Margena Christian on Windy City Live

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Lecturer and Professional Writing Minor instructor Margena Christian, Ed.D., was on Chicago ABC 7’s Windy City Live this afternoon, June 24, 2019, to talk about her new book Empire: The House That John H. Johnson Built: The Life and Legacy of A Pioneering Publishing Magnate.
In addition to a launch party in historic Bronzeville last Fall, there have been several major events around the publication of Dr. Christian’s book. On June 8, 2019, she shared the stage at the DuSable Museum of African American History with a panel of her former Johnson Publishing Corporation colleagues to discuss Johnson, who founded both Ebony and Jet magazines.
On September 23, 2019, Dr. Christian will be hosted by the Chicago Public Library’s Harold Washington Library Center to give an author talk about Empire and to sign copies of the book afterward.
You can read more about Dr. Christian’s recent work, find upcoming events, and purchase Empire on her personal website,