Selby Undergraduate Research Award $500

In honor of the late professor Anne Hopewell Selby, the English Department offers this award to an outstanding undergraduate student pursuing scholarly activities outside the classroom. The purpose of this award is to help cover expenses such as trips to conferences or special libraries or the purchase of books not required for classes.


Please include the following:

  • A letter explaining your current and/or desired academic projects and an explanation of how the projects described will contribute to your overall growth as a scholar
  • A proposed budget in list form for expenses up to $250
  • A list of two professors who are familiar with your work
  • One piece of evidence of your growth and commitment to scholarship (e.g., a copy of a paper written for an English course, a conference paper, etc.)


Neither the student’s name nor any identifying information should appear on any of the documents uploaded in the submission.


Please complete the submission form below by 11:59 pm Friday, April 12, 2024

  • Explain your current and/or desired academic projects and how the projects described will contribute to your overall growth as a scholar
    Max. file size: 15 MB.
  • A proposed budget in list form for expenses up to $250
  • This should be one piece of evidence of your growth and commitment to scholarship (e.g., a copy of a paper written for an English course, a conference paper, etc.)
    Max. file size: 15 MB.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY