Thomas H. Bestul
Professor Emeritus
Thomas Bestul teaches courses in medieval literature. His research interests include Chaucer, Anselm of Canterbury, devotional literature in Latin and English 1100-1500, and medieval theories of meditation. Recent books include the first Middle English edition of Walter Hilton's Scale Of Perfection; an anthology of Middle English and Anglo-Norman devotional writing; and a monograph, Texts Of The Passion: Latin Devotional Writing And Medieval Society. He is at work on an edition of the meditative commentaries of Alexander Nequam (d. 1217), and a larger project on popular religious writing of the fifteenth century. He is the moderator of Chaucernet, an international electronic discussion group
Selected Publications
Texts of Passion: Latin Devotional Literature and Medieval Society
Cultures of Piety: Medieval English Devotional Literature in Translation