Raphael Magarik
Assistant Professor
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Raphael Magarik studies sixteenth- and seventeenth-century British literature, with interests in secularization and religion, theories of narration and the pre-history of the novel, labor and theatrical collaboration, Christian Hebraism and biblical studies, and early modern women's writing. His first book project, Fictions of God, argues that early modern scholars invented the idea of the biblical narrator, which in turn offered English poets models for their own, biblically themed poems and for fictive invention. He has published work from that project in Reformation, and he has articles in Milton Studies, Notes & Queries, the Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, and PMLA. He has also written popularly, including for The New Republic, The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, Jacobin, and Haaretz. He is a contributing writer at Jewish Currents.
Research Areas
Comparative Literature | Early Modern/Renaissance British Literature | Poetry and Poetics | Rhetoric | The Novel
Selected Publications
“Milton’s Phylacteries: Textual Idolatry and the Beginnings of Critical Exegesis.” Milton Studies 57 (2016). 31–61.
“Free Indirect Revelation: Luther’s Moses and the Narration of Genesis.” Reformation 24 (2019). 3–23.
“Dependent Contractors: Timon of Athens, Collaborative Writing, and Theatrical Capitalism.” JEMCS 19.1 (2019). 28–64.
“Simile for the Devil: Paradise Regained and the Secularization of Satan.” PMLA 136.2 (2021). 229–245.
“The Sources of Order and Disorder 8.369–382.” Notes & Queries 69.2 (2022). 131–132.
“On the Politics of Parallelism: Biblical Allusions in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene.” Prooftexts 40.1 (2023). 59–84.
“Milton After Auschwitz.” Milton Studies 65.2 (2023). 181–207.
“Paradise Circumcised: How Milton Became Secular.” Modern Philology 121.4 (2024). 402–424.