods of self-care; discuss barriers to self-care; and explore the self-help industry as it has evolved from the 20th to 21st century. Some questions we will be thinking about broadly this semester include: How do I define self-care? (Why) is it important to engage in self-care? What methods of self-care work best for me? What are the social, economic, political, racial, gendered barriers that exist to certain self-care methods? How and why has the self-help industry emerged in America throughout the last century? Perhaps most importantly, we will constantly be questioning how reading and writing can help one engage in self-care.
We will work within numerous genres and writing styles, including some challenging texts—both in terms of stylistic difficulty as well as subject matter. By reading and analyzing a variety of texts within the theme of “Self-Care and Self-Help,” our goal is to understand the nuances of genre and situation, rhetoric, and style to become articulate and engaging writers for a wide range of purposes and audiences. Genres that we will focus on (but are not limited to) include listicle, review, annotated bibliography, anthology, argument, self-reflection, and evaluation. You need not master each of these genres nor the course topic by the end of the course; rather, the goal is to learn about and experiment with these genres to develop your writing skills and explore the course theme of “Self-Care and Self-Help” in a meaningful way.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing 1: Writing in Public and Academic Contexts
CRN: 11496, 11393, 11572
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
“Information is not knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
The readings in this course will explore a range of issues, such as relationships with neighbors during the pandemic and the role of Amazon in the global economy, that are and will be relevant to your experience as citizens of the UIC campus community of thinkers, readers, and writers. You will be embarking a journey that will begin with closely observing and describing information, to analyzing this information in relation to multiple experiences and viewpoints, and finally, being able to effectively make the move from information to knowledge, though developing skills in applying, analyzing, and evaluating, and ultimately, writing argument-based assignments. We will emphasize, overall, in this class, making the transition to college-level thinking, reading, and writing. “
ENGL 160: Academic Writing 1: Writing in Public and Academic Contexts
CRN: 11393
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
“Information is not knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
The readings in this course will explore a range of issues, such as relationships with neighbors during the pandemic and the role of Amazon in the global economy, that are and will be relevant to your experience as citizens of the UIC campus community of thinkers, readers, and writers. You will be embarking a journey that will begin with closely observing and describing information, to analyzing this information in relation to multiple experiences and viewpoints, and finally, being able to effectively make the move from information to knowledge, though developing skills in applying, analyzing, and evaluating, and ultimately, writing argument-based assignments. We will emphasize, overall, in this class, making the transition to college-level thinking, reading, and writing. “
ENGL 160: Academic Writing 1: Writing in Public and Academic Contexts
CRN: 11572
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Scott Grunow
“Information is not knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
The readings in this course will explore a range of issues, such as relationships with neighbors during the pandemic and the role of Amazon in the global economy, that are and will be relevant to your experience as citizens of the UIC campus community of thinkers, readers, and writers. You will be embarking a journey that will begin with closely observing and describing information, to analyzing this information in relation to multiple experiences and viewpoints, and finally, being able to effectively make the move from information to knowledge, though developing skills in applying, analyzing, and evaluating, and ultimately, writing argument-based assignments. We will emphasize, overall, in this class, making the transition to college-level thinking, reading, and writing. “
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing as Knowing: Literacy, Language, and Identity in the University CRN: 11343
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Keeley Harper
Writing and reading are integral parts of our lives. We often come to know ourselves, one another, and the world around us through reading and writing. Whether you consider yourself a “writer” or not, language is our main vehicle for human communication–and we all want to be understood. This class will explore writing as a vehicle for knowledge-making, self-discovery, and clear communication. It will ask questions about what literacy is and what myths or stories we often talk about literacy. How does education and the university at large play a role in perpetuating these stories? Does education shape our identities? And what is the goal of education? By exploring these ideas and developing your critical thinking, reading, and writing skills, this course will help students make sense of our often-precarious relationship to literacy and language in the university.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11809
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
“In this class, we will be reading, discussing, and writing about heroes and modern culture. What is a hero, and how does this idea change across time and culture? Who can be heroic, and how? Was there ever a time you acted heroically? Why is the world so obsessed with superhero movies? Why do we like anti-heroes as much as traditional heroes, and do both types exist in real life? We may read about other topics as well, but this is the focus of the course.
You will write about these questions and more in the form of 4 major writing projects: a memoir, a news article, an argumentative essay, and a video reflection.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 42863
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
“In this class, we will be reading, discussing, and writing about heroes and modern culture. What is a hero, and how does this idea change across time and culture? Who can be heroic, and how? Was there ever a time you acted heroically? Why is the world so obsessed with superhero movies? Why do we like anti-heroes as much as traditional heroes, and do both types exist in real life? We may read about other topics as well, but this is the focus of the course.
You will write about these questions and more in the form of 4 major writing projects: a memoir, a news article, an argumentative essay, and a video reflection.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 46723
days/time: MWF 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Catherine Vlahos
“In this class, we will be reading, discussing, and writing about heroes and modern culture. What is a hero, and how does this idea change across time and culture? Who can be heroic, and how? Was there ever a time you acted heroically? Why is the world so obsessed with superhero movies? Why do we like anti-heroes as much as traditional heroes, and do both types exist in real life? We may read about other topics as well, but this is the focus of the course.
You will write about these questions and more in the form of 4 major writing projects: a memoir, a news article, an argumentative essay, and a video reflection.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Writing the Bureaucrat
CRN: 42864
Days/Time: MWF 1-1.50
Instructor: Alonzo Rico
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the different forms of writing that one usually encounters in an administrative setting. From work memos to emails, and from personal correspondences to minutes, students will gradually be exposed to the professional styles in which institutional writing takes with the hope that they may themselves inhabit their own uniquely bureaucratic disposition. And it is also with this in mind that students will be given space to experiment with their own writing in order that they may both understand the limits required by that genre of writing as well as how those limits may be imaginatively bent or circumvented.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Writing the Bureaucrat
CRN: 11330
Days/Time: MWF 2-2.50
Instructor: Alonzo Rico
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the different forms of writing that one usually encounters in an administrative setting. From work memos to emails, and from personal correspondences to minutes, students will gradually be exposed to the professional styles in which institutional writing takes with the hope that they may themselves inhabit their own uniquely bureaucratic disposition. And it is also with this in mind that students will be given space to experiment with their own writing in order that they may both understand the limits required by that genre of writing as well as how those limits may be imaginatively bent or circumvented.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11791
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Ryan Croken
“From the perils of climate change, to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, and the COVID-19 pandemic.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 41621
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Ryan Croken
“From the perils of climate change, to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, and the COVID-19 pandemic.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context:
CRN: 32837
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Ryan Croken
“From the perils of climate change, to the devastation of mass extinction, the beauty and bounty of this planet are increasingly threatened by the ecological crisis brought about by human industrial society. How do we conceive of ourselves, and communicate with one another, at this critical point in our planetary history? In this course students will develop a conceptual framework through which to approach such a question. Concurrently, you will cultivate the requisite skills to express yourselves in various genre forms, including a letter to future generations, an op-ed, an argument-based academic essay, and a self-reflective essay with the option for a creative component.
These efforts will help prepare you to effectively participate in public conversations pertaining to environmental issues—as well as related issues of social consequence—that will serve you throughout your careers at UIC and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to climate change, environmental justice, and the COVID-19 pandemic.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Visual Art, Music, and Society
CRN: 27372
Day/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Carrie McGath
“Visual art and music has an intriguing and deep connection in our world and in this course we will delve into that connection. This course will examine the visual landscape around us through visual art and music. Together, we will look at visual art from the 20th century to the present and how it relates to music, from videos and album covers to various collaborations. Art and music will be our entry into a deep examination of how these artforms express the times we are living in and the times that came before us. In this course, you will learn and can deeply explore and analyze these artforms in order to explore and analyze society. You will learn numerous strategies to set you up for success in looking and listening, deeply exploring, and analyzing the art and music we look at together to prepare you to do this on your own in writing projects throughout the semester.
We will look at music video directors who have also embarked on other forms of visual art including painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. Some of the musicians we will look closely at in the course include Katy Perry, David Bowie, Lady Gaga, The Cars, Beyoncé, LP, Orville Peck, and Sonic Youth, among others. You will learn about important art movements and the artists who were a part of them in the 20th century and what is happening in the art world in the 21st century and how it relates to musical artists and the cannon and history that is being created right now.
There will be numerous readings throughout the semester that will be available on the course Blackboard as well as short writing assignments, activities, and class discussions to ready you for the writing projects you will submit during the semester. Through the readings, activities, and discussions, you will learn to analyze and to use analysis skills to create an argument using compare and other strategies. You will become acquainted with research strategies that will ready you for English 161 including how to begin to conduct research with peer-reviewed sources and citing those sources using MLA. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Visual Art, Music, and Society
CRN: 46868
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Carrie McGath
“Visual art and music have an intriguing and deep connection in our world and in this course, we will delve into that connection. This course will examine the visual landscape around us through visual art and music. Together, we will look at visual art from the 20th century to the present and how it relates to music, from videos and album covers to various collaborations. Art and music will be our entry into a deep examination of how these artforms express the times we are living in and the times that came before us. In this course, you will learn and can deeply explore and analyze these artforms to explore and analyze society. You will learn numerous strategies to set you up for success in looking and listening, deeply exploring, and analyzing the art and music we look at together to prepare you to do this on your own in writing projects throughout the semester.
We will look at music video directors who have also embarked on other forms of visual art including painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. Some of the musicians we will look closely at in the course include Katy Perry, David Bowie, Lady Gaga, The Cars, Beyoncé, LP, Orville Peck, and Sonic Youth, among others. You will learn about important art movements and the artists who were a part of them in the 20th century and what is happening in the art world in the 21st century and how it relates to musical artists and the cannon and history that is being created right now.
There will be numerous readings throughout the semester that will be available on the course Blackboard as well as short writing assignments, activities, and class discussions to ready you for the writing projects you will submit during the semester. Through the readings, activities, and discussions, you will learn to analyze and to use analysis skills to create an argument using compare and other strategies. You will become acquainted with research strategies that will ready you for English 161 including how to begin to conduct research with peer-reviewed sources and citing those sources using MLA. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: What Is This? Reading and Writing About the Arts
CRN: 41809
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Jared O’Connor
How do we understand art? How do we even approach it? When we see, read, or hear a piece of art, how do we know what it means? How do we explain it? And most importantly, why can it be so meaningful to us and others? Together, we will learn how to read and write about many different types of art objects, including literary, visual, and moving arts. This course will provide the tools for interpreting, evaluating, and writing about art in academic and non-academic settings. Ultimately, our goal is to recognize how pervasive and significant art is not only for this course but also in our everyday lives.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 28744
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Andrew Osborne
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11337
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Andrew Osborne
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11505
Days/Time: TR 11-12:15
Instructor: Jay Shearer
“This course will direct and assist you in a written conversation with the world around you, primarily through the art of composing an argument. Through articles, book excerpts and other media, you will examine popular culture, political culture, and your place in the nation and the world. You will express and examine ideas regarding these issues and evaluate claims that differ from your own. Ultimately, you will give your “take” on a given situation using three distinct written genres: the Opinion Piece, the Media Review, and the Argumentative Essay. You will also compose a Reflective Essay with your final portfolio. This course will challenge you, improve your writing, and help you engage in a public conversation. It might even be actual fun.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: Telling Your Own Story
CRN: 11583
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Alexandrine Ogundimu
“Everyone has a story, but not everyone gets the opportunity to tell it. There are many factors that can influence a person’s ability to tell their own story: Literacy, opportunity, audience, or lack thereof. In this class we will tackle some of these factors through writing while empowering each other to better tell our own stories. By the end you should be able to know what your story is, why it matters to be able to tell it, and have a set of tools that will allow you to make that effort.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: This, Not That: The Art of Making Distinctions
CRN: 39017
Days/Time: MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Joseph Staten
“This class takes as its central premise the idea that clear writing is based in clear thinking—and, further, that the basis of clear thinking is the ability to make clear distinctions between two or more things that are different from one another. This sounds simple (and boring), but the reality is that 90% or more of bad writing (and bad thinking) is plagued by a basic inability to distinguish between different ideas, topics, or themes. In this class, we will develop and sharpen our capacity for distinction making—and therefore our capacity for clear thinking and clear writing as well.
Readings will be drawn from a diverse range of clear thinkers (and wonderfully clear writers), from ancient philosophers such as Aristotle to contemporary essayists such as Joan Didion and James Baldwin. We will apply the lessons learned from these writers to four genre-based writing assignments, which may include memoir, arts criticism, argumentative essay, reflective essay, and/or others. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing about Popular Media, Resistance, and Social Change
CRN: 41625
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
What does it mean to be “woke.” Do you believe that popular culture can be a force for social change or does mainstream popular culture mostly encourage “slacktivism”? In this course, we will explore the ways in which (mostly) American popular media— video games, film, television, books, social media, advertising, news reporting, and other forms of infotainment—heighten or diminish our social awareness and corresponding desire to act on social problems. As a starting point for this investigation, we will be reading a recent collection, Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change (New York University Press, 2020). Students will utilize the theories generated by academics and activists to build original thinking on the popular media texts that matter most to them. A combination of in-class discussion, short writing assignments, and discussion board posts will not only prepare students to build arguments in three distinct genres—film analysis, opinion piece, and manifesto—but also to contribute to public conversations about pop culture and politics by transforming their academic prose into social media posts designed to heighten awareness of social issues for carefully chosen audiences. Through this course work, students will sharpen some of the most valuable skill sets for their future academic, personal, and professional lives: the ability to understand complex arguments, the ability to write clear, correct, and compelling prose, and the ability to assess various sorts of rhetorical situations in order to make successful presentations. In other words, students will begin to see the value of smart rhetorical choices in achieving their short and long term goals
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: This, Not That: The Art of Making Distinctions
CRN: 21630
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Joseph Staten
“This class takes as its central premise the idea that clear writing is based in clear thinking—and, further, that the basis of clear thinking is the ability to make clear distinctions between two or more things that are different from one another. This sounds simple (and boring), but the reality is that 90% or more of bad writing (and bad thinking) is plagued by a basic inability to distinguish between different ideas, topics, or themes. In this class, we will develop and sharpen our capacity for distinction making—and therefore our capacity for clear thinking and clear writing as well.
Readings will be drawn from a diverse range of clear thinkers (and wonderful writers), from ancient philosophers such as Aristotle to contemporary essayists such as Joan Didion and James Baldwin. We will apply the lessons learned from these writers to four genre-based writing assignments, which may include memoir, arts criticism, argumentative essay, reflective essay, and/or others. ”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 27284
Days/Time: TR 9:30- 10:45
Instructor: Angela Dancey
“Did your high school teachers tell you that you should never use the first-person (“I”) in an academic essay? Or that you should avoid contractions (like “don’t” and “can’t”) because they sound too informal? Maybe they told you that your college instructors will be impressed by “big,” formal-sounding words like “individuals” and “a plethora” (instead of “people” and “a lot”).
What about the five-paragraph essay (referred to as a “theme” back in the day)? Even if your teachers didn’t call it that, you will recognize its structure right away: an introduction and thesis that sets up three main points, three corresponding body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates the introduction and begins with something like, “In conclusion…”
While it can be useful in some specific writing situations (such as standardized tests), those who study and teach academic writing generally agree that the five-paragraph essay doesn’t prepare students for college writing. In addition, it rarely produces papers that are enjoyable to write or read.
Don’t despair—the good news is that this course aims to challenge some outdated beliefs and unhelpful ideas about academic writing and replace them with habits and strategies that will serve you better as a college writer. We’ll accomplish this by focusing on situation, purpose, and audience, as well as prioritizing revision—significant changes to language and structure—over editing (corrections at the level of words and sentences). Finally, an important goal for this course is to make writing enjoyable in ways it might not have been for you in high school, and possibly shift your perception of yourself as a writer.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing about Popular Media, Resistance, and Social Change
CRN: 11803
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Jennifer Rupert
What does it mean to be “woke.” Do you believe that popular culture can be a force for social change or does mainstream popular culture mostly encourage “slacktivism”? In this course, we will explore the ways in which (mostly) American popular media— video games, film, television, books, social media, advertising, news reporting, and other forms of infotainment—heighten or diminish our social awareness and corresponding desire to act on social problems. As a starting point for this investigation, we will be reading a recent collection, Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change (New York University Press, 2020). Students will utilize the theories generated by academics and activists to build original thinking on the popular media texts that matter most to them. A combination of in-class discussion, short writing assignments, and discussion board posts will not only prepare students to build arguments in three distinct genres—film analysis, opinion piece, and manifesto—but also to contribute to public conversations about pop culture and politics by transforming their academic prose into social media posts designed to heighten awareness of social issues for carefully chosen audiences. Through this course work, students will sharpen some of the most valuable skill sets for their future academic, personal, and professional lives: the ability to understand complex arguments, the ability to write clear, correct, and compelling prose, and the ability to assess various sorts of rhetorical situations in order to make successful presentations. In other words, students will begin to see the value of smart rhetorical choices in achieving their short and long term goals
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 46718
Days/Time: TR 12:30- 1:45
Instructor: Angela Dancey
“Did your high school teachers tell you that you should never use the first-person (“I”) in an academic essay? Or that you should avoid contractions (like “don’t” and “can’t”) because they sound too informal? Maybe they told you that your college instructors will be impressed by “big,” formal-sounding words like “individuals” and “a plethora” (instead of “people” and “a lot”).
What about the five-paragraph essay (referred to as a “theme” back in the day)? Even if your teachers didn’t call it that, you will recognize its structure right away: an introduction and thesis that sets up three main points, three corresponding body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates the introduction and begins with something like, “In conclusion…”
While it can be useful in some specific writing situations (such as standardized tests), those who study and teach academic writing generally agree that the five-paragraph essay doesn’t prepare students for college writing. In addition, it rarely produces papers that are enjoyable to write or read.
Don’t despair—the good news is that this course aims to challenge some outdated beliefs and unhelpful ideas about academic writing and replace them with habits and strategies that will serve you better as a college writer. We’ll accomplish this by focusing on situation, purpose, and audience, as well as prioritizing revision—significant changes to language and structure—over editing (corrections at the level of words and sentences). Finally, an important goal for this course is to make writing enjoyable in ways it might not have been for you in high school, and possibly shift your perception of yourself as a writer.”
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context: “Second City: Space & Place in and around Chicago”
CRN: 41808
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Margaux Brown
We are all members of the UIC community, and we come to UIC with our own unique social and cultural backgrounds that shape our experiences, beliefs, and values down to how we express ourselves through written and spoken language. In this course we will explore and consider the spaces and places that are around us from the broad range of the city of Chicago to smaller neighborhoods and communities like UIC. You will write a profile and review that will draw attention to local communities and though an argumentative essay you will draw important attention to an issue that affects a specific local community. Through these different genres and engaging in rhetorical situations around them you will explore and learn the necessary critical reading and writing skills to be successful in your academic career.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 30668
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Seunghyun Shin
In this section of English 160, which I have named “Writing in the Pandemic” we will examine literary genres in relation to the pandemic. As a tutorial composition course designed for freshmen, through the next sixteen weeks, you will be guided to the world of fundamental writing by working on four projects: Memoir, Editorial, Indie Game Review, and Reflection. All semester long you will work step-by-step writing about yourself, your community, what you love, and ultimately, what you have done during the pandemic and what you want to do as a young scholar. Our class will function as a collective writing community where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily. Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both creative and critical thinking.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 46717
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Thierney Powell
To bell hooks “talking back,” or “back talk,” is a “courageous act,” that means “speaking as an equal to an authority figure. It [means] daring to disagree” (hooks 5). This course will develop student writing as a means of critically engaging with the world. Students will learn to understand writing as a means of teaching, connecting, persuading, and resisting. Framing the course through the idea of “talking back,” students will develop the skills to intervene in contemporary conversations related to social justice, politics, and space. Students will read and analyze different mediums of resistance writing–songs, speeches, opinion pieces, non-traditional scholarly articles, and academic scholarly articles–and engage these texts through in-class discussion, journaling, and in- class activities. We will assess the rhetorical framing of these various texts to shape our understanding of resistance writing. Students will produce a body of work that reflects the different ways in which writing can be a “political gesture that challenges the politics of domination”.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11828
Days/Time: MW 8;00-9:15
Instructor: Erica Hughes
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 41816
Days/Time: MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Erica Hughes
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I
CRN: 11759
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Seunghyun Shin
In this section of English 160, which I have named “Writing in the Pandemic” we will examine literary genres in relation to the pandemic. As a tutorial composition course designed for freshmen, through the next sixteen weeks, you will be guided to the world of fundamental writing by working on four projects: Memoir, Editorial, Indie Game Review, and Reflection. All semester long you will work step-by-step writing about yourself, your community, what you love, and ultimately, what you have done during the pandemic and what you want to do as a young scholar. Our class will function as a collective writing community where reading, research, philosophy, theory, controversial issues, and your own writing will be shared and discussed daily. Academic writing is a process that develops because of critical thinking and critical reading, and it takes shape via the ever-continuing process of both creative and critical thinking.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11331
Days/Time: TR 8-9:15
Instructor: Andrew Paul Young
The purpose of this course is for you to examine and develop your “voice” in the context of being a student at UIC. You will learn the conventions of “academic” writing and how expectations of “college” writing translate to “public” writing. One goal for this class is that the writing you do is focused on your experiences as a college student. Another goal is that, at some point, you will use writing to share ideas, solve problems or make this campus, or this world, a better place.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11543
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Andrew Paul Young
The purpose of this course is for you to examine and develop your “voice” in the context of being a student at UIC. You will learn the conventions of “academic” writing and how expectations of “college” writing translate to “public” writing. One goal for this class is that the writing you do is focused on your experiences as a college student. Another goal is that, at some point, you will use writing to share ideas, solve problems or make this campus, or this world, a better place.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11458
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Andrew Paul Young
The purpose of this course is for you to examine and develop your “voice” in the context of being a student at UIC. You will learn the conventions of “academic” writing and how expectations of “college” writing translate to “public” writing. One goal for this class is that the writing you do is focused on your experiences as a college student. Another goal is that, at some point, you will use writing to share ideas, solve problems or make this campus, or this world, a better place.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11788
Days/Time: MWF 2;00-2:50
Instructor: Amanda Bohne
As students, you will spend much of your time looking at print works, but you look at images and writing in other contexts every day. Whether or not you seek them out, rhetorical messages reach you and you probably have a sense of how to respond. These messages frequently concern the future and welfare of local and global communities, both here in Chicago, in other communities where you have lived and traveled, and even online. Reading an article, listening to a speech, or encountering a post on social media, you already know how to “read” these arguments and respond to them in a general sense. This course is an introduction to writing, rhetoric, and research. Though each of these terms can be defined in numerous ways, we will focus most carefully on writing and rhetoric as the craft of constructing an argument and research as the process of investigation and analysis. Since good writing begins with good thinking, this course will emphasize the importance of critical reading and will ask you to analyze a variety of texts throughout the term. We will focus on discourse surrounding real-world issues in cities and other communities in various public media and from diverse sources.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing the Body and Understanding Empathy
CRN: 11811
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Lauren Keeley
The term “empathy” has become a buzzword of the COVID-19 pandemic, but what exactly does it mean to share and understand the feelings of another? How do we communicate pain, and why is doing so important? In this course, we will discuss the relationship between writing, illness, and the body. We will explore how language functions to communicate what is seemingly inexpressible (physical and mental pain) but fundamentally human and shared. You will get to write in a variety of genres, such as memoir, op-ed, and argumentative essay as we chart the boundaries between sickness and health. Finally, the class will provide a review of the grammar, editing and revision techniques that will prove useful to you throughout your time at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing the Body and Understanding Empathy
CRN: 11548
Days/Time: MWF 2-2:50
Instructor: Lauren Keeley
The term “empathy” has become a buzzword of the COVID-19 pandemic, but what exactly does it mean to share and understand the feelings of another? How do we communicate pain, and why is doing so important? In this course, we will discuss the relationship between writing, illness, and the body. We will explore how language functions to communicate what is seemingly inexpressible (physical and mental pain) but fundamentally human and shared. You will get to write in a variety of genres, such as memoir, op-ed, and argumentative essay as we chart the boundaries between sickness and health. Finally, the class will provide a review of the grammar, editing and revision techniques that will prove useful to you throughout your time at UIC and beyond.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts
CRN: 11526
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Lisa Stolley
“Of the 40 million immigrants living in the U.S., 10.5 million are undocumented: they entered the U.S. without permission – by crossing the U.S./Mexico border undetected by border patrol; overstaying a temporary visa; or using false documentation. It is estimated that five million of the 10.5 million undocumented immigrants are from Mexico, and 1.9 million are from Central America. They have fully immigrated to the U.S., meaning they live, work, and have families here – for them, the U.S. is “home.” In this class, we will look closely at the ongoing issue of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., including the implications of living without legal status, and the long-standing failure of the American government to figure out a fair, humane, and logical solution. We will also examine U.S. asylum policies as they pertain to migrants attempting to seek asylum at the U.S./Mexico border; detention centers (in which migrants and apprehended undocumented immigrants are often held); U.S. immigration laws; and more. You will read and write a variety of texts of different genres with the purpose of adding your own voice to the often contentious and always important national discussion of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., and the unending waves of migrants arriving at the southern border, desperately seeking stability and safety in the U.S. “
English 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts; Identity, Professionalism, and Rhetoric
CRN: 46738
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Laura Jok
In this first-year writing course, we will study the ways in which we perceive and perform personality. Hybrid narrative and psychology texts like Susan Cain’s Quiet dramatize our cultural preoccupation with the person versus situation debate—how stable or dynamic our traits are depending on our audience and purpose. We will devote particular attention to the choices that you make regarding structure and style when writing for your intended professional or academic disciplines, as well as personal or creative forms of writing, each of which have unique conventions. Throughout the semester, you will exercise the different registers of your writer’s voice by completing a narrative, a summary and analysis of a model piece of writing, an argumentative paper based on that model, and a reflective final essay. We will discuss what writing for these different genre situations means for your sense of academic, professional, and authorial identity.
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 46715
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Context
CRN: 11575
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Andrew Middleton
ENGL 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts: Writing about Sound
CRN: 28743
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Eniko Deptuch Vaghy
“In this course, you will investigate the significance of sound at the personal, social/cultural, and political level. Through discussions, analyses, and assignments focused on environmental sound, personal sound/speech, music, as well as other topics concerning sonic production, we will approach questions such as: “Is it possible for sounds to represent the cultural or political landscape of a certain place?” “Can you discern unrest and strife—or, conversely, joy—just by listening to the world around you?” “What are the politics contained in code-switching and personal dialect alterations?” “What biases do we inflict on others based on the way they speak?” To answer these questions, you will participate in sound walks, listen to podcasts, read articles and stories about sound, contribute to in-class discussions, and write informal reflections as well as longer papers on sound. By this, you will strengthen and diversify your writing, reading, and listening skills.”
English 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts Environments
CRN: 27373
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: John Goldbach
“Critical thinking begins with an environment. To understand something, we first must understand something about its surroundings and conditions of possibility. A phenomenon takes place within a given context, an environment, and thinking critically requires that we first understand something about this context and the conditions under which the taking place of the phenomenon is possible. A human being, for example, lives within a certain natural environment, and to think critically about being human requires that we first understand something about the environmental conditions in which a human being lives and under which a human being flourish.
This course is devoted to the study of environments. From the air and water of the natural environment to the social media platforms and cellphone apps of the digital environment, it will focus on environmental contexts and conditions to foster independent critical thinking and writing skills. It is divided into four sections: natural environments, built environments, cultural environments, and digital environments. The first section will address various questions concerning ecology, climate change and the Anthropocene; the second will touch on issues of urban living and combined and uneven geographical development; the third will discuss language use, the culture industry, and politics and ideology; and the fourth will touch on the Internet, social media, and technological advances.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 11958
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Virginia Costello
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 30672
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Virginia Costello
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Crises of the Neoliberal Present and How We Solve Them
CRN: 30673
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Thomas Moore
“Students in this course will research and critically analyze how the actions (and inactions) of the recent past led to the sociopolitical, ecological, and economic crises of the neoliberal present—namely those of xenophobia, toxic masculinity, perpetual war, global warming, income inequality, and a grossly exploited global pandemic. Our discussions and collective investigation of contemporary American politics will draw on a variety of scholarly and popular sources. We will begin by reading two articles and watching a video together as a class to set the foundation, and, as the semester progresses, each student will be free to research the issue that matters to them most. Students will embark on semester-long, cumulative research projects with two objectives in mind: (1) understanding how a specific sociopolitical, cultural, and/or economic problem became what it is today; and (2) proposing realistic steps we can take to solve it.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 11861
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Nestor Gomez
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 41712
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Nestor Gomez
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 30670
Days/Time: TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: John Casey
Infrastructure is all around you. The roads you drive to work or school, the water that comes out of the faucet in your home, the lights you turn on when it gets dark, and even the schools you have attended are all examples of infrastructure. These intricately designed systems for organizing space are fundamental parts of our lives that we often take for granted until they malfunction. As many of these systems malfunction due to age and a changing climate, experts are examining what it would take to make these systems resilient (able to withstand change) and sustainable (lessen the impact on the environment) in addition to fixing longstanding problems. In this class we will examine the problems associated with aging infrastructure and the attempts by community leaders and organizations to make infrastructure resilient and sustainable. This examination will be paired with a discussion of general skills in reading, research, and writing that will be useful to you in college and long after you graduate.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 22420
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Antonio Guerrero
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 11686
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Antonio Guerrero
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing about Stand-Up Comedy and Audience
CRN: 11875
Days/Time: TR 8:00-9:15
Instructor: Marc Baez
“In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is particularly
bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of stand-up’s
fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class readings and
discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and audience: the sword and shield
of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness; argument by analogy in satire;
conglomerate niche marketing and the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and
the relationship between social norms and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a
Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic
career. So be prepared to read and write every day.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing about Stand-Up Comedy and Audience
CRN: 40444
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Marc Baez
“In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is particularly bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of stand-up’s fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class readings and discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and audience: the sword and shield of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness; argument by analogy in satire; conglomerate niche marketing and the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and the relationship between social norms and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic career. So be prepared to read and write every day.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing about Stand-Up Comedy and Audience
CRN: 21700
Days/Time: TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Marc Baez
“In this course we will inquire into stand-up comedy as an art that is particularly bound to audience. Beginning our inquiry with an analysis of stand-up’s fundamental modes (jokes, stories, and arguments), class readings and discussions will soon branch out to touch on some possible research topics that emphasize the dynamic between performer and audience: the sword and shield of stereotype humor; types of awkwardness; argument by analogy in satire; conglomerate niche marketing and the rise of the Netflix stand-up special; and the relationship between social norms and comedy taboos.
In addition to an Annotated Bibliography, a Synthesis, a Proposal, and a Research Project, you will complete daily homework and engage in individual in-class writing and group work. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to engage you in reading, writing, and research in preparation for the rest of your academic career. So be prepared to read and write every day.”
English 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: The Beyonce Effect: Sexuality, Race, and Feminism
CRN: 11853
Days/Time: TR 2-3:15
Instructor: Katrina R Washington
Beyonce is, arguably, the most influential performer/musician of her time. Since taking the music industry by storm in the 90s, first as lead singer in successful female pop group Destiny’s Child and later as a breakout solo star, she has garnered both worldwide praise and criticism. While some consider her a proponent for modern day feminism, social justice, activism, and black culture, others disregard her impact as nothing more than a falsified and damaging image of women of color, women empowerment, and social justice in America. In this class we will explore the meaning of feminism, the difference, if any, between black feminism and feminism, womanhood, sexuality, female pleasure, and how the media, particularly music and its creators, influence each. While most of your readings and imagery will focus on Beyoncé’s most recent visual albums and recordings, you will have the opportunity to argue for or against the feminist influence of multiple women in pop culture (think: Lady GAGA, Syd, Janelle Monae, Teyana Taylor). This class is for the Beyhive, the Bey haters, and everyone in between who either detests, appreciates, or wants to learn more of the impact sexuality, race, and feminism, as portrayed in the media, have on female existence in society.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 32676
Days/Time: TR 8:00 – 9:15
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
“Animalia arthropoda hexapoda will serve as the subject of inquiry for this course. Whether you’re confused as Gregor Samsa or as certain as E. O. Wilson about insects, you’ll find this course emphasizing what it means to engage in both oral and written academic conversations, how to read around subjects, and how to navigate research on the world wide web as well as through the stacks of the Daley Library. The course involves reading and writing assignments, four writing projects, and a group research project – all revolving around insects and how we interact with them.
The course seeks to view academic writing through the lens of entomology in the hopes that students might make connections between composition and the physical world. The course also challenges students to consider what we mean when we use the word “research,” as well as the scope and impact of research. “
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 42939
Days/Time: TR 12:30 – 1:45
Instructor: Todd Sherfinski
“Animalia arthropoda hexapoda will serve as the subject of inquiry for this course. Whether you’re confused as Gregor Samsa or as certain as E. O. Wilson about insects, you’ll find this course emphasizing what it means to engage in both oral and written academic conversations, how to read around subjects, and how to navigate research on the world wide web as well as through the stacks of the Daley Library. The course involves reading and writing assignments, four writing projects, and a group research project – all revolving around insects and how we interact with them.
The course seeks to view academic writing through the lens of entomology in the hopes that students might make connections between composition and the physical world. The course also challenges students to consider what we mean when we use the word “research,” as well as the scope and impact of research. “
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: “The Spirit of the Original”: Writing About Adaptation
CRN: 29334
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jules Wood
“In this course, we will explore examples of adaptation between fiction and film in order to
improve our critical reading, writing, and textual analysis skills. Writing assignments will focus on argumentative and research-based essays. Through the process of reading short stories like Annie Proulx’s “”Brokeback Mountain”” and Ted Chiang’s “”Story of Your Life,”” watching their respective film adaptations, and entering the existing conversation among scholarly articles, we will examine what transformation occurs as a story cross between mediums: what elements stay the same, what is lost in translation, and what is unique to its own genre form.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: “The Spirit of the Original”: Writing About Adaptation
CRN: 11932
Days/Time, MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Jules Wood
“In this course, we will explore examples of adaptation between fiction and film in order to
improve our critical reading, writing, and textual analysis skills. Writing assignments will focus on argumentative and research-based essays. Through the process of reading short stories like Annie Proulx’s “”Brokeback Mountain”” and Ted Chiang’s “”Story of Your Life,”” watching their respective film adaptations, and entering the existing conversation among scholarly articles, we will examine what transformation occurs as a story cross between mediums: what elements stay the same, what is lost in translation, and what is unique to its own genre form.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Deep Fried and Delicious: A Taste of the Fast Food Industry
CRN: 42940
Days/Time: TR 8;00-9:15
Instructor: Travis Mandell
“In this course, we will engage in a semester long investigation of the Fast-Food Industry and it’s impacts on society at large (both in the U.S and Globally). We will read critical texts that investigate the industry’s influence on culture, economy, the environment, and physical health. We will discuss countering points of view on the different issues, ranging from worker minimum wage to environmental health-impacts, and analyze the various debates taking place across different fields of inquiry.
Through lectures, discussions, in-class activities, and writing projects, this class will prepare you to participate in the academic discourse surrounding any subject you may choose in the future. By developing research ideas, conducting research, and writing an academic essay, you will become well versed in the art of academic writing and argument. We will be reading scholarly essays (peer reviewed) as well as popular articles to help broaden our understanding of genre/audience in regard to the Fast-Food Industry. Ultimately, the purpose of this course is to prepare you for the rest of your academic career at UIC, fostering a strong foundation for your academic writing skills that can be used in your specific discipline/major.”
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II – Writing about Cinema
CRN: 42942
Days/Time: TR 12:30-13:45
Instructor: Kate Boulay
In this class our focus is writing about cinema. Students will learn academic writing conventions and research skills via research on cinema and its intersection with social categories such as race, gender, socio-economic class, sexualities, etc.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II
CRN: 25973
Days/Time: TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Jenna Hart
We live in a time when we’re inundated with media reports on any number of catastrophic things, almost daily. How can we determine what is worth our attention? How can we know which ones are solid reporting? What issues should we be paying the most attention to? We’ll be using these questions to look at texts and other media in a critical way, as a tool to begin learning about academic dialogue. The course will consist of layered assignments—an annotated bibliography, literature review, proposal, outline— that lead up to a longer academic research paper on a topic of your choosing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II
CRN: 33987
Days/Time: TR 11:00-1215
Instructor: Jenna Hart
We live in a time when we’re inundated with media reports on any number of catastrophic things, almost daily. How can we determine what is worth our attention? How can we know which ones are solid reporting? What issues should we be paying the most attention to? We’ll be using these questions to look at texts and other media in a critical way, as a tool to begin learning about academic dialogue. The course will consist of layered assignments—an annotated bibliography, literature review, proposal, outline— that lead up to a longer academic research paper on a topic of your choosing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 21668
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Hanna Khan
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 25879
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Hanna Khan
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing about Sustainability in a Changing Climate
CRN: 11935
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Daniel Barton
At the center of debates around the environment is the question of sustainability—whether it’s possible to meet the needs of an ever-increasing population while also respecting the planet’s ecological limits. While discussions of sustainability often focus on environmental impacts—reducing our carbon footprint through shifts to renewable energy, for example—sustainability also raises questions of equity and social justice as people face disproportionate impacts from pollution and environmental decline. It also encompasses every aspect of our lives, from the water that comes from our faucets to the food we eat. Using current events and contemporary discourses on environmental advocacy to frame our discussion, this course will engage with contemporary environmental issues, such as the impact of energy and food production on communities and local ecosystems, to explore challenges and possibilities for a more sustainable future. In addition, we will interrogate cultural attitudes surrounding climate change and the question of sustainability to understand the contexts in which these debates have occurred. Through critical examination of various texts—scholarly, public, governmental, etc.—and an independent research project culminating in a final research paper, we will develop academic research and writing skills that will be important throughout your college career and beyond.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 25953
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Casey Corcoran
In 2016 the Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to American songwriter Bob Dylan, stating that Dylan deserved the award “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.” If poetry, as Aristotle originally writes in The Poetics, “sprung from a cause lying deep in our nature,” then there does seem to be an interesting connection between human nature and the existence and role of music in society. This course will be a study of various aspects of that tradition, with an emphasis on how music is inextricably linked to social and cultural circumstances out of which it emerges—both in terms of audience reception and the creation of the work itself. We will explore contemporary debates, ideas, and issues surrounding the relationship between entertainment, audience, identity, and politics, in terms of American music, and the ways by which the notion of the individual human self is partly created by, as well as expressed through, the medium of song. Your inquiry into these discussions will span across various genres—we will attempt to think through and discuss certain identity politics (whether they be social, cultural, economic, etc.) entwined in and associated with these particular genres and sub-genres—and our delving into these conversations will ultimately produce a set of questions that you will use to develop a line of inquiry, in relation to the course topic, that is based in your own specific research interest.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 21629
Days/Time: MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Casey Corcoran
In 2016 the Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to American songwriter Bob Dylan, stating that Dylan deserved the award “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.” If poetry, as Aristotle originally writes in The Poetics, “sprung from a cause lying deep in our nature,” then there does seem to be an interesting connection between human nature and the existence and role of music in society. This course will be a study of various aspects of that tradition, with an emphasis on how music is inextricably linked to social and cultural circumstances out of which it emerges—both in terms of audience reception and the creation of the work itself. We will explore contemporary debates, ideas, and issues surrounding the relationship between entertainment, audience, identity, and politics, in terms of American music, and the ways by which the notion of the individual human self is partly created by, as well as expressed through, the medium of song. Your inquiry into these discussions will span across various genres—we will attempt to think through and discuss certain identity politics (whether they be social, cultural, economic, etc.) entwined in and associated with these particular genres and sub-genres—and our delving into these conversations will ultimately produce a set of questions that you will use to develop a line of inquiry, in relation to the course topic, that is based in your own specific research interest.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 21697
Days/Time: TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Michael Newirth
“This English 161 course is structured around the theme of “”Writing Urban Secret Histories””. We will look at contested or alternative narratives in urban life, including issues such as segregation, the underground economy, political corruption, and the development of infrastructure and law enforcement in cities like Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Paris. We will read full-length critical and shorter texts by scholars and writers such as Gary Krist and Marco d’Eramo. As with all 161 courses, students will produce a minimum of 20 pages of polished, original expository writing over the course of the semester. In this class, this takes the form of an independent research paper following a research proposal, and two shorter papers focused on required critical texts. Students will encounter relevant historical narratives and social arguments as background material. In addition to being a full-time Lecturer in English at UIC for over fifteen years, the instructor has an extensive background as a writer and editor. These professional experiences inform the intense focus on the nuts and bolts of revising argumentative writing for clarity and power. “
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 11979
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 11961
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 27565
Days/Time: MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 40445
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Michael Newirth
“This English 161 course is structured around the theme of “”Writing Urban Secret Histories””. We will look at contested or alternative narratives in urban life, including issues such as segregation, the underground economy, political corruption, and the development of infrastructure and law enforcement in cities like Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Paris. We will read full-length critical and shorter texts by scholars and writers such as Gary Krist and Marco d’Eramo. As with all 161 courses, students will produce a minimum of 20 pages of polished, original expository writing over the course of the semester. In this class, this takes the form of an independent research paper following a research proposal, and two shorter papers focused on required critical texts. Students will encounter relevant historical narratives and social arguments as background material. In addition to being a full-time Lecturer in English at UIC for over fifteen years, the instructor has an extensive background as a writer and editor. These professional experiences inform the intense focus on the nuts and bolts of revising argumentative writing for clarity and power. “
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 11892
Days/Time: TR 5:00-6:15
Instructor: Michael Newirth
“This English 161 course is structured around the theme of “”Writing Urban Secret Histories””. We will look at contested or alternative narratives in urban life, including issues such as segregation, the underground economy, political corruption, and the development of infrastructure and law enforcement in cities like Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Paris. We will read full-length critical and shorter texts by scholars and writers such as Gary Krist and Marco d’Eramo. As with all 161 courses, students will produce a minimum of 20 pages of polished, original expository writing over the course of the semester. In this class, this takes the form of an independent research paper following a research proposal, and two shorter papers focused on required critical texts. Students will encounter relevant historical narratives and social arguments as background material. In addition to being a full-time Lecturer in English at UIC for over fifteen years, the instructor has an extensive background as a writer and editor. These professional experiences inform the intense focus on the nuts and bolts of revising argumentative writing for clarity and power. “
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: Disability (W)Righting
CRN: 24055
Days/Time: MWF 8:00 – 8:50
Instructor: Ann-Marie McManaman
In this course we will focus on reading and writing arguments from the field of Disability Studies to consider Disability as a concept of medicine, society, and identity. This class will be an opportunity to learn about how disabled writers narrate their life as well as engaging with works of film, television, art and poetry, in order to critically examine and actively participate in discourse and questions surrounding the concept of Disability as identity and community. Our primary concern for the course will be matters of representation and your final research project will reflect this in some way.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: Issues in Higher Education
CRN: 11956
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
What are we doing here in an institution of higher education? What issues about higher education affect our class and how do our experiences of higher education vary? In our section of English 161, a writing course situated in academic inquiry, we will take up these questions through an exploration of academic research and public debate. The course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by forms of academic writing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research: Issues in Higher Education
CRN: 24008
Days/Time: MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Jeffrey Kessler
What are we doing here in an institution of higher education? What issues about higher education affect our class and how do our experiences of higher education vary? In our section of English 161, a writing course situated in academic inquiry, we will take up these questions through an exploration of academic research and public debate. The course is organized around a semester-long research project. We will begin with a common set of texts and questions, and then you will develop focused questions and participate in the practices of academic research and writing. We will use this work to explore disciplinary conventions and methodologies and to attend to the ways students enter communities structured by forms of academic writing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research; Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 11924
Days/Time: MWF 8:00-8:50
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “social justice”—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality, and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research; Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 11854
Days/Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “social justice”—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality, and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research; Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens
CRN: 11950
Days/Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Mark Magoon
In this section of English 161, which I have named “Social Justice as the Mirror and the Lens,” we will examine the topic of “social justice”—the fair and just relation between individuals and society as it relates to opportunity and social privilege—and we will use that topic to become better academic writers and researchers, but also to better understand ourselves and our world. Debates revolving around education, race, gender, identity, sexuality, and the rhetoric that surrounds them are at the heart of many community and cultural discussions not only here in Chicago, but abroad too. In this course—one that will function as a writing community and safe space—we will take up questions surrounding the topic of social justice today. Through the examination of various forms of “texts”—scholarly, public, literary, visual, and cinematic—we will use our course topic to develop skills of critical reading, academic research, and writing.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 40443
Days/Time: TR 2;00-3:15
Instructor: John Casey
Infrastructure is all around you. The roads you drive to work or school, the water that comes out of the faucet in your home, the lights you turn on when it gets dark, and even the schools you have attended are all examples of infrastructure. These intricately designed systems for organizing space are fundamental parts of our lives that we often take for granted until they malfunction. As many of these systems malfunction due to age and a changing climate, experts are examining what it would take to make these systems resilient (able to withstand change) and sustainable (lessen the impact on the environment) in addition to fixing longstanding problems. In this class we will examine the problems associated with aging infrastructure and the attempts by community leaders and organizations to make infrastructure resilient and sustainable. This examination will be paired with a discussion of general skills in reading, research, and writing that will be useful to you in college and long after you graduate.
ENGL 161: Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
CRN: 30674
Days/Time: TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: John Casey
Infrastructure is all around you. The roads you drive to work or school, the water that comes out of the faucet in your home, the lights you turn on when it gets dark, and even the schools you have attended are all examples of infrastructure. These intricately designed systems for organizing space are fundamental parts of our lives that we often take for granted until they malfunction. As many of these systems malfunction due to age and a changing climate, experts are examining what it would take to make these systems resilient (able to withstand change) and sustainable (lessen the impact on the environment) in addition to fixing longstanding problems. In this class we will examine the problems associated with aging infrastructure and the attempts by community leaders and organizations to make infrastructure resilient and sustainable. This examination will be paired with a discussion of general skills in reading, research, and writing that will be useful to you in college and long after you graduate.
ENGL 207: Interpretation and Critical Analysis: WHY IS EVERYTHING ABOUT SEX?
CRN: 47525, 47524
Days/Time: MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Peter Coviello
“WHY IS EVERYTHING ABOUT SEX? This course introduces students to several interpretive methods rooted in the turbulence, strangeness, exhilaration, and bewildering human intricacy of sex. We will read novels and poems and films alongside critical works (in disciplines like queer theory and feminism), paying particular attention to the knotty entanglements of gender, sexuality, and meaning. Authors may include Nella Larsen, Henry James, Carson McCullers, and others.”
ENGL 207: Interpretation and Critical Analysis
CRN: 47519, 47518
Days/Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Christina Pugh
How can we know what poems and stories “mean”? In this introduction to interpretation and critical analysis, we will investigate how works of literature can speak to many different readers and generate multiple critical readings. Conceived as an active dialogue between literary and critical texts, the course gives students practice in judging the viabi