Jeffery Gore, PhD
Senior Lecturer
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Jeffrey Gore’s research centers on Renaissance literature and early modern pedagogy, with a particular interest in how religious issues – such as the redemption of fallen humanity – affected early modern debates over education and political citizenship. His writings regularly focus on arts education, moral virtue, and religious change as contentious sites for negotiating social class in the work of authors such as William Shakespeare, Thomas Elyot, Desiderius Erasmus, and Francis Bacon, and he is currently at work on a monograph tentatively titled The Cunning of Pedagogical Reason: Monism and Social Ontology in John Milton’s Educational Writings. Gore performs this historical research with an eye on the present: he considers the university classroom to be part of the ongoing debate over what it means to be a literate citizen, and he regularly works to develop new ways to make the study of language and literature more engaging and empowering. In addition to courses on medieval and Renaissance literature, Gore also teaches classes on writing, Shakespeare and global film, and Utopian/dystopian literature. He has been the featured scholar for the UIC School of Theatre and Music’s post-performance discussions of Shakespeare’s plays, and he recently contributed to revisions of the UIC First Year Writing curriculum.
Selected Publications
“Techne,” Shakespeare and Virtue: A Handbook, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“Short Shakespeare! and the Corruption of the Young” in Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Suiting the Action to the Word, NIU Press, 2013.
“Violence and Education from Erasmus to Milton,” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 2009.
“Francis Bacon and the ‘Desserts of Poetry’: Rhetorical Education and the Advancement of Learning,” Prose Studies, 2007.
Selected Presentations
“Home-schooling Milton: Monism and Social Ontology in Milton’s Educational Prose,” Invited Speaker, Newberry Library Milton Seminar, Fall 2021.
Post-Performance Discussion, William Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost, UIC School of Theatre and Music, January 17, 2021.
“‘Is this the noble Moor?’: The Many Races of Shakespeare’s Othello,” Featured Speaker, Oakton Community College Great Books Series, 2019.
Post-Performance Discussion, Rome Sweet Rome (hip-hop remix of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar), UIC School of Theatre and Music, Feb. 24, 2019.