Prof. Pugh’s “Stardust Media” Published

Winner of the 2019 Juniper Prize for Poetry, Professor Christina Pugh's new collection of poetry, Stardust Media, is now available through the University of Massachusetts Press, Amazon, and independent booksellers.
"Pugh wants to gather up and sift through all she can manage just a little ways into the twenty-first century. It’s a mammoth job and she knows it, she treats it with delicate respect and a whole lot of thoughtful arrangement. Nothing is only one thing, anything can be everything. Stardust Media makes for a wild ride and a good one."—Dara Wier, Juniper Prize for Poetry judge and author of You Good Thing
"Christina Pugh’s Stardust Media goes right to the heart of how we live now: What particular human qualities does our technological civilization enliven or deaden inside us? What really astonishes and fortifies the reader are the endlessly inventive ways the poet has found to figure and refigure her own restless vision. Quiet virtuosity, complexly registered thinking-as-feeling—these are her signature qualities as a poet, as original as she is intelligent."—Tom Sleigh, author of House of Fact, House of Ruin: Poems