Natasha Barnes, PhD
Associate Professor
English and African American Studies
Building & Room:
1207 UH
601 S Morgan St.
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Natasha Barnes' research interests are in anglophone Caribbean and African American literature and culture. Her articles have appeared in Small Axe andResearches In African Literatures. Her first book, Cultural Conundrums: Race, Gender, Nation And The Making Of Caribbean Cultural Politics, attempts to historicize the manner in which "the popular" has come to occupy a central position in the Caribbean postcolonial imaginary. In its discussion of cricket, carnival, dancehall and beauty pageants, this book is interested in the kinds of investments (social, political, ethical) brought to bear upon the popular arts to date. More recently, Barnes has been involved in the Atlanta 2002 exhibition of lynching postcards collected by James Allen's award winning book Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography In America and is currently writing about the exhibition process.