Three Graduate Students Receive Outstanding Thesis Awards

The UIC Graduate Awards Committee awarded three LAS graduate students with Outstanding Thesis Awards for 2012-13 in the divisions of Fine Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Science, and Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Cynthia Barounis, English, received the award for her thesis titled "Revolting Men: Queerness, Disability, and the Remaking of American Manhood."

James Freitag, mathematics, statistics and computer sciences, received the award for his thesis titled "Mode Theory and Differential Algebraic Geometry."

Georgiann Davis, sociology, received the award for her thesis titled "Gender Players and Gender Prisoners: When Intersex Activism, Medical Authority, and Terminology Collide."

Each graduate student will receive a monetary award, a plaque and will be recognized at an official ceremony in April 2013.