Tyler Mills, PhD student in Poetry at UIC, is among the speakers at Gallery 400s upcoming Ghost Nature Reading Series exhibit, supported, in part, by the LAS Department of English.
Cris Mazza, UIC professor of English and director of the Program for Writers, discusses her latest book, a hybrid memoir titled Something Wrong With Her, in interviews with the Huffington Post, The Brooklyn Rail and Bookslut.
Alison Perona, a 2003 masters graduate in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago, has received the UIC City Partner Award for her contributions to the institution, Chicago, and the world.
Lisa Freeman, associate professor of English, is schedule to lecture at Carnegie Mellon University's Center for the Arts in Society on October 31 on a presentation entitled "Adjudicating Bodies in Public in NEA vs. Finley." Read more about the event.
Rachel Havrelock, associate professor of English and Jewish studies, commented on the impact of colonialism's oil politics on the Middle East during her talk for the Ruth and Alvin Rockoff lectures at Rutgers's University.
Deirdre McCloskey, professor of economics, history, English and communication, was a featured guest on WBUR Boston's "On Point with Tom Ashbrook" for a segment exploring gender identity.