
Professor English To Be Featured on

A recent author event featuring Luis Alberto Urrea, UIC professor of English and LAS distinguished professor, will appear during a segment from Oprah Winfrey's "Super Soul Sunday" program.

Urrea Discusses Latest Book, Queen of America

Luis Alberto Urrea, an LAS distinguished professor in the Department of English, was a guest on WTTW-TV's "Chicago Tonight" for a discussion about his latest book, Queen of America.

Three Graduate Students Receive Outstanding Thesis Awards

The UIC Graduate Awards Committee awarded three LAS graduate students with Outstanding Thesis Awards for 2012-13 in the divisions of Fine Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Science, and Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Limits of Forgiveness

Rachel Havrelock, an associate professor of English and Jewish studies, addressed self-reflection in the midst of the 10 Days of Awe, a college nemesis, and the limits of forgiveness in her latest Huffington Post blog.

Urrea Keynotes Ursrey Memorial Lecture

Luis Alberto Urrea, an LAS distinguished professor in the Department of English, will be the featured speaker for the 2012 Ashley and Terry Ursrey Memorial Lecture Series in Savannah, Georgia.

Messenger Featured on History Channel

Chris Messenger, professor emeritus of English, participated in a series of interviews for a History Channel documentary about "The Godfather" film series.

Value of Flexible Reading Lists in College Courses

In a column appearing in The Chronicle of Higher Education's Chronicle Review section, Lennard Davis, LAS distinguished professor of English, disability and human development, and medical education, wrote about his positive experiences using flexible reading lists in the courses he teaches.